exstrim401 b69cdde7be Fix macOS build (#146)
* Fix macOS build
* Fix *BSD build
* Add missing *BSD include
2022-11-27 16:48:27 +03:00

787 lines
22 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <locale.h>
#include "vgui_surfacelib/BitmapFont.h"
#include "vgui_surfacelib/FontManager.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static CFontManager s_FontManager;
#ifdef WIN32
extern bool s_bSupportsUnicode;
#if !defined( _X360 )
// Purpose: singleton accessor
CFontManager &FontManager()
return s_FontManager;
// Purpose: Constructor
// add a single empty font, to act as an invalid font handle 0
m_FontAmalgams.EnsureCapacity( MAX_INITIAL_FONTS );
m_Win32Fonts.EnsureCapacity( MAX_INITIAL_FONTS );
#ifdef POSIX
FT_Error error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library );
if ( error )
Error( "Unable to initalize freetype library, is it installed?" );
m_pFontDataHelper = NULL;
// setup our text locale
setlocale( LC_CTYPE, "" );
setlocale( LC_TIME, "" );
setlocale( LC_COLLATE, "" );
setlocale( LC_MONETARY, "" );
m_pFileSystem = NULL;
m_pMaterialSystem = NULL;
// Purpose: language setting for font fallbacks
void CFontManager::SetLanguage(const char *language)
Q_strncpy(m_szLanguage, language, sizeof(m_szLanguage));
// Purpose: Destructor
#ifdef POSIX
FT_Done_FreeType( library );
// Purpose: frees the fonts
void CFontManager::ClearAllFonts()
// free the fonts
for (int i = 0; i < m_Win32Fonts.Count(); i++)
delete m_Win32Fonts[i];
for (int i = 0; i < m_FontAmalgams.Count(); i++)
// Purpose:
vgui::HFont CFontManager::CreateFont()
int i = m_FontAmalgams.AddToTail();
return i;
// Purpose: Sets the valid glyph ranges for a font created by CreateFont()
bool CFontManager::SetFontGlyphSet(HFont font, const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags)
return SetFontGlyphSet( font, windowsFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags, 0, 0);
// Purpose: Sets the valid glyph ranges for a font created by CreateFont()
bool CFontManager::SetFontGlyphSet(HFont font, const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags, int nRangeMin, int nRangeMax)
// ignore all but the first font added
// need to rev vgui versions and change the name of this function
if ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetCount() > 0 )
// clear any existing fonts
bool bForceSingleFontForXbox = false;
if ( IsX360() )
// discovered xbox only allows glyphs from these languages from the foreign fallback font
// prefer to have the entire range of chars from the font so UI doesn't suffer from glyph disparity
if ( !V_stricmp( windowsFontName, "toolbox" ) )
// only the toolbox font is allowed to pass
if ( !V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "polish" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "russian" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "japanese" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "korean" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "portuguese" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "schinese" ) ||
!V_stricmp( m_szLanguage, "tchinese" ) )
windowsFontName = GetForeignFallbackFontName();
bForceSingleFontForXbox = true;
font_t *winFont = CreateOrFindWin32Font( windowsFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags );
// cycle until valid english/extended font support has been created
// add to the amalgam
if ( bForceSingleFontForXbox || IsFontForeignLanguageCapable( windowsFontName ) )
if ( winFont )
// font supports the full range of characters
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( winFont, 0x0000, 0xFFFF );
return true;
// font cannot provide glyphs and just supports the normal range
// redirect to a font that can supply glyps
const char *localizedFontName = GetForeignFallbackFontName();
if ( winFont && !stricmp( localizedFontName, windowsFontName ) )
// it's the same font and can support the full range
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( winFont, 0x0000, 0xFFFF );
return true;
// create the extended support font
font_t *pExtendedFont = CreateOrFindWin32Font( localizedFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags );
if ( winFont && pExtendedFont )
// use the normal font for english characters, and the extended font for the rest
int nMin = 0x0000, nMax = 0x00FF;
// did we specify a range?
if ( nRangeMin > 0 || nRangeMax > 0 )
nMin = nRangeMin;
nMax = nRangeMax;
// make sure they're in the correct order
if ( nMin > nMax )
int nTemp = nMin;
nMin = nMax;
nMax = nTemp;
if ( nMin > 0 )
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( pExtendedFont, 0x0000, nMin - 1 );
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( winFont, nMin, nMax );
if ( nMax < 0xFFFF )
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( pExtendedFont, nMax + 1, 0xFFFF );
return true;
else if ( pExtendedFont )
// the normal font failed to create
// just use the extended font for the full range
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( pExtendedFont, 0x0000, 0xFFFF );
return true;
// no valid font has been created, so fallback to a different font and try again
while ( NULL != ( windowsFontName = GetFallbackFontName( windowsFontName ) ) );
// nothing successfully created
return false;
// Purpose: adds glyphs to a font created by CreateFont()
bool CFontManager::SetBitmapFontGlyphSet(HFont font, const char *windowsFontName, float scalex, float scaley, int flags)
if ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetCount() > 0 )
// clear any existing fonts
CBitmapFont *winFont = CreateOrFindBitmapFont( windowsFontName, scalex, scaley, flags );
if ( winFont )
// bitmap fonts are only 0-255
m_FontAmalgams[font].AddFont( winFont, 0x0000, 0x00FF );
return true;
// nothing successfully created
return false;
// Purpose: Creates a new win32 font, or reuses one if possible
font_t *CFontManager::CreateOrFindWin32Font(const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags)
// see if we already have the win32 font
font_t *winFont = NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_Win32Fonts.Count(); i++)
if (m_Win32Fonts[i]->IsEqualTo(windowsFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags))
winFont = m_Win32Fonts[i];
// create the new win32font if we didn't find it
if (!winFont)
i = m_Win32Fonts.AddToTail();
m_Win32Fonts[i] = NULL;
#ifdef POSIX
int memSize = 0;
void *pchFontData = m_pFontDataHelper( windowsFontName, memSize, NULL );
if( !pchFontData )
// If we didn't find the font data in the font cache, then get the font filename...
char *filename = CLinuxFont::GetFontFileName( windowsFontName, flags );
if( filename )
// ... and try to add it to the font cache.
pchFontData = m_pFontDataHelper( windowsFontName, memSize, filename );
free( filename );
if ( pchFontData )
m_Win32Fonts[i] = new font_t();
if (m_Win32Fonts[i]->CreateFromMemory( windowsFontName, pchFontData, memSize, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags))
// add to the list
winFont = m_Win32Fonts[i];
if( !winFont )
// failed to create, remove
if ( m_Win32Fonts[i] )
delete m_Win32Fonts[i];
return NULL;
m_Win32Fonts[i] = new font_t();
if (m_Win32Fonts[i]->Create(windowsFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags))
// add to the list
winFont = m_Win32Fonts[i];
// failed to create, remove
delete m_Win32Fonts[i];
return NULL;
return winFont;
// Purpose: Creates a new win32 font, or reuses one if possible
CBitmapFont *CFontManager::CreateOrFindBitmapFont(const char *windowsFontName, float scalex, float scaley, int flags)
// see if we already have the font
CBitmapFont *winFont = NULL;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_Win32Fonts.Count(); i++ )
font_t *font = m_Win32Fonts[i];
// Only looking for bitmap fonts
int testflags = font->GetFlags();
if ( !( testflags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP ) )
CBitmapFont *bitmapFont = reinterpret_cast< CBitmapFont* >( font );
if ( bitmapFont->IsEqualTo( windowsFontName, scalex, scaley, flags ) )
winFont = bitmapFont;
// create the font if we didn't find it
if ( !winFont )
i = m_Win32Fonts.AddToTail();
CBitmapFont *bitmapFont = new CBitmapFont();
if ( bitmapFont->Create( windowsFontName, scalex, scaley, flags ) )
// add to the list
m_Win32Fonts[i] = bitmapFont;
winFont = bitmapFont;
// failed to create, remove
delete bitmapFont;
return NULL;
return winFont;
// Purpose: sets the scale of a bitmap font
void CFontManager::SetFontScale(vgui::HFont font, float sx, float sy)
m_FontAmalgams[font].SetFontScale( sx, sy );
const char *CFontManager::GetFontName( HFont font )
// ignore the amalgam of disparate char ranges, assume the first font
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontName( 0 );
const char *CFontManager::GetFontFamilyName( HFont font )
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontFamilyName( 0 );
// Purpose: gets the windows font for the particular font in the amalgam
font_t *CFontManager::GetFontForChar(vgui::HFont font, wchar_t wch)
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar(wch);
// Purpose: returns the abc widths of a single character
void CFontManager::GetCharABCwide(HFont font, int ch, int &a, int &b, int &c)
if ( !m_FontAmalgams.IsValidIndex( font ) )
a = b = c = 0;
font_t *winFont = m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar(ch);
if (winFont)
winFont->GetCharABCWidths(ch, a, b, c);
// no font for this range, just use the default width
a = c = 0;
b = m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontMaxWidth();
// Purpose: returns the max height of a font
int CFontManager::GetFontTall(HFont font)
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontHeight();
// Purpose: returns requested height of the font
int CFontManager::GetFontTallRequested(HFont font)
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontHeightRequested();
// Purpose: returns the ascent of a font
int CFontManager::GetFontAscent(HFont font, wchar_t wch)
font_t *winFont = m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar(wch);
if ( winFont )
return winFont->GetAscent();
return 0;
// Purpose:
bool CFontManager::IsFontAdditive(HFont font)
return ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFlags( 0 ) & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE ) ? true : false;
// Purpose:
bool CFontManager::IsBitmapFont(HFont font)
// A FontAmalgam is either some number of non-bitmap fonts, or a single bitmap font - so this check is valid
return ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFlags( 0 ) & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP ) ? true : false;
// Purpose: returns the pixel width of a single character
int CFontManager::GetCharacterWidth(HFont font, int ch)
if ( !iswcntrl( ch ) )
int a, b, c;
GetCharABCwide(font, ch, a, b, c);
return (a + b + c);
return 0;
// Purpose: returns the area of a text string, including newlines
void CFontManager::GetTextSize(HFont font, const wchar_t *text, int &wide, int &tall)
wide = 0;
tall = 0;
if (!text)
tall = GetFontTall(font);
float xx = 0;
char chBefore = 0;
char chAfter = 0;
for (int i = 0; ; i++)
wchar_t ch = text[i];
if (ch == 0)
chAfter = text[i+1];
if (ch == '\n')
tall += GetFontTall(font);
else if (ch == '&')
// underscore character, so skip
float flWide, flabcA, flabcC;
GetKernedCharWidth( font, ch, chBefore, chAfter, flWide, flabcA, flabcC );
xx += flWide;
if (xx > wide)
wide = ceil(xx);
chBefore = ch;
// font validation functions
struct FallbackFont_t
const char *font;
const char *fallbackFont;
#ifdef WIN32
const char *g_szValidAsianFonts[] = { "Marlett", NULL };
// list of how fonts fallback
FallbackFont_t g_FallbackFonts[] =
{ "Times New Roman", "Courier New" },
{ "Courier New", "Courier" },
{ "Verdana", "Arial" },
{ "Trebuchet MS", "Arial" },
{ "Tahoma", NULL },
{ NULL, "Tahoma" }, // every other font falls back to this
#elif defined(OSX)
static const char *g_szValidAsianFonts[] = { "Apple Symbols", NULL };
// list of how fonts fallback
FallbackFont_t g_FallbackFonts[] =
{ "Marlett", "Apple Symbols" },
{ "Lucida Console", "Lucida Grande" },
{ "Tahoma", "Helvetica" },
{ "Helvetica", "Monaco" },
{ "Monaco", NULL },
{ NULL, "Monaco" } // every other font falls back to this
#elif defined(LINUX) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
static const char *g_szValidAsianFonts[] = { "Marlett", "WenQuanYi Zen Hei", "unifont", NULL };
// list of how fonts fallback
FallbackFont_t g_FallbackFonts[] =
{ "DejaVu Sans", NULL },
{ NULL, "DejaVu Sans" }, // every other font falls back to this
#elif defined(_PS3)
// list of how fonts fallback
FallbackFont_t g_FallbackFonts[] =
{ NULL, "Tahoma" }, // every other font falls back to this
// Purpose: returns true if the font is in the list of OK asian fonts
bool CFontManager::IsFontForeignLanguageCapable(const char *windowsFontName)
if ( IsX360() )
return false;
for (int i = 0; g_szValidAsianFonts[i] != NULL; i++)
if (!stricmp(g_szValidAsianFonts[i], windowsFontName))
return true;
// typeface isn't supported by asian languages
return false;
// Purpose: fallback fonts
const char *CFontManager::GetFallbackFontName(const char *windowsFontName)
int i;
for ( i = 0; g_FallbackFonts[i].font != NULL; i++ )
if (!stricmp(g_FallbackFonts[i].font, windowsFontName))
return g_FallbackFonts[i].fallbackFont;
// the ultimate fallback
return g_FallbackFonts[i].fallbackFont;
// Purpose: specialized fonts
const char *CFontManager::GetForeignFallbackFontName()
#ifdef WIN32
// tahoma has all the necessary characters for asian/russian languages for winXP/2K+
return "Tahoma";
#elif defined(OSX)
return "Helvetica";
#elif defined(LINUX) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
return "WenQuanYi Zen Hei";
#elif defined(_PS3)
return "Tahoma";
#if defined( _X360 )
bool CFontManager::GetCachedXUIMetrics( const char *pFontName, int tall, int style, XUIFontMetrics *pFontMetrics, XUICharMetrics charMetrics[256] )
// linear lookup is good enough
CUtlSymbol fontSymbol = pFontName;
bool bFound = false;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_XUIMetricCache.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_XUIMetricCache[i].fontSymbol == fontSymbol && m_XUIMetricCache[i].tall == tall && m_XUIMetricCache[i].style == style )
bFound = true;
if ( !bFound )
return false;
// get from the cache
*pFontMetrics = m_XUIMetricCache[i].fontMetrics;
V_memcpy( charMetrics, m_XUIMetricCache[i].charMetrics, 256 * sizeof( XUICharMetrics ) );
return true;
#if defined( _X360 )
void CFontManager::SetCachedXUIMetrics( const char *pFontName, int tall, int style, XUIFontMetrics *pFontMetrics, XUICharMetrics charMetrics[256] )
int i = m_XUIMetricCache.AddToTail();
m_XUIMetricCache[i].fontSymbol = pFontName;
m_XUIMetricCache[i].tall = tall;
m_XUIMetricCache[i].style = style;
m_XUIMetricCache[i].fontMetrics = *pFontMetrics;
V_memcpy( m_XUIMetricCache[i].charMetrics, charMetrics, 256 * sizeof( XUICharMetrics ) );
void CFontManager::ClearTemporaryFontCache()
#if defined( _X360 )
COM_TimestampedLog( "ClearTemporaryFontCache(): Start" );
// many fonts are blindly precached by vgui and never used
// font will re-open if glyph is actually requested
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Win32Fonts.Count(); i++ )
COM_TimestampedLog( "ClearTemporaryFontCache(): Finish" );
// Purpose: returns the max height of a font
bool CFontManager::GetFontUnderlined( HFont font )
return m_FontAmalgams[font].GetUnderlined();
void CFontManager::GetKernedCharWidth( vgui::HFont font, wchar_t ch, wchar_t chBefore, wchar_t chAfter, float &wide, float &flabcA, float &flabcC )
wide = 0.0f;
flabcA = 0.0f;
Assert( font != vgui::INVALID_FONT );
if ( font == vgui::INVALID_FONT )
font_t *pFont = m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar(ch);
if ( !pFont )
// no font for this range, just use the default width
flabcA = 0.0f;
wide = m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontMaxWidth();
if ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar( chBefore ) != pFont )
chBefore = 0;
if ( m_FontAmalgams[font].GetFontForChar( chAfter ) != pFont )
chAfter = 0;
#ifdef POSIX
pFont->GetKernedCharWidth( ch, chBefore, chAfter, wide, flabcA, flabcC );
pFont->GetKernedCharWidth( ch, chBefore, chAfter, wide, flabcA );
// Purpose: Ensure that all of our internal structures are consistent, and
// account for all memory that we've allocated.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CFontManager::Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName )
validator.Push( "CFontManager", this, pchName );
ValidateObj( m_FontAmalgams );
for ( int iFont = 0; iFont < m_FontAmalgams.Count(); iFont++ )
ValidateObj( m_FontAmalgams[iFont] );
ValidateObj( m_Win32Fonts );
for ( int iWin32Font = 0; iWin32Font < m_Win32Fonts.Count(); iWin32Font++ )
ValidatePtr( m_Win32Fonts[ iWin32Font ] );