FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

916 lines
25 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "BonusMapsDatabase.h"
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "ModInfo.h"
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "BasePanel.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "BonusMapsDialog.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define MOD_DIR ( IsXbox() ? "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" : "MOD" )
const char g_pszMedalNames[4][8] =
const char *COM_GetModDirectory();
bool WriteBonusMapSavedData( KeyValues *data )
if ( IsX360() && ( XBX_GetStorageDeviceId() == XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID || XBX_GetStorageDeviceId() == XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED ) )
return false;
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
data->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
char szFilename[_MAX_PATH];
if ( IsX360() )
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "cfg:/bonus_maps_data.bmd" );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "save/bonus_maps_data.bmd" );
bool bWriteSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, MOD_DIR, buf );
return bWriteSuccess;
void GetBooleanStatus( KeyValues *pBonusFilesKey, BonusMapDescription_t &map )
KeyValues *pFileKey = NULL;
KeyValues *pBonusKey = NULL;
for ( pFileKey = pBonusFilesKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pFileKey; pFileKey = pFileKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pFileKey->GetName(), map.szFileName ) == 0 )
for ( pBonusKey = pFileKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pBonusKey; pBonusKey = pBonusKey->GetNextKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pBonusKey->GetName(), map.szMapName ) == 0 )
// Found the data
if ( pBonusKey )
map.bLocked = ( pBonusKey->GetInt( "lock" ) != 0 );
map.bComplete = ( pBonusKey->GetInt( "complete" ) != 0 );
bool SetBooleanStatus( KeyValues *pBonusFilesKey, const char *pchName, const char *pchFileName, const char *pchMapName, bool bValue )
// Don't create entries for files that don't exist
if ( !IsX360() && ! (g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pchFileName, "MOD" ) || g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( pchFileName, "MOD" ) ) )
DevMsg( "Failed to set boolean status for file %s.", pchFileName );
return false;
bool bChanged = false;
KeyValues *pFileKey = NULL;
KeyValues *pBonusKey = NULL;
for ( pFileKey = pBonusFilesKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pFileKey; pFileKey = pFileKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pFileKey->GetName(), pchFileName ) == 0 )
for ( pBonusKey = pFileKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pBonusKey; pBonusKey = pBonusKey->GetNextKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pBonusKey->GetName(), pchMapName ) == 0 )
// Found the data
if ( !pFileKey )
// Didn't find it, so create a new spot for the data
pFileKey = new KeyValues( pchFileName );
pBonusFilesKey->AddSubKey( pFileKey );
if ( !pBonusKey )
pBonusKey = new KeyValues( pchMapName, pchName, "0" );
pFileKey->AddSubKey( pBonusKey );
bChanged = true;
if ( ( pBonusKey->GetInt( pchName ) != 0 ) != bValue )
bChanged = true;
pBonusKey->SetInt( pchName, bValue );
return bChanged;
float GetChallengeBests( KeyValues *pBonusFilesKey, BonusMapDescription_t &challenge )
// There's no challenges, so bail and assume 0% challenge completion
if ( challenge.m_pChallenges == NULL || challenge.m_pChallenges->Count() == 0 )
return 0.0f;
KeyValues *pFileKey = NULL;
KeyValues *pBonusKey = NULL;
for ( pFileKey = pBonusFilesKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pFileKey; pFileKey = pFileKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pFileKey->GetName(), challenge.szFileName ) == 0 )
for ( pBonusKey = pFileKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pBonusKey; pBonusKey = pBonusKey->GetNextKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pBonusKey->GetName(), challenge.szMapName ) == 0 )
// Found the data
float fChallengePoints = 0.0f;
for ( int iChallenge = 0; iChallenge < challenge.m_pChallenges->Count(); ++iChallenge )
ChallengeDescription_t *pChallengeDescription = &((*challenge.m_pChallenges)[ iChallenge ]);
pChallengeDescription->iBest = ( ( pBonusKey ) ? ( pBonusKey->GetInt( pChallengeDescription->szName, -1 ) ) : ( -1 ) );
if ( pChallengeDescription->iBest >= 0 )
if ( pChallengeDescription->iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iGold )
fChallengePoints += 3.0f;
else if ( pChallengeDescription->iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iSilver )
fChallengePoints += 2.0f;
else if ( pChallengeDescription->iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iBronze )
fChallengePoints += 1.0f;
return fChallengePoints / ( challenge.m_pChallenges->Count() * 3.0f );
bool UpdateChallengeBest( KeyValues *pBonusFilesKey, const BonusMapChallenge_t &challenge )
// Don't create entries for files that don't exist
if ( !IsX360() && !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( challenge.szFileName, "MOD" ) )
DevMsg( "Failed to set challenge best for file %s.", challenge.szFileName );
return false;
bool bChanged = false;
KeyValues *pFileKey = NULL;
KeyValues *pBonusKey = NULL;
for ( pFileKey = pBonusFilesKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pFileKey; pFileKey = pFileKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pFileKey->GetName(), challenge.szFileName ) == 0 )
for ( pBonusKey = pFileKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pBonusKey; pBonusKey = pBonusKey->GetNextKey() )
if ( Q_strcmp( pBonusKey->GetName(), challenge.szMapName ) == 0 )
// Found the challenge
if ( !pFileKey )
// Didn't find it, so create a new spot for data
pFileKey = new KeyValues( challenge.szFileName );
pBonusFilesKey->AddSubKey( pFileKey );
if ( !pBonusKey )
pBonusKey = new KeyValues( challenge.szMapName, challenge.szChallengeName, -1 );
pFileKey->AddSubKey( pBonusKey );
bChanged = true;
int iCurrentBest = pBonusKey->GetInt( challenge.szChallengeName, -1 );
if ( iCurrentBest == -1 || iCurrentBest > challenge.iBest )
bChanged = true;
pBonusKey->SetInt( challenge.szChallengeName, challenge.iBest );
return bChanged;
void GetChallengeMedals( ChallengeDescription_t *pChallengeDescription, int &iBest, int &iEarnedMedal, int &iNext, int &iNextMedal )
iBest = pChallengeDescription->iBest;
if ( iBest == -1 )
iEarnedMedal = 0;
else if ( iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iGold )
iEarnedMedal = 3;
else if ( iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iSilver )
iEarnedMedal = 2;
else if ( iBest <= pChallengeDescription->iBronze )
iEarnedMedal = 1;
iEarnedMedal = 0;
iNext = -1;
switch ( iEarnedMedal )
case 0:
iNext = pChallengeDescription->iBronze;
iNextMedal = 1;
case 1:
iNext = pChallengeDescription->iSilver;
iNextMedal = 2;
case 2:
iNext = pChallengeDescription->iGold;
iNextMedal = 3;
case 3:
iNext = -1;
iNextMedal = -1;
CBonusMapsDatabase *g_pBonusMapsDatabase = NULL;
CBonusMapsDatabase *BonusMapsDatabase( void )
if ( !g_pBonusMapsDatabase )
static CBonusMapsDatabase StaticBonusMapsDatabase;
return g_pBonusMapsDatabase;
// Purpose:Constructor
CBonusMapsDatabase::CBonusMapsDatabase( void )
Assert( g_pBonusMapsDatabase == NULL ); // There should only be 1 bonus maps database
g_pBonusMapsDatabase = this;
m_pBonusMapsManifest = new KeyValues( "bonus_maps_manifest" );
m_pBonusMapsManifest->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "scripts/bonus_maps_manifest.txt", NULL );
m_iX360BonusesUnlocked = -1; // Only used on X360
m_bHasLoadedSaveData = false;
// Purpose: Destructor
g_pBonusMapsDatabase = NULL;
extern bool g_bIsCreatingNewGameMenuForPreFetching;
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::ReadBonusMapSaveData( void )
if ( !m_pBonusMapSavedData )
m_pBonusMapSavedData = new KeyValues( "bonus_map_saved_data" );
if ( g_bIsCreatingNewGameMenuForPreFetching )
// Although we may have a storage device it's not going to be able to find our file at this point! BAIL!
return false;
#ifdef _X360
// Nothing to read
if ( XBX_GetStorageDeviceId() == XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID || XBX_GetStorageDeviceId() == XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED )
return false;
char szFilename[_MAX_PATH];
if ( IsX360() )
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "cfg:/bonus_maps_data.bmd" );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "save/bonus_maps_data.bmd" );
m_pBonusMapSavedData->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, NULL );
m_bSavedDataChanged = false;
m_bHasLoadedSaveData = true;
return true;
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::WriteSaveData( void )
bool bSuccess = false;
if ( m_bSavedDataChanged )
bSuccess = WriteBonusMapSavedData( m_pBonusMapSavedData );
if ( bSuccess )
m_bSavedDataChanged = false;
return bSuccess;
void CBonusMapsDatabase::RootPath( void )
m_iDirDepth = 0;
V_strcpy_safe( m_szCurrentPath, "." );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::AppendPath( const char *pchAppend )
char szCurPathTmp[MAX_PATH];
V_strcpy_safe( szCurPathTmp, m_szCurrentPath );
Q_snprintf( m_szCurrentPath, sizeof( m_szCurrentPath ), "%s/%s", szCurPathTmp, pchAppend );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::BackPath( void )
if ( m_iDirDepth == 0 )
if ( m_iDirDepth == 1 )
RootPath(); // back to root
Q_strrchr( m_szCurrentPath, '/' )[ 0 ] = '\0'; // remove a dir from the end
void CBonusMapsDatabase::SetPath( const char *pchPath, int iDirDepth )
V_strcpy_safe( m_szCurrentPath, pchPath );
m_iDirDepth = iDirDepth;
void CBonusMapsDatabase::ClearBonusMapsList( void )
// Purpose: builds bonus map list from directory
void CBonusMapsDatabase::ScanBonusMaps( void )
// Don't load in the bonus maps before we've properly read in the save data
if ( !m_bHasLoadedSaveData )
if ( ! ReadBonusMapSaveData() )
char *pCurrentPath = &(m_szCurrentPath[2]);
// Reset completion percentage
m_iCompletableLevels = 0;
m_fCurrentCompletion = 0.0f;
// populate list box with all bonus maps in the current path
char szDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
if ( Q_strcmp( m_szCurrentPath, "." ) == 0 )
// We're at the root, so look at the directories in the manifest
KeyValues *pKey = NULL;
for ( pKey = m_pBonusMapsManifest->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
const char *pchType = pKey->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp( pchType, "search" ) == 0 )
// Search through the directory
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "%s/", pKey->GetString() );
BuildSubdirectoryList( szDirectory, true );
BuildBonusMapsList( szDirectory, true );
else if ( Q_strcmp( pchType, "dir" ) == 0 )
AddBonus( "", pKey->GetString(), true );
else if ( Q_strcmp( pchType, "map" ) == 0 )
AddBonus( "", pKey->GetString(), false );
// Search through the current directory
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "%s/", pCurrentPath );
BuildSubdirectoryList( szDirectory, false );
BuildBonusMapsList( szDirectory, false );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::RefreshMapData( void )
// Reset completion percentage
m_iCompletableLevels = 0;
m_fCurrentCompletion = 0.0f;
for ( int iMap = 0; iMap < m_BonusMaps.Count(); ++iMap )
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = &m_BonusMaps[ iMap ];
float fCompletion = GetChallengeBests( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), *pMap );
// If all the challenges are completed set it as complete
if ( fCompletion == 1.0f )
SetBooleanStatus( "complete", pMap->szFileName, pMap->szMapName, true );
GetBooleanStatus( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), *pMap );
if ( pMap->bComplete )
fCompletion = 1.0f;
if ( !pMap->bIsFolder )
m_fCurrentCompletion += fCompletion;
int CBonusMapsDatabase::BonusCount( void )
if ( m_BonusMaps.Count() == 0 )
return m_BonusMaps.Count();
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::GetBlink( void )
KeyValues *pBlinkKey = m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "blink" );
if ( !pBlinkKey )
return false;
return ( pBlinkKey->GetInt() != 0 );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::SetBlink( bool bState )
KeyValues *pBlinkKey = m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "blink" );
if ( pBlinkKey )
bool bCurrentState = ( pBlinkKey->GetInt() != 0 );
if ( bState && !bCurrentState )
pBlinkKey->SetStringValue( "1" );
m_bSavedDataChanged = true;
else if ( !bState && bCurrentState )
pBlinkKey->SetStringValue( "0" );
m_bSavedDataChanged = true;
// Only used on X360
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::BonusesUnlocked( void )
if ( m_iX360BonusesUnlocked == -1 )
// Never checked, so set up the proper X360 scan
BonusMapsDatabase()->ClearBonusMapsList(); // clear the current list
m_iX360BonusesUnlocked = 0;
if ( m_iX360BonusesUnlocked == 0 )
// Hasn't been recorded as unlocked yet
for ( int iBonusMap = 0; iBonusMap < BonusMapsDatabase()->BonusCount(); ++iBonusMap )
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = BonusMapsDatabase()->GetBonusData( iBonusMap );
if ( Q_strcmp( pMap->szMapName, "#Bonus_Map_AdvancedChambers" ) == 0 && !pMap->bLocked )
// All bonuses unlocked, remember this and set up the proper X360 scan to get info.
m_iX360BonusesUnlocked = 1;
return ( m_iX360BonusesUnlocked != 0 );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::SetCurrentChallengeNames( const char *pchFileName, const char *pchMapName, const char *pchChallengeName )
V_strcpy_safe( m_CurrentChallengeNames.szFileName, pchFileName );
V_strcpy_safe( m_CurrentChallengeNames.szMapName, pchMapName );
V_strcpy_safe( m_CurrentChallengeNames.szChallengeName, pchChallengeName );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::GetCurrentChallengeNames( char *pchFileName, char *pchMapName, char *pchChallengeName )
Q_strcpy( pchFileName, m_CurrentChallengeNames.szFileName );
Q_strcpy( pchMapName, m_CurrentChallengeNames.szMapName );
Q_strcpy( pchChallengeName, m_CurrentChallengeNames.szChallengeName );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::SetCurrentChallengeObjectives( int iBronze, int iSilver, int iGold )
m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iBronze = iBronze;
m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iSilver = iSilver;
m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iGold = iGold;
void CBonusMapsDatabase::GetCurrentChallengeObjectives( int &iBronze, int &iSilver, int &iGold )
iBronze = m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iBronze;
iSilver = m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iSilver;
iGold = m_CurrentChallengeObjectives.iGold;
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::SetBooleanStatus( const char *pchName, const char *pchFileName, const char *pchMapName, bool bValue )
bool bChanged = ::SetBooleanStatus( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), pchName, pchFileName, pchMapName, bValue );
if ( bChanged )
m_bSavedDataChanged = true;
return bChanged;
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::SetBooleanStatus( const char *pchName, int iIndex, bool bValue )
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = &(m_BonusMaps[iIndex]);
bool bChanged = SetBooleanStatus( pchName, pMap->szFileName, pMap->szMapName, bValue );
GetBooleanStatus( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), *pMap );
return bChanged;
bool CBonusMapsDatabase::UpdateChallengeBest( const char *pchFileName, const char *pchMapName, const char *pchChallengeName, int iBest )
BonusMapChallenge_t challenge;
V_strcpy_safe( challenge.szFileName, pchFileName );
V_strcpy_safe( challenge.szMapName, pchMapName );
V_strcpy_safe( challenge.szChallengeName, pchChallengeName );
challenge.iBest = iBest;
bool bChanged = ::UpdateChallengeBest( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), challenge );
if ( bChanged )
m_bSavedDataChanged = true;
return bChanged;
float CBonusMapsDatabase::GetCompletionPercentage( void )
// Avoid divide by zero
if ( m_iCompletableLevels <= 0 )
return 0.0f;
return m_fCurrentCompletion / m_iCompletableLevels;
int CBonusMapsDatabase::NumAdvancedComplete( void )
char szCurrentPath[_MAX_PATH];
V_strcpy_safe( szCurrentPath, m_szCurrentPath );
int iDirDepth = m_iDirDepth;
SetPath( "./scripts/advanced_chambers", 1 );
int iNumComplete = 0;
// Look through all the bonus maps
for ( int iBonusMap = 0; iBonusMap < BonusMapsDatabase()->BonusCount(); ++iBonusMap )
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = BonusMapsDatabase()->GetBonusData( iBonusMap );
if ( pMap && Q_strstr( pMap->szMapName, "Advanced" ) != NULL )
// It's an advanced map, so check if it's complete
if ( pMap->bComplete )
SetPath( szCurrentPath, iDirDepth );
return iNumComplete;
void CBonusMapsDatabase::NumMedals( int piNumMedals[ 3 ] )
char szCurrentPath[_MAX_PATH];
V_strcpy_safe( szCurrentPath, m_szCurrentPath );
int iDirDepth = m_iDirDepth;
SetPath( "./scripts/challenges", 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
piNumMedals[ i ] = 0;
// Look through all the bonus maps
for ( int iBonusMap = 0; iBonusMap < BonusMapsDatabase()->BonusCount(); ++iBonusMap )
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = BonusMapsDatabase()->GetBonusData( iBonusMap );
if ( pMap && pMap->m_pChallenges )
for ( int iChallenge = 0; iChallenge < pMap->m_pChallenges->Count(); ++iChallenge )
ChallengeDescription_t *pChallengeDescription = &((*pMap->m_pChallenges)[ iChallenge ]);
int iBest, iEarnedMedal, iNext, iNextMedal;
GetChallengeMedals( pChallengeDescription, iBest, iEarnedMedal, iNext, iNextMedal );
// Increase the count for this medal and every medal below it
while ( iEarnedMedal > 0 )
--iEarnedMedal; // Medals are 1,2&3 so subtract 1 first
piNumMedals[ iEarnedMedal ]++;
SetPath( szCurrentPath, iDirDepth );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::AddBonus( const char *pCurrentPath, const char *pDirFileName, bool bIsFolder )
char szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s", pCurrentPath, pDirFileName );
// Only load bonus maps from the current mod's maps dir
if( !IsX360() && !( g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( szFileName, "MOD" ) || g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFileName, "MOD" ) ))
ParseBonusMapData( szFileName, pDirFileName, bIsFolder );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::BuildSubdirectoryList( const char *pCurrentPath, bool bOutOfRoot )
char szDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "%s*", pCurrentPath );
FileFindHandle_t dirHandle;
const char *pDirFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( szDirectory, &dirHandle );
while (pDirFileName)
// Skip it if it's not a directory, is the root, is back, or is an invalid folder
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( dirHandle ) ||
Q_strcmp( pDirFileName, "." ) == 0 ||
Q_strcmp( pDirFileName, ".." ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( pDirFileName, "soundcache" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( pDirFileName, "graphs" ) == 0 )
pDirFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( dirHandle );
if ( !bOutOfRoot )
AddBonus( pCurrentPath, pDirFileName, true );
char szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s", pCurrentPath, pDirFileName );
AddBonus( "", szFileName, true );
pDirFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( dirHandle );
g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( dirHandle );
void CBonusMapsDatabase::BuildBonusMapsList( const char *pCurrentPath, bool bOutOfRoot )
char szDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "%s*.bns", pCurrentPath );
FileFindHandle_t mapHandle;
const char *pMapFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( szDirectory, &mapHandle );
while ( pMapFileName && Q_strlen(pMapFileName)>0 )
// Skip it if it's a directory or is the folder info
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( mapHandle ) || Q_strstr( pMapFileName, "folderinfo.bns" ) )
pMapFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( mapHandle );
if ( !bOutOfRoot )
AddBonus( pCurrentPath, pMapFileName, false );
char szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s%s", pCurrentPath, pMapFileName );
AddBonus( "", szFileName, false );
pMapFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( mapHandle );
g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( mapHandle );
// Purpose: Parses the save game info out of the .sav file header
void CBonusMapsDatabase::ParseBonusMapData( char const *pszFileName, char const *pszShortName, bool bIsFolder )
if ( !pszFileName || !pszShortName )
char szMapInfo[_MAX_PATH];
// if it's a directory, there's no optional info
if ( bIsFolder )
// get the folder info file name
Q_snprintf( szMapInfo, sizeof(szMapInfo), "%s/folderinfo.bns", pszFileName );
// get the map info file name
Q_strncpy( szMapInfo, pszFileName, sizeof(szMapInfo) );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( pszShortName );
if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szMapInfo, NULL ) )
DevMsg( "Unable to load bonus map info file %s\n", szMapInfo );
while ( kv )
int iMap = m_BonusMaps.AddToTail();
BonusMapDescription_t *pMap = &m_BonusMaps[ iMap ];
// set required map data
Q_strncpy( pMap->szFileName, pszFileName, sizeof(pMap->szFileName) );
Q_strncpy( pMap->szShortName, pszShortName, sizeof(pMap->szShortName) );
pMap->bIsFolder = bIsFolder;
// set optional map data
V_strcpy_safe( pMap->szMapName, kv->GetName() );
V_strcpy_safe( pMap->szMapFileName, kv->GetString( "map" ) );
V_strcpy_safe( pMap->szChapterName, kv->GetString( "chapter" ) );
V_strcpy_safe( pMap->szImageName, kv->GetString( "image" ) );
V_strcpy_safe( pMap->szComment, kv->GetString( "comment" ) );
pMap->bLocked = ( kv->GetInt( "lock", 0 ) != 0 );
pMap->bComplete = ( kv->GetInt( "complete", 0 ) != 0 );
float fCompletion = 0.0f;
KeyValues *pChallenges = kv->FindKey( "challenges" );
if ( pChallenges )
for ( KeyValues *pChallengeKey = pChallenges->GetFirstSubKey(); pChallengeKey; pChallengeKey = pChallengeKey->GetNextKey() )
if ( !pMap->m_pChallenges )
pMap->m_pChallenges = new CUtlVector<ChallengeDescription_t>;
int iChallenge = pMap->m_pChallenges->AddToTail();
ChallengeDescription_t *pChallenge = &(*pMap->m_pChallenges)[ iChallenge ];
V_strcpy_safe( pChallenge->szName, pChallengeKey->GetName() );
V_strcpy_safe( pChallenge->szComment, pChallengeKey->GetString( "comment" ) );
pChallenge->iType = pChallengeKey->GetInt( "type", -1 );
pChallenge->iBronze = pChallengeKey->GetInt( "bronze" );
pChallenge->iSilver = pChallengeKey->GetInt( "silver" );
pChallenge->iGold = pChallengeKey->GetInt( "gold" );
fCompletion = GetChallengeBests( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), *pMap );
// If all the challenges are completed set it as complete
if ( fCompletion == 1.0f )
SetBooleanStatus( "complete", pMap->szFileName, pMap->szMapName, true );
// Get boolean status last because it can be altered if all the challenges were completed
GetBooleanStatus( m_pBonusMapSavedData->FindKey( "bonusfiles", true ), *pMap );
if ( pMap->bComplete )
fCompletion = 1.0f;
if ( !pMap->bIsFolder )
m_fCurrentCompletion += fCompletion;
kv = kv->GetNextTrueSubKey();
kv = NULL;
void CC_BonusMapUnlock( const CCommand &args )
if ( args.ArgC() < 3 )
GameUI().BonusMapUnlock( args[ 1 ], args[ 2 ] );
static ConCommand sv_bonus_map_unlock("sv_bonus_map_unlock", CC_BonusMapUnlock, "Locks a bonus map.", FCVAR_CHEAT );
void CC_BonusMapComplete( const CCommand &args )
if ( args.ArgC() < 3 )
GameUI().BonusMapComplete( args[ 1 ], args[ 2 ] );
static ConCommand sv_bonus_map_complete("sv_bonus_map_complete", CC_BonusMapComplete, "Completes a bonus map.", FCVAR_CHEAT );
void CC_BonusMapChallengeUpdate( const CCommand &args )
if ( args.ArgC() < 5 )
GameUI().BonusMapChallengeUpdate( args[ 1 ], args[ 2 ], args[ 3 ], atoi( args[ 4 ] ) );
static ConCommand sv_bonus_map_challenge_update("sv_bonus_map_challenge_update", CC_BonusMapChallengeUpdate, "Updates a bonus map challenge score.", FCVAR_CHEAT );