FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

590 lines
16 KiB

#include "../vpc/vpc.h"
#include "crccheck_shared.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_crc.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <process.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 )
static bool IsValidPathChar( char token )
// does it look like a file? If this ends up too tight, can probably just check that it's not '[' or '{'
// cause conditional blocks are what we really want to avoid.
return isalpha(token) || isdigit(token) || (token == '.') || (token == '\\') || (token == '/');
extern const char *g_szArrPlatforms[];
static void BuildReplacements( const char *token, char *szReplacements )
// Now go pickup the any files that exist, but were non-matches
*szReplacements = '\0';
for ( int i = 0; g_szArrPlatforms[i] != NULL; i++ )
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
char szPathExpanded[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( szPath, token, sizeof(szPath) );
Sys_ReplaceString( szPath, "$os", g_szArrPlatforms[i], szPathExpanded, sizeof(szPathExpanded) );
V_FixSlashes( szPathExpanded );
V_RemoveDotSlashes( szPathExpanded );
V_FixDoubleSlashes( szPathExpanded );
// this fopen is probably using a relative path, but that's ok, as everything in
// the crc code is opening relative paths and assuming the cwd is set ok.
FILE *f = fopen( szPathExpanded, "rb" );
if ( f )
// strcat - blech
strcat( szReplacements, g_szArrPlatforms[i] ); // really just need to stick the existing platforms seen in
strcat( szReplacements, ";" );
static const char * GetToken( const char *ln, char *token )
*token = '\0';
while ( *ln && isspace(*ln) )
if (!ln[0])
return NULL;
if ( ln[0] == '"' )
{ // does vpc allow \" inside the filename string - shouldn't matter, but we're going to assume no.
while (*ln)
if ( ln[0] == '"' )
*token++ = *ln++;
*token = '\0';
else if ( IsValidPathChar( *ln ) )
while (*ln)
if ( isspace(*ln) )
*token++ = *ln++;
*token = '\0';
token[0] = ln[0];
token[1] = '\0';
return ln;
static void PerformFileSubstitions( char * line, int linelen )
static bool bFindFilePending = false;
const char *ln = line;
if ( !bFindFilePending )
ln = V_stristr( ln, "$file " );
if ( ln )
bFindFilePending = true;
if ( bFindFilePending )
char token[1024];
ln = GetToken( ln, token );
if ( !ln )
return; // no more tokens on line, we should try the next line
bFindFilePending = false;
if ( V_stristr(token, "$os") )
if ( !IsValidPathChar( *token ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: can't expand %s for crc calculation. Changes to this file set won't trigger automatic rebuild\n", token );
char szReplacements[2048];
char buffer[4096];
BuildReplacements( token, szReplacements );
Sys_ReplaceString( line, "$os", szReplacements, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
V_strncpy( line, buffer, linelen );
static bool bFindFilePatternPending = false;
ln = line;
if ( !bFindFilePatternPending )
ln = V_stristr( ln, "$filepattern" );
while ( ln )
ln += 13;
if ( isspace( ln[-1] ) )
bFindFilePatternPending = true;
if ( bFindFilePatternPending )
char token[1024];
ln = GetToken( ln, token );
if ( !ln )
return; // no more tokens on line, we should try the next line
bFindFilePatternPending = false;
char szReplacements[2048]; szReplacements[0] = '\0';
char buffer[4096];
CUtlVector< CUtlString > vecResults;
Sys_ExpandFilePattern( token, vecResults );
if ( vecResults.Count() )
for ( int i= 0; i < vecResults.Count(); i++ )
V_strncat( szReplacements, CFmtStr( "%s;", vecResults[i].String() ).Access(), V_ARRAYSIZE( szReplacements ) );
CRC32_t nCRC = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( szReplacements, V_strlen( szReplacements ) );
Sys_ReplaceString( line, token, CFmtStr( "%s:%u", token, nCRC ).Access(), buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
V_strncpy( line, buffer, linelen );
if ( !IsValidPathChar( *token ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s couldn't be expanded during crc calculation. Changes to this file set won't trigger automatic project rebuild\n", token );
// Sys_Error
void Sys_Error( const char* format, ... )
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr,format );
vfprintf( stderr, format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
exit( 1 );
void SafeSnprintf( char *pOut, int nOutLen, const char *pFormat, ... )
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pFormat );
V_vsnprintf( pOut, nOutLen, pFormat, marker );
va_end( marker );
pOut[nOutLen-1] = 0;
// for linked lists of strings
struct StringNode_t
StringNode_t *m_pNext;
char m_Text[1]; // the string data
static StringNode_t *MakeStrNode( char const *pStr )
size_t nLen = strlen( pStr );
StringNode_t *nRet = ( StringNode_t * ) new unsigned char[sizeof( StringNode_t ) + nLen ];
strcpy( nRet->m_Text, pStr );
return nRet;
// Sys_LoadTextFileWithIncludes
int Sys_LoadTextFileWithIncludes( const char* filename, char** bufferptr, bool bInsertFileMacroExpansion )
StringNode_t *pFileLines = NULL; // tail ptr for fast adds
size_t nTotalFileBytes = 0;
FILE *handle = fopen( filename, "r" );
if ( !handle )
return -1;
pFileStack[--nSP] = handle; // push
// read lines
for (;;)
char lineBuffer[4096];
char *ln = fgets( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ), pFileStack[nSP] );
if ( !ln )
break; // out of text
ln += strspn( ln, "\t " ); // skip white space
// Need to insert actual files to make sure crc changes if disk-matched files match
if ( bInsertFileMacroExpansion )
PerformFileSubstitions( ln, sizeof(lineBuffer) - (ln-lineBuffer) );
if ( memcmp( ln, "#include", 8 ) == 0 )
// omg, an include
ln += 8;
ln += strspn( ln, " \t\"<" ); // skip whitespace, ", and <
size_t nPathNameLength = strcspn( ln, " \t\">\n" );
if ( !nPathNameLength )
Sys_Error( "bad include %s via %s\n", lineBuffer, filename );
ln[nPathNameLength] = 0; // kill everything after end of filename
FILE *inchandle = fopen( ln, "r" );
if ( !inchandle )
Sys_Error( "can't open #include of %s\n", ln );
if ( !nSP )
Sys_Error( "include nesting too deep via %s", filename );
pFileStack[--nSP] = inchandle;
size_t nLen = strlen( ln );
nTotalFileBytes += nLen;
StringNode_t *pNewLine = MakeStrNode( ln );
pNewLine->m_pNext = pFileLines;
pFileLines = pNewLine;
fclose( pFileStack[nSP] );
nSP++; // pop stack
// Reverse the pFileLines list so it goes the right way.
StringNode_t *pPrev = NULL;
StringNode_t *pCur;
for( pCur = pFileLines; pCur; )
StringNode_t *pNext = pCur->m_pNext;
pCur->m_pNext = pPrev;
pPrev = pCur;
pCur = pNext;
pFileLines = pPrev;
// Now dump all the lines out into a single buffer.
char *buffer = new char[nTotalFileBytes + 1]; // and null
*bufferptr = buffer; // tell caller
// copy all strings and null terminate
int nLine = 0;
StringNode_t *pNext;
for( pCur=pFileLines; pCur; pCur=pNext )
pNext = pCur->m_pNext;
size_t nLen = strlen( pCur->m_Text );
memcpy( buffer, pCur->m_Text, nLen );
buffer += nLen;
// Cleanup the line..
//delete [] (unsigned char*)pCur;
*( buffer++ ) = 0; // null
return (int)nTotalFileBytes;
// Just like fgets() but it removes trailing newlines.
char* ChompLineFromFile( char *pOut, int nOutBytes, FILE *fp )
char *pReturn = fgets( pOut, nOutBytes, fp );
if ( pReturn )
int len = (int)strlen( pReturn );
if ( len > 0 && pReturn[len-1] == '\n' )
pReturn[len-1] = 0;
if ( len > 1 && pReturn[len-2] == '\r' )
pReturn[len-2] = 0;
return pReturn;
bool CheckSupplementalString( const char *pSupplementalString, const char *pReferenceSupplementalString )
// The supplemental string is only checked while VPC is determining if a project file is stale or not.
// It's not used by the pre-build event's CRC check.
// The supplemental string contains various options that tell how the project was built. It's generated in VPC_GenerateCRCOptionString.
// If there's no reference supplemental string (which is the case if we're running vpccrccheck.exe), then we ignore it and continue.
if ( !pReferenceSupplementalString )
return true;
return ( pSupplementalString && pReferenceSupplementalString && stricmp( pSupplementalString, pReferenceSupplementalString ) == 0 );
bool CheckVPCExeCRC( char *pVPCCRCCheckString, const char *szFilename, char *pErrorString, int nErrorStringLength )
if ( pVPCCRCCheckString == NULL )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Unexpected end-of-file in %s", szFilename );
return false;
char *pSpace = strchr( pVPCCRCCheckString, ' ' );
if ( !pSpace )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Invalid line ('%s') in %s", pVPCCRCCheckString, szFilename );
return false;
// Null-terminate it so we have the CRC by itself and the filename follows the space.
*pSpace = 0;
const char *pVPCFilename = pSpace + 1;
// Parse the CRC out.
unsigned int nReferenceCRC;
sscanf( pVPCCRCCheckString, "%x", &nReferenceCRC );
char *pBuffer;
int cbVPCExe = Sys_LoadFile( pVPCFilename, (void**)&pBuffer );
if ( !pBuffer )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Unable to load %s for comparison.", pVPCFilename );
return false;
if ( cbVPCExe < 0 )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Could not load file '%s' to check CRC", pVPCFilename );
return false;
// Calculate the CRC from the contents of the file.
CRC32_t nCRCFromFileContents = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pBuffer, cbVPCExe );
delete [] pBuffer;
// Compare them.
if ( nCRCFromFileContents != nReferenceCRC )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "VPC executable has changed since the project was generated." );
return false;
return true;
bool VPC_CheckProjectDependencyCRCs( const char *pProjectFilename, const char *pReferenceSupplementalString, char *pErrorString, int nErrorStringLength )
// Build the xxxxx.vcproj.vpc_crc filename
char szFilename[512];
SafeSnprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "%s.%s", pProjectFilename, VPCCRCCHECK_FILE_EXTENSION );
// Open it up.
FILE *fp = fopen( szFilename, "rt" );
if ( !fp )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Unable to load %s to check CRC strings", szFilename );
return false;
bool bReturnValue = false;
char lineBuffer[2048];
// Check the version of the CRC file.
const char *pVersionString = ChompLineFromFile( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ), fp );
if ( pVersionString && stricmp( pVersionString, VPCCRCCHECK_FILE_VERSION_STRING ) == 0 )
char *pVPCExeCRCString = ChompLineFromFile( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ), fp );
if ( CheckVPCExeCRC( pVPCExeCRCString, szFilename, pErrorString, nErrorStringLength ) )
// Check the supplemental CRC string.
const char *pSupplementalString = ChompLineFromFile( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ), fp );
if ( CheckSupplementalString( pSupplementalString, pReferenceSupplementalString ) )
// Now read each line. Each line has a CRC and a filename on it.
while ( 1 )
char *pLine = ChompLineFromFile( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ), fp );
if ( !pLine )
// We got all the way through the file without a CRC error, so all's well.
bReturnValue = true;
char *pSpace = strchr( pLine, ' ' );
if ( !pSpace )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Invalid line ('%s') in %s", pLine, szFilename );
// Null-terminate it so we have the CRC by itself and the filename follows the space.
*pSpace = 0;
const char *pVPCFilename = pSpace + 1;
// Parse the CRC out.
unsigned int nReferenceCRC;
sscanf( pLine, "%x", &nReferenceCRC );
// Calculate the CRC from the contents of the file.
char *pBuffer;
int nTotalFileBytes = Sys_LoadTextFileWithIncludes( pVPCFilename, &pBuffer, true );
if ( nTotalFileBytes == -1 )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Unable to load %s for CRC comparison.", pVPCFilename );
CRC32_t nCRCFromTextContents = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pBuffer, nTotalFileBytes );
delete [] pBuffer;
// Compare them.
if ( nCRCFromTextContents != nReferenceCRC )
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "This VCPROJ is out of sync with its VPC scripts.\n %s mismatches (0x%x vs 0x%x).\n Please use VPC to re-generate!\n \n", pVPCFilename, nReferenceCRC, nCRCFromTextContents );
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "Supplemental string mismatch." );
SafeSnprintf( pErrorString, nErrorStringLength, "CRC file %s has an invalid version string ('%s')", szFilename, pVersionString ? pVersionString : "[null]" );
fclose( fp );
return bReturnValue;
int VPC_OldeStyleCRCChecks( int argc, char **argv )
for ( int i=1; (i+2) < argc; )
const char *pTestArg = argv[i];
if ( stricmp( pTestArg, "-crc" ) != 0 )
const char *pVPCFilename = argv[i+1];
// Get the CRC value on the command line.
const char *pTestCRC = argv[i+2];
unsigned int nCRCFromCommandLine;
sscanf( pTestCRC, "%x", &nCRCFromCommandLine );
// Calculate the CRC from the contents of the file.
char *pBuffer;
int nTotalFileBytes = Sys_LoadTextFileWithIncludes( pVPCFilename, &pBuffer, true );
if ( nTotalFileBytes == -1 )
Sys_Error( "Unable to load %s for CRC comparison.", pVPCFilename );
CRC32_t nCRCFromTextContents = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pBuffer, nTotalFileBytes );
delete [] pBuffer;
// Compare them.
if ( nCRCFromTextContents != nCRCFromCommandLine )
Sys_Error( " \n This VCPROJ is out of sync with its VPC scripts.\n %s mismatches (0x%x vs 0x%x).\n Please use VPC to re-generate!\n \n", pVPCFilename, nCRCFromCommandLine, nCRCFromTextContents );
i += 2;
return 0;
int VPC_CommandLineCRCChecks( int argc, char **argv )
if ( argc < 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid arguments to " VPCCRCCHECK_EXE_FILENAME ". Format: " VPCCRCCHECK_EXE_FILENAME " [project filename]\n" );
return 1;
const char *pFirstCRC = argv[1];
// If the first argument starts with -crc but is not -crc2, then this is an old CRC check command line with all the CRCs and filenames
// directly on the command line. The new format puts all that in a separate file.
if ( pFirstCRC[0] == '-' && pFirstCRC[1] == 'c' && pFirstCRC[2] == 'r' && pFirstCRC[3] == 'c' && pFirstCRC[4] != '2' )
return VPC_OldeStyleCRCChecks( argc, argv );
if ( stricmp( pFirstCRC, "-crc2" ) != 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Missing -crc2 parameter on vpc CRC check command line." );
return 1;
const char *pProjectFilename = argv[2];
char errorString[1024];
bool bCRCsValid = VPC_CheckProjectDependencyCRCs( pProjectFilename, NULL, errorString, sizeof( errorString ) );
if ( bCRCsValid )
return 0;
fprintf( stderr, "%s", errorString );
return 1;