FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

197 lines
5.4 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( VINTERNETDLG_H )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <VGUI_Frame.h>
#include <VGUI_ListPanel.h>
#include <VGUI_PHandle.h>
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "netadr.h"
#include "Server.h"
//#include "serversession.h"
//#include "trackerdoc.h"
//#include "ITrackerUser.h"
#include "../TrackerNET/TrackerNET_Interface.h"
#include "../TrackerNET/NetAddress.h" // for CNetAddress
#include "../TrackerNET/BinaryBuffer.h" // for IBinaryBuffer
#include "IGameList.h"
//#include "ClickableTabbedPanel.h"
class CServerContextMenu;
namespace vgui
class Label;
class Font;
class ListPanel;
class Button;
class ComboBox;
class QueryBox;
class ToggleButton;
class TextEntry;
class CheckButton;
class PropertySheet;
extern class IRunGameEngine *g_pRunGameEngine;
extern void v_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int bufsize);
class CFavoriteGames;
class CGamePanelInfo;
class CDialogGameInfo;
// Purpose:
class VInternetDlg : public vgui::Frame
// Construction/destruction
VInternetDlg( unsigned int userid );
virtual ~VInternetDlg( void );
virtual void Initialize( void );
// displays the dialog, moves it into focus, updates if it has to
virtual void Open( void );
// gets server info
serveritem_t &VInternetDlg::GetServer(unsigned int serverID);
// setup
virtual void PerformLayout();
// updates status text at bottom of window
virtual void UpdateStatusText(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ...);
// context menu access
virtual CServerContextMenu *GetContextMenu();
// returns a pointer to a static instance of this dialog
// valid for use only in sort functions
static VInternetDlg *GetInstance();
// begins the process of joining a server from a game list
// the game info dialog it opens will also update the game list
virtual CDialogGameInfo *JoinGame(IGameList *gameList, unsigned int serverIndex);
// joins a game by a specified IP, not attached to any game list
virtual CDialogGameInfo *JoinGame(int serverIP, int serverPort, const char *titleName);
// opens a game info dialog from a game list
virtual CDialogGameInfo *OpenGameInfoDialog(IGameList *gameList, unsigned int serverIndex);
// opens a game info dialog by a specified IP, not attached to any game list
virtual CDialogGameInfo *OpenGameInfoDialog(int serverIP, int serverPort, const char *titleName);
virtual vgui::PropertySheet *GetTabPanel();
// called by the config panel to setup some global config values
virtual void SetConfig(bool autorefresh,bool savercon,int refreshtime,bool graphs,int graphrefreshtime,bool getlogs);
// passes the server info to the favorites panel to update the rconPassword
virtual void UpdateServer(serveritem_t &server);
// opens up the config dialog with the current config settings
virtual void ConfigPanel();
virtual void OnTick();
void SearchForFriend(unsigned int uid, const char *email, const char *username, const char *firstname, const char *lastname);
ISendMessage *VInternetDlg::CreateServerMessage(int msgID);
CNetAddress GetServerAddress();
void SendInitialLogin();
bool CheckMessageValidity(IReceiveMessage *dataBlock);
// menu handler for tabs
void OnOpenContextMenu();
// current game list change
//virtual void OnGameListChanged();
// password entry dialog for new servers
void OnPlayerDialog(vgui::KeyValues *data);
void OnDeleteServer(int chosenPanel);
// load/saves filter settings from disk
virtual void LoadFilters();
virtual void SaveFilters();
// Load/saves position and window size of a dialog from disk
virtual void LoadDialogState(vgui::Panel *dialog, const char *dialogName);
virtual void SaveDialogState(vgui::Panel *dialog, const char *dialogName);
// called when dialog is shut down
virtual void OnClose();
// catches the "manage server" menu option
void OnManageServer(int serverID);
// actually creates the new tab
void ManageServer(int serverID,const char *pass);
// pointer to current game list
IGameList *m_pGameList;
// Status text
vgui::Label *m_pStatusLabel;
// property sheet
vgui::PropertySheet *m_pTabPanel;
CFavoriteGames *m_pFavoriteGames;
CGamePanelInfo *m_pGamePanelInfo;
vgui::KeyValues *m_pSavedData;
bool m_bAutoRefresh;
bool m_bSaveRcon;
int m_iRefreshTime;
bool m_bGraphs;
int m_iGraphsRefreshTime;
bool m_bDoLogging; // whether to get server log messages
ITrackerNET *m_pNet;
unsigned int m_iSessionID; // the session ID from tracker
unsigned int m_iUserID;
int m_iRemoteUID;
bool m_bLoggedIn;
CNetAddress m_iServerAddr;
// context menu
CServerContextMenu *m_pContextMenu;
typedef vgui::Frame BaseClass;