
151 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( PROTO_OOB_H )
#define PROTO_OOB_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "proto_version.h"
// This is used, unless overridden in the registry
#define HB_TIMEOUT 15
#define PORT_RCON 27015 // defualt RCON port, TCP
#define PORT_MASTER 27011 // Default master port, UDP
#define PORT_CLIENT 27005 // Default client port, UDP/TCP
#define PORT_SERVER 27015 // Default server port, UDP/TCP
#define PORT_HLTV 27020 // Default hltv port
#define PORT_MATCHMAKING 27025 // Default matchmaking port
#define PORT_SYSTEMLINK 27030 // Default system link port
#define PORT_RPT 27035 // default RPT (remote perf testing) port, TCP
#define PORT_RPT_LISTEN 27036 // RPT connection listener (remote perf testing) port, TCP
#endif // ENABLE_RPT
#define PORT_REPLAY 27040 // Default replay port
#define PORT_SERVERSINFO 27069 // Default matchmaking port
// out of band message id bytes
// M = master, S = server, C = client, A = any
// the second character will allways be \n if the message isn't a single
// byte long (?? not true anymore?)
// Requesting for full server list from Server Master
#define A2M_GET_SERVERS 'c' // no params
// Master response with full server list
#define M2A_SERVERS 'd' // + 6 byte IP/Port list.
// Request for full server list from Server Master done in batches
#define A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH 'e' // + in532 uniqueID ( -1 for first batch )
// Master response with server list for channel
#define M2A_SERVER_BATCH 'f' // + int32 next uniqueID( -1 for last batch ) + 6 byte IP/Port list.
// Request for MOTD from Server Master (Message of the Day)
#define A2M_GET_MOTD 'g' // no params
// MOTD response Server Master
#define M2A_MOTD 'h' // + string
// Generic Ping Request
#define A2A_PING 'i' // respond with an A2A_ACK
// Generic Ack
#define A2A_ACK 'j' // general acknowledgement without info
#define C2S_CONNECT 'k' // client requests to connect
// Print to client console.
#define A2A_PRINT 'l' // print a message on client
// info request
#define S2A_INFO_DETAILED 'm' // New Query protocol, returns dedicated or not, + other performance info.
// Another user is requesting a challenge value from this machine
// NOTE: this is currently duplicated in SteamClient.dll but for a different purpose,
// so these can safely diverge anytime. SteamClient will be using a different protocol
// to update the master servers anyway.
#define A2S_GETCHALLENGE 'q' // Request challenge # from another machine
#define A2S_RCON 'r' // client rcon command
#define A2A_CUSTOM 't' // a custom command, follow by a string for 3rd party tools
// A user is requesting the list of master servers, auth servers, and titan dir servers from the Client Master server
// Master server list response
#define S2M_GETCHALLENGE 'w' // + dword challenge
#define S2M_HEARTBEAT 'y'
#define S2M_SHUTDOWN 'z' // Master peering message
#define M2S_CHALLENGE 'x' // + dword challenge
#define M2C_QUERY 'J' // request module from master
#define C2M_CLIENTQUERY '1' // New style server query
#define C2S_INFOREQUEST 'v'
#define S2C_INFOREPLY 'K'
// Client connection is initiated by requesting a challenge value
// the server sends this value back
#define S2C_CHALLENGE 'A' // + challenge value
// Server notification to client to commence signon process using challenge value.
#define S2C_CONNECTION 'B' // no params
// Response to server info requests
// Request for detailed server/rule information.
#define S2A_INFO_SRC 'I' // + Address, hostname, map, gamedir, gamedescription, active players, maxplayers, protocol
#define S2A_INFO_GOLDSRC 'm' // Reserved for use by goldsrc servers
#define S2C_REDIRECT 'L' // + IP x.x.x.x:port, redirect client to other server/proxy
#define C2M_CHECKMD5 'M' // player client asks secure master if Module MD5 is valid
#define M2C_ISVALIDMD5 'N' // secure servers answer to C2M_CHECKMD5
#define M2A_ACTIVEMODS3 'P' // response: keyvalues struct of mods
#define A2M_GETACTIVEMODS3 'Q' // get a list of mods and the stats about them
#define S2A_LOGSTRING 'R' // send a log string
#define S2A_LOGSTRING2 'S' // send a log string including a secret value
#define A2S_INFO 'T' // generic server info request - this must match the Source engine
#define A2S_PLAYER 'U' // request player list
#define A2S_RULES 'V' // request rules list from server
#define A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE 'W' // Request challenge # from another machine
#define C2C_MOD 'X' // Mod specific packet for DOTA2, not used by the OB engine
#define A2S_PING2 'Y' // new-style minimalist ping request
#define S2A_PING2REPLY 'Z' // new-style minimalist ping reply
#define A2S_KEY_STRING "Source Engine Query" // required postfix to a A2S_INFO query
#define A2M_GETACTIVEMODS2 '2' // New style mod info query
#define C2S_AUTHREQUEST1 '3' //
#define S2C_AUTHCHALLENGE1 '4' //
#define C2S_AUTHCHALLENGE2 '5' //
#define S2C_AUTHCOMPLETE '6'
#define C2S_AUTHCONNECT '7' // Unused, signals that the client has
// authenticated the server
#define S2C_CONNREJECT '9' // Special protocol for rejected connections.
#define S2C_MAGICVERSION 0x5a4f4933 // Magic used in the S2C_CHALLNGE to detect version differences