FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

153 lines
3.9 KiB

import WildcardSearch
import sys
import re
import os
curProps = {}
modelsContentFallbackDir = "c:\\hl2\\hl2\\models"
modelsContentDir = "c:\\hl2\\cstrike\\models"
materialsFallbackDir = "c:\\hl2\\hl2\\materials"
materialsDir = "c:\\hl2\\cstrike\\materials"
mapsDir = "c:\\hl2\\cstrike\\maps"
exeDir = "c:\\hl2\\bin"
# RE to look for '$surfaceProp blah'
surfacePropRE = re.compile( r'\"?\$surfaceprop\"?\s+\"?(?P<propname>[^\"]+)\"?', re.IGNORECASE )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Helper functions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def FileExists(f):
file = open(f)
except IOError:
exists = 0
exists = 1
return exists
def PrintFilename( filename ):
print filename
def SearchFile( filename ):
f = open( filename, "rt" )
PrintFilename( filename )
fileData = f.read()
match = surfacePropRE.search( fileData )
if match:
propName = match.group( 1 ).upper()
curProps[propName] = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Search all the map files for texture names and model files.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
usedVMTFiles = {}
modelFiles = {}
# RE to look for 'material blah'
materialRE = re.compile( r'\"?\material\"?\s+\"?(?P<matname>[^\"]+)\"?', re.IGNORECASE )
# Look for a model name referenced in the VMF file.
modelRE = re.compile( r'\"models\/(?P<modelname>.+)\.mdl\"', re.IGNORECASE )
files = WildcardSearch.WildcardSearch( mapsDir + "\\*.vmf", 1 )
for filename in files:
f = open( filename, "rt" )
fileData = f.read()
PrintFilename( filename )
# Get all the model names.
allMatches = modelRE.findall( fileData )
for match in allMatches:
modelFiles[match.upper()] = 1
# Get all the texture names.
allMatches = materialRE.findall( fileData )
for match in allMatches:
vmtName = match
usedVMTFiles[vmtName] = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Search all the model files for surface props.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Make sure we look at ALL models in the CStrike folder.
for filename in WildcardSearch.WildcardSearch( modelsContentDir + "\\*.mdl", 1 ):
modelFiles[filename.upper()] = 1
for iModel in modelFiles.keys():
iModel = iModel.replace( "/", "\\" )
filename = modelsContentDir + "\\" + iModel + ".mdl"
if not FileExists( filename ):
filename = modelsContentFallbackDir + "\\" + iModel + ".mdl"
if FileExists( filename ):
PrintFilename( filename )
cmd = exeDir + "\\studiomdl.exe -PrintSurfaceProps " + filename
f = os.popen( cmd )
if f:
output = f.readlines()
returnValue = f.close()
if returnValue == None:
for line in output:
curProps[line.upper().strip()] = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Search all the texture files for surface props.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
for iFile in usedVMTFiles.keys():
filename = materialsDir + "\\" + iFile + ".vmt"
if not FileExists( filename ):
filename = materialsFallbackDir + "\\" + iFile + ".vmt"
if FileExists( filename ):
SearchFile( filename )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Output the results.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
print "\n"
print "---------------------------------"
print "- Surface types found"
print "---------------------------------\n"
sortedList = [x for x in curProps.keys()]
for x in sortedList:
print x