//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifndef SNDINFO_H
#define SNDINFO_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

class Vector;
#include "utlsymbol.h"

// Purpose:  Client side only 
struct SndInfo_t
	// Sound Guid
	int			m_nGuid;
	FileNameHandle_t m_filenameHandle;		// filesystem filename handle - call IFilesystem to conver this to a string
	int			m_nSoundSource;
	int			m_nChannel;
	// If a sound is being played through a speaker entity (e.g., on a monitor,), this is the
	//  entity upon which to show the lips moving, if the sound has sentence data
	int			m_nSpeakerEntity;
	float		m_flVolume;
	float		m_flLastSpatializedVolume;
	// Radius of this sound effect (spatialization is different within the radius)
	float		m_flRadius;
	int			m_nPitch;
	Vector		*m_pOrigin;
	Vector		*m_pDirection;

	// if true, assume sound source can move and update according to entity
	bool		m_bUpdatePositions;
	// true if playing linked sentence
	bool		m_bIsSentence;
	// if true, bypass all dsp processing for this sound (ie: music)	
	bool		m_bDryMix;
	// true if sound is playing through in-game speaker entity.
	bool		m_bSpeaker;
	// true if sound is playing with special DSP effect
	bool		m_bSpecialDSP;
	// for snd_show, networked sounds get colored differently than local sounds
	bool		m_bFromServer;

#endif // SNDINFO_H