FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1182 lines
28 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "goldsrc_standin.h"
#include "wadlib.h"
#include "goldsrc_bspfile.h"
extern FILE *wadhandle;
#pragma pack( 1 )
struct TGAHeader_t
unsigned char id_length;
unsigned char colormap_type;
unsigned char image_type;
unsigned short colormap_index;
unsigned short colormap_length;
unsigned char colormap_size;
unsigned short x_origin;
unsigned short y_origin;
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
unsigned char pixel_size;
unsigned char attributes;
#pragma pack()
typedef enum {ST_SYNC=0, ST_RAND } synctype_t;
typedef enum { SPR_SINGLE=0, SPR_GROUP } spriteframetype_t;
typedef struct {
int ident;
int version;
int type;
int texFormat;
float boundingradius;
int width;
int height;
int numframes;
float beamlength;
synctype_t synctype;
} dsprite_t;
typedef struct {
int origin[2];
int width;
int height;
} dspriteframe_t;
class RGBAColor
unsigned char r,g,b,a;
const char *g_pDefaultShader = "LightmappedGeneric";
const char *g_pShader = g_pDefaultShader;
bool g_bBMPAllowTranslucent = false;
bool g_bDecal = false;
bool g_bQuiet = false;
#define MAX_VMT_PARAMS 16
struct VTexVMTParam_t
const char *m_szParam;
const char *m_szValue;
static VTexVMTParam_t g_VMTParams[MAX_VMT_PARAMS];
static int g_NumVMTParams = 0;
void PrintExitStuff()
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "Press a key to quit.\n" );
RGBAColor* ConvertToRGBUpsideDown( byte *pBits, int width, int height, byte *pPalette, bool *bTranslucent )
RGBAColor *pRet = new RGBAColor[width*height];
byte newPalette[256][3];
for ( int i=0; i < 256; i++ )
newPalette[i][0] = pPalette[i*3+2];
newPalette[i][1] = pPalette[i*3+1];
newPalette[i][2] = pPalette[i*3+0];
// Write the lines upside-down.
for ( int y=0; y < height; y++ )
byte *pLine = &pBits[(height-y-1)*width];
for ( int x=0; x < width; x++ )
pRet[y*width+x].r = newPalette[pLine[x]][0];
pRet[y*width+x].g = newPalette[pLine[x]][1];
pRet[y*width+x].b = newPalette[pLine[x]][2];
if ( pLine[x] == 255 )
*bTranslucent = true;
pRet[y*width+x].a = 0;
pRet[y*width+x].a = 255;
return pRet;
void FloodSolidPixels( RGBAColor *pTexels, int width, int height )
byte *pAlphaMap = new byte[width*height];
byte *pNewAlphaMap = new byte[width*height];
for ( int y=0; y < height; y++ )
for ( int x=0; x < width; x++ )
pAlphaMap[y*width+x] = pTexels[y*width+x].a;
bool bHappy = false;
while ( !bHappy )
bHappy = true;
memcpy( pNewAlphaMap, pAlphaMap, width * height );
for ( int y=0; y < height; y++ )
RGBAColor *pLine = &pTexels[y*width];
for ( int x=0; x < width; x++ )
if ( pAlphaMap[y*width+x] == 0 )
int nNeighbors = 0;
int neighborTotal[3] = {0,0,0};
// Blend all the neighboring solid pixels.
for ( int offsetX=-1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++ )
for ( int offsetY=-1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++ )
int testX = x + offsetX;
int testY = y + offsetY;
if ( testX >= 0 && testY >= 0 && testX < width && testY < height )
if ( pAlphaMap[testY*width+testX] )
RGBAColor *pNeighbor = &pTexels[testY*width+testX];
neighborTotal[0] += pNeighbor->r;
neighborTotal[1] += pNeighbor->g;
neighborTotal[2] += pNeighbor->b;
if ( nNeighbors )
pNewAlphaMap[y*width+x] = 255;
bHappy = false;
pLine[x].r = (byte)( neighborTotal[0] / nNeighbors );
pLine[x].g = (byte)( neighborTotal[1] / nNeighbors );
pLine[x].b = (byte)( neighborTotal[2] / nNeighbors );
memcpy( pAlphaMap, pNewAlphaMap, width * height );
delete [] pAlphaMap;
delete [] pNewAlphaMap;
RGBAColor* ResampleImage( RGBAColor *pRGB, int width, int height, int newWidth, int newHeight )
RGBAColor *pResampled = new RGBAColor[newWidth * newHeight];
for ( int y=0; y < newHeight; y++ )
float yPercent = (float)y / (newHeight - 1);
float flSrcY = yPercent * (height - 1.00001f);
int iSrcY = (int)flSrcY;
float flYFrac = flSrcY - iSrcY;
for ( int x=0; x < newWidth; x++ )
float xPercent = (float)x / (newWidth - 1);
float flSrcX = xPercent * (width - 1.00001f);
int iSrcX = (int)flSrcX;
float flXFrac = flSrcX - iSrcX;
byte *pSrc0 = ((byte*)&pRGB[iSrcY*width+iSrcX]);
byte *pSrc1 = ((byte*)&pRGB[iSrcY*width+iSrcX+1]);
byte *pSrc2 = ((byte*)&pRGB[(iSrcY+1)*width+iSrcX]);
byte *pSrc3 = ((byte*)&pRGB[(iSrcY+1)*width+iSrcX+1]);
byte *pDest = (byte*)&pResampled[y*newWidth+x];
// Now blend the nearest 4 source pixels.
for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++ )
//pDest[i] = pSrc0[i];
float topColor = ( pSrc0[i]*(1-flXFrac) + pSrc1[i]*flXFrac );
float bottomColor = ( pSrc2[i]*(1-flXFrac) + pSrc3[i]*flXFrac );
pDest[i] = (byte)( topColor*(1-flYFrac) + bottomColor*flYFrac );
return pResampled;
bool WriteTGAFile(
const char *pFilename,
bool bAllowTranslucent,
byte *pBits,
int width,
int height,
byte *pPalette,
bool bPowerOf2,
bool *bTranslucent,
bool *bResized
*bResized = *bTranslucent = false;
RGBAColor *pRGB = ConvertToRGBUpsideDown( pBits, width, height, pPalette, bTranslucent );
// Unless the filename starts with '{', we don't allow translucency.
if ( !bAllowTranslucent )
*bTranslucent = false;
// Flood the solid texel colors into the transparent texels.
// Since we turn on point sampling for these textures, this only matters if we're resizing the texture.
if ( *bTranslucent )
FloodSolidPixels( pRGB, width, height );
if ( bPowerOf2 )
// Is it not a power of 2?
if ( (width & (width - 1)) || (height & (height - 1)) )
// Ok, resize it to the next highest power of 2.
int newWidth = width;
while ( (newWidth & (newWidth - 1)) )
int newHeight = height;
while ( (newHeight & (newHeight - 1)) )
printf( "\t(%dx%d) -> (%dx%d)", width, height, newWidth, newHeight );
RGBAColor *pResampled = ResampleImage( pRGB, width, height, newWidth, newHeight );
delete [] pRGB;
pRGB = pResampled;
width = newWidth;
height = newHeight;
*bResized = true;
// Write it..
TGAHeader_t hdr;
memset( &hdr, 0, sizeof( hdr ) );
hdr.width = width;
hdr.height = height;
hdr.colormap_type = 0; // no, no colormap please
hdr.image_type = 2; // uncompressed, true-color
hdr.pixel_size = 32; // 32 bits per pixel
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "wb" );
if ( !fp )
return false;
SafeWrite( fp, &hdr, sizeof( hdr ) );
SafeWrite( fp, pRGB, sizeof( RGBAColor ) * width * height );
fclose( fp );
delete [] pRGB;
return true;
int PrintUsage( const char *pExtra, ... )
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pExtra );
vprintf( pExtra, marker );
va_end( marker );
"%s \n"
"\t\tAutomatically detects -basedir and -wadfile or -bmpfile based\n"
"\t\ton the last parameter (it must be a WAD file or a BMP file.\n"
"\t\tCreates VMTs for decals and creates VMTs for model decals.\n"
"\t[-onlytex <tex name>]\n"
"\t[-shader <shader name>]\n"
"\t\tSpecify the shader to use in the VMT file (default\n"
"\t\tis LightmappedGeneric.\n"
"\t\tIf -vtex is specified, then it calls vtex on each newly-created\n"
"\t\t.TGA file.\n"
"\t[-vmtparam <ParamName> <ParamValue>]\n"
"\t\tif -vtex was specified, passes the parameters to that process.\n"
"\t\tUsed to add parameters to the generated .vmt file\n"
"\t-BaseDir <basedir>\n"
"\t-game <basedir>\n"
"\t\tSpecifies where the root mod directory is.\n"
"\t-WadFile <wildcard>\n"
"\t\t-wadfile will make (power-of-2) TGAs, VTFs, and VMTs for each\n"
"\t\ttexture in the WAD. It will also place them under a directory\n"
"\t\twith the name of the WAD. In addition, it will create\n"
"\t\t.resizeinfo files in the materials directory if it has to\n"
"\t\tresize the texture. Then Hammer's File->WAD To Material\n"
"\t\tcommand will use them to rescale texture coordinates.\n"
"\t-bmpfile <wildcard>\n"
"\t\t-bmpfile acts like -WadFile but for BMP files, and it'll place\n"
"\t\tthem in the root materials directory.\n"
"\t-sprfile <wildcard>\n"
"\t\tActs like -bmpfile, but ports a sprite.\n"
"\t-Transparent (BMP files only)\n"
"\t\tIf this is set, then it will treat palette index 255 as a\n"
"\t\ttransparent pixel."
"\t-SubDir <subdirectory>\n"
"\t\t-SubDir tells it what directory under materials to place the\n"
"\t\tfinal art. If using a WAD file, then it will automatically\n"
"\t\tuse the WAD filename if no -SubDir is specified.\n"
"\t\tDon't print out anything or wait for a keypress on exit.\n"
, __argv[0] );
printf( "ex: %s -vtex -BaseDir c:\\hl2\\dod -WadFile c:\\hl1\\dod\\*.wad\n", __argv[0] );
printf( "ex: %s -vtex -BaseDir c:\\hl2\\dod -bmpfile test.bmp -SubDir models\\props\n", __argv[0] );
printf( "ex: %s -vtex -vmtparam $ignorez 1 -BaseDir c:\\hl2\\dod -sprfile test.spr -SubDir sprites\\props\n", __argv[0] );
return 1;
// Take something like "c:/a/b/c/filename.ext" and return "filename".
void GetBaseFilename( const char *pWadFilename, char wadBaseName[512] )
const char *pBase = strrchr( pWadFilename, '\\' );
if ( strrchr( pWadFilename, '/' ) > pBase )
pBase = strrchr( pWadFilename, '/' );
if ( pBase )
strcpy( wadBaseName, pBase+1 );
strcpy( wadBaseName, pWadFilename );
char *pDot = strchr( wadBaseName, '.' );
if ( pDot )
*pDot = 0;
const char *LastSlash( const char *pSrc )
const char *pRet = strrchr( pSrc, '/' );
const char *pRet2 = strrchr( pSrc, '\\' );
return (pRet > pRet2) ? pRet : pRet2;
void EnsureDirExists( const char *pDir )
if ( _access( pDir, 0 ) != 0 )
// We use the shell's "md" command here instead of the _mkdir() function because
// md will create all the subdirectories leading up to the bottom one and _mkdir() won't.
char cmd[1024];
_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "md \"%s\"", pDir );
system( cmd );
if ( _access( pDir, 0 ) != 0 )
Error( "\tCan't create directory: %s.\n", pDir );
void WriteVMTFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pName, bool bTranslucent )
char vmtFilename[512];
sprintf( vmtFilename, "%s\\materials\\%s\\%s.vmt", pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName );
FILE *fp = fopen( vmtFilename, "wt" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "\tWriteVMTFile failed to open %s for writing.\n", vmtFilename );
fprintf( fp, "\"%s\"\n{\n", g_pShader );
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$basetexture\"\t\"%s\\%s\"\n", pSubDir, pName );
if ( bTranslucent || g_bDecal )
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$alphatest\"\t\"1\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$ALPHATESTREFERENCE\"\t\"0.5\"\n" );
if ( g_bDecal )
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$decal\"\t\t\"1\"\n" );
int i;
for( i=0;i<g_NumVMTParams;i++ )
fprintf( fp, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", g_VMTParams[i].m_szParam, g_VMTParams[i].m_szValue );
fprintf( fp, "}" );
fclose( fp );
void WriteTXTFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pName )
char filename[512];
sprintf( filename, "%s\\materialsrc\\%s\\%s.txt", pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName );
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "wt" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "\tWriteTXTFile: can't open %s for writing.\n", filename );
fprintf( fp, "\"pointsample\" \"1\"\n" );
fclose( fp );
void WriteResizeInfoFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pName, int width, int height )
char filename[512];
sprintf( filename, "%s\\materials\\%s\\%s.resizeinfo", pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName );
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "wt" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "\tWriteResizeInfoFile failed to open %s for writing.\n", filename );
fprintf( fp, "%d %d", width, height );
fclose( fp );
void RunVTexOnFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pFilename )
char executableDir[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName( NULL, executableDir, sizeof( executableDir ) );
char *pLastSlash = max( strrchr( executableDir, '/' ), strrchr( executableDir, '\\' ) );
if ( !pLastSlash )
Error( "Can't find filename in '%s'.\n", executableDir );
*pLastSlash = 0;
// Set the vproject environment variable (vtex doesn't allow game yet).
char envStr[MAX_PATH];
_snprintf( envStr, sizeof( envStr ), "vproject=%s", pBaseDir );
putenv( envStr );
// Call vtex on this texture now.
char vtexCommand[1024];
sprintf( vtexCommand, "%s\\vtex.exe -quiet -nopause \"%s\"", executableDir, pFilename );
if ( system( vtexCommand ) != 0 )
Error( "\tCommand '%s' failed!\n", vtexCommand );
void WriteOutputFiles(
const char *pBaseDir,
const char *pSubDir,
const char *pName,
bool bAllowTranslucent,
byte *buffer,
int width,
int height,
byte *pPalette,
bool bVTex
bool bTranslucent, bResized;
bool bPowerOf2 = true;
char tgaFilename[1024];
sprintf( tgaFilename, "%s\\materialsrc\\%s\\%s.tga", pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName );
if ( !WriteTGAFile(
&bResized ) )
Error( "\tError writing %s.\n", tgaFilename );
// Write its .VMT file.
WriteVMTFile( pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName, bTranslucent );
// Write a text file for it if it's translucent so we can enable pointsample for vtex.
// if ( bTranslucent )
// WriteTXTFile( pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName );
// Write its .resizeinfo file.
if ( bResized )
WriteResizeInfoFile( pBaseDir, pSubDir, pName, width, height );
if ( bVTex )
RunVTexOnFile( pBaseDir, tgaFilename );
void EnsureDirectoriesExist( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir )
char materialsrcDir[512], materialsDir[512];
sprintf( materialsrcDir, "%s\\materialsrc\\%s", pBaseDir, pSubDir );
sprintf( materialsDir, "%s\\materials\\%s", pBaseDir, pSubDir );
EnsureDirExists( materialsrcDir );
EnsureDirExists( materialsDir );
void ProcessWadFile( const char *pWadFilename, const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pOnlyTex, bool bVTex )
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "\n\n[WADFILE %s]\n\n", pWadFilename );
// If no -subdir was specified, then figure it out from the wad filename.
char wadBaseName[512];
if ( !pSubDir )
// Get the base wad filename.
GetBaseFilename( pWadFilename, wadBaseName );
pSubDir = wadBaseName;
EnsureDirectoriesExist( pBaseDir, pSubDir );
// Now process all the images in the wad.
W_OpenWad( pWadFilename );
#define MAXLUMP (640*480*85/64)
byte inbuffer[MAXLUMP];
for (int i = 0; i < numlumps; i++)
if ( pOnlyTex && stricmp( pOnlyTex, lumpinfo[i].name ) != 0 )
fseek( wadhandle, lumpinfo[i].filepos, SEEK_SET );
SafeRead ( wadhandle, inbuffer, lumpinfo[i].size );
miptex_t *qtex = (miptex_t *)inbuffer;
int width = LittleLong(qtex->width);
int height = LittleLong(qtex->height);
if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 || width > 5000 || height > 5000 )
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf("\tskipping %s @ %d size %d (not an image?)\n", lumpinfo[i].name, lumpinfo[i].filepos, lumpinfo[i].size );
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "\t%s", lumpinfo[i].name );
byte *pPalette = inbuffer + LittleLong( qtex->offsets[3] ) + width * height / 64 + 2;
byte *psrc, *pdest;
byte outbuffer[(640+320)*480];
// The old xwad put the mipmaps in there too, but we don't want that now (usually).
// copy in 0 image
psrc = inbuffer + LittleLong( qtex->offsets[0] );
pdest = outbuffer;
for (int t = 0; t < height; t++)
memcpy( pdest + t * width, psrc + t * width, width );
pBaseDir, // base directory
pSubDir, // subdir under materials
qtex->name, // filename (w/o extension)
qtex->name[0] == '{', // allow transparency?
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "\n" );
void ProcessBMPFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pFilename, bool bVTex )
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "[%s]\n", pFilename );
if ( !pSubDir )
pSubDir = ".";
// First make directories under materialsrc and materials if they don't exist.
EnsureDirectoriesExist( pBaseDir, pSubDir );
// Read in the 8-bit BMP file.
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "ProcessBMPFile( %s ) can't open the file for reading.\n", pFilename );
unsigned char pixelData[512*512];
SafeRead( fp, &bfh, sizeof( bfh ) );
SafeRead( fp, &bih, sizeof( bih ) );
// Make sure it's an 8-bit one like we want.
if ( bih.biSize != sizeof( bih ) ||
bih.biPlanes != 1 ||
bih.biBitCount != 8 ||
bih.biCompression != BI_RGB ||
bih.biHeight < 0 ||
bih.biWidth * bih.biHeight > sizeof( pixelData ) )
Error( "ProcessBMPFile( %s ) - invalid format.\n", pFilename );
int nColorsUsed = 256;
if ( bih.biClrUsed != 0 )
nColorsUsed = bih.biClrUsed;
if ( nColorsUsed > 256 )
Error( "ProcessBMPFile( %s ) - bih.biClrUsed = %d.\n", pFilename, bih.biClrUsed );
RGBQUAD quadPalette[256];
SafeRead( fp, quadPalette, sizeof( quadPalette[0] ) * nColorsUsed );
// Usually, bfOffBits is the same place we are at now, but sometimes it's a little different.
fseek( fp, bfh.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET );
// Now read the bitmap data.
SafeRead( fp, pixelData, bih.biWidth * bih.biHeight );
fclose( fp );
// Convert the palette.
byte palette[256][3];
for ( int i=0; i < 256; i++ )
palette[i][0] = quadPalette[i].rgbRed;
palette[i][1] = quadPalette[i].rgbGreen;
palette[i][2] = quadPalette[i].rgbBlue;
// Unflip the pixel data.
for ( int y=0; y < bih.biHeight / 2; y++ )
byte tempLine[1024];
memcpy( tempLine, &pixelData[y*bih.biWidth], bih.biWidth );
memcpy( &pixelData[y*bih.biWidth], &pixelData[(bih.biHeight-y-1)*bih.biWidth], bih.biWidth );
memcpy( &pixelData[(bih.biHeight-y-1)*bih.biWidth], tempLine, bih.biWidth );
char baseFilename[512];
GetBaseFilename( pFilename, baseFilename );
// Save it out.
pBaseDir, // base directory
pSubDir, // subdir under materials
baseFilename, // filename (w/o extension)
g_bBMPAllowTranslucent, // allow transparency
void ProcessSPRFile( const char *pBaseDir, const char *pSubDir, const char *pFilename, bool bVTex )
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "[%s]\n", pFilename );
if ( !pSubDir )
pSubDir = ".";
char baseFilename[512];
GetBaseFilename( pFilename, baseFilename );
// First make directories under materialsrc and materials if they don't exist.
EnsureDirectoriesExist( pBaseDir, pSubDir );
// Read in the SPR file.
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "ProcessSPRFile( %s ) can't open the file for reading.\n", pFilename );
dsprite_t header;
SafeRead( fp, &header, sizeof( header ) );
// Make sure it's a sprite file.
if ( ((header.ident>>0) & 0xFF) != 'I' ||
((header.ident>>8) & 0xFF) != 'D' ||
((header.ident>>16) & 0xFF) != 'S' ||
((header.ident>>24) & 0xFF) != 'P' )
Warning( "WARNING: sprite %s is not a sprite file. Skipping.\n", pFilename );
fclose( fp );
if ( header.version != 2 )
Warning( "WARNING: sprite %s is not a version 2 sprite file. Skipping.\n", pFilename );
fclose( fp );
// Read the palette.
short cnt;
byte palette[768];
SafeRead( fp, &cnt, sizeof( cnt ) );
SafeRead( fp, palette, sizeof( palette ) );
// Read the frames.
int i;
for ( i=0; i < header.numframes; i++ )
spriteframetype_t type;
SafeRead( fp, &type, sizeof( type ) );
if ( type == SPR_SINGLE )
dspriteframe_t frame;
SafeRead( fp, &frame, sizeof( frame ) );
if ( frame.width > 5000 || frame.height > 5000 || frame.width < 1 || frame.height < 1 )
Warning( "WARNING: sprite %s has an invalid frame size (%d x %d) for frame %d.\n", pFilename, frame.width, frame.height, i );
fclose( fp );
byte *frameData = new byte[frame.width * frame.height];
SafeRead( fp, frameData, frame.width * frame.height );
Msg( "\tFrame %d ", i );
// Write the TGA file for this frame.
bool bTranslucent, bResized;
char frameFilename[512];
_snprintf( frameFilename, sizeof( frameFilename ), "%s\\materialsrc\\%s\\%s%03d.tga", pBaseDir, pSubDir, baseFilename, i );
if ( !WriteTGAFile(
true, // allow power-of-2
&bResized ) )
Error( "\tError writing %s.\n", frameFilename );
if ( !g_bQuiet )
printf( "\n" );
delete [] frameData;
else if ( type == SPR_GROUP )
Error( "Sprite %s uses type SPR_GROUP. Get a programmer to add support for it.\n", pFilename );
Warning( "WARNING: sprite %s has an invalid frame type (%d) for frame %d.\n", pFilename, type, i );
fclose( fp );
fclose( fp );
// Generate a .txt file for the sprite.
char txtFilename[512];
sprintf( txtFilename, "%s\\materialsrc\\%s\\%s.txt", pBaseDir, pSubDir, baseFilename );
fp = fopen( txtFilename, "wt" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "\tProcessSPRFile: can't open %s for writing.\n", txtFilename );
fprintf( fp, "\"startframe\" \"0\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\"endframe\" \"%d\"\n", header.numframes-1 );
fprintf( fp, "\"nomip\" \"1\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\"nolod\" \"1\"\n" );
fclose( fp );
// Run VTEX on the .txt file?
if ( bVTex )
RunVTexOnFile( pBaseDir, txtFilename );
// Generate a .vmt file.
char vmtFilename[512];
_snprintf( vmtFilename, sizeof( vmtFilename ), "%s\\materials\\%s\\%s.vmt", pBaseDir, pSubDir, baseFilename );
fp = fopen( vmtFilename, "wt" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "\tProcessSPRFile: can't open %s for writing.\n", vmtFilename );
if ( g_pShader == g_pDefaultShader )
fprintf( fp, "\"UnlitGeneric\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\"%s\"\n", g_pShader );
fprintf( fp, "{\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$spriteorientation\" \"vp_parallel\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$spriteorigin\" \"[ 0.50 0.50 ]\"\n" );
fprintf( fp, "\t\"$basetexture\" \"%s/%s\"\n", pSubDir, baseFilename );
for( i=0;i<g_NumVMTParams;i++ )
fprintf( fp, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", g_VMTParams[i].m_szParam, g_VMTParams[i].m_szValue );
fprintf( fp, "}" );
fclose( fp );
void ExtractDirectory( const char *pFilename, char *prefix )
const char *pSlash = strrchr( pFilename, '/' );
if ( strrchr( pFilename, '\\' ) > pSlash )
pSlash = strrchr( pFilename, '\\' );
if ( pSlash )
memcpy( prefix, pFilename, pSlash - pFilename );
prefix[ pSlash - pFilename ] = 0;
strcpy( prefix, ".\\" );
// This allows them to have a WAD or BMP under their materialsrc directory and it'll try to figure out
// all the other parameters for them.
bool DragAndDropCheck(
const char **pBaseDir,
const char **pSubDir,
const char **pWadFilenames,
const char **pBMPFilenames,
const char **pSPRFilenames,
bool *bVTex )
const char *pLastParam = __argv[__argc-1];
// Get the first argument in upper case.
char arg1[512];
strncpy( arg1, pLastParam, sizeof( arg1 ) );
strupr( arg1 );
// Only handle it if there's a full path (with a colon).
if ( !strchr( arg1, ':' ) )
return false;
if ( strstr( arg1, ".WAD" ) )
*pWadFilenames = pLastParam;
else if ( strstr( arg1, ".BMP" ) )
*pBMPFilenames = pLastParam;
else if ( strstr( arg1, ".SPR" ) )
*pSPRFilenames = pLastParam;
return false;
// Ok, we know that argv[1] has a valid filename. Is it under materialsrc?
char *pMatSrc = strstr( arg1, "MATERIALSRC" );
if ( !pMatSrc || pMatSrc == arg1 )
return false;
// The base directory is everything before materialsrc.
static char baseDir[512];
*pBaseDir = baseDir;
memcpy( baseDir, arg1, pMatSrc-arg1 );
baseDir[pMatSrc-arg1-1] = 0;
// The subdirectory is everything after materialsrc, minus the filename.
char *pSubDirSrc = pMatSrc + strlen( "MATERIALSRC" ) + 1;
char *pEnd = strrchr( pSubDirSrc, '\\' );
if ( strrchr( pSubDirSrc, '/' ) > pEnd )
pEnd = strrchr( pSubDirSrc, '/' );
if ( !pEnd )
return false;
static char subDir[512];
*pSubDir = subDir;
memcpy( subDir, pSubDirSrc, pEnd - pSubDirSrc );
subDir[pEnd-pSubDirSrc] = 0;
// Always use vtex in drag-and-drop mode.
*bVTex = true;
return true;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2)
return PrintUsage( "" );
bool bWriteTGA = true;
bool bWriteBMP = false;
bool bPowerOf2 = true;
bool bAutoDir = false;
bool bVTex = false;
const char *pBaseDir = NULL;
const char *pWadFilenames = NULL;
const char *pBMPFilenames = NULL;
const char *pSPRFilenames = NULL;
const char *pSubDir = NULL;
const char *pOnlyTex = NULL;
// Scan for options.
for ( int i=1; i < argc; i++ )
if ( (i+2) < argc )
if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-vmtparam" ) == 0 && g_NumVMTParams < MAX_VMT_PARAMS )
g_VMTParams[g_NumVMTParams].m_szParam = argv[i+1];
g_VMTParams[g_NumVMTParams].m_szValue = argv[i+2];
if( !g_bQuiet )
fprintf( stderr, "Adding .vmt parameter: \"%s\"\t\"%s\"\n",
g_VMTParams[g_NumVMTParams].m_szValue );
i += 2;
if ( (i+1) < argc )
if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-basedir" ) == 0 )
pBaseDir = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-wadfile" ) == 0 )
pWadFilenames = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-bmpfile" ) == 0 )
pBMPFilenames = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-sprfile" ) == 0 )
pSPRFilenames = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-OnlyTex" ) == 0 )
pOnlyTex = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-SubDir" ) == 0 )
pSubDir = argv[i+1];
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-shader" ) == 0 )
g_pShader = argv[i+1];
if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-AutoDir" ) == 0 )
bAutoDir = true;
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-Transparent" ) == 0 )
g_bBMPAllowTranslucent = true;
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-Decal" ) == 0 )
g_bDecal = true;
if ( g_pShader == g_pDefaultShader )
g_pShader = "DecalModulate";
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-quiet" ) == 0 )
g_bQuiet = true;
else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-vtex" ) == 0 )
bVTex = true;
if ( bAutoDir )
if ( !DragAndDropCheck( &pBaseDir, &pSubDir, &pWadFilenames, &pBMPFilenames, &pSPRFilenames, &bVTex ) )
return PrintUsage( "-AutoDir failed to setup directories." );
if ( !pBaseDir || (!pWadFilenames && !pBMPFilenames && !pSPRFilenames) )
return PrintUsage( "Missing a parameter.\n" );
char prefix[512];
// Scan through each wadfile.
if ( pWadFilenames )
ExtractDirectory( pWadFilenames, prefix );
_finddata_t findData;
long handle = _findfirst( pWadFilenames, &findData );
if ( handle != -1 )
if ( !(findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) )
char fullFilename[512];
sprintf( fullFilename, "%s\\%s", prefix, findData.name );
ProcessWadFile( fullFilename, pBaseDir, pSubDir, pOnlyTex, bVTex );
} while( _findnext( handle, &findData ) == 0 );
_findclose( handle );
// Process BMP files.
if ( pBMPFilenames )
ExtractDirectory( pBMPFilenames, prefix );
_finddata_t findData;
long handle = _findfirst( pBMPFilenames, &findData );
if ( handle != -1 )
if ( !(findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) )
char fullFilename[512];
sprintf( fullFilename, "%s\\%s", prefix, findData.name );
ProcessBMPFile( pBaseDir, pSubDir, fullFilename, bVTex );
} while( _findnext( handle, &findData ) == 0 );
_findclose( handle );
if ( pSPRFilenames )
ExtractDirectory( pSPRFilenames, prefix );
_finddata_t findData;
long handle = _findfirst( pSPRFilenames, &findData );
if ( handle != -1 )
if ( !(findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) )
char fullFilename[512];
sprintf( fullFilename, "%s\\%s", prefix, findData.name );
ProcessSPRFile( pBaseDir, pSubDir, fullFilename, bVTex );
} while( _findnext( handle, &findData ) == 0 );
_findclose( handle );
return 0;