FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

144 lines
3.9 KiB

#ifdef GAME_DLL
#pragma warning("IHaptics.h is only for client ussage");
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
#define HAPTICS_INTERFACE_VERSION "HapticsInterface001"
#define HAPTICS_DLL_NAME "haptics"
// systems forward decl.
class IVEngineClient;
class IViewRender;
class IInputInternal;
class CGlobalVarsBase;
class IFileSystem;
class IEngineVGui;
// vgui forward decl
namespace vgui{
class IInputInternal;
// math types forward decl
class QAngle;
class Vector;
typedef enum {
} HapticSurfaceType_t;
typedef int (*ActivityList_IndexForName_t)( const char *pszActivityName );
typedef const char *(*ActivityList_NameForIndex_t)( int iActivityIndex );
// NVNT haptic system interface declaration
abstract_class IHaptics
public: // Initialization.
virtual bool Initialize(IVEngineClient* newengine,
IViewRender *newview,
vgui::IInputInternal* newinput,
CGlobalVarsBase* newgpGlobals,
CreateInterfaceFn newengineFactory,
void *IMEWindow,
IFileSystem* filesystem,
IEngineVGui* newvgui,
ActivityList_IndexForName_t actIndexForName,
ActivityList_NameForIndex_t actNameForIndex) = 0;
public: // Device methods
// returns true if there is at least one device connected.
virtual bool HasDevice() = 0;
// closes all haptic devices and effect processing
virtual void ShutdownHaptics() = 0;
public: // Game input handling
// computes view angles and adjusts forward_move and side_move
virtual void CalculateMove(float &forward_move, float &side_move, float delta) = 0;
virtual void OnPlayerChanged()=0;
// Sets the internal navigation class.
virtual void SetNavigationClass(const char *defaultNavigationName) = 0;
// Turns the internal navigation off. ( clears navigation class )
inline void ClearNavigationClass();
// Returns the active navigation class ( if none returns NULL )
virtual const char *GetNavigationClass() = 0;
// Should be called by the game input class after CalculateMove (when not in menu)
virtual void GameProcess() = 0;
// Should be called by the game input class when in a menu
virtual void MenuProcess() = 0;
public: // Effect methods
// process a haptic event.
virtual void ProcessHapticEvent(int numArgs, ...) = 0;
virtual void ProcessHapticWeaponActivity(const char *weapon, int activity) = 0;
// send a haptic punch effect
virtual void HapticsPunch(float strength, const QAngle &angle) = 0;
// trigger a damage effect
virtual void ApplyDamageEffect(float damage, int damagetype, const Vector &angle) = 0;
// update the avatar ( acceleration ) effect by a velocity sample
virtual void UpdateAvatarVelocity(const Vector &velocity) = 0;
// stop processing any running avatar effects
virtual void RemoveAvatarEffect() = 0;
// sets the device's constant force effect to force vector
virtual void SetConstantForce(const Vector &force) = 0;
// returns the last sent constant force
virtual Vector GetConstantForce() = 0;
// set the amount of drag (viscosity) on the haptic devices
virtual void SetDrag(float amount) = 0;
// set the values to the screen shake effect
virtual void SetShake(float scalar, float currentamount) = 0;
// enable/disable device position lock.
virtual void SetHeld(float amount) = 0;
// set anchor weight mass scaler.
virtual void SetMoveSurface(HapticSurfaceType_t surface) = 0;
virtual HapticSurfaceType_t GetMoveSurface() = 0;
// set dangling ( being hung, holding onto ledges )
virtual void SetDangling(float amount) = 0;
public: // Notify methods
// notify the haptics system that we have been respawned.
virtual void LocalPlayerReset()=0;
// notify the haptics system of the player's field of view angle
virtual void UpdatePlayerFOV(float fov)=0;
virtual void WorldPrecache() = 0;
inline void IHaptics::ClearNavigationClass( void )
extern IHaptics* haptics;