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//====== Copyright © 1996-2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: HTTP related enums and objects, stuff that both clients and server use should go here
#ifndef HTTP_H
#define HTTP_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steam/steamhttpenums.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "tier1/netadr.h"
#include "gcsdk/bufferpool.h"
class CMsgHttpRequest;
class CMsgHttpResponse;
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
namespace GCSDK
// Container class for useful parsing methods and other utility code used by client or server http code
class CHTTPUtil
// Check if a status code allows a body to exist
static bool BStatusCodeAllowsBody( EHTTPStatusCode eHTTPStatus );
class CHTTPRequest;
class CHTTPResponse;
class CHTTPServerClientConnection;
class CHTTPRequest
CHTTPRequest( CMsgHttpRequest* pProto );
CHTTPRequest( EHTTPMethod eMethod, const char *pchHost, const char *pchRelativeURL );
CHTTPRequest( EHTTPMethod eMethod, const char *pchAbsoluteURL );
// Get the method type for the request (ie, GET, POST, etc)
EHTTPMethod GetEHTTPMethod() const { return ( EHTTPMethod )m_pProto->request_method(); }
// Get the relative URL for the request
const char *GetURL() const { return m_pProto->url().c_str(); }
// Get the value of a GET parameter, using the default value if not set. This is case-insensitive by default.
const CMsgHttpRequest_QueryParam *GetGETParam( const char *pchGetParamName, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
const char *GetGETParamString( const char *pchGetParamName, const char *pchDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
bool GetGETParamBool( const char *pchGetParamName, bool bDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
int32 GetGETParamInt32( const char *pchGetParamName, int32 nDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
uint32 GetGETParamUInt32( const char *pchGetParamName, uint32 unDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
int64 GetGETParamInt64( const char *pchGetParamName, int64 nDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
uint64 GetGETParamUInt64( const char *pchGetParamName, uint64 unDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
float GetGETParamFloat( const char *pchGetParamName, float fDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
// Get the value of a POST parameter, using the default value if not set. This is case-insensitive by default.
const CMsgHttpRequest_QueryParam *GetPOSTParam( const char *pchPostParamName, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
const char *GetPOSTParamString( const char *pchGetParamName, const char *pchDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
bool GetPOSTParamBool( const char *pchGetParamName, bool bDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
int32 GetPOSTParamInt32( const char *pchGetParamName, int32 nDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
uint32 GetPOSTParamUInt32( const char *pchGetParamName, uint32 unDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
int64 GetPOSTParamInt64( const char *pchGetParamName, int64 nDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
uint64 GetPOSTParamUInt64( const char *pchGetParamName, uint64 unDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
float GetPOSTParamFloat( const char *pchGetParamName, float fDefault, bool bMatchCase = false ) const;
// Add a GET param to the request
void SetGETParamString( const char *pchGetParamName, const char *pString ) { SetGETParamRaw( pchGetParamName, (uint8*)pString, Q_strlen(pString) ); }
void SetGETParamBool( const char *pchPostParamName, bool bValue ) { SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)(bValue ? "1" : "0"), 1 ); }
void SetGETParamInt32( const char *pchPostParamName, int32 nValue ) { CNumStr str( nValue ); SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetGETParamUInt32( const char *pchPostParamName, uint32 unValue ) { CNumStr str( unValue ); SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetGETParamInt64( const char *pchPostParamName, int64 nValue ) { CNumStr str( nValue ); SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetGETParamUInt64( const char *pchPostParamName, uint64 unValue ) { CNumStr str( unValue ); SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetGETParamFloat( const char *pchPostParamName, float fValue ) { CNumStr str( fValue ); SetGETParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
// Add a POST param to the request given a string for the name and value
void SetPOSTParamString( const char *pchPostParamName, const char *pString ) { SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)pString, Q_strlen(pString) ); }
void SetPOSTParamBool( const char *pchPostParamName, bool bValue ) { SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)(bValue ? "1" : "0"), 1 ); }
void SetPOSTParamInt32( const char *pchPostParamName, int32 nValue ) { CNumStr str( nValue ); SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetPOSTParamUInt32( const char *pchPostParamName, uint32 unValue ) { CNumStr str( unValue ); SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetPOSTParamInt64( const char *pchPostParamName, int64 nValue ) { CNumStr str( nValue ); SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetPOSTParamUInt64( const char *pchPostParamName, uint64 unValue ) { CNumStr str( unValue ); SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
void SetPOSTParamFloat( const char *pchPostParamName, float fValue ) { CNumStr str( fValue ); SetPOSTParamRaw( pchPostParamName, (uint8*)str.String(), Q_strlen( str ) ); }
// Adds a POST param containing raw data to the request. If you are using the Web API, you probably do not want this function
void SetPOSTParamRaw( const char *pchPostParamName, uint8 *pData, uint32 cubDataLen );
// Raw iteration support for GET and POST parameters
uint32 GetPOSTParamCount() const { return m_pProto->post_params_size(); }
const char* GetPOSTParamName( uint32 i ) const { return m_pProto->post_params( i ).name().c_str(); }
const char* GetPOSTParamValue( uint32 i ) const { return m_pProto->post_params( i ).value().c_str(); }
uint32 GetGETParamCount() const { return m_pProto->get_params_size(); }
const char* GetGETParamName( uint32 i ) const { return m_pProto->get_params( i ).name().c_str(); }
const char* GetGETParamValue( uint32 i ) const { return m_pProto->get_params( i ).value().c_str(); }
// Fetch a request header by header name and convert it to a time value
RTime32 GetRequestHeaderTimeValue( const char *pchRequestHeaderName, RTime32 rtDefault = 0 ) const;
// Fetch a request headers value by header name
const char *GetRequestHeaderValue( const char *pchRequestHeaderName, const char *pchDefault = NULL ) const;
// Set a header field for the request
void SetRequestHeaderValue( const char *pchHeaderName, const char *pchHeaderString );
// Set the method for the request object
void SetEHTTPMethod( EHTTPMethod eMethod ) { m_pProto->set_request_method( eMethod ); }
// Set the relative URL for the request
void SetURL( const char *pchURL )
AssertMsg( pchURL && pchURL[0] == '/', "URLs must start with the slash (/) character. Param: %s", pchURL );
m_pProto->set_url( pchURL );
void SetURLDirect( const char *pchURL, size_t size )
AssertMsg( pchURL && pchURL[0] == '/', "URLs must start with the slash (/) character. Param: %s", pchURL );
m_pProto->set_url( pchURL, size );
// Set body data
void SetBodyData( const void *pubData, uint32 cubData );
bool BHasBodyData() { return m_pProto->has_body(); }
uint GetBodyDataSize() const { return (uint)m_pProto->body().size(); }
const char* GetBodyData() const { return m_pProto->body().c_str(); }
// Set hostname for request to target (or host it was received on)
void SetHostname( const char *pchHost ) { m_pProto->set_hostname( pchHost ); }
void SetHostnameDirect( const char *pchHost, uint32 unLength ) { m_pProto->set_hostname( pchHost, unLength ); }
const char *GetHostname() const { return m_pProto->hostname().c_str(); }
// Set the overall timeout in seconds for this request
void SetAbsoluteTimeoutSeconds( uint32 unSeconds ) { m_pProto->set_absolute_timeout( unSeconds ); }
// Get the total absolute timeout value for the request
uint32 GetAbsoluteTimeoutSeconds() { return m_pProto->absolute_timeout(); }
//accesses the HTTP message
const CMsgHttpRequest& GetProtoObj() const { return *m_pProto; }
static void RetrieveURLEncodedData( const char *pchQueryString, int nQueryStrLen, CUtlVector<CMsgHttpRequest_QueryParam> &vecParams );
// Adds a GET param containing raw data to the request. If you are using the Web API, you probably do not want this function
void SetGETParamRaw( const char *pchGetParamName, uint8 *pData, uint32 cubDataLen );
// Common initialization code
void Init( CMsgHttpRequest* pProto );
//the protobuf object that stores all of our contents
CMsgHttpRequest* m_pProto;
//whether or not we own this proto and should free it when the object is destroyed
bool m_bOwnProto;
// Purpose: A wrapper to CHTTPRequest for Steam WebAPIs. Host, mode, and API key
// are set automatically
class CSteamAPIRequest : public CHTTPRequest
CSteamAPIRequest( EHTTPMethod eMethod, const char *pchInterface, const char *pchMethod, int nVersion );
class CHTTPResponse
virtual ~CHTTPResponse();
// Get a specific headers data
const char *GetResponseHeaderValue( const char *pchName, const char *pchDefault = NULL ) const { return m_pkvResponseHeaders->GetString( pchName, pchDefault ); }
// Set a specific headers data, will clobber any existing value for that header
virtual void SetResponseHeaderValue( const char *pchName, const char *pchValue ) { m_pkvResponseHeaders->SetString( pchName, pchValue ); }
// Set status code for response
virtual void SetStatusCode( EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode ) { m_eStatusCode = eStatusCode; }
// Set the expiration header based on a time delta from now
void SetExpirationHeaderDeltaFromNow( int32 nSecondsFromNow );
// Set the expiration header based on a time delta from now
void SetHeaderTimeValue( const char *pchHeaderName, RTime32 rtTimestamp );
// Get the entire headers KV (in case you want to iterate them all or such)
KeyValues *GetResponseHeadersKV() const { return m_pkvResponseHeaders; }
// Accessors to the body data in the response
const uint8 *GetPubBody() const { return (uint8*)m_pbufBody->Base(); }
uint32 GetCubBody() const { return m_pbufBody->TellPut(); }
const CUtlBuffer *GetBodyBuffer() const { return m_pbufBody; }
CUtlBuffer *GetBodyBuffer() { return m_pbufBody; }
// Accessor
EHTTPStatusCode GetStatusCode() const { return m_eStatusCode; }
// writes the response into a protobuf for use in messages
void SerializeIntoProtoBuf( CMsgHttpResponse & response ) const;
// reads the response out of a protobuf from a message
void DeserializeFromProtoBuf( const CMsgHttpResponse & response );
static CBufferPool &GetBufferPool();
EHTTPStatusCode m_eStatusCode;
CUtlBuffer *m_pbufBody;
KeyValues *m_pkvResponseHeaders;
#include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"
#endif // HTTP_H