FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

274 lines
10 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
class CPathTrack;
class CAI_TrackPather : public CAI_BaseNPC
bool IsOnPathTrack() { return (m_pCurrentPathTarget != NULL); }
void InitPathingData( float flTrackArrivalTolerance, float flTargetDistance, float flAvoidDistance );
virtual bool GetTrackPatherTarget( Vector *pPos ) { return false; }
virtual CBaseEntity *GetTrackPatherTargetEnt() { return NULL; }
const Vector & GetDesiredPosition() const { return m_vecDesiredPosition; }
void SetDesiredPosition( const Vector &v ) { m_vecDesiredPosition = v; }
const Vector & GetGoalOrientation() const { return m_vecGoalOrientation; }
void SetGoalOrientation( const Vector &v ) { m_vecGoalOrientation = v; }
bool CurPathTargetIsDest() { return ( m_pDestPathTarget == m_pCurrentPathTarget ); }
virtual bool HasReachedTarget( void ) { return (WorldSpaceCenter() - m_vecDesiredPosition).Length() < 128; }
CPathTrack * GetDestPathTarget() { return m_pDestPathTarget; }
bool IsInForcedMove() const { return m_bForcedMove; }
void ClearForcedMove() { m_bForcedMove = false; }
float GetPathMaxSpeed() const { return m_flPathMaxSpeed; }
void OnSave( IEntitySaveUtils *pUtils );
void OnRestore( void );
enum PauseState_t
// Sets a track
void SetTrack( string_t strTrackName );
void SetTrack( CBaseEntity *pGoalEnt );
// Fly to a particular track point via the path
virtual void InputFlyToPathTrack( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// Updates the nav target if we've reached it
void UpdateTrackNavigation( void );
// Computes distance + nearest point from the current path..
float ClosestPointToCurrentPath( Vector *pVecPoint ) const;
// Computes a "path" velocity at a particular point along the current path
void ComputePathTangent( float t, Vector *pVecTangent ) const;
// Computes the *normalized* velocity at which the helicopter should approach the final point
void ComputeNormalizedDestVelocity( Vector *pVecVelocity ) const;
// Sets the farthest path distance
void SetFarthestPathDist( float flMaxPathDist );
// Returns the next/previous path along our current path
CPathTrack *NextAlongCurrentPath( CPathTrack *pPath ) const;
CPathTrack *PreviousAlongCurrentPath( CPathTrack *pPath ) const;
// Adjusts a "next"most node based on the current movement direction
CPathTrack *AdjustForMovementDirection( CPathTrack *pPath ) const;
// Enemy visibility check
virtual CBaseEntity *FindTrackBlocker( const Vector &vecViewPoint, const Vector &vecTargetPos );
// Compute a point n units along a path
void ComputePointAlongPath( const Vector &vecStartPoint, float flDistance, Vector *pTarget );
// Are we leading?
bool IsLeading() const { return m_bLeading && !m_bForcedMove; }
// Leading + leading distance
void EnableLeading( bool bEnable );
void SetLeadingDistance( float flLeadDistance );
float GetLeadingDistance( ) const;
// Compute a point n units along the current path from our current position
// (but don't pass the desired target point)
void ComputePointAlongCurrentPath( float flDistance, float flPerpDist, Vector *pTarget );
// Returns the perpendicular distance of the target from the nearest path point
float TargetDistanceToPath() const { return m_flTargetDistFromPath; }
// Returns the speed of the target relative to the path
float TargetSpeedAlongPath() const;
// Returns the speed of the target *across* the path
float TargetSpeedAcrossPath() const;
// Compute a path direction
void ComputePathDirection( CPathTrack *pPath, Vector *pVecPathDir );
// What's the current path direction?
void CurrentPathDirection( Vector *pVecPathDir );
// Returns the max distance we can be from the path
float MaxDistanceFromCurrentPath() const;
// true to use farthest, false for nearest
void UseFarthestPathPoint( bool useFarthest );
// Moves to an explicit track point
void MoveToTrackPoint( CPathTrack *pTrack );
// Sets up a new current path target
void SetupNewCurrentTarget( CPathTrack *pTrack );
// Compute the distance to the leading position
float ComputeDistanceToLeadingPosition();
// Compute the distance to the target position
float ComputeDistanceToTargetPosition();
// Set the pause state.
void SetPauseState( PauseState_t pauseState ) { m_nPauseState = pauseState; }
// Does this path track have LOS to the target?
bool HasLOSToTarget( CPathTrack *pTrack );
// FIXME: Work this back into the base class
virtual bool ShouldUseFixedPatrolLogic() { return false; }
// Deal with teleportation
void Teleported();
CPathTrack *BestPointOnPath( CPathTrack *pPath, const Vector &targetPos, float avoidRadius, bool visible, bool bFarthestPointOnPath );
// Input methods
void InputSetTrack( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputChooseFarthestPathPoint( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputChooseNearestPathPoint( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStartBreakableMovement( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStopBreakableMovement( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStartPatrol( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStopPatrol( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStartLeading( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputStopLeading( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// Obsolete, for backward compatibility
void InputStartPatrolBreakable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// Flies to a point on a track
void FlyToPathTrack( string_t strTrackName );
// Selects a new destination target
void SelectNewDestTarget();
// Makes sure we've picked the right position along the path if we're chasing an enemy
void UpdateTargetPosition( );
// Moves to the track
void UpdateCurrentTarget();
void UpdateCurrentTargetLeading();
// Track debugging info
void VisualizeDebugInfo( const Vector &vecNearestPoint, const Vector &vecTarget );
// Moves to the closest track point
void MoveToClosestTrackPoint( CPathTrack *pTrack );
// Are the two path tracks connected?
bool IsOnSameTrack( CPathTrack *pPath1, CPathTrack *pPath2 ) const;
// Is pPathTest in "front" of pPath on the same path? (Namely, does GetNext() get us there?)
bool IsForwardAlongPath( CPathTrack *pPath, CPathTrack *pPathTest ) const;
// Purpose:
void UpdateTargetPositionLeading( void );
// Compute a point n units along a path
CPathTrack *ComputeLeadingPointAlongPath( const Vector &vecStartPoint, CPathTrack *pFirstTrack, float flDistance, Vector *pTarget );
// Finds the closest point on the path, returns a signed perpendicular distance
CPathTrack *FindClosestPointOnPath( CPathTrack *pPath, const Vector &targetPos, Vector *pVecClosestPoint, Vector *pVecPathDir, float *pDistanceFromPath );
// Methods to find a signed perp distance from the track
// and to compute a point off the path based on the signed perp distance
float ComputePerpDistanceFromPath( const Vector &vecPointOnPath, const Vector &vecPathDir, const Vector &vecPointOffPath );
void ComputePointFromPerpDistance( const Vector &vecPointOnPath, const Vector &vecPathDir, float flPerpDist, Vector *pResult );
// Returns the direction of the path at the closest point to the target
const Vector &TargetPathDirection() const;
const Vector &TargetPathAcrossDirection() const;
// Returns distance along path to target, returns -1 if there's no path
float ComputePathDistance( CPathTrack *pStart, CPathTrack *pDest, bool bForward ) const;
// Compute the distance to a particular point on the path
float ComputeDistanceAlongPathToPoint( CPathTrack *pStartTrack, CPathTrack *pDestTrack, const Vector &vecDestPosition, bool bMovingForward );
Vector m_vecDesiredPosition;
Vector m_vecGoalOrientation; // orientation of the goal entity.
// NOTE: CurrentPathTarget changes meaning based on movement direction
// For this *after* means the "next" (m_pnext) side of the line segment
// and "before" means the "prev" (m_pprevious) side of the line segment
// CurrentPathTarget is *after* the desired point when moving forward,
// and *before* the desired point when moving backward.
// DestPathTarget + TargetNearestPath always represent points
// *after* the desired point.
CHandle<CPathTrack> m_pCurrentPathTarget;
CHandle<CPathTrack> m_pDestPathTarget;
CHandle<CPathTrack> m_pLastPathTarget;
CHandle<CPathTrack> m_pTargetNearestPath; // Used only by leading, it specifies the path point *after* where the target is
string_t m_strCurrentPathName;
string_t m_strDestPathName;
string_t m_strLastPathName;
string_t m_strTargetNearestPathName;
Vector m_vecLastGoalCheckPosition; // Last position checked for moving towards
float m_flEnemyPathUpdateTime; // Next time to update our enemies position
bool m_bForcedMove; // Means the destination point must be reached regardless of enemy position
bool m_bPatrolling; // If set, move back and forth along the current track until we see an enemy
bool m_bPatrolBreakable; // If set, I'll stop patrolling if I see an enemy
bool m_bLeading; // If set, we can lead our enemies
// Derived class pathing data
float m_flTargetDistanceThreshold;// Distance threshold used to determine when a target has moved enough to update our navigation to it
float m_flAvoidDistance; //
float m_flTargetTolerance; // How far from a path track do we need to be before we 'reached' it?
Vector m_vecSegmentStartPoint; // Starting point for the current segment
Vector m_vecSegmentStartSplinePoint; // Used to define a spline which is used to compute path velocity
bool m_bMovingForward;
bool m_bChooseFarthestPoint;
float m_flFarthestPathDist; // How far from a path track do we need to be before we 'reached' it?
float m_flPathMaxSpeed;
float m_flTargetDistFromPath; // How far is the target from the closest point on the path?
float m_flLeadDistance;
Vector m_vecTargetPathDir;
Vector m_vecTargetPathPoint; // What point on the path is closest to the target?
PauseState_t m_nPauseState;