FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

121 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef IGAMEUI_H
#define IGAMEUI_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "interface.h"
#include "vgui/IPanel.h"
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
// reasons why the user can't connect to a game server
enum ESteamLoginFailure
enum ESystemNotify
SYSTEMNOTIFY_INVITE_SHUTDOWN, // Cross-game invite is causing us to shutdown
// Purpose: contains all the functions that the GameUI dll exports
abstract_class IGameUI
// initialization/shutdown
virtual void Initialize( CreateInterfaceFn appFactory ) = 0;
virtual void PostInit() = 0;
// connect to other interfaces at the same level (gameui.dll/server.dll/client.dll)
virtual void Connect( CreateInterfaceFn gameFactory ) = 0;
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
// notifications
virtual void OnGameUIActivated() = 0;
virtual void OnGameUIHidden() = 0;
// OLD: Use OnConnectToServer2
virtual void OLD_OnConnectToServer(const char *game, int IP, int port) = 0;
virtual void OnDisconnectFromServer_OLD( uint8 eSteamLoginFailure, const char *username ) = 0;
virtual void OnLevelLoadingStarted(bool bShowProgressDialog) = 0;
virtual void OnLevelLoadingFinished(bool bError, const char *failureReason, const char *extendedReason) = 0;
// level loading progress, returns true if the screen needs updating
virtual bool UpdateProgressBar(float progress, const char *statusText) = 0;
// Shows progress desc, returns previous setting... (used with custom progress bars )
virtual bool SetShowProgressText( bool show ) = 0;
// !!!!!!!!!members added after "GameUI011" initial release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
virtual void ShowNewGameDialog( int chapter ) = 0;
// Xbox 360
virtual void SessionNotification( const int notification, const int param = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void SystemNotification( const int notification ) = 0;
virtual void ShowMessageDialog( const uint nType, vgui::Panel *pOwner ) = 0;
virtual void UpdatePlayerInfo( uint64 nPlayerId, const char *pName, int nTeam, byte cVoiceState, int nPlayersNeeded, bool bHost ) = 0;
virtual void SessionSearchResult( int searchIdx, void *pHostData, XSESSION_SEARCHRESULT *pResult, int ping ) = 0;
virtual void OnCreditsFinished( void ) = 0;
// inserts specified panel as background for level load dialog
virtual void SetLoadingBackgroundDialog( vgui::VPANEL panel ) = 0;
// Bonus maps interfaces
virtual void BonusMapUnlock( const char *pchFileName = NULL, const char *pchMapName = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapComplete( const char *pchFileName = NULL, const char *pchMapName = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapChallengeUpdate( const char *pchFileName, const char *pchMapName, const char *pchChallengeName, int iBest ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapChallengeNames( char *pchFileName, char *pchMapName, char *pchChallengeName ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapChallengeObjectives( int &iBronze, int &iSilver, int &iGold ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapDatabaseSave( void ) = 0;
virtual int BonusMapNumAdvancedCompleted( void ) = 0;
virtual void BonusMapNumMedals( int piNumMedals[ 3 ] ) = 0;
virtual void OnConnectToServer2(const char *game, int IP, int connectionPort, int queryPort) = 0;
// X360 Storage device validation:
// returns true right away if storage device has been previously selected.
// otherwise returns false and will set the variable pointed by pStorageDeviceValidated to 1
// once the storage device is selected by user.
virtual bool ValidateStorageDevice( int *pStorageDeviceValidated ) = 0;
virtual void SetProgressOnStart() = 0;
virtual void OnDisconnectFromServer( uint8 eSteamLoginFailure ) = 0;
virtual void OnConfirmQuit( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsMainMenuVisible( void ) = 0;
// Client DLL is providing us with a panel that it wants to replace the main menu with
virtual void SetMainMenuOverride( vgui::VPANEL panel ) = 0;
// Client DLL is telling us that a main menu command was issued, probably from its custom main menu panel
virtual void SendMainMenuCommand( const char *pszCommand ) = 0;
#endif // IGAMEUI_H