130 lines
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130 lines
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//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "tier1/utlstack.h"
class CSpecificConfig
CSpecificConfig( CSpecificConfig *pParentConfig );
const char *GetConfigName();
const char *GetOption( const char *pOptionName );
CSpecificConfig *m_pParentConfig;
KeyValues *m_pKV;
bool m_bFileExcluded; // Is the file that holds this config excluded from the build?
bool m_bIsSchema; // Is this a schema file?
bool m_bIsDynamic; // Is this a schema file?
class CFileConfig
void Term();
const char *GetName();
CSpecificConfig *GetConfig( const char *pConfigName );
CSpecificConfig *GetOrCreateConfig( const char *pConfigName, CSpecificConfig *pParentConfig );
bool IsExcludedFrom( const char *pConfigName );
bool IsDynamicFile( const char *pConfigName );
CUtlDict< CSpecificConfig*, int > m_Configurations;
CUtlString m_Filename; // "" if this is the config data for the whole project.
int m_nInsertOrder;
// This just holds the list of property names that we're supposed to scan for.
class CRelevantPropertyNames
const char **m_pNames;
int m_nNames;
// This class is shared by the makefile and SlickEdit project file generator.
// It just collects interesting file properties into KeyValues and then the project file generator
// is responsible for using that data to write out a project file.
class CBaseProjectDataCollector : public IBaseProjectGenerator
// IBaseProjectGenerator implementation.
CBaseProjectDataCollector( CRelevantPropertyNames *pNames );
// Called before doing anything in a project (in g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename()).
virtual void StartProject();
virtual void EndProject();
// Access the project name.
virtual CUtlString GetProjectName();
virtual void SetProjectName( const char *pProjectName );
// Get a list of all configurations.
virtual void GetAllConfigurationNames( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &configurationNames );
// Configuration data is specified in between these calls and inside BeginPropertySection/EndPropertySection.
// If bFileSpecific is set, then the configuration data only applies to the last file added.
virtual void StartConfigurationBlock( const char *pConfigName, bool bFileSpecific );
virtual void EndConfigurationBlock();
// These functions are called when it enters a section like $Compiler, $Linker, etc.
// In between the BeginPropertySection/EndPropertySection, it'll call HandleProperty for any properties inside that section.
// If you pass pCustomScriptData to HandleProperty, it won't touch the global parsing state -
// it'll parse the platform filters and property value from pCustomScriptData instead.
virtual bool StartPropertySection( configKeyword_e keyword, bool *pbShouldSkip = NULL );
virtual void HandleProperty( const char *pProperty, const char *pCustomScriptData = NULL );
virtual void EndPropertySection( configKeyword_e keyword );
// Files go in folders. The generator should maintain a stack of folders as they're added.
virtual void StartFolder( const char *pFolderName );
virtual void EndFolder();
// Add files. Any config blocks/properties between StartFile/EndFile apply to this file only.
// It will only ever have one active file.
virtual bool StartFile( const char *pFilename, bool bWarnIfAlreadyExists );
virtual void EndFile();
// This is actually just per-file configuration data.
virtual void FileExcludedFromBuild( bool bExcluded );
virtual void FileIsSchema( bool bIsSchema );
virtual void FileIsDynamic( bool bIsDynamic );
// Remove the specified file.
virtual bool RemoveFile( const char *pFilename ); // returns ture if a file was removed
// This is called in EndProject if bAutoCleanupAfterProject is set.
void Term();
static void DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( const char *pStartString, const char *pFullInputFilename, char *pOut, int outLen );
CUtlString m_ProjectName;
CUtlDict< CFileConfig *, int > m_Files;
CFileConfig m_BaseConfigData;
CUtlStack< CFileConfig* > m_CurFileConfig; // Either m_BaseConfigData or one of the files.
CUtlStack< CSpecificConfig* > m_CurSpecificConfig; // Debug, release?
CUtlStack< configKeyword_e > m_CurPropertySection;
CRelevantPropertyNames m_RelevantPropertyNames;