Kamay Xutax 6691968046 Added enhanced cl_clock_correction & misc
- Added vprof
- Fixed few issues again with cl_showhitboxes
- Fixed some shader compilation
- Fixed few issues with bitbuf
2024-07-23 03:05:29 +02:00

459 lines
12 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <tier1/strtools.h>
#include <eiface.h>
#include <bitbuf.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "hltvdemo.h"
#include "hltvserver.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#include "proto_version.h"
#include "demofile/demoformat.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "dt_common_eng.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "networkstringtableclient.h"
#include "vcrmode.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerServer;
// Construction/Destruction
m_bIsRecording = false;
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::StartAutoRecording()
char fileName[MAX_OSPATH];
tm today; VCRHook_LocalTime( &today );
Q_snprintf( fileName, sizeof(fileName), "auto-%04i%02i%02i-%02i%02i-%s.dem",
1900 + today.tm_year, today.tm_mon+1, today.tm_mday,
today.tm_hour, today.tm_min, hltv->GetMapName() );
StartRecording( fileName, false );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::StartRecording( const char *filename, bool bContinuously )
StopRecording(); // stop if we're already recording
if ( !m_DemoFile.Open( filename, false ) )
ConMsg ("StartRecording: couldn't open demo file %s.\n", filename );
ConMsg ("Recording SourceTV demo to %s...\n", filename);
demoheader_t *dh = &m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader;
// open demo header file containing sigondata
Q_memset( dh, 0, sizeof(demoheader_t));
Q_strncpy( dh->demofilestamp, DEMO_HEADER_ID, sizeof(dh->demofilestamp) );
dh->demoprotocol = DEMO_PROTOCOL;
dh->networkprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION;
Q_strncpy( dh->mapname, hltv->GetMapName(), sizeof( dh->mapname ) );
char szGameDir[MAX_OSPATH];
Q_strncpy(szGameDir, com_gamedir, sizeof( szGameDir ) );
Q_FileBase ( szGameDir, dh->gamedirectory, sizeof( dh->gamedirectory ) );
Q_strncpy( dh->servername, host_name.GetString(), sizeof( dh->servername ) );
Q_strncpy( dh->clientname, "SourceTV Demo", sizeof( dh->servername ) );
// write demo file header info
dh->signonlength = WriteSignonData(); // demoheader will be written when demo is closed
m_nFrameCount = 0;
m_nStartTick = host_tickcount;
m_nClientTick = host_tickcount;
// Demo playback should read this as an incoming message.
// Write the client's realtime value out so we can synchronize the reads.
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( dem_synctick, 0 );
m_bIsRecording = true;
m_SequenceInfo = 1;
m_nDeltaTick = -1;
bool CHLTVDemoRecorder::IsRecording()
return m_bIsRecording;
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::StopRecording()
if ( !m_bIsRecording )
// Demo playback should read this as an incoming message.
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( dem_stop, GetRecordingTick() );
// update demo header info
m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks = GetRecordingTick();
m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time = host_state.interval_per_tick * GetRecordingTick();
m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_frames = m_nFrameCount;
// write updated version
m_bIsRecording = false;
// clear writing data buffer
if ( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() )
delete [] m_MessageData.GetBasePointer();
m_MessageData.StartWriting( NULL, 0 );
ConMsg("Completed SourceTV demo \"%s\", recording time %.1f\n",
m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader.playback_time );
CDemoFile *CHLTVDemoRecorder::GetDemoFile()
return &m_DemoFile;
int CHLTVDemoRecorder::GetRecordingTick( void )
return host_tickcount - m_nStartTick;
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::WriteServerInfo()
bf_write msg( "CHLTVDemoRecorder::WriteServerInfo", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
SVC_ServerInfo serverinfo; // create serverinfo message
// on the master demos are using sv object, on relays hltv
CBaseServer *pServer = hltv->IsMasterProxy()?(CBaseServer*)(&sv):(CBaseServer*)(hltv);
hltv->FillServerInfo( serverinfo ); // fill rest of info message
serverinfo.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// send first tick
NET_Tick signonTick( m_nSignonTick, m_nClientTick, 0, 0 );
signonTick.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// write stringtable baselines
pServer->m_StringTables->WriteBaselines( msg );
// Write replicated ConVars to non-listen server clients only
NET_SetConVar convars;
// build a list of all replicated convars
Host_BuildConVarUpdateMessage( &convars, FCVAR_REPLICATED, true );
if ( hltv->IsMasterProxy() )
// for SourceTV server demos write set "tv_transmitall 1" even
// if it's off for the real broadcast
NET_SetConVar::cvar_t acvar;
Q_strncpy( acvar.name, "tv_transmitall", MAX_OSPATH );
Q_strncpy( acvar.value, "1", MAX_OSPATH );
convars.m_ConVars.AddToTail( acvar );
// write convars to demo
convars.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// send signon state
NET_SignonState signonMsg( SIGNONSTATE_NEW, pServer->GetSpawnCount() );
signonMsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
WriteMessages( dem_signon, msg );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::RecordCommand( const char *cmdstring )
if ( !IsRecording() )
if ( !cmdstring || !cmdstring[0] )
m_DemoFile.WriteConsoleCommand( cmdstring, GetRecordingTick() );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::RecordServerClasses( ServerClass *pClasses )
char *pBigBuffer;
CUtlBuffer bigBuff;
int buffSize = 256*1024;
if ( !IsX360() )
pBigBuffer = (char*)stackalloc( buffSize );
// keep temp large allocations off of stack
bigBuff.EnsureCapacity( buffSize );
pBigBuffer = (char*)bigBuff.Base();
bf_write buf( pBigBuffer, buffSize );
// Send SendTable info.
DataTable_WriteSendTablesBuffer( pClasses, &buf );
// Send class descriptions.
DataTable_WriteClassInfosBuffer( pClasses, &buf );
// Now write the buffer into the demo file
m_DemoFile.WriteNetworkDataTables( &buf, GetRecordingTick() );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::RecordStringTables()
// !KLUDGE! It would be nice if the bit buffer could write into a stream
// with the power to grow itself. But it can't. Hence this really bad
// kludge
void *data = NULL;
int dataLen = 512 * 1024;
data = realloc( data, dataLen );
bf_write buf( data, dataLen );
buf.SetAssertOnOverflow( false ); // Doesn't turn off all the spew / asserts, but turns off one
networkStringTableContainerServer->WriteStringTables( buf );
// Did we fit?
if ( !buf.IsOverflowed() )
// Now write the buffer into the demo file
m_DemoFile.WriteStringTables( &buf, GetRecordingTick() );
// Didn't fit. Try doubling the size of the buffer
dataLen *= 2;
Warning( "Failed to RecordStringTables. Trying to record string table that's bigger than max string table size\n" );
int CHLTVDemoRecorder::WriteSignonData()
int start = m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( false );
// on the master demos are using sv object, on relays hltv
CBaseServer *pServer = hltv->IsMasterProxy()?(CBaseServer*)(&sv):(CBaseServer*)(hltv);
m_nSignonTick = pServer->m_nTickCount;
RecordServerClasses( serverGameDLL->GetAllServerClasses() );
bf_write msg( "CHLTVDemo::WriteSignonData", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
// use your class infos, CRC is correct
SVC_ClassInfo classmsg( true, pServer->serverclasses );
classmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// Write the regular signon now
msg.WriteBits( hltv->m_Signon.GetData(), hltv->m_Signon.GetNumBitsWritten() );
// write new state
NET_SignonState signonMsg1( SIGNONSTATE_PRESPAWN, pServer->GetSpawnCount() );
signonMsg1.WriteToBuffer( msg );
WriteMessages( dem_signon, msg );
// set view entity
SVC_SetView viewent( hltv->m_nViewEntity );
viewent.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// Spawned into server, not fully active, though
NET_SignonState signonMsg2( SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN, pServer->GetSpawnCount() );
signonMsg2.WriteToBuffer( msg );
WriteMessages( dem_signon, msg );
return m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( false ) - start;
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::WriteFrame( CHLTVFrame *pFrame )
bf_write msg( "CHLTVDemo::RecordFrame", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
assert( hltv->IsMasterProxy() ); // this works only on the master since we use sv.
//first write reliable data
bf_write *data = &pFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_RELIABLE];
if ( data->GetNumBitsWritten() )
msg.WriteBits( data->GetBasePointer(), data->GetNumBitsWritten() );
//now send snapshot data
// send tick time
NET_Tick tickmsg( pFrame->tick_count, m_nClientTick, host_frametime_unbounded, host_frametime_stddeviation );
tickmsg.WriteToBuffer( msg );
// Update shared client/server string tables. Must be done before sending entities
sv.m_StringTables->WriteUpdateMessage( NULL, max( m_nSignonTick, m_nDeltaTick ), msg );
// get delta frame
CClientFrame *deltaFrame = hltv->GetClientFrame( m_nDeltaTick ); // NULL if delta_tick is not found or -1
// send entity update, delta compressed if deltaFrame != NULL
sv.WriteDeltaEntities( hltv->m_MasterClient, pFrame, deltaFrame, msg );
// send all unreliable temp ents between last and current frame
CFrameSnapshot * fromSnapshot = deltaFrame?deltaFrame->GetSnapshot():NULL;
sv.WriteTempEntities( hltv->m_MasterClient, pFrame->GetSnapshot(), fromSnapshot, msg, 255 );
// write sound data
data = &pFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_SOUNDS];
if ( data->GetNumBitsWritten() )
msg.WriteBits( data->GetBasePointer(), data->GetNumBitsWritten() );
// write voice data
data = &pFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_VOICE];
if ( data->GetNumBitsWritten() )
msg.WriteBits( data->GetBasePointer(), data->GetNumBitsWritten() );
// last write unreliable data
data = &pFrame->m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE];
if ( data->GetNumBitsWritten() )
msg.WriteBits( data->GetBasePointer(), data->GetNumBitsWritten() );
// update delta tick just like fakeclients do
m_nDeltaTick = pFrame->tick_count;
m_nClientTick = pFrame->tick_count;
// write packet to demo file
WriteMessages( dem_packet, msg );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::WriteMessages( unsigned char cmd, bf_write &message )
int len = message.GetNumBytesWritten();
if (len <= 0)
// fill last bits in last byte with NOP if necessary
int nRemainingBits = message.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8;
if ( nRemainingBits > 0 && nRemainingBits <= (8-NETMSG_TYPE_BITS) )
message.WriteUBitLong( net_NOP, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS );
Assert( len < NET_MAX_MESSAGE );
// if signondata read as fast as possible, no rewind
// and wait for packet time
// byte cmd = (m_pDemoFileHeader != NULL) ? dem_signon : dem_packet;
if ( cmd == dem_packet )
// write command & time
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( cmd, GetRecordingTick() );
// write NULL democmdinfo just to keep same format as client demos
democmdinfo_t info;
Q_memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) );
m_DemoFile.WriteCmdInfo( info );
// write continously increasing sequence numbers
m_DemoFile.WriteSequenceInfo( m_SequenceInfo, m_SequenceInfo );
// Output the buffer. Skip the network packet stuff.
m_DemoFile.WriteRawData( (char*)message.GetBasePointer(), len );
if ( tv_debug.GetInt() > 1 )
Msg( "Writing SourceTV demo message %i bytes at file pos %i\n", len, m_DemoFile.GetCurPos( false ) );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::RecordMessages(bf_read &data, int bits)
// create buffer if not there yet
if ( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() == NULL )
m_MessageData.StartWriting( new unsigned char[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD], NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
if ( bits>0 )
m_MessageData.WriteBitsFromBuffer( &data, bits );
Assert( !m_MessageData.IsOverflowed() );
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::RecordPacket()
if( m_MessageData.GetBasePointer() )
WriteMessages( dem_packet, m_MessageData );
m_MessageData.Reset(); // clear message buffer