FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

510 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "vox.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "icliententitylist.h"
#include "enginesingleuserfilter.h"
#include "snd_audio_source.h"
#if defined(_X360)
#include "xmp.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// HACK: expose in sound.h maybe?
void DSP_FastReset(int dsp);
// Client-side implementation of the engine sound interface
class CEngineSoundClient : public IEngineSound
// constructor, destructor
virtual ~CEngineSoundClient();
virtual bool PrecacheSound( const char *pSample, bool bPreload, bool bIsUISound );
virtual bool IsSoundPrecached( const char *pSample );
virtual void PrefetchSound( const char *pSample );
virtual float GetSoundDuration( const char *pSample );
virtual void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, float flAttenuation, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime = 0.0f, int speakerentity = -1 );
virtual void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime = 0.0f, int speakerentity = -1 );
virtual void EmitSentenceByIndex( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, int iSentenceIndex,
float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime = 0.0f, int speakerentity = -1 );
virtual void StopSound( int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample );
virtual void StopAllSounds(bool bClearBuffers);
virtual void SetRoomType( IRecipientFilter& filter, int roomType );
virtual void SetPlayerDSP( IRecipientFilter& filter, int dspType, bool fastReset );
virtual void EmitAmbientSound( const char *pSample, float flVolume,
int iPitch, int flags, float soundtime = 0.0f );
virtual float GetDistGainFromSoundLevel( soundlevel_t soundlevel, float dist );
// Client .dll only functions
virtual int GetGuidForLastSoundEmitted();
virtual bool IsSoundStillPlaying( int guid );
virtual void StopSoundByGuid( int guid );
// Set's master volume (0.0->1.0)
virtual void SetVolumeByGuid( int guid, float fvol );
// Retrieves list of all active sounds
virtual void GetActiveSounds( CUtlVector< SndInfo_t >& sndlist );
virtual void PrecacheSentenceGroup( const char *pGroupName );
virtual void NotifyBeginMoviePlayback();
virtual void NotifyEndMoviePlayback();
void EmitSoundInternal( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime = 0.0f, int speakerentity = -1 );
// Client-server neutral sound interface accessor
static CEngineSoundClient s_EngineSoundClient;
IEngineSound *EngineSoundClient()
return &s_EngineSoundClient;
// constructor, destructor
// Precache a particular sample
bool CEngineSoundClient::PrecacheSound( const char *pSample, bool bPreload, bool bIsUISound )
CSfxTable *pTable = S_PrecacheSound( pSample );
if ( pTable )
if ( bIsUISound )
S_MarkUISound( pTable );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
// Input : *pSample -
void CEngineSoundClient::PrefetchSound( const char *pSample )
S_PrefetchSound( pSample, true );
// Purpose:
// Input : *pSample -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CEngineSoundClient::IsSoundPrecached( const char *pSample )
if ( pSample && TestSoundChar(pSample, CHAR_SENTENCE) )
return true;
int idx = cl.LookupSoundIndex( pSample );
if ( idx == -1 )
return false;
return true;
// Actually does the work of emitting a sound
void CEngineSoundClient::EmitSoundInternal( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/, int speakerentity /*= -1*/ )
if (flVolume < 0 || flVolume > 1)
Warning ("EmitSound: volume out of bounds = %f\n", flVolume);
if ( ( iSoundLevel < soundlevel_t(MIN_SNDLVL_VALUE) ) || ( iSoundLevel > soundlevel_t(MAX_SNDLVL_VALUE) ) )
Warning ("EmitSound: soundlevel out of bounds = %d\n", iSoundLevel);
if (iPitch < 0 || iPitch > 255)
Warning ("EmitSound: pitch out of bounds = %i\n", iPitch);
int iSoundSource = iEntIndex;
// Handle client UI sounds
if ( iSoundSource != SOUND_FROM_UI_PANEL )
if (iSoundSource < 0)
iSoundSource = cl.m_nViewEntity;
// See if local player is a recipient
int i = 0;
int c = filter.GetRecipientCount();
for ( ; i < c ; i++ )
int index = filter.GetRecipientIndex( i );
if ( index == cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1 )
// Local player not receiving sound
if ( i >= c )
CSfxTable *pSound = S_PrecacheSound(pSample);
if (!pSound)
Vector vecDummyOrigin;
Vector vecDirection;
if ( iSoundSource == SOUND_FROM_UI_PANEL )
pOrigin = &vecDummyOrigin;
pDirection = &vecDirection;
// Point at origin if they didn't specify a sound source.
if (!pOrigin)
// Try to use the origin of the entity
IClientEntity *pEnt = entitylist->GetClientEntity( iEntIndex );
// don't update position if we stop this sound
if (pEnt && !(iFlags & SND_STOP) )
vecDummyOrigin = pEnt->GetRenderOrigin();
pOrigin = &vecDummyOrigin;
if (!pDirection)
IClientEntity *pEnt = entitylist->GetClientEntity( iEntIndex );
if (pEnt && !(iFlags & SND_STOP))
QAngle angles;
angles = pEnt->GetAbsAngles();
AngleVectors( angles, &vecDirection );
pDirection = &vecDirection;
if ( pUtlVecOrigins )
(*pUtlVecOrigins).AddToTail( *pOrigin );
float delay = 0.0f;
if ( soundtime != 0.0f )
// this sound was played directly on the client, use its clock sync
delay = S_ComputeDelayForSoundtime( soundtime, CLOCK_SYNC_CLIENT );
#if 0
static float lastSoundTime = 0;
Msg("[%.3f] Play %s at %.3f %.1fsms delay\n", soundtime - lastSoundTime, pSample, soundtime, delay * 1000.0f );
lastSoundTime = soundtime;
// anything over 250ms is assumed to be intentional skipping
if ( delay <= 0 && delay > -0.250f )
// leave a little delay to flag the channel in the low-level sound system
delay = 1e-6f;
StartSoundParams_t params;
params.staticsound = iChannel == CHAN_STATIC;
params.soundsource = iSoundSource;
params.entchannel = iChannel;
params.pSfx = pSound;
params.origin = *pOrigin;
params.direction = *pDirection;
params.bUpdatePositions = bUpdatePositions;
params.fvol = flVolume;
params.soundlevel = iSoundLevel;
params.flags = iFlags;
params.pitch = iPitch;
params.specialdsp = iSpecialDSP;
params.fromserver = false;
params.delay = delay;
params.speakerentity = speakerentity;
S_StartSound( params );
// Plays a sentence
void CEngineSoundClient::EmitSentenceByIndex( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel,
int iSentenceIndex, float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePosition, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/, int speakerentity /*= -1*/ )
if ( iSentenceIndex >= 0 )
char pName[8];
Q_snprintf( pName, sizeof(pName), "!%d", iSentenceIndex );
EmitSoundInternal( filter, iEntIndex, iChannel, pName, flVolume, iSoundLevel,
iFlags, iPitch, iSpecialDSP, pOrigin, pDirection, pUtlVecOrigins, bUpdatePosition, soundtime, speakerentity );
// Emits a sound
void CEngineSoundClient::EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, float flAttenuation, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/, int speakerentity /*= -1*/ )
VPROF( "CEngineSoundClient::EmitSound" );
EmitSound( filter, iEntIndex, iChannel, pSample, flVolume, ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( flAttenuation ), iFlags,
iPitch, iSpecialDSP, pOrigin, pDirection, pUtlVecOrigins, bUpdatePositions, soundtime, speakerentity );
void CEngineSoundClient::EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample,
float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundLevel, int iFlags, int iPitch, int iSpecialDSP,
const Vector *pOrigin, const Vector *pDirection, CUtlVector< Vector >* pUtlVecOrigins, bool bUpdatePositions, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/, int speakerentity /*= -1*/ )
VPROF( "CEngineSoundClient::EmitSound" );
if ( pSample && TestSoundChar(pSample, CHAR_SENTENCE) )
int iSentenceIndex = -1;
VOX_LookupString( PSkipSoundChars(pSample), &iSentenceIndex );
if (iSentenceIndex >= 0)
EmitSentenceByIndex( filter, iEntIndex, iChannel, iSentenceIndex, flVolume,
iSoundLevel, iFlags, iPitch, iSpecialDSP, pOrigin, pDirection, pUtlVecOrigins, bUpdatePositions, soundtime, speakerentity );
DevWarning( 2, "Unable to find %s in sentences.txt\n", PSkipSoundChars(pSample));
EmitSoundInternal( filter, iEntIndex, iChannel, pSample, flVolume, iSoundLevel,
iFlags, iPitch, iSpecialDSP, pOrigin, pDirection, pUtlVecOrigins, bUpdatePositions, soundtime, speakerentity );
// Stops a sound
void CEngineSoundClient::StopSound( int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample )
CEngineSingleUserFilter filter( cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1 );
EmitSound( filter, iEntIndex, iChannel, pSample, 0, SNDLVL_NONE, SND_STOP, PITCH_NORM, 0,
NULL, NULL, NULL, true );
void CEngineSoundClient::SetRoomType( IRecipientFilter& filter, int roomType )
extern ConVar dsp_room;
dsp_room.SetValue( roomType );
void CEngineSoundClient::SetPlayerDSP( IRecipientFilter& filter, int dspType, bool fastReset )
extern ConVar dsp_player;
dsp_player.SetValue( dspType );
if ( fastReset )
DSP_FastReset( dspType );
void CEngineSoundClient::EmitAmbientSound( const char *pSample, float flVolume,
int iPitch, int flags, float soundtime /*= 0.0f*/ )
float delay = 0.0f;
if ( soundtime != 0.0f )
delay = soundtime - cl.m_flLastServerTickTime;
CSfxTable *pSound = S_PrecacheSound(pSample);
StartSoundParams_t params;
params.staticsound = true;
params.soundsource = SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER;
params.entchannel = CHAN_STATIC;
params.pSfx = pSound;
params.origin = vec3_origin;
params.fvol = flVolume;
params.soundlevel = SNDLVL_NONE;
params.flags = flags;
params.pitch = iPitch;
params.specialdsp = 0;
params.fromserver = false;
params.delay = delay;
S_StartSound( params );
void CEngineSoundClient::StopAllSounds(bool bClearBuffers)
S_StopAllSounds( bClearBuffers );
float CEngineSoundClient::GetDistGainFromSoundLevel( soundlevel_t soundlevel, float dist )
return S_GetGainFromSoundLevel( soundlevel, dist );
// Purpose:
// Input : *pSample -
// Output : float
float CEngineSoundClient::GetSoundDuration( const char *pSample )
return AudioSource_GetSoundDuration( pSample );
// Client .dll only functions
// Purpose:
// Input : -
// Output : int
int CEngineSoundClient::GetGuidForLastSoundEmitted()
return S_GetGuidForLastSoundEmitted();
// Purpose:
// Input : guid -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CEngineSoundClient::IsSoundStillPlaying( int guid )
return S_IsSoundStillPlaying( guid );
// Purpose:
// Input : guid -
void CEngineSoundClient::StopSoundByGuid( int guid )
S_StopSoundByGuid( guid );
// Purpose: Retrieves list of all active sounds
// Input : sndlist -
void CEngineSoundClient::GetActiveSounds( CUtlVector< SndInfo_t >& sndlist )
S_GetActiveSounds( sndlist );
// Purpose: Set's master volume (0.0->1.0)
// Input : guid -
// fvol -
void CEngineSoundClient::SetVolumeByGuid( int guid, float fvol )
S_SetVolumeByGuid( guid, fvol );
void CEngineSoundClient::PrecacheSentenceGroup( const char *pGroupName )
VOX_PrecacheSentenceGroup( this, pGroupName );
void CEngineSoundClient::NotifyBeginMoviePlayback()
#if _X360
void CEngineSoundClient::NotifyEndMoviePlayback()
#if _X360