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* CVDirect3DBuffer.h
* CoreVideo
* Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
/*! @header CVDirect3DBuffer.h
@copyright 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
@discussion A CoreVideo buffer derives from a generic buffer and can be an ImageBuffer or PixelBuffer.
#include <CVImageBuffer.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#define kCVDirect3DBufferWidth CFSTR("Width")
#define kCVDirect3DBufferHeight CFSTR("Height")
#define kCVDirect3DBufferTarget CFSTR("Direct3DTarget")
#define kCVDirect3DBufferInternalFormat CFSTR("Direct3DInternalFormat")
#define kCVDirect3DBufferMaximumMipmapLevel CFSTR("MaximumMipmapLevel")
typedef CVImageBufferRef CVDirect3DBufferRef;
CV_EXPORT CFTypeID CVDirect3DBufferGetTypeID();
@function CVDirect3DBufferRetain
@abstract Retains a CVDirect3DBuffer object
@discussion Equivalent to CFRetain, but NULL safe
@param buffer A CVDirect3DBuffer object that you want to retain.
@result A CVDirect3DBuffer object that is the same as the passed in buffer.
CV_EXPORT CVDirect3DBufferRef CVDirect3DBufferRetain( CVDirect3DBufferRef texture );
@function CVDirect3DBufferRelease
@abstract Releases a CVDirect3DBuffer object
@discussion Equivalent to CFRelease, but NULL safe
@param buffer A CVDirect3DBuffer object that you want to release.
CV_EXPORT void CVDirect3DBufferRelease( CVDirect3DBufferRef texture );
@function CVDirect3DBufferCreate
@abstract Create a new CVDirect3DBuffer that may be used for D3D rendering purposes
@param width The width of the buffer in pixels
@param height The height of the buffer in pixels
@param attributes A CFDictionaryRef containing other desired attributes of the buffer (texture format, max mipmap level, etc.).
May be NULL.
@param bufferOut The newly created buffer will be placed here.
@result kCVReturnSuccess if the attachment succeeded
CV_EXPORT CVReturn CVDirect3DBufferCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, size_t width, size_t height, void *d3dDevice, CFDictionaryRef attributes, CVDirect3DBufferRef *bufferOut);
@function CVDirect3DBufferGetAttributes
@param openGLBuffer Target D3D Buffer.
@result CVDirect3DBuffer attributes dictionary, NULL if not set.
CV_EXPORT CFDictionaryRef CVDirect3DBufferGetAttributes(CVDirect3DBufferRef d3DBuffer);
#if defined(__cplusplus)