FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

729 lines
17 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "fgdlib/fgdlib.h"
#include "fgdlib/GameData.h"
#include "fgdlib/WCKeyValues.h"
#include "fgdlib/gdvar.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
typedef struct
GDIV_TYPE eType; // The enumeration of this type.
char *pszName; // The name of this type.
trtoken_t eStoreAs; // How this type is stored (STRING, INTEGER, etc).
} TypeMap_t;
// Maps type names to type enums and parsing logic for values.
static TypeMap_t TypeMap[] =
{ ivAngle, "angle", STRING },
{ ivChoices, "choices", STRING },
{ ivColor1, "color1", STRING },
{ ivColor255, "color255", STRING },
{ ivDecal, "decal", STRING },
{ ivFlags, "flags", INTEGER },
{ ivInteger, "integer", INTEGER },
{ ivSound, "sound", STRING },
{ ivSprite, "sprite", STRING },
{ ivString, "string", STRING },
{ ivStudioModel, "studio", STRING },
{ ivTargetDest, "target_destination", STRING },
{ ivTargetSrc, "target_source", STRING },
{ ivTargetNameOrClass, "target_name_or_class", STRING }, // Another version of target_destination that accepts class names
{ ivVector, "vector", STRING },
{ ivNPCClass, "npcclass", STRING },
{ ivFilterClass, "filterclass", STRING },
{ ivFloat, "float", STRING },
{ ivMaterial, "material", STRING },
{ ivScene, "scene", STRING },
{ ivSide, "side", STRING },
{ ivSideList, "sidelist", STRING },
{ ivOrigin, "origin", STRING },
{ ivAxis, "axis", STRING },
{ ivVecLine, "vecline", STRING },
{ ivPointEntityClass, "pointentityclass", STRING },
{ ivNodeDest, "node_dest", INTEGER },
{ ivInstanceFile, "instance_file", STRING },
{ ivAngleNegativePitch, "angle_negative_pitch", STRING },
{ ivInstanceVariable, "instance_variable", STRING },
{ ivInstanceParm, "instance_parm", STRING },
char *GDinputvariable::m_pszEmpty = "";
m_szDefault[0] = 0;
m_nDefault = 0;
m_szValue[0] = 0;
m_bReportable = FALSE;
m_bReadOnly = false;
m_pszDescription = NULL;
// Purpose: construct generally used for creating a temp instance parm type
// Input : szType - the textual type of this variable
// szName - the name description of this variable
GDinputvariable::GDinputvariable( const char *szType, const char *szName )
m_szDefault[0] = 0;
m_nDefault = 0;
m_szValue[0] = 0;
m_bReportable = FALSE;
m_bReadOnly = false;
m_pszDescription = NULL;
m_eType = GetTypeFromToken( szType );
strcpy( m_szName, szName );
// Purpose: Destructor.
delete [] m_pszDescription;
// Purpose: Implements the copy operator.
GDinputvariable &GDinputvariable::operator =(GDinputvariable &Other)
m_eType = Other.GetType();
strcpy(m_szName, Other.m_szName);
strcpy(m_szLongName, Other.m_szLongName);
strcpy(m_szDefault, Other.m_szDefault);
// Copy the description.
delete [] m_pszDescription;
if (Other.m_pszDescription != NULL)
m_pszDescription = new char[strlen(Other.m_pszDescription) + 1];
strcpy(m_pszDescription, Other.m_pszDescription);
m_pszDescription = NULL;
m_nDefault = Other.m_nDefault;
m_bReportable = Other.m_bReportable;
m_bReadOnly = Other.m_bReadOnly;
int nCount = Other.m_Items.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
// Purpose: Returns the storage format of a given variable type.
// Input : pszToken - Sting containing the token.
// Output : GDIV_TYPE corresponding to the token in the string, ivBadType if the
// string does not correspond to a valid type.
trtoken_t GDinputvariable::GetStoreAsFromType(GDIV_TYPE eType)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(TypeMap) / sizeof(TypeMap[0]); i++)
if (TypeMap[i].eType == eType)
// Purpose: Returns the enumerated type of a string token.
// Input : pszToken - Sting containing the token.
// Output : GDIV_TYPE corresponding to the token in the string, ivBadType if the
// string does not correspond to a valid type.
GDIV_TYPE GDinputvariable::GetTypeFromToken(const char *pszToken)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(TypeMap) / sizeof(TypeMap[0]); i++)
if (IsToken(pszToken, TypeMap[i].pszName))
// Purpose: Returns a string representing the type of this variable, eg. "integer".
const char *GDinputvariable::GetTypeText(void)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(TypeMap) / sizeof(TypeMap[0]); i++)
if (TypeMap[i].eType == m_eType)
// Purpose:
// Input : tr -
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL GDinputvariable::InitFromTokens(TokenReader& tr)
char szToken[128];
if (!GDGetToken(tr, m_szName, sizeof(m_szName), IDENT))
return FALSE;
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, "("))
return FALSE;
// check for "reportable" marker
trtoken_t ttype = tr.NextToken(szToken, sizeof(szToken));
if (ttype == OPERATOR)
if (!strcmp(szToken, "*"))
m_bReportable = true;
tr.Stuff(ttype, szToken);
// get type
if (!GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), IDENT))
return FALSE;
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, ")"))
return FALSE;
// Check for known variable types.
m_eType = GetTypeFromToken(szToken);
if (m_eType == ivBadType)
GDError(tr, "'%s' is not a valid variable type", szToken);
return FALSE;
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
// Check for the "readonly" specifier.
if ((ttype == IDENT) && IsToken(szToken, "readonly"))
tr.NextToken(szToken, sizeof(szToken));
m_bReadOnly = true;
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
// Check for the ':' indicating a long name.
if (ttype == OPERATOR && IsToken(szToken, ":"))
// Eat the ':'.
tr.NextToken(szToken, sizeof(szToken));
if (m_eType == ivFlags)
GDError(tr, "flag sets do not have long names");
return FALSE;
// Get the long name.
if (!GDGetToken(tr, m_szLongName, sizeof(m_szLongName), STRING))
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
// Check for the ':' indicating a default value.
if (ttype == OPERATOR && IsToken(szToken, ":"))
// Eat the ':'.
tr.NextToken(szToken, sizeof(szToken));
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
if (ttype == OPERATOR && IsToken(szToken, ":"))
// No default value provided, skip to the description.
// Determine how to parse the default value. If this is a choices field, the
// default could either be a string or an integer, so we must look ahead and
// use whichever is there.
trtoken_t eStoreAs = GetStoreAsFromType(m_eType);
if (eStoreAs == STRING)
if (!GDGetToken(tr, m_szDefault, sizeof(m_szDefault), STRING))
else if (eStoreAs == INTEGER)
if (!GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), INTEGER))
m_nDefault = atoi(szToken);
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
// Check for the ':' indicating a description.
if (ttype == OPERATOR && IsToken(szToken, ":"))
// Eat the ':'.
tr.NextToken(szToken, sizeof(szToken));
// Read the description.
// If we've already read a description then free it to avoid memory leaks.
if ( m_pszDescription )
delete [] m_pszDescription;
m_pszDescription = NULL;
if (!GDGetTokenDynamic(tr, &m_pszDescription, STRING))
// Look ahead at the next token.
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType(szToken,sizeof(szToken));
// Default long name is short name.
strcpy(m_szLongName, m_szName);
// Check for the ']' indicating the end of the class definition.
if ((ttype == OPERATOR && IsToken(szToken, "]")) || ttype != OPERATOR)
if (m_eType == ivFlags || m_eType == ivChoices)
// Can't define a flags or choices variable without providing any flags or choices.
GDError(tr, "no %s specified", m_eType == ivFlags ? "flags" : "choices");
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, "="))
if (m_eType != ivFlags && m_eType != ivChoices)
GDError(tr, "didn't expect '=' here");
// should be '[' to start flags/choices
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, "["))
// get flags?
if (m_eType == ivFlags)
while (1)
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType();
if (ttype != INTEGER)
// store bitflag value
GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), INTEGER);
sscanf( szToken, "%lu", &ivi.iValue );
// colon..
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, ":"))
return FALSE;
// get description
if (!GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), STRING))
return FALSE;
strcpy(ivi.szCaption, szToken);
// colon..
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, ":"))
return FALSE;
// get default setting
if (!GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), INTEGER))
return FALSE;
ivi.bDefault = atoi(szToken) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// add item to array of items
// Set the default value.
unsigned long nDefault = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Items.Count(); i++)
if (m_Items[i].bDefault)
nDefault |= m_Items[i].iValue;
m_nDefault = (int)nDefault;
Q_snprintf( m_szDefault, sizeof( m_szDefault ), "%d", m_nDefault );
else if (m_eType == ivChoices)
while (1)
ttype = tr.PeekTokenType();
if ((ttype != INTEGER) && (ttype != STRING))
// store choice value
GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), ttype);
ivi.iValue = 0;
strcpy(ivi.szValue, szToken);
// colon
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, ":"))
return FALSE;
// get description
if (!GDGetToken(tr, szToken, sizeof(szToken), STRING))
return FALSE;
strcpy(ivi.szCaption, szToken);
if (!GDSkipToken(tr, OPERATOR, "]"))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Purpose: Decodes a key value from a string.
// Input : pkv - Pointer to the key value object containing string encoded value.
void GDinputvariable::FromKeyValue(MDkeyvalue *pkv)
trtoken_t eStoreAs = GetStoreAsFromType(m_eType);
if (eStoreAs == STRING)
strcpy(m_szValue, pkv->szValue);
else if (eStoreAs == INTEGER)
m_nValue = atoi(pkv->szValue);
// Purpose: Determines whether the given flag is set (assuming this is an ivFlags).
// Input : uCheck - Flag to check.
// Output : Returns TRUE if flag is set, FALSE if not.
BOOL GDinputvariable::IsFlagSet(unsigned int uCheck)
Assert(m_eType == ivFlags);
return (((unsigned int)m_nValue & uCheck) == uCheck) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Purpose: Combines the flags or choices items from another variable into our
// list of flags or choices. Ours take priority if collisions occur.
// Input : Other - The variable whose items are being merged with ours.
void GDinputvariable::Merge(GDinputvariable &Other)
// Only valid if we are of the same type.
if (Other.GetType() != GetType())
// Add Other's items to this ONLY if there is no same-value entry
// for a specific item.
bool bFound = false;
int nOurItems = m_Items.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < Other.m_Items.Count(); i++)
GDIVITEM &TheirItem = Other.m_Items[i];
for (int j = 0; j < nOurItems; j++)
GDIVITEM &OurItem = m_Items[j];
if (TheirItem.iValue == OurItem.iValue)
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
// Not found in our list - add their item to our list.
// Purpose: Determines whether the given flag is set (assuming this is an ivFlags).
// Input : uFlags - Flags to set.
// bSet - TRUE to set the flags, FALSE to clear them.
void GDinputvariable::SetFlag(unsigned int uFlags, BOOL bSet)
Assert(m_eType == ivFlags);
if (bSet)
m_nValue |= uFlags;
m_nValue &= ~uFlags;
// Purpose: Sets this keyvalue to its default value.
void GDinputvariable::ResetDefaults(void)
if (m_eType == ivFlags)
m_nValue = 0;
// Run thru flags and set any default flags.
int nCount = m_Items.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
if (m_Items[i].bDefault)
m_nValue |= GetFlagMask(i);
m_nValue = m_nDefault;
strcpy(m_szValue, m_szDefault);
// Purpose: Encodes a key value as a string.
// Input : pkv - Pointer to the key value object to receive the encoded string.
void GDinputvariable::ToKeyValue(MDkeyvalue *pkv)
strcpy(pkv->szKey, m_szName);
trtoken_t eStoreAs = GetStoreAsFromType(m_eType);
if (eStoreAs == STRING)
strcpy(pkv->szValue, m_szValue);
else if (eStoreAs == INTEGER)
itoa(m_nValue, pkv->szValue, 10);
// Purpose: Returns the description string that corresponds to a value string
// for a choices list.
// Input : pszString - The choices value string.
// Output : Returns the description string.
const char *GDinputvariable::ItemStringForValue(const char *szValue)
int nCount = m_Items.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
if (!stricmp(m_Items[i].szValue, szValue))
// Purpose: Returns the value string that corresponds to a description string
// for a choices list.
// Input : pszString - The choices description string.
// Output : Returns the value string.
const char *GDinputvariable::ItemValueForString(const char *szString)
int nCount = m_Items.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
if (!strcmpi(m_Items[i].szCaption, szString))
// Purpose: this function will let you iterate through the text names of the variable types
// Input : eType - the type to get the text of
// Output : returns the textual name
const char *GDinputvariable::GetVarTypeName( GDIV_TYPE eType )
return TypeMap[ eType ].pszName;