FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

456 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once
#include "trace.h"
#include "builddisp.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "../engine/zone.h"
template<typename T>
class CDispVector : public CUtlVector<T, CHunkMemory<T> >
template<typename T>
class CDispVector : public CUtlVector<T, CUtlMemoryAligned<T,16> >
#define DISPCOLL_DIST_EPSILON 0.03125f
#define DISPCOLL_INVALID_FRAC -99999.9f
extern double g_flDispCollSweepTimer;
extern double g_flDispCollIntersectTimer;
extern double g_flDispCollInCallTimer;
struct RayDispOutput_t
short ndxVerts[4]; // 3 verts and a pad
float u, v; // the u, v paramters (edgeU = v1 - v0, edgeV = v2 - v0)
float dist; // intersection distance
// Assumptions:
// Max patch is 17x17, therefore 9 bits needed to represent a triangle index
// Displacement Collision Triangle
class CDispCollTri
struct index_t
unsigned short uiVert:9;
unsigned short uiMin:2;
unsigned short uiMax:2;
} m_Index;
unsigned short m_IndexDummy;
index_t m_TriData[3];
unsigned short m_ucSignBits:3; // Plane test.
unsigned short m_ucPlaneType:3; // Axial test?
unsigned short m_uiFlags:5; // Uses 5-bits - maybe look into merging it with something?
Vector m_vecNormal; // Triangle normal (plane normal).
float m_flDist; // Triangle plane dist.
// Creation.
void Init( void );
void CalcPlane( CDispVector<Vector> &m_aVerts );
void FindMinMax( CDispVector<Vector> &m_aVerts );
// Triangle data.
inline void SetVert( int iPos, int iVert ) { Assert( ( iPos >= 0 ) && ( iPos < 3 ) ); Assert( ( iVert >= 0 ) && ( iVert < ( 1 << 9 ) ) ); m_TriData[iPos].m_Index.uiVert = iVert; }
inline int GetVert( int iPos ) const { Assert( ( iPos >= 0 ) && ( iPos < 3 ) ); return m_TriData[iPos].m_Index.uiVert; }
inline void SetMin( int iAxis, int iMin ) { Assert( ( iAxis >= 0 ) && ( iAxis < 3 ) ); Assert( ( iMin >= 0 ) && ( iMin < 3 ) ); m_TriData[iAxis].m_Index.uiMin = iMin; }
inline int GetMin( int iAxis ) const { Assert( ( iAxis >= 0 ) && ( iAxis < 3 ) ); return m_TriData[iAxis].m_Index.uiMin; }
inline void SetMax( int iAxis, int iMax ) { Assert( ( iAxis >= 0 ) && ( iAxis < 3 ) ); Assert( ( iMax >= 0 ) && ( iMax < 3 ) ); m_TriData[iAxis].m_Index.uiMax = iMax; }
inline int GetMax( int iAxis ) const { Assert( ( iAxis >= 0 ) && ( iAxis < 3 ) ); return m_TriData[iAxis].m_Index.uiMax; }
// Helper
class CDispCollHelper
float m_flStartFrac;
float m_flEndFrac;
Vector m_vecImpactNormal;
float m_flImpactDist;
// Cache
#pragma pack(1)
class CDispCollTriCache
unsigned short m_iCrossX[3];
unsigned short m_iCrossY[3];
unsigned short m_iCrossZ[3];
#pragma pack()
#include "mathlib/ssemath.h"
class CDispCollNode
FourVectors m_mins;
FourVectors m_maxs;
class CDispCollLeaf
short m_tris[2];
// a power 4 displacement can have 341 nodes, pad out to 344 for 16-byte alignment
const int MAX_DISP_AABB_NODES = 341;
const int MAX_AABB_LIST = 344;
struct rayleaflist_t
FourVectors rayStart;
FourVectors rayExtents;
FourVectors invDelta;
int nodeList[MAX_AABB_LIST];
int maxIndex;
// Displacement Collision Tree Data
class CDispCollTree
// Creation/Destruction.
virtual bool Create( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp );
// Raycasts.
// NOTE: These assume you've precalculated invDelta as well as culled to the bounds of this disp
bool AABBTree_Ray( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &invDelta, CBaseTrace *pTrace, bool bSide = true );
bool AABBTree_Ray( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &invDelta, RayDispOutput_t &output );
// NOTE: Lower perf helper function, should not be used in the game runtime
bool AABBTree_Ray( const Ray_t &ray, RayDispOutput_t &output );
// Hull Sweeps.
// NOTE: These assume you've precalculated invDelta as well as culled to the bounds of this disp
bool AABBTree_SweepAABB( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &invDelta, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
// Hull Intersection.
bool AABBTree_IntersectAABB( const Vector &absMins, const Vector &absMaxs );
// Point/Box vs. Bounds.
bool PointInBounds( Vector const &vecBoxCenter, Vector const &vecBoxMin, Vector const &vecBoxMax, bool bPoint );
// Utility.
inline void SetPower( int power ) { m_nPower = power; }
inline int GetPower( void ) { return m_nPower; }
inline int GetFlags( void ) { return m_nFlags; }
inline void SetFlags( int nFlags ) { m_nFlags = nFlags; }
inline bool CheckFlags( int nFlags ) { return ( ( nFlags & GetFlags() ) != 0 ) ? true : false; }
inline int GetWidth( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_nPower ) + 1 ); }
inline int GetHeight( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_nPower ) + 1 ); }
inline int GetSize( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_nPower ) + 1 ) * ( ( 1 << m_nPower ) + 1 ); }
inline int GetTriSize( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_nPower ) * ( 1 << m_nPower ) * 2 ); }
// inline void SetTriFlags( short iTri, unsigned short nFlags ) { m_aTris[iTri].m_uiFlags = nFlags; }
inline void GetStabDirection( Vector &vecDir ) { vecDir = m_vecStabDir; }
inline void GetBounds( Vector &vecBoxMin, Vector &vecBoxMax ) { vecBoxMin = m_mins; vecBoxMax = m_maxs; }
inline int GetContents( void ) { return m_nContents; }
inline void SetSurfaceProps( int iProp, short nSurfProp ) { Assert( ( iProp >= 0 ) && ( iProp < 2 ) ); m_nSurfaceProps[iProp] = nSurfProp; }
inline short GetSurfaceProps( int iProp ) { return m_nSurfaceProps[iProp]; }
inline unsigned int GetMemorySize( void ) { return m_nSize; }
inline unsigned int GetCacheMemorySize( void ) { return ( m_aTrisCache.Count() * sizeof(CDispCollTriCache) + m_aEdgePlanes.Count() * sizeof(Vector) ); }
inline bool IsCached( void ) { return m_aTrisCache.Count() == m_aTris.Count(); }
void GetVirtualMeshList( struct virtualmeshlist_t *pList );
int AABBTree_GetTrisInSphere( const Vector &center, float radius, unsigned short *pIndexOut, int indexMax );
inline int Nodes_GetChild( int iNode, int nDirection );
inline int Nodes_CalcCount( int nPower );
inline int Nodes_GetParent( int iNode );
inline int Nodes_GetLevel( int iNode );
inline int Nodes_GetIndexFromComponents( int x, int y );
void LockCache();
void UnlockCache();
void Cache( void );
void Uncache() { m_aTrisCache.Purge(); m_aEdgePlanes.Purge(); }
// Data manager methods
static size_t EstimatedSize( CDispCollTree *pTree )
return pTree->GetCacheMemorySize();
static CDispCollTree *CreateResource( CDispCollTree *pTree )
// Created ahead of time
return pTree;
bool GetData()
return IsCached();
size_t Size()
return GetCacheMemorySize();
void DestroyResource()
m_hCache = NULL;
bool AABBTree_Create( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp );
void AABBTree_CopyDispData( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp );
void AABBTree_CreateLeafs( void );
void AABBTree_GenerateBoxes_r( int nodeIndex, Vector *pMins, Vector *pMaxs );
void AABBTree_CalcBounds( void );
int AABBTree_BuildTreeTrisInSphere_r( const Vector &center, float radius, int iNode, unsigned short *pIndexOut, unsigned short indexMax );
void AABBTree_TreeTrisRayTest( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &vecInvDelta, int iNode, CBaseTrace *pTrace, bool bSide, CDispCollTri **pImpactTri );
void AABBTree_TreeTrisRayBarycentricTest( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &vecInvDelta, int iNode, RayDispOutput_t &output, CDispCollTri **pImpactTri );
int FORCEINLINE BuildRayLeafList( int iNode, rayleaflist_t &list );
struct AABBTree_TreeTrisSweepTest_Args_t
AABBTree_TreeTrisSweepTest_Args_t( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &vecInvDelta, const Vector &rayDir, CBaseTrace *pTrace )
: ray( ray ), vecInvDelta( vecInvDelta ), rayDir( rayDir ), pTrace( pTrace ) {}
const Ray_t &ray;
const Vector &vecInvDelta;
const Vector &rayDir;
CBaseTrace *pTrace;
void SweepAABBTriIntersect( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &rayDir, int iTri, CDispCollTri *pTri, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
void Cache_Create( CDispCollTri *pTri, int iTri ); // Testing!
bool Cache_EdgeCrossAxisX( const Vector &vecEdge, const Vector &vecOnEdge, const Vector &vecOffEdge, CDispCollTri *pTri, unsigned short &iPlane );
bool Cache_EdgeCrossAxisY( const Vector &vecEdge, const Vector &vecOnEdge, const Vector &vecOffEdge, CDispCollTri *pTri, unsigned short &iPlane );
bool Cache_EdgeCrossAxisZ( const Vector &vecEdge, const Vector &vecOnEdge, const Vector &vecOffEdge, CDispCollTri *pTri, unsigned short &iPlane );
inline bool FacePlane( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &rayDir, CDispCollTri *pTri, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
bool FORCEINLINE AxisPlanesXYZ( const Ray_t &ray, CDispCollTri *pTri, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
inline bool EdgeCrossAxisX( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned short iPlane, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
inline bool EdgeCrossAxisY( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned short iPlane, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
inline bool EdgeCrossAxisZ( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned short iPlane, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
bool ResolveRayPlaneIntersect( float flStart, float flEnd, const Vector &vecNormal, float flDist, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
template <int AXIS> bool FORCEINLINE TestOneAxisPlaneMin( const Ray_t &ray, CDispCollTri *pTri );
template <int AXIS> bool FORCEINLINE TestOneAxisPlaneMax( const Ray_t &ray, CDispCollTri *pTri );
template <int AXIS> bool EdgeCrossAxis( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned short iPlane, CDispCollHelper *pHelper );
// Utility
inline void CalcClosestBoxPoint( const Vector &vecPlaneNormal, const Vector &vecBoxStart, const Vector &vecBoxExtents, Vector &vecBoxPoint );
inline void CalcClosestExtents( const Vector &vecPlaneNormal, const Vector &vecBoxExtents, Vector &vecBoxPoint );
int AddPlane( const Vector &vecNormal );
bool FORCEINLINE IsLeafNode(int iNode);
Vector m_mins; // Bounding box of the displacement surface and base face
int m_iCounter;
Vector m_maxs; // Bounding box of the displacement surface and base face
int m_nContents; // The displacement surface "contents" (solid, etc...)
memhandle_t m_hCache;
int m_nPower; // Size of the displacement ( 2^power + 1 )
int m_nFlags;
Vector m_vecSurfPoints[4]; // Base surface points.
// Collision data.
Vector m_vecStabDir; // Direction to stab for this displacement surface (is the base face normal)
short m_nSurfaceProps[2]; // Surface properties (save off from texdata for impact responses)
CDispVector<Vector> m_aVerts; // Displacement verts.
CDispVector<CDispCollTri> m_aTris; // Displacement triangles.
CDispVector<CDispCollNode> m_nodes; // Nodes.
CDispVector<CDispCollLeaf> m_leaves; // Leaves.
// Cache
CUtlVector<CDispCollTriCache> m_aTrisCache;
CUtlVector<Vector> m_aEdgePlanes;
CDispCollHelper m_Helper;
unsigned int m_nSize;
FORCEINLINE bool CDispCollTree::IsLeafNode(int iNode)
return iNode >= m_nodes.Count() ? true : false;
// Purpose: get the child node index given the current node index and direction
// of the child (1 of 4)
// Input: iNode - current node index
// nDirection - direction of the child ( [0...3] - SW, SE, NW, NE )
// Output: int - the index of the child node
inline int CDispCollTree::Nodes_GetChild( int iNode, int nDirection )
// node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( iNode >= 0 );
Assert( iNode < m_nodes.Count() );
// ( node index * 4 ) + ( direction + 1 )
return ( ( iNode << 2 ) + ( nDirection + 1 ) );
// Purpose:
inline int CDispCollTree::Nodes_CalcCount( int nPower )
Assert( nPower >= 1 );
Assert( nPower <= 4 );
return ( ( 1 << ( ( nPower + 1 ) << 1 ) ) / 3 );
// Purpose: get the parent node index given the current node
// Input: iNode - current node index
// Output: int - the index of the parent node
inline int CDispCollTree::Nodes_GetParent( int iNode )
// node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( iNode >= 0 );
Assert( iNode < m_nodes.Count() );
// ( node index - 1 ) / 4
return ( ( iNode - 1 ) >> 2 );
// Purpose:
// TODO: should make this a function - not a hardcoded set of statements!!!
inline int CDispCollTree::Nodes_GetLevel( int iNode )
// node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( iNode >= 0 );
Assert( iNode < m_nodes.Count() );
// level = 2^n + 1
if ( iNode == 0 ) { return 1; }
if ( iNode < 5 ) { return 2; }
if ( iNode < 21 ) { return 3; }
if ( iNode < 85 ) { return 4; }
if ( iNode < 341 ) { return 5; }
return -1;
// Purpose:
inline int CDispCollTree::Nodes_GetIndexFromComponents( int x, int y )
int nIndex = 0;
// Interleave bits from the x and y values to create the index
int iShift;
for( iShift = 0; x != 0; iShift += 2, x >>= 1 )
nIndex |= ( x & 1 ) << iShift;
for( iShift = 1; y != 0; iShift += 2, y >>= 1 )
nIndex |= ( y & 1 ) << iShift;
return nIndex;
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollTree::CalcClosestBoxPoint( const Vector &vecPlaneNormal, const Vector &vecBoxStart,
const Vector &vecBoxExtents, Vector &vecBoxPoint )
vecBoxPoint = vecBoxStart;
( vecPlaneNormal[0] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[0] += vecBoxExtents[0] : vecBoxPoint[0] -= vecBoxExtents[0];
( vecPlaneNormal[1] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[1] += vecBoxExtents[1] : vecBoxPoint[1] -= vecBoxExtents[1];
( vecPlaneNormal[2] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[2] += vecBoxExtents[2] : vecBoxPoint[2] -= vecBoxExtents[2];
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollTree::CalcClosestExtents( const Vector &vecPlaneNormal, const Vector &vecBoxExtents,
Vector &vecBoxPoint )
( vecPlaneNormal[0] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[0] = vecBoxExtents[0] : vecBoxPoint[0] = -vecBoxExtents[0];
( vecPlaneNormal[1] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[1] = vecBoxExtents[1] : vecBoxPoint[1] = -vecBoxExtents[1];
( vecPlaneNormal[2] < 0.0f ) ? vecBoxPoint[2] = vecBoxExtents[2] : vecBoxPoint[2] = -vecBoxExtents[2];
// Global Helper Functions
CDispCollTree *DispCollTrees_Alloc( int count );
void DispCollTrees_Free( CDispCollTree *pTrees );