FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

461 lines
10 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "bitmap/bitmap.h"
#include "dbg.h"
// Should be last include
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
bool Bitmap_t::IsValid() const
if ( m_nWidth <= 0 || m_nHeight <= 0 || m_pBits == NULL )
Assert( m_nWidth == 0 );
Assert( m_nHeight == 0 );
Assert( m_pBits == NULL );
return false;
return true;
void Bitmap_t::Clear()
if ( m_pBits && m_bOwnsBuffer )
free( m_pBits );
void Bitmap_t::Init( int xs, int ys, ImageFormat imageFormat, int nStride )
// Check for bogus allocation sizes
if (xs <= 0 || ys <= 0 )
Assert( xs == 0 );
Assert( ys == 0 );
int nPixSize = ImageLoader::SizeInBytes( imageFormat );
// Auto detect stride
if ( nStride == 0 )
nStride = nPixSize * xs;
// Check for NOP
if (
&& m_bOwnsBuffer
&& m_nWidth == xs
&& m_nHeight == ys
&& nStride == m_nStride
&& nPixSize == m_nPixelSize )
// We're already got a buffer of the right size.
// The only thing that might be wrong is the pixel format.
m_ImageFormat = imageFormat;
// Free up anything already allocated
// Remember dimensions and pixel format
m_nWidth = xs;
m_nHeight = ys;
m_ImageFormat = imageFormat;
m_nPixelSize = nPixSize;
m_nStride = nStride;
// Allocate buffer. Because this is a PC game,
// failure is impossible....right?
m_pBits = (byte *)malloc( ys * m_nStride );
// Assume ownership
m_bOwnsBuffer = true;
void Bitmap_t::SetBuffer( int nWidth, int nHeight, ImageFormat imageFormat, unsigned char *pBits, bool bAssumeOwnership, int nStride )
Assert( pBits );
Assert( nWidth > 0 );
Assert( nHeight > 0 );
// Free up anything already allocated
// Remember dimensions and pixel format
m_nWidth = nWidth;
m_nHeight = nHeight;
m_ImageFormat = imageFormat;
m_nPixelSize = ImageLoader::SizeInBytes( imageFormat );
if ( nStride == 0 )
m_nStride = m_nPixelSize * nWidth;
m_nStride = nStride;
// Set our buffer pointer
m_pBits = pBits;
// Assume ownership of the buffer, if requested
m_bOwnsBuffer = bAssumeOwnership;
// We should be good to go
Assert( IsValid() );
Color Bitmap_t::GetColor( int x, int y ) const
Assert( x >= 0 && x < m_nWidth );
Assert( y >= 0 && y < m_nHeight );
Assert( m_pBits );
// Get pointer to pixel data
byte *ptr = m_pBits + (y*m_nStride) + x* m_nPixelSize;
// Check supported image formats
switch ( m_ImageFormat )
return Color( ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3] );
return Color( ptr[3], ptr[2], ptr[1], ptr[0] );
Assert( !"Unsupport image format!");
return Color( 255,0,255,255 );
void Bitmap_t::SetColor( int x, int y, Color c )
Assert( x >= 0 && x < m_nWidth );
Assert( y >= 0 && y < m_nHeight );
Assert( m_pBits );
// Get pointer to pixel data
byte *ptr = m_pBits + (y*m_nStride) + x* m_nPixelSize;
// Check supported image formats
switch ( m_ImageFormat )
ptr[0] = c.r();
ptr[1] = c.g();
ptr[2] = c.b();
ptr[3] = c.a();
ptr[0] = c.a();
ptr[1] = c.b();
ptr[2] = c.g();
ptr[3] = c.r();
Assert( !"Unsupport image format!");
//bool LoadVTF( const char *pszFilename )
// // Load the raw file data
// CUtlBuffer fileData;
// if ( !filesystem->ReadFile( pszFilename, "game", fileData ) )
// {
// Warning( "Failed to load %s\n", pszFilename);
// return false;
// }
// return LoadVTFFromBuffer( fileData, pszFilename );
//bool LoadVTFFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer fileData, const char *pszDebugName = "buffer" )
// // Parse it into VTF object
// IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture( CreateVTFTexture() );
// if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( fileData ) )
// {
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// Warning( "Failed to deserialize VTF %s\n", pszDebugName);
// return false;
// }
// // We are re-reading our own files, so they should be 8888's
// if ( pVTFTexture->Format() != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 )
// {
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// Warning( "%s isn't RGBA8888\n", pszDebugName);
// return false;
// }
// // Copy the image data
// Allocate( pVTFTexture->Width(), pVTFTexture->Height() );
// for ( int y = 0 ; y < m_nHeight ; ++y )
// {
// memcpy( PixPtr(0, y), pVTFTexture->ImageData(0, 0, 0, 0, y), m_nWidth*4 );
// }
// // Clean up
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// return true;
//bool SaveVTF( CUtlBuffer &outBuffer )
// // Create the VTF to write into
// IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture( CreateVTFTexture() );
// if ( !pVTFTexture->Init( m_nWidth, m_nHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, nFlags, 1, 1 ) )
// {
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// return false;
// }
// // write the rgba image to the vtf texture using the pixel writer
// CPixelWriter pixelWriter;
// pixelWriter.SetPixelMemory( pVTFTexture->Format(), pVTFTexture->ImageData(), pVTFTexture->RowSizeInBytes( 0 ) );
// for (int y = 0; y < m_nHeight; ++y)
// {
// pixelWriter.Seek( 0, y );
// for (int x = 0; x < m_nWidth; ++x)
// {
// Color c = GetPix( x, y );
// pixelWriter.WritePixel( c.r(), c.g(), c.b(), c.a() );
// }
// }
// // Serialize to the buffer
// if ( !pVTFTexture->Serialize( outBuffer ) )
// {
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// return false;
// }
// DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
// return true;
//void Resize( int nNewSizeX, int nNewSizeY, const Image *pImgSrc = NULL )
// if ( pImgSrc == NULL )
// {
// pImgSrc = this;
// }
// if ( nNewSizeX == m_nWidth && nNewSizeY == m_nHeight && pImgSrc == this )
// {
// return;
// }
// byte *pNewData = (byte *)malloc( nNewSizeX * nNewSizeY * 4 );
// ImgUtl_StretchRGBAImage( pImgSrc->m_pBits, pImgSrc->m_nWidth, pImgSrc->m_nHeight, pNewData, nNewSizeX, nNewSizeY );
// Clear();
// m_pBits = pNewData;
// m_nWidth = nNewSizeX;
// m_nHeight = nNewSizeY;
//void Crop( int x0, int y0, int nNewSizeX, int nNewSizeY, const Image *pImgSrc )
// if ( pImgSrc == NULL )
// {
// pImgSrc = this;
// }
// if ( nNewSizeX == m_nWidth && nNewSizeY == m_nHeight && pImgSrc == this )
// {
// return;
// }
// Assert( x0 >= 0 );
// Assert( y0 >= 0 );
// Assert( x0 + nNewSizeX <= pImgSrc->m_nWidth );
// Assert( y0 + nNewSizeY <= pImgSrc->m_nHeight );
// // Allocate new buffer
// int nRowSize = nNewSizeX * 4;
// byte *pNewData = (byte *)malloc( nNewSizeY * nRowSize );
// // Copy data, one row at a time
// for ( int y = 0 ; y < nNewSizeY ; ++y )
// {
// memcpy( pNewData + y*nRowSize, pImgSrc->PixPtr(x0, y0+y), nRowSize );
// }
// // Replace current buffer with the new one
// Clear();
// m_pBits = pNewData;
// m_nWidth = nNewSizeX;
// m_nHeight = nNewSizeY;
void Bitmap_t::MakeLogicalCopyOf( Bitmap_t &src, bool bTransferBufferOwnership )
// What does it mean to make a logical copy of an
// invalid bitmap? I'll tell you what it means: you have a bug.
Assert( src.IsValid() );
// Free up anything we already own
// Copy all of the member variables so we are
// a logical copy of the source bitmap
m_nWidth = src.m_nWidth;
m_nHeight = src.m_nHeight;
m_nPixelSize = src.m_nPixelSize;
m_nStride = src.m_nStride;
m_ImageFormat = src.m_ImageFormat;
m_pBits = src.m_pBits;
Assert( !m_bOwnsBuffer );
// Check for assuming ownership of the buffer
if ( bTransferBufferOwnership )
if ( src.m_bOwnsBuffer )
m_bOwnsBuffer = true;
src.m_bOwnsBuffer = false;
// They don't own the buffer? Then who does?
// Maybe nobody, and it would safe to assume
// ownership. But more than likely, this is a
// bug.
Assert( src.m_bOwnsBuffer );
// And a leak is better than a double-free.
// Don't assume ownership of the buffer.
void Bitmap_t::Crop( int x0, int y0, int nWidth, int nHeight, const Bitmap_t *pImgSource )
// Check for cropping in place, then save off our data to a temp
Bitmap_t temp;
if ( pImgSource == this || !pImgSource )
temp.MakeLogicalCopyOf( *this, m_bOwnsBuffer );
pImgSource = &temp;
// No source image?
if ( !pImgSource->IsValid() )
Assert( pImgSource->IsValid() );
// Sanity check crop rectangle
Assert( x0 >= 0 );
Assert( y0 >= 0 );
Assert( x0 + nWidth <= pImgSource->Width() );
Assert( y0 + nHeight <= pImgSource->Height() );
// Allocate buffer
Init( nWidth, nHeight, pImgSource->Format() );
// Something wrong?
if ( !IsValid() )
Assert( IsValid() );
// Copy the data a row at a time
int nRowSize = m_nWidth * m_nPixelSize;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < m_nHeight ; ++y )
memcpy( GetPixel(0,y), pImgSource->GetPixel( x0, y + y0 ), nRowSize );
void Bitmap_t::SetPixelData( const Bitmap_t &src, int nSrcX1, int nSrcY1, int nCopySizeX, int nCopySizeY, int nDestX1, int nDestY1 )
// Safety
if ( !src.IsValid() )
Assert( src.IsValid() );
if ( !IsValid() )
Assert( IsValid() );
// You need to specify a valid source rectangle, we cannot clip that for you
if ( nSrcX1 < 0 || nSrcY1 < 0 || nSrcX1 + nCopySizeX > src.Width() || nSrcY1 + nCopySizeY > src.Height() )
Assert( nSrcX1 >= 0 );
Assert( nSrcY1 >= 0 );
Assert( nSrcX1 + nCopySizeX <= src.Width() );
Assert( nSrcY1 + nCopySizeY <= src.Height() );
// But we can clip the rectangle if it extends outside the destination image in a perfectly
// reasonable way
if ( nDestX1 < 0 )
nCopySizeX += nDestX1;
nDestX1 = 0;
if ( nDestX1 + nCopySizeX > Width() )
nCopySizeX = Width() - nDestX1;
if ( nDestY1 < 0 )
nCopySizeY += nDestY1;
nDestY1 = 0;
if ( nDestY1 + nCopySizeY > Height() )
nCopySizeY = Height() - nDestY1;
if ( nCopySizeX <= 0 || nCopySizeY <= 0 )
// Copy the pixel data
for ( int y = 0 ; y < nCopySizeY ; ++y )
// Wow, this could be a lot faster in the common case
// that the pixe formats are the same. But...this code
// is simple and works, and is NOT the root of all evil.
for ( int x = 0 ; x < nCopySizeX ; ++x )
Color c = src.GetColor( nSrcX1 + x, nSrcY1 + y );
SetColor( nDestX1 + x, nDestY1 + y, c );
void Bitmap_t::SetPixelData( const Bitmap_t &src, int nDestX1, int nDestY1 )
SetPixelData( src, 0, 0, src.Width(), src.Height(), nDestX1, nDestY1 );