FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

521 lines
13 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "dt_common.h"
#include "dt_recv_eng.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "dt_encode.h"
#include "utlmap.h"
#include "tier1/bitbuf.h"
class SendTable;
class RecvTable;
class CDTISendTable;
// Bit counts used to encode the information about a property.
#define PROPINFOBITS_NUMELEMENTS 10 // For arrays.
class ExcludeProp
char const *m_pTableName;
char const *m_pPropName;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CDeltaBitsReader.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CDeltaBitsReader
CDeltaBitsReader( bf_read *pBuf );
// Write the next property index. Returns the number of bits used.
unsigned int ReadNextPropIndex();
unsigned int ReadNextPropIndex_Continued();
void SkipPropData( const SendProp *pProp );
int ComparePropData( CDeltaBitsReader* pOut, const SendProp *pProp );
void CopyPropData( bf_write* pOut, const SendProp *pProp );
// If you know you're done but you're not at the end (you haven't called until
// ReadNextPropIndex returns -1), call this so it won't assert in its destructor.
void ForceFinished();
bf_read *m_pBuf;
int m_iLastProp;
FORCEINLINE CDeltaBitsReader::CDeltaBitsReader( bf_read *pBuf )
m_pBuf = pBuf;
m_iLastProp = -1;
FORCEINLINE CDeltaBitsReader::~CDeltaBitsReader()
// Make sure they read to the end unless they specifically said they don't care.
Assert( !m_pBuf );
FORCEINLINE void CDeltaBitsReader::ForceFinished()
m_pBuf = NULL;
FORCEINLINE unsigned int CDeltaBitsReader::ReadNextPropIndex()
Assert( m_pBuf );
// Expanded and optimized version of
// if ( m_pBuf->ReadOneBit() )
// {
// m_iLastProp += 1 + m_pBuf->ReadUBitVar();
// return m_iLastProp;
// }
// return ~0u;
if ( m_pBuf->GetNumBitsLeft() >= 7 )
uint bits = m_pBuf->ReadUBitLong( 7 );
if ( bits & 1 )
uint delta = bits >> 3;
if ( bits & 6 )
delta = m_pBuf->ReadUBitVarInternal( (bits & 6) >> 1 );
m_iLastProp = m_iLastProp + 1 + delta;
Assert( m_iLastProp < MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS );
return m_iLastProp;
m_pBuf->m_iCurBit -= 6; // Unread six bits we shouldn't have looked at
// Not enough bits for a property index.
if ( m_pBuf->ReadOneBit() )
// Expected a zero bit! Force an overflow!
return ~0u;
FORCEINLINE void CDeltaBitsReader::SkipPropData( const SendProp *pProp )
g_PropTypeFns[ pProp->GetType() ].SkipProp( pProp, m_pBuf );
FORCEINLINE void CDeltaBitsReader::CopyPropData( bf_write* pOut, const SendProp *pProp )
int start = m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead();
g_PropTypeFns[ pProp->GetType() ].SkipProp( pProp, m_pBuf );
int len = m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead() - start;
m_pBuf->Seek( start );
pOut->WriteBitsFromBuffer( m_pBuf, len );
FORCEINLINE int CDeltaBitsReader::ComparePropData( CDeltaBitsReader *pInReader, const SendProp *pProp )
bf_read *pIn = pInReader->m_pBuf;
return g_PropTypeFns[pProp->m_Type].CompareDeltas( pProp, m_pBuf, pIn );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CDeltaBitsWriter.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CDeltaBitsWriter
CDeltaBitsWriter( bf_write *pBuf );
// Write the next property index. Returns the number of bits used.
void WritePropIndex( int iProp );
// Access the buffer it's outputting to.
bf_write* GetBitBuf();
bf_write *m_pBuf;
int m_iLastProp;
inline CDeltaBitsWriter::CDeltaBitsWriter( bf_write *pBuf )
m_pBuf = pBuf;
m_iLastProp = -1;
inline bf_write* CDeltaBitsWriter::GetBitBuf()
return m_pBuf;
FORCEINLINE void CDeltaBitsWriter::WritePropIndex( int iProp )
Assert( iProp >= 0 && iProp < MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS );
unsigned int diff = iProp - m_iLastProp;
m_iLastProp = iProp;
Assert( diff > 0 && diff <= MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS );
// Expanded inline for maximum efficiency.
//m_pBuf->WriteOneBit( 1 );
//m_pBuf->WriteUBitVar( diff - 1 );
int n = ((diff < 0x11u) ? -1 : 0) + ((diff < 0x101u) ? -1 : 0);
m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( diff*8 - 8 + 4 + n*2 + 1, 8 + n*4 + 4 + 2 + 1 );
inline CDeltaBitsWriter::~CDeltaBitsWriter()
m_pBuf->WriteOneBit( 0 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CSendNode
// Each datatable gets a tree of CSendNodes. There is one CSendNode
// for each datatable property that was in the original SendTable.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CSendNode
int GetNumChildren() const;
CSendNode* GetChild( int i ) const;
// Returns true if the specified prop is in this node or any of its children.
bool IsPropInRecursiveProps( int i ) const;
// Each datatable property (without SPROP_PROXY_ALWAYS_YES set) gets a unique index here.
// The engine stores arrays of CSendProxyRecipients with the results of the proxies and indexes the results
// with this index.
unsigned short GetDataTableProxyIndex() const;
void SetDataTableProxyIndex( unsigned short val );
// Similar to m_DataTableProxyIndex, but doesn't use DATATABLE_PROXY_INDEX_INVALID,
// so this can be used to index CDataTableStack::m_pProxies.
unsigned short GetRecursiveProxyIndex() const;
void SetRecursiveProxyIndex( unsigned short val );
// Child datatables.
CUtlVector<CSendNode*> m_Children;
// The datatable property that leads us to this CSendNode.
// This indexes the CSendTablePrecalc or CRecvDecoder's m_DatatableProps list.
// The root CSendNode sets this to -1.
short m_iDatatableProp;
// The SendTable that this node represents.
// ALL CSendNodes have this.
const SendTable *m_pTable;
// Properties in this table.
// m_iFirstRecursiveProp to m_nRecursiveProps defines the list of propertise
// of this node and all its children.
unsigned short m_iFirstRecursiveProp;
unsigned short m_nRecursiveProps;
// See GetDataTableProxyIndex().
unsigned short m_DataTableProxyIndex;
// See GetRecursiveProxyIndex().
unsigned short m_RecursiveProxyIndex;
inline int CSendNode::GetNumChildren() const
return m_Children.Count();
inline CSendNode* CSendNode::GetChild( int i ) const
return m_Children[i];
inline bool CSendNode::IsPropInRecursiveProps( int i ) const
int index = i - (int)m_iFirstRecursiveProp;
return index >= 0 && index < m_nRecursiveProps;
inline unsigned short CSendNode::GetDataTableProxyIndex() const
Assert( m_DataTableProxyIndex != DATATABLE_PROXY_INDEX_INVALID ); // Make sure it's been set before.
return m_DataTableProxyIndex;
inline void CSendNode::SetDataTableProxyIndex( unsigned short val )
m_DataTableProxyIndex = val;
inline unsigned short CSendNode::GetRecursiveProxyIndex() const
return m_RecursiveProxyIndex;
inline void CSendNode::SetRecursiveProxyIndex( unsigned short val )
m_RecursiveProxyIndex = val;
class CFastLocalTransferPropInfo
unsigned short m_iRecvOffset;
unsigned short m_iSendOffset;
unsigned short m_iProp;
class CFastLocalTransferInfo
CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> m_FastInt32;
CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> m_FastInt16;
CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> m_FastInt8;
CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> m_FastVector;
CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> m_OtherProps; // Props that must be copied slowly (proxies and all).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CSendTablePrecalc
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CSendTablePrecalc
virtual ~CSendTablePrecalc();
// This function builds the flat property array given a SendTable.
bool SetupFlatPropertyArray();
int GetNumProps() const;
const SendProp* GetProp( int i ) const;
int GetNumDatatableProps() const;
const SendProp* GetDatatableProp( int i ) const;
SendTable* GetSendTable() const;
CSendNode* GetRootNode();
int GetNumDataTableProxies() const;
void SetNumDataTableProxies( int count );
class CProxyPathEntry
unsigned short m_iDatatableProp; // Lookup into CSendTablePrecalc or CRecvDecoder::m_DatatableProps.
unsigned short m_iProxy;
class CProxyPath
unsigned short m_iFirstEntry; // Index into m_ProxyPathEntries.
unsigned short m_nEntries;
CUtlVector<CProxyPathEntry> m_ProxyPathEntries; // For each proxy index, this is all the DT proxies that generate it.
CUtlVector<CProxyPath> m_ProxyPaths; // CProxyPathEntries lookup into this.
// These are what CSendNodes reference.
// These are actual data properties (ints, floats, etc).
CUtlVector<const SendProp*> m_Props;
// Each datatable in a SendTable's tree gets a proxy index, and its properties reference that.
CUtlVector<unsigned char> m_PropProxyIndices;
// CSendNode::m_iDatatableProp indexes this.
// These are the datatable properties (SendPropDataTable).
CUtlVector<const SendProp*> m_DatatableProps;
// This is the property hierarchy, with the nodes indexing m_Props.
CSendNode m_Root;
// From whence we came.
SendTable *m_pSendTable;
// For instrumentation.
CDTISendTable *m_pDTITable;
// This is precalculated in single player to allow faster direct copying of the entity data
// from the server entity to the client entity.
CFastLocalTransferInfo m_FastLocalTransfer;
// This tells how many data table properties there are without SPROP_PROXY_ALWAYS_YES.
// Arrays allocated with this size can be indexed by CSendNode::GetDataTableProxyIndex().
int m_nDataTableProxies;
// Map prop offsets to indices for properties that can use it.
CUtlMap<unsigned short, unsigned short> m_PropOffsetToIndexMap;
inline int CSendTablePrecalc::GetNumProps() const
return m_Props.Count();
inline const SendProp* CSendTablePrecalc::GetProp( int i ) const
return m_Props[i];
inline int CSendTablePrecalc::GetNumDatatableProps() const
return m_DatatableProps.Count();
inline const SendProp* CSendTablePrecalc::GetDatatableProp( int i ) const
return m_DatatableProps[i];
inline SendTable* CSendTablePrecalc::GetSendTable() const
return m_pSendTable;
inline CSendNode* CSendTablePrecalc::GetRootNode()
return &m_Root;
inline int CSendTablePrecalc::GetNumDataTableProxies() const
return m_nDataTableProxies;
inline void CSendTablePrecalc::SetNumDataTableProxies( int count )
m_nDataTableProxies = count;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Helpers.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Used internally by various datatable modules.
void DataTable_Warning( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pInMessage, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );
bool ShouldWatchThisProp( const SendTable *pTable, int objectID, const char *pPropName );
// Same as AreBitArraysEqual but does a trivial test to make sure the
// two arrays are equally sized.
bool CompareBitArrays(
void const *pPacked1,
void const *pPacked2,
int nBits1,
int nBits2
// to skip of a Property we just IsEncodedZero to read over it
// this is faster then doing a full Decode()
inline void SkipPropData( bf_read *pIn, const SendProp *pProp )
g_PropTypeFns[ pProp->GetType() ].SkipProp( pProp, pIn );
// This is to be called on SendTables and RecvTables to setup array properties
// to point at their property templates and to set the SPROP_INSIDEARRAY flag
// on the properties inside arrays.
// We make the proptype an explicit template parameter because
// gcc templating cannot deduce typedefs from classes in templates properly
template< class TableType, class PropType >
void SetupArrayProps_R( TableType *pTable )
// If this table has already been initialized in here, then jump out.
if ( pTable->IsInitialized() )
pTable->SetInitialized( true );
for ( int i=0; i < pTable->GetNumProps(); i++ )
PropType *pProp = pTable->GetProp( i );
if ( pProp->GetType() == DPT_Array )
ErrorIfNot( i >= 1,
("SetupArrayProps_R: array prop '%s' is at index zero.", pProp->GetName())
// Get the property defining the elements in the array.
PropType *pArrayProp = pTable->GetProp( i-1 );
pProp->SetArrayProp( pArrayProp );
else if ( pProp->GetType() == DPT_DataTable )
// Recurse into children datatables.
SetupArrayProps_R<TableType,PropType>( pProp->GetDataTable() );
#endif // DATATABLE_H