FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

386 lines
11 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( C_BASETFPLAYER_H )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tf_vehicleshared.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "CommanderOverlay.h"
#include "hud_minimap.h"
#include "hud_targetreticle.h"
#include "c_tfplayerlocaldata.h"
#include "particlemgr.h"
#include "particle_prototype.h"
#include "particle_util.h"
#include "tf_playeranimstate.h"
class C_VehicleTeleportStation;
class CViewSetup;
class IMaterial;
class C_Order;
class C_BaseObject;
class C_PlayerClass;
class CPersonalShieldEffect;
class CBasePredictedWeapon;
class C_BaseViewModel;
class CUserCmd;
class C_WeaponCombatShield;
// Purpose: Client Side TF Player entity
class C_BaseTFPlayer : public C_BasePlayer
DECLARE_CLASS( C_BaseTFPlayer, C_BasePlayer );
virtual ~C_BaseTFPlayer();
void Clear(); // Clear all elements.
bool IsHidden() const;
bool IsDamageBoosted() const;
bool HasNamedTechnology( const char *name );
float LastAttackTime() const { return m_flLastAttackTime; }
void SetLastAttackTime( float flTime ) { m_flLastAttackTime = flTime; }
// Return this client's C_BaseTFPlayer pointer
static C_BaseTFPlayer* GetLocalPlayer( void )
return ( static_cast< C_BaseTFPlayer * >( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) );
virtual void ClientThink( void );
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void PreDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void ReceiveMessage( int classID, bf_read &msg );
virtual void Release( void );
virtual void ItemPostFrame( void );
virtual bool ShouldDraw();
virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
virtual void SetDormant( bool bDormant );
virtual void GetBoneControllers(float controllers[MAXSTUDIOBONES]);
virtual int GetRenderTeamNumber( void );
virtual void ComputeFxBlend( void );
virtual bool IsTransparent( void );
// Called by the view model if its rendering is being overridden.
virtual bool ViewModel_IsTransparent( void );
virtual bool IsOverridingViewmodel( void );
virtual int DrawOverriddenViewmodel( C_BaseViewModel *pViewmodel, int flags );
virtual void CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
virtual float GetDefaultAnimSpeed( void );
int GetClass( void );
// Called when not in tactical mode. Allows view to be overriden for things like driving a tank.
void OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup );
// Called when not in tactical mode. Allows view model drawing to be disabled for things like driving a tank.
bool ShouldDrawViewModel();
void GetTargetDescription( char *pDest, int bufferSize );
// Orders
void SetPersonalOrder( C_Order *pOrder );
void RemoveOrderTarget();
// Resources
int GetBankResources( void );
// Objects
void SetSelectedObject( C_BaseObject *pObject );
C_BaseObject *GetSelectedObject( void );
int GetNumObjects( int iObjectType );
int GetObjectCount( void );
C_BaseObject *GetObject( int index );
// Targets
void Add_Target( C_BaseEntity *pTarget, const char *sName );
void Remove_Target( C_BaseEntity *pTarget );
void Remove_Target( CTargetReticle *pTargetReticle );
void UpdateTargetReticles( void );
bool IsUsingThermalVision( void ) const;
// Weapon handling
virtual bool IsAllowedToSwitchWeapons( void );
virtual bool Weapon_ShouldSetLast( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon );
virtual bool Weapon_ShouldSelectItem( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon );
virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetActiveWeaponForSelection( void );
virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetLastWeaponBeforeObject( void ) { return m_hLastWeaponBeforeObject; }
virtual C_BaseAnimating* GetRenderedWeaponModel();
// ID Target
void SetIDEnt( C_BaseEntity *pEntity );
int GetIDTarget( void ) const;
void UpdateIDTarget( void );
bool IsKnockedDown( void ) const;
void CheckKnockdownState( void );
bool CheckKnockdownAngleOverride( void ) const;
void SetKnockdownAngles( const QAngle& ang );
void GetKnockdownAngles( QAngle& outAngles );
float GetKnockdownViewheightAdjust( void ) const;
// Team handling
virtual void TeamChange( int iNewTeam );
// Camouflage effect
virtual bool IsCamouflaged( void );
virtual float GetCamouflageAmount( void );
virtual float ComputeCamoEffectAmount( void ); // 0 - visible, 1 = invisible
virtual int ComputeCamoAlpha( void );
virtual void CheckCamoDampening( void );
virtual void SetCamoDampening( float amount );
virtual float GetDampeningAmount( void );
virtual void CheckCameraMovement( void );
IMaterial *GetCamoMaterial( void );
virtual float GetMovementCamoSuppression( void );
virtual void CheckMovementCamoSuppression( void );
virtual void SetMovementCamoSuppression( float amount );
// Adrenalin
void CheckAdrenalin( void );
void CheckLastMovement( void );
float GetLastMoveTime( void );
float GetOverlayAlpha( void );
float GetLastDamageTime( void ) const;
float GetLastGainHealthTime( void ) const;
// Powerups
virtual void PowerupStart( int iPowerup, bool bInitial );
virtual void PowerupEnd( int iPowerup );
// Sniper
bool IsDeployed( void );
bool IsDeploying( void );
bool IsUnDeploying( void );
virtual void AddEntity( void );
// Vertification
inline bool HasClass( void ) { return GetPlayerClass() != NULL; }
bool IsClass( TFClass iClass );
virtual int GetMaxHealth() const { return m_iMaxHealth; }
bool ClassProxyUpdate( int nClassID );
// Should this object cast shadows?
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType();
// Prediction stuff
virtual void PreThink( void );
virtual void PostThink( void );
// Combat prototyping
bool IsBlocking( void ) const { return m_bIsBlocking; }
bool IsParrying( void ) const { return m_bIsParrying; }
void SetBlocking( bool bBlocking ) { m_bIsBlocking = bBlocking; }
void SetParrying( bool bParrying ) { m_bIsParrying = bParrying; }
// Vehicles
void SetVehicleRole( int nRole );
bool CanGetInVehicle( void );
// Returns true if we're in a vehicle and it's mounted on another vehicle
// (ie: are we in a manned gun that's mounted on a tank).
bool IsVehicleMounted() const;
virtual bool IsUseableEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
// Shared Client / Server code
bool IsHittingShield( const Vector &vecVelocity, float *flDamage );
C_WeaponCombatShield *GetCombatShield( void );
virtual void PainSound( void );
// Data for only the local player
CTFPlayerLocalData m_TFLocal;
// Accessors...
const QAngle& DeployedAngles() const { return m_vecDeployedAngles; }
int ZoneState() const { return m_iCurrentZoneState; }
float CamouflageAmount() const { return m_flCamouflageAmount; }
int PlayerClass() const { return m_iPlayerClass; }
C_PlayerClass *GetPlayerClass();
C_Order *PersonalOrder() { return m_hPersonalOrder; }
C_BaseEntity *SpawnPoint() { return m_hSpawnPoint.Get(); }
C_VehicleTeleportStation* GetSelectedMCV() const;
// Object sapper placement handling
//float m_flSapperAttachmentFinishTime;
//float m_flSapperAttachmentStartTime;
//CHandle< CGrenadeObjectSapper > m_hSapper;
//CHandle< CBaseObject > m_hSappedObject;
CHealthBarPanel *m_pSapperAttachmentStatus;
C_BaseTFPlayer( const C_BaseTFPlayer & );
// Client-side obstacle avoidance
void PerformClientSideObstacleAvoidance( float flFrameTime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
float m_flLastAttackTime;
EHANDLE m_hSelectedMCV;
// Weapon used before switching to an object placement
CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon> m_hLastWeaponBeforeObject;
float m_flCamouflageAmount;
// Movement.
Vector m_vecPosDelta;
enum { MOMENTUM_MAXSIZE = 10 };
float m_aMomentum[MOMENTUM_MAXSIZE];
int m_iMomentumHead;
// Player Class
int m_iPlayerClass;
C_AllPlayerClasses m_PlayerClasses;
// Spawn location...
EHANDLE m_hSpawnPoint;
// Orders
CHandle< C_Order > m_hSelectedOrder;
CHandle< C_Order > m_hPersonalOrder;
int m_iSelectedTarget;
int m_iPersonalTarget;
CUtlVector< CTargetReticle * > m_aTargetReticles; // A list of entities to show target reticles for
// Objects
CHandle< C_BaseObject > m_hSelectedObject;
int m_iLastHealth;
bool m_bIsBlocking;
bool m_bIsParrying;
bool m_bUnderAttack;
int m_iMaxHealth;
bool m_bDeployed;
bool m_bDeploying;
bool m_bUnDeploying;
QAngle m_vecDeployedAngles;
int m_iCurrentZoneState;
int m_TFPlayerFlags;
int m_nOldTacticalView;
int m_nOldPlayerClass;
float m_flNextUseCheck;
bool m_bOldThermalVision;
bool m_bOldAttachingSapper;
bool m_bOldKnockDownState;
float m_flStartKnockdown;
float m_flEndKnockdown;
QAngle m_vecOriginalViewAngles;
QAngle m_vecCurrentKnockdownAngles;
QAngle m_vecKnockDownGoalAngles;
bool m_bKnockdownOverrideAngles;
float m_flKnockdownViewheightAdjust;
CPlayerAnimState m_PlayerAnimState;
// For sniper hiding
float m_flLastMoveTime;
Vector m_vecLastOrigin;
// For material proxies
float m_flLastDamageTime;
float m_flLastGainHealthTime;
IMaterial *m_pThermalMaterial;
IMaterial *m_pCamoEffectMaterial;
// Camouflage
float m_flDampeningAmount;
float m_flGoalDampeningAmount;
float m_flDampeningStayoutTime;
// Suppression of camo based on movement
float m_flMovementCamoSuppression;
float m_flGoalMovementCamoSuppressionAmount;
float m_flMovementCamoSuppressionStayoutTime;
// Adrenalin
float m_flNextAdrenalinEffect;
bool m_bFadingIn;
// ID Target
int m_iIDEntIndex;
CMaterialReference m_BoostMaterial;
CMaterialReference m_EMPMaterial;
float m_BoostModelAngles[3];
// Personal shield effects.
CUtlLinkedList<CPersonalShieldEffect*, int> m_PersonalShieldEffects;
CHandle< C_WeaponCombatShield > m_hWeaponCombatShield;
// No one should call this
C_BaseTFPlayer& operator=( const C_BaseTFPlayer& src );
friend void RecvProxy_PlayerClass( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut );
friend class CTFPrediction;
int GetLocalPlayerClass( void );
bool IsLocalPlayerClass( int iClass );
bool IsLocalPlayerInTactical( );
inline C_BaseTFPlayer *ToBaseTFPlayer( C_BaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() )
return NULL;
#if _DEBUG
return dynamic_cast<C_BaseTFPlayer *>( pEntity );
return static_cast<C_BaseTFPlayer *>( pEntity );