244 lines
7.6 KiB
244 lines
7.6 KiB
//========= Copyright 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: VPC
#include "vpc.h"
void CVPC::SetupDefaultConditionals()
// PLATFORM Conditionals
FindOrCreateConditional( "WIN32", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "WIN64", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
// LINUX is the platform but the VPC scripts use $LINUX and $DEDICATED
// (which we automatically create later).
FindOrCreateConditional( "LINUX32", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "LINUX64", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "OSX32", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "OSX64", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "X360", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "PS3", true, CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM );
// CUSTOM conditionals
// setup default custom conditionals
FindOrCreateConditional( "PROFILE", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "RETAIL", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "CALLCAP", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "FASTCAP", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "CERT", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "MEMTEST", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "NOFPO", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "POSIX", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "LV", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "DEMO", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "NO_STEAM", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "DVDEMU", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "QTDEBUG", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "NO_CEG", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
FindOrCreateConditional( "UPLOAD_CEG", true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
const char *CVPC::GetTargetPlatformName()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Conditionals.Count(); i++ )
conditional_t *pConditional = &m_Conditionals[i];
if ( pConditional->type == CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM && pConditional->m_bDefined )
return pConditional->name.String();
// fatal - should have already been default set
Assert( 0 );
VPCError( "Unspecified platform." );
return NULL;
// Case Insensitive. Returns true if platform conditional has been marked
// as defined.
bool CVPC::IsPlatformDefined( const char *pName )
for ( int i=0; i<m_Conditionals.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Conditionals[i].type == CONDITIONAL_PLATFORM && !V_stricmp( pName, m_Conditionals[i].name.String() ) )
return m_Conditionals[i].m_bDefined;
return false;
// Case Insensitive
conditional_t *CVPC::FindOrCreateConditional( const char *pName, bool bCreate, conditionalType_e type )
for (int i=0; i<m_Conditionals.Count(); i++)
if ( !V_stricmp( pName, m_Conditionals[i].name.String() ) )
// found
return &m_Conditionals[i];
if ( !bCreate )
return NULL;
int index = m_Conditionals.AddToTail();
char tempName[256];
V_strncpy( tempName, pName, sizeof( tempName ) );
// primary internal use as lower case, but spewed to user as upper for style consistency
m_Conditionals[index].name = V_strlower( tempName );
m_Conditionals[index].upperCaseName = V_strupr( tempName );
m_Conditionals[index].type = type;
return &m_Conditionals[index];
void CVPC::SetConditional( const char *pString, bool bSet )
VPCStatus( false, "Set Conditional: $%s = %s", pString, ( bSet ? "1" : "0" ) );
conditional_t *pConditional = FindOrCreateConditional( pString, true, CONDITIONAL_CUSTOM );
if ( !pConditional )
VPCError( "Failed to find or create $%s conditional", pString );
pConditional->m_bDefined = bSet;
// Returns true if string has a conditional of the specified type
bool CVPC::ConditionHasDefinedType( const char* pCondition, conditionalType_e type )
for ( int i=0; i<m_Conditionals.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_Conditionals[i].type != type )
sprintf( symbol, "$%s", m_Conditionals[i].name.String() );
if ( V_stristr( pCondition, symbol ) )
// a define of expected type occurs in the conditional expression
return true;
return false;
// Callback for expression evaluator.
bool CVPC::ResolveConditionalSymbol( const char *pSymbol )
int offset = 0;
if ( !V_stricmp( pSymbol, "$0" ) || !V_stricmp( pSymbol, "0" ) )
return false;
else if ( !V_stricmp( pSymbol, "$1" ) || !V_stricmp( pSymbol, "1" ) )
return true;
if ( pSymbol[0] == '$' )
offset = 1;
conditional_t *pConditional = FindOrCreateConditional( (char*)pSymbol+offset, false, CONDITIONAL_NULL );
if ( pConditional )
// game conditionals only resolve true when they are 'defined' and 'active'
// only one game conditional is expected to be active at a time
if ( pConditional->type == CONDITIONAL_GAME )
if ( !pConditional->m_bDefined )
return false;
return pConditional->m_bGameConditionActive;
// all other type of conditions are gated by their 'defined' state
return pConditional->m_bDefined;
// unknown conditional, defaults to false
return false;
// Callback for expression evaluator.
static bool ResolveSymbol( const char *pSymbol )
return g_pVPC->ResolveConditionalSymbol( pSymbol );
// Callback for expression evaluator.
static void SymbolSyntaxError( const char *pReason )
// invoke internal syntax error hndling which spews script stack as well
g_pVPC->VPCSyntaxError( pReason );
bool CVPC::EvaluateConditionalExpression( const char *pExpression )
char conditionalBuffer[MAX_SYSTOKENCHARS];
ResolveMacrosInConditional( pExpression, conditionalBuffer, sizeof( conditionalBuffer ) );
if ( !conditionalBuffer[0] )
// empty string, same as not having a conditional
return true;
bool bResult = false;
CExpressionEvaluator ExpressionHandler;
bool bValid = ExpressionHandler.Evaluate( bResult, conditionalBuffer, ::ResolveSymbol, ::SymbolSyntaxError );
if ( !bValid )
g_pVPC->VPCSyntaxError( "VPC Conditional Evaluation Error" );
return bResult;