2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00

751 lines
24 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "simtimer.h"
#include "ai_component.h"
#include "ai_navgoaltype.h"
#include "ai_navtype.h"
#include "ai_motor.h"
class CAI_BaseNPC;
class CAI_Motor;
class CAI_Route;
class CAI_Path;
class CAI_Pathfinder;
class CAI_LocalNavigator;
struct AI_Waypoint_t;
class CAI_WaypointList;
class CAI_Network;
struct AIMoveTrace_t;
struct AILocalMoveGoal_t;
typedef int AI_TaskFailureCode_t;
// Debugging tools
extern ConVar ai_debug_nav;
#define DbgNav() ai_debug_nav.GetBool()
#define DbgNavMsg( pAI, pszMsg ) \
do \
{ \
if (DbgNav()) \
DevMsg( pAI, CFmtStr( "[Nav] %s", static_cast<const char *>(pszMsg) ) ); \
} while (0)
#define DbgNavMsg1( pAI, pszMsg, a ) DbgNavMsg( pAI, CFmtStr(static_cast<const char *>(pszMsg), (a) ) )
#define DbgNavMsg2( pAI, pszMsg, a, b ) DbgNavMsg( pAI, CFmtStr(static_cast<const char *>(pszMsg), (a), (b) ) )
#define DbgNav() false
#define DbgNavMsg( pAI, pszMsg ) ((void)0)
#define DbgNavMsg1( pAI, pszMsg, a ) ((void)0)
#define DbgNavMsg2( pAI, pszMsg, a, b ) ((void)0)
// Purpose: Constants used to specify the properties of a requested navigation
// goal.
// Navigator should use the default or previously set tolerance
const float AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE = -1.0;
// Navigator should use the hull size as the tolerance
const float AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE = -2.0;
// Goal does not specify a new activity
// Goal has no target
CBaseEntity * const AIN_NO_TARGET = NULL;
// Goal does not specify a new target, use the existing one, if any
CBaseEntity * const AIN_DEF_TARGET = (AIN_NO_TARGET + 1);
// Goal does not specify a vector location
extern const Vector AIN_NO_DEST;
// Goal does not specify a node location
#define AIN_NO_NODE ((AI_PathNode_t)-1)
enum AI_NavGoalFlags_t
// While navigating, try to face the destination point
// If I'm a goal of type GOALTYPE_TARGETENT, update my goal position every time I think
// If navigating on a designer placed path, don't use pathfinder between waypoints, just do it
enum AI_NavSetGoalFlags_t
// Reset the navigator's navigation to the default state
// Clear out the target entity, while retaining other settings
// If the navigate fails, return navigation to the default state
// Don't signal TaskFail() if the pathfind fails, just return the result
enum AI_NpcBlockHandling_t
enum AI_NavPathProgress_t
// Purpose: Describes a navigation request. The various constructors simply
// allow ease of use in the common cases.
struct AI_NavGoal_t
// Goal is unspecifed, or not a specific location
AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type = GOALTYPE_INVALID,
Activity activity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY,
float tolerance = AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE,
unsigned flags = AIN_DEF_FLAGS,
CBaseEntity * pTarget = AIN_DEF_TARGET);
// Goal is a specific location, and GOALTYPE_LOCATION
AI_NavGoal_t( const Vector &dest,
Activity activity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY,
float tolerance = AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE,
unsigned flags = AIN_DEF_FLAGS,
CBaseEntity * pTarget = AIN_DEF_TARGET);
// Goal is a specific location and goal type
AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type,
const Vector &dest,
Activity activity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY,
float tolerance = AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE,
unsigned flags = AIN_DEF_FLAGS,
CBaseEntity * pTarget = AIN_DEF_TARGET);
// Goal is a specific node, and GOALTYPE_LOCATION
AI_NavGoal_t( AI_PathNode_t destNode,
Activity activity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY,
float tolerance = AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE,
unsigned flags = AIN_DEF_FLAGS,
CBaseEntity * pTarget = AIN_DEF_TARGET);
// Goal is a specific location and goal type
AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type,
AI_PathNode_t destNode,
Activity activity = AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY,
float tolerance = AIN_DEF_TOLERANCE,
unsigned flags = AIN_DEF_FLAGS,
CBaseEntity * pTarget = AIN_DEF_TARGET);
// What type of goal is this
GoalType_t type;
// The destination, either as a vector, or as a path node
Vector dest;
AI_PathNode_t destNode;
// The activity to use, or none if a previosly set activity should be used
Activity activity;
// The predicted activity used after arrival
Activity arrivalActivity;
int arrivalSequence;
// The tolerance of success, or none if a previosly set tolerance should be used
float tolerance;
// How far to permit an initial simplification of path
// (will use default if this value is less than the default)
float maxInitialSimplificationDist;
// Optional flags specifying
unsigned flags;
// The target of the navigation, primarily used to ignore the entity in hull and line traces
CBaseEntity * pTarget;
// Purpose: Used to describe rules for advance on a (fly) path. There's nothing
// specifically "flying" about it, other than it came from an attempte
// to consolodate duplicated code in the various fliers. It may serve
// a more general purpose in the future. The constructor takes those
// arguments that can usually be specified just once (as in a
// local static constructor)
struct AI_ProgressFlyPathParams_t
AI_ProgressFlyPathParams_t( unsigned _collisionMask,
float _strictPointTolerance = 32.0, float _blockTolerance = 0.0,
float _waypointTolerance = 100, float _goalTolerance = 12,
AI_NpcBlockHandling_t _blockHandling = AISF_BLOCK )
: collisionMask( _collisionMask ),
strictPointTolerance( _strictPointTolerance ),
blockTolerance( _blockTolerance ),
waypointTolerance( _waypointTolerance ),
goalTolerance( _goalTolerance ),
blockHandling( _blockHandling ),
pTarget( NULL ),
bTrySimplify( true )
void SetCurrent( const CBaseEntity *pNewTarget, bool bNewTrySimplify = true )
pTarget = pNewTarget;
bTrySimplify = bNewTrySimplify;
// Fields that tend to stay constant
unsigned collisionMask;
float strictPointTolerance;
float blockTolerance; // @TODO (toml 07-03-02): rename "blockTolerance". This is specifically the "simplify" block tolerance. See SimplifyFlyPath()
float waypointTolerance;
float goalTolerance; // @TODO (toml 07-03-02): goalTolerance appears to have come into existence because
// noone had set a good tolerance in the path itself. It is therefore redundant,
// and more than likely should be excised
AI_NpcBlockHandling_t blockHandling; // @TODO (toml 07-03-02): rename "blockHandling". This is specifically the "simplify" block handling. See SimplifyFlyPath()
// Fields that tend to change
const CBaseEntity * pTarget;
bool bTrySimplify;
// CAI_Navigator
// Purpose: Implements pathing and path navigaton logic
class CAI_Navigator : public CAI_Component,
public CAI_DefMovementSink
typedef CAI_Component BaseClass;
// --------------------------------
CAI_Navigator(CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter);
virtual ~CAI_Navigator();
virtual void Init( CAI_Network *pNetwork );
// --------------------------------
void SetPathcornerPathfinding( bool fNewVal) { m_bNoPathcornerPathfinds = !fNewVal; }
void SetRememberStaleNodes( bool fNewVal) { m_fRememberStaleNodes = fNewVal; }
void SetValidateActivitySpeed( bool bValidateActivitySpeed ) { m_bValidateActivitySpeed = bValidateActivitySpeed; }
void SetLocalSucceedOnWithinTolerance( bool fNewVal ) { m_bLocalSucceedOnWithinTolerance = fNewVal; }
// --------------------------------
void Save( ISave &save );
void Restore( IRestore &restore );
// --------------------------------
// Methods to issue movement directives
// --------------------------------
// Simple pathfind
virtual bool SetGoal( const AI_NavGoal_t &goal, unsigned flags = 0 );
// Change the target of the path
virtual bool SetGoalTarget( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &offset );
// Fancy pathing
bool SetRadialGoal( const Vector &destination, const Vector &center, float radius, float arc, float stepDist, bool bClockwise, bool bAirRoute = false );
bool SetRandomGoal( float minPathLength, const Vector &dir = vec3_origin );
bool SetRandomGoal( const Vector &from, float minPathLength, const Vector &dir = vec3_origin );
bool SetDirectGoal( const Vector &goalPos, Navigation_t navType = NAV_GROUND );
bool SetWanderGoal( float minRadius, float maxRadius );
bool SetVectorGoal( const Vector &dir, float targetDist, float minDist = 0, bool fShouldDeflect = false );
bool SetVectorGoalFromTarget( const Vector &goalPos, float minDist = 0, bool fShouldDeflect = false );
bool FindVectorGoal( Vector *pResult, const Vector &dir, float targetDist, float minDist = 0, bool fShouldDeflect = false );
// Path manipulation
bool PrependLocalAvoidance( float distObstacle, const AIMoveTrace_t &directTrace );
void PrependWaypoint( const Vector &newPoint, Navigation_t navType, unsigned waypointFlags = 0 );
// Query or change the movement activity
Activity GetMovementActivity() const;
Activity SetMovementActivity(Activity activity);
int GetMovementSequence();
void SetMovementSequence( int sequence );
// Query or change the Arrival activity
Activity GetArrivalActivity() const;
void SetArrivalActivity( Activity activity );
int GetArrivalSequence( int curSequence );
void SetArrivalSequence( int sequence );
// Set the facing direction at arrival
void SetArrivalDirection( const Vector &goalDirection );
void SetArrivalDirection( const QAngle &goalAngle );
void SetArrivalDirection( CBaseEntity *pTarget );
Vector GetArrivalDirection( );
// Set the speed to reach at arrival (
void SetArrivalSpeed( float flSpeed );
float GetArrivalSpeed();
// Set the estimated distance to stop before the actual goal
void SetArrivalDistance( float flDistance );
float GetArrivalDistance( ) const;
// Query or change the goal tolerance
float GetGoalTolerance() const;
void SetGoalTolerance(float tolerance);
GoalType_t GetGoalType() const;
const Vector & GetGoalPos() const;
CBaseEntity * GetGoalTarget();
int GetGoalFlags() const;
const Vector & GetCurWaypointPos() const;
int GetCurWaypointFlags() const;
bool CurWaypointIsGoal() const;
bool GetPointAlongPath( Vector *pResult, float distance, bool fReducibleOnly = false );
float GetPathDistanceToGoal();
float GetPathTimeToGoal();
// Query if there is a current goal
bool IsGoalSet() const;
// Query if the current goal is active, meaning the navigator has a path in can progress on
bool IsGoalActive() const;
// Update the goal position to reflect current conditions
bool RefindPathToGoal( bool fSignalTaskStatus = true, bool bDontIgnoreBadLinks = false );
bool UpdateGoalPos( const Vector & );
// Wrap up current locomotion
void StopMoving( bool bImmediate = true );
// Discard the current goal, use StopMoving() if just executing a normal stop
bool ClearGoal();
// --------------------------------
void SetAllowBigStep( CBaseEntity *pEntToStepOff ) { if ( !pEntToStepOff || !pEntToStepOff->IsWorld() ) m_hBigStepGroundEnt = pEntToStepOff; }
// --------------------------------
bool SetGoalFromStoppingPath();
void IgnoreStoppingPath();
// --------------------------------
// Navigation mode
// --------------------------------
Navigation_t GetNavType() const { return m_navType; }
void SetNavType( Navigation_t navType );
bool IsInterruptable() const { return ( m_navType != NAV_CLIMB && m_navType != NAV_JUMP ); }
// --------------------------------
// Pathing
// --------------------------------
AI_NavPathProgress_t ProgressFlyPath( const AI_ProgressFlyPathParams_t &params); // note: will not return "blocked"
AI_PathNode_t GetNearestNode();
Vector GetNodePos( AI_PathNode_t );
CAI_Network * GetNetwork() { return m_pAINetwork; }
const CAI_Network * GetNetwork() const { return m_pAINetwork; }
void SetNetwork( CAI_Network *pNetwork ) { m_pAINetwork = pNetwork; }
CAI_Path * GetPath() { return m_pPath; }
const CAI_Path * GetPath() const { return m_pPath; }
void AdvancePath();
virtual bool SimplifyPath( bool bFirstForPath = false, float maxDist = -1 );
void SimplifyFlyPath( unsigned collisionMask, const CBaseEntity *pTarget,
float strictPointTolerance = 32.0, float blockTolerance = 0.0,
AI_NpcBlockHandling_t blockHandling = AISF_BLOCK);
bool SimplifyFlyPath( const AI_ProgressFlyPathParams_t &params );
bool CanFitAtNode(int nodeNum, unsigned int collisionMask = MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY);
float MovementCost( int moveType, Vector &vecStart, Vector &vecEnd );
bool CanFitAtPosition( const Vector &vStartPos, unsigned int collisionMask, bool bIgnoreTransients = false, bool bAllowPlayerAvoid = true );
bool IsOnNetwork() const { return !m_bNotOnNetwork; }
void SetMaxRouteRebuildTime(float time) { m_timePathRebuildMax = time; }
// --------------------------------
void DrawDebugRouteOverlay( void );
// --------------------------------
// Miscellany
// --------------------------------
float CalcYawSpeed();
float GetStepDownMultiplier();
CBaseEntity * GetNextPathcorner( CBaseEntity *pPathCorner );
virtual void OnScheduleChange();
// --------------------------------
// See comments at CAI_BaseNPC::Move()
virtual bool Move( float flInterval = 0.1 );
// --------------------------------
CBaseEntity * GetBlockingEntity() { return m_hLastBlockingEnt; }
// --------------------------------
// Common services provided by CAI_BaseNPC
CBaseEntity * GetNavTargetEntity();
void TaskMovementComplete();
float MaxYawSpeed();
void SetSpeed( float );
// --------------------------------
CAI_Motor * GetMotor() { return m_pMotor; }
const CAI_Motor * GetMotor() const { return m_pMotor; }
CAI_MoveProbe * GetMoveProbe() { return m_pMoveProbe; }
const CAI_MoveProbe *GetMoveProbe() const { return m_pMoveProbe; }
CAI_LocalNavigator *GetLocalNavigator() { return m_pLocalNavigator; }
const CAI_LocalNavigator *GetLocalNavigator() const { return m_pLocalNavigator; }
CAI_Pathfinder * GetPathfinder();
const CAI_Pathfinder *GetPathfinder() const;
virtual void OnClearPath(void);
// --------------------------------
virtual void OnNewGoal();
virtual void OnNavComplete();
void OnNavFailed( bool bMovement = false );
void OnNavFailed( AI_TaskFailureCode_t code, bool bMovement = false );
void OnNavFailed( const char *pszGeneralFailText, bool bMovement = false );
// --------------------------------
virtual AIMoveResult_t MoveNormal();
// Navigation execution
virtual AIMoveResult_t MoveClimb();
virtual AIMoveResult_t MoveJump();
// --------------------------------
virtual AIMoveResult_t MoveEnact( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &baseMove );
// made this virtual so strider can implement hover behavior with a navigator
virtual void MoveCalcBaseGoal( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal);
virtual bool OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnObstructionPreSteer( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnFailedSteer( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnFailedLocalNavigation( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnInsufficientStopDist( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnMoveStalled( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move );
virtual bool OnMoveExecuteFailed( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, const AIMoveTrace_t &trace, AIMotorMoveResult_t fMotorResult, AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
virtual bool OnMoveBlocked( AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
void ResetCalculations();
// Methods shared between ground and fly movement
bool PreMove();
virtual bool MoveUpdateWaypoint( AIMoveResult_t *pResult );
bool IsMovingOutOfWay( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &moveGoal, float distClear );
bool DelayNavigationFailure( const AIMoveTrace_t &trace );
static void CalculateDeflection( const Vector &start, const Vector &dir, const Vector &normal, Vector *pResult );
// --------------------------------
// Pathfinding
// --------------------------------
float GetPathDistToCurWaypoint() const;
float GetPathDistToGoal() const;
float BuildAndGetPathDistToGoal();
// --------------------------------
int GetNavFailCounter() const;
void ClearNavFailCounter();
float GetLastNavFailTime() const;
bool TeleportAlongPath();
bool DoFindPath( void ); // Find a route
bool DoFindPathToPathcorner( CBaseEntity *pPathCorner );
virtual bool DoFindPathToPos(void);
virtual bool ShouldOptimizeInitialPathSegment( AI_Waypoint_t * ) { return true; }
void ClearPath(void);
void SaveStoppingPath( void );
virtual bool GetStoppingPath( CAI_WaypointList *pClippedWaypoints );
bool FindPath( const AI_NavGoal_t &goal, unsigned flags );
bool FindPath( bool fSignalTaskStatus = true, bool bDontIgnoreBadLinks = false );
bool MarkCurWaypointFailedLink( void ); // Call when route fails
struct SimplifyForwardScanParams
float scanDist;
float radius;
float increment;
int maxSamples;
bool ShouldAttemptSimplifyTo( const Vector &pos );
bool ShouldSimplifyTo( bool passedDetour, const Vector &pos );
bool SimplifyPathForwardScan( const CAI_Navigator::SimplifyForwardScanParams &params );
bool SimplifyPathForwardScan( const SimplifyForwardScanParams &params, AI_Waypoint_t *pCurWaypoint, const Vector &curPoint, float distRemaining, bool skip, bool passedDetour, int *pTestCount );
bool SimplifyPathForward( float maxDist = -1 );
bool SimplifyPathBacktrack();
bool SimplifyPathQuick();
void SimplifyPathInsertSimplification( AI_Waypoint_t *pSegmentStart, const Vector &point );
// ---------------------------------
static bool ActivityIsLocomotive( Activity );
// ---------------------------------
Navigation_t m_navType; // My current navigation type (walk,fly)
bool m_fNavComplete;
bool m_bLastNavFailed;
// Cached pointers to other components, for efficiency
CAI_Motor * m_pMotor;
CAI_MoveProbe * m_pMoveProbe;
CAI_LocalNavigator *m_pLocalNavigator;
// ---------------------------------
CAI_Network* m_pAINetwork; // My current AINetwork
CAI_Path* m_pPath; // My current route
CAI_WaypointList * m_pClippedWaypoints;
float m_flTimeClipped;
Activity m_PreviousMoveActivity;
Activity m_PreviousArrivalActivity;
bool m_bValidateActivitySpeed;
bool m_bCalledStartMove;
bool m_bNotOnNetwork; // This NPC has no reachable nodes!
float m_flNextSimplifyTime; // next time we should try to simplify our route
bool m_bForcedSimplify;
float m_flLastSuccessfulSimplifyTime;
float m_flTimeLastAvoidanceTriangulate;
// --------------
float m_timePathRebuildMax; // How long to try rebuilding path before failing task
float m_timePathRebuildDelay; // How long to wait before trying to rebuild again
float m_timePathRebuildFail; // Current global time when should fail building path
float m_timePathRebuildNext; // Global time to try rebuilding again
// --------------
bool m_fRememberStaleNodes;
bool m_bNoPathcornerPathfinds;
bool m_bLocalSucceedOnWithinTolerance;
// --------------
bool m_fPeerMoveWait;
EHANDLE m_hPeerWaitingOn;
CSimTimer m_PeerWaitMoveTimer;
CSimTimer m_PeerWaitClearTimer;
CSimTimer m_NextSidestepTimer;
// --------------
EHANDLE m_hBigStepGroundEnt;
EHANDLE m_hLastBlockingEnt;
// --------------
Vector m_vPosBeginFailedSteer;
float m_timeBeginFailedSteer;
// --------------
int m_nNavFailCounter;
float m_flLastNavFailTime;
// AI_NavGoal_t inline methods
inline AI_NavGoal_t::AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type,
Activity activity,
float tolerance,
unsigned flags,
CBaseEntity *pTarget)
: type(type),
arrivalActivity( AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ),
arrivalSequence( ACT_INVALID )
inline AI_NavGoal_t::AI_NavGoal_t( const Vector &dest,
Activity activity,
float tolerance,
unsigned flags,
CBaseEntity *pTarget)
arrivalActivity( AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ),
arrivalSequence( ACT_INVALID )
inline AI_NavGoal_t::AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type,
const Vector &dest,
Activity activity,
float tolerance,
unsigned flags,
CBaseEntity *pTarget)
: type(type),
arrivalActivity( AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ),
arrivalSequence( ACT_INVALID )
inline AI_NavGoal_t::AI_NavGoal_t( AI_PathNode_t destNode,
Activity activity,
float tolerance,
unsigned flags,
CBaseEntity * pTarget)
arrivalActivity( AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ),
arrivalSequence( ACT_INVALID )
inline AI_NavGoal_t::AI_NavGoal_t( GoalType_t type,
AI_PathNode_t destNode,
Activity activity,
float tolerance,
unsigned flags,
CBaseEntity * pTarget)
: type(type),
arrivalActivity( AIN_DEF_ACTIVITY ),
arrivalSequence( ACT_INVALID )
#endif // AI_NAVIGATOR_H