FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

432 lines
12 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The Escort's Shield weapon
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_shield.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "sendproxy.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#define PROBE_EFFECT_TIME 0.15f
ConVar shield_explosive_damage( "shield_explosive_damage","10", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Shield power damage from explosions" );
// Percentage of total health that the shield's allowed to go below 0
// Stores a list of all active shields
CUtlVector< CShield* > CShield::s_Shields;
// Returns true if the entity is a shield
bool IsShield( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
// This is a faster way...
return pEnt && (pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() == TFCOLLISION_GROUP_SHIELD);
// return pEnt && FClassnameIs( pEnt, "shield" )
// Shield effect
// constructor
SetupRecharge( 0,0,0,0 );
// Purpose:
int i = s_Shields.Find(this);
if (i >= 0)
// Precache !!
void CShield::Precache()
SetClassname( "shield" );
// Spawn !!
void CShield::Spawn( void )
m_bIsEMPed = 0;
// Make it translucent
m_nRenderFX = kRenderTransAlpha;
SetRenderColorA( 255 );
m_flNextRechargeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
CollisionProp()->SetSurroundingBoundsType( USE_GAME_CODE );
// Stuff can't come to a rest on shields!
UTIL_SetSize( this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
// Owner
void CShield::SetOwnerEntity( CBaseEntity *pOwner )
BaseClass::SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
if (pOwner->IsPlayer())
m_nOwningPlayerIndex = pOwner->entindex();
m_nOwningPlayerIndex = 0;
ChangeTeam( pOwner->GetTeamNumber() );
// Does this shield protect from a particular damage type?
float CShield::ProtectionAmount( int damageType ) const
// As a test, we're trying to make shields impervious to everything
return 1.0f;
// Activates/deactivates a shield for collision purposes
void CShield::ActivateCollisions( bool activate )
if ( activate )
RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
// Activates all shields
void CShield::ActivateShields( bool activate, int team )
for (int i = s_Shields.Count(); --i >= 0; )
// Activate all shields on the same team
if ( (team == -1) || (team == s_Shields[i]->GetTeamNumber()) )
s_Shields[i]->ActivateCollisions( activate );
// Checks a ray against shields only
bool CShield::IsBlockedByShields( const Vector& src, const Vector& end )
trace_t tr;
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( src, end );
for (int i = s_Shields.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if (!s_Shields[i]->ShouldCollide( TFCOLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON, MASK_ALL ))
// Coarse bbox test first
Vector vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs;
s_Shields[i]->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecAbsMins, &vecAbsMaxs );
if (!IsBoxIntersectingRay( vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs, ray.m_Start, ray.m_Delta ))
if (s_Shields[i]->TestCollision( ray, MASK_ALL, tr ))
return true;
return false;
// Called when we hit something that we deflect...
void CShield::RegisterDeflection(const Vector& vecDir, int bitsDamageType, trace_t *ptr)
// Probes don't hurt shields
if (bitsDamageType & DMG_PROBE)
Vector normalDir;
VectorCopy( vecDir, normalDir );
VectorNormalize( normalDir );
// Uncomment this line when the client predicts the shield deflections
EntityMessageBegin( this );
WRITE_LONG( ptr->hitgroup );
WRITE_VEC3NORMAL( normalDir );
WRITE_BYTE( false ); // This was not a partial block
// If this is a buckshot round, don't pay the power cost to stop it once we've gone over our max buckshot hits this frame
if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BUCKSHOT )
if ( m_iBuckshotHitsThisFrame > 4 )
// If this is an explosion, it counts for extra
if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST )
SetPower( m_flPower - shield_explosive_damage.GetFloat() );
// Reduce our power level by a hit
SetPower( m_flPower - 1 );
// If we've lost power fully, don't recharge for a bit
if ( m_flPower <= 0 )
m_flNextRechargeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0;
// Called when we hit something that we let through...
void CShield::RegisterPassThru(const Vector& vecDir, int bitsDamageType, trace_t *ptr)
// Probes don't hurt shields
if (bitsDamageType & DMG_PROBE)
Vector normalDir;
VectorCopy( vecDir, normalDir );
VectorNormalize( normalDir );
EntityMessageBegin( this );
WRITE_LONG( ptr->hitgroup );
WRITE_VEC3NORMAL( normalDir );
WRITE_BYTE( true ); // This was a partial block
// Purpose:
void CShield::SetPower( float flPower )
m_flPower = MAX( (SHIELD_MIN_HEALTH_FACTOR * m_flMaxPower), flPower );
if ( m_flPower > m_flMaxPower )
m_flPower = m_flMaxPower;
m_flPowerLevel = ( m_flPower / m_flMaxPower );
// Purpose: Setup shield recharging parameters
void CShield::SetupRecharge( float flPower, float flDelay, float flAmount, float flTickTime )
m_flMaxPower = flPower;
SetPower( flPower );
m_flPowerLevel = 1.0;
m_flRechargeDelay = flDelay;
m_flRechargeAmount = flAmount;
m_flRechargeTime = flTickTime;
// Purpose: Recharge the shield if we haven't taken damage for a while
void CShield::Think( void )
// Clear out buckshot count
m_iBuckshotHitsThisFrame = 0;
if ( m_flNextRechargeTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
if ( m_flPower < m_flMaxPower )
SetPower( m_flPower + m_flRechargeAmount );
m_flNextRechargeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flRechargeTime;
// Let derived objects think if they want to
if ( m_pfnThink )
// Indicates the shield has been EMPed (or not)
void CShield::SetEMPed( bool isEmped )
m_bIsEMPed = isEmped;
// Helper method for collision testing
#pragma warning ( disable : 4701 )
bool CShield::TestCollision( const Ray_t& ray, unsigned int mask, trace_t& trace )
// Can't block anything if we're EMPed, or we've got no power left to block
if ( IsEMPed() )
return false;
if ( m_flPower <= 0 )
return false;
// Here, we're gonna test for collision.
// If we don't stop this kind of bullet, we'll generate an effect here
// but we won't change the trace to indicate a collision.
// It's just polygon soup...
int hitgroup;
bool firstTri;
int v1[2], v2[2], v3[2];
float ihit, jhit;
float mint = FLT_MAX;
float t;
int h = Height();
int w = Width();
for (int i = 0; i < h - 1; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w - 1; ++j)
// Don't test if this panel ain't active...
if (!IsPanelActive( j, i ))
// NOTE: Structure order of points so that our barycentric
// axes for each triangle are along the (u,v) directions of the mesh
// The barycentric coords we'll need below
// Two triangles per quad...
t = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray,
GetPoint( j, i + 1 ),
GetPoint( j + 1, i + 1 ),
GetPoint( j, i ), true );
if ((t >= 0.0f) && (t < mint))
mint = t;
v1[0] = j; v1[1] = i + 1;
v2[0] = j + 1; v2[1] = i + 1;
v3[0] = j; v3[1] = i;
ihit = i; jhit = j;
firstTri = true;
t = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray,
GetPoint( j + 1, i ),
GetPoint( j, i ),
GetPoint( j + 1, i + 1 ), true );
if ((t >= 0.0f) && (t < mint))
mint = t;
v1[0] = j + 1; v1[1] = i;
v2[0] = j; v2[1] = i;
v3[0] = j + 1; v3[1] = i + 1;
ihit = i; jhit = j;
firstTri = false;
if (mint == FLT_MAX)
return false;
// Stuff the barycentric coordinates of the triangle hit into the hit group
// For the first triangle, the first edge goes along u, the second edge goes
// along -v. For the second triangle, the first edge goes along -u,
// the second edge goes along v.
const Vector& v1vec = GetPoint(v1[0], v1[1]);
const Vector& v2vec = GetPoint(v2[0], v2[1]);
const Vector& v3vec = GetPoint(v3[0], v3[1]);
float u, v;
bool ok = ComputeIntersectionBarycentricCoordinates( ray,
v1vec, v2vec, v3vec, u, v );
Assert( ok );
if ( !ok )
return false;
if (firstTri)
v = 1.0 - v;
u = 1.0 - u;
v += ihit; u += jhit;
v /= (h - 1);
u /= (w - 1);
// Compress (u,v) into 1 dot 15, v in top bits
hitgroup = (((int)(v * (1 << 15))) << 16) + (int)(u * (1 << 15));
Vector normal;
float intercept;
ComputeTrianglePlane( v1vec, v2vec, v3vec, normal, intercept );
UTIL_SetTrace( trace, ray, edict(), mint, hitgroup, CONTENTS_SOLID, normal, intercept );
VectorAdd( trace.startpos, ray.m_StartOffset, trace.startpos );
VectorAdd( trace.endpos, ray.m_StartOffset, trace.endpos );
return true;
#pragma warning ( default : 4701 )