//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // //============================================================================= #ifndef IVIDEOSERVICES_H #define IVIDEOSERVICES_H #if defined ( WIN32 ) #pragma once #endif #include <math.h> #include "appframework/IAppSystem.h" #include "tier0/platform.h" #include <stdint.h> #ifndef _STDINT_H #define _STDINT_H #endif #ifndef _STDINT #define _STDINT #endif #ifndef INT32_MAX #define INT32_MAX (0x7FFFFFFF) #endif #ifndef UINT32_MAX #define UINT32_MAX (0xFFFFFFFFu) #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IMaterial; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types used when dealing with video services //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define FILE_EXTENSION_ANY_MATCHING_VIDEO ".vid" //#define ENABLE_EXTERNAL_ENCODER_LOGGING //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enums used when dealing with video services //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ============================================== // various general video system enumerations namespace VideoResult { enum EVideoResult_t { SUCCESS = 0, SYSTEM_NOT_AVAILABLE, CODEC_NOT_AVAILABLE, FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE, UNKNOWN_OPERATION, ILLEGAL_OPERATION, OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, BAD_INPUT_PARAMETERS, OPERATION_ALREADY_PERFORMED, OPERATION_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE, VIDEO_ERROR_OCCURED, FILE_ERROR_OCCURED, AUDIO_ERROR_OCCURED, SYSTEM_ERROR_OCCURED, INITIALIZATION_ERROR_OCCURED, SHUTDOWN_ERROR_OCCURED, MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND, RECORDER_NOT_FOUND, VIDEO_FILE_NOT_FOUND, VIDEO_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND, }; }; typedef VideoResult::EVideoResult_t VideoResult_t; namespace VideoSystem { enum EVideoSystem_t { ALL_VIDEO_SYSTEMS = -2, DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION = -1, NONE = 0, BINK, AVI, WMV, QUICKTIME, WEBM, VIDEO_SYSTEM_COUNT, VIDEO_SYSTEM_FIRST = 1, }; }; typedef VideoSystem::EVideoSystem_t VideoSystem_t; namespace VideoSystemStatus { enum EVideoSystemStatus_t { OK = 0, NOT_INSTALLED, NOT_CURRENT_VERSION, NOT_INITIALIZED, INITIALIZATION_ERROR, }; }; typedef VideoSystemStatus::EVideoSystemStatus_t VideoSystemStatus_t; namespace VideoSystemFeature { enum EVideoSystemFeature_t { NO_FEATURES = 0x00000000, PLAY_VIDEO_FILE_FULL_SCREEN = 0x00000001, PLAY_VIDEO_FILE_IN_MATERIAL = 0x00000002, ENCODE_VIDEO_TO_FILE = 0x00000004, ENCODE_AUDIO_TO_FILE = 0x00000008, FULL_PLAYBACK = PLAY_VIDEO_FILE_FULL_SCREEN | PLAY_VIDEO_FILE_IN_MATERIAL, FULL_ENCODE = ENCODE_VIDEO_TO_FILE | ENCODE_AUDIO_TO_FILE, ALL_VALID_FEATURES = FULL_PLAYBACK | FULL_ENCODE, ESF_FORCE_UINT32 = UINT32_MAX, }; DEFINE_ENUM_BITWISE_OPERATORS( EVideoSystemFeature_t ); }; typedef VideoSystemFeature::EVideoSystemFeature_t VideoSystemFeature_t; namespace VideoSoundDeviceOperation { enum EVideoSoundDeviceOperation_t { SET_DIRECT_SOUND_DEVICE = 0, // Windows option SET_MILES_SOUND_DEVICE, // Supported by RAD HOOK_X_AUDIO, // Xbox Option SET_SOUND_MANAGER_DEVICE, // OSX Option SET_LIB_AUDIO_DEVICE, // PS3 Option SET_SDL_SOUND_DEVICE, // SDL Audio SET_SDL_PARAMS, // SDL Audio params SDLMIXER_CALLBACK, // SDLMixer callback OPERATION_COUNT }; }; typedef VideoSoundDeviceOperation::EVideoSoundDeviceOperation_t VideoSoundDeviceOperation_t; // ============================================== // Video Encoding related settings namespace VideoEncodeCodec { // // NOTE: NEW CODECS SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE END OF THIS LIST. // enum EVideoEncodeCodec_t { MPEG2_CODEC, MPEG4_CODEC, H261_CODEC, H263_CODEC, H264_CODEC, MJPEG_A_CODEC, MJPEG_B_CODEC, SORENSON3_CODEC, CINEPACK_CODEC, WEBM_CODEC, // // NOTE: ADD NEW CODECS HERE. // CODEC_COUNT, DEFAULT_CODEC = H264_CODEC, }; }; typedef VideoEncodeCodec::EVideoEncodeCodec_t VideoEncodeCodec_t; namespace VideoEncodeQuality { enum EVideoEncodeQuality_t { MIN_QUALITY = 0, MAX_QUALITY = 100 }; }; typedef VideoEncodeQuality::EVideoEncodeQuality_t VideoEncodeQuality_t; namespace VideoEncodeSourceFormat { enum EVideoEncodeSourceFormat_t // Image source format for frames to encoded { BGRA_32BIT = 0, BGR_24BIT, RGB_24BIT, RGBA_32BIT, VIDEO_FORMAT_COUNT, VIDEO_FORMAT_FIRST = 0 }; }; typedef VideoEncodeSourceFormat::EVideoEncodeSourceFormat_t VideoEncodeSourceFormat_t; namespace VideoEncodeGamma { enum EVideoEncodeGamma_t { NO_GAMMA_ADJUST = 0, PLATFORM_STANDARD_GAMMA, GAMMA_1_8, GAMMA_2_2, GAMMA_2_5, GAMMA_COUNT }; }; typedef VideoEncodeGamma::EVideoEncodeGamma_t VideoEncodeGamma_t; namespace VideoPlaybackGamma { enum EVideoPlaybackGamma_t { USE_GAMMA_CONVAR = -1, NO_GAMMA_ADJUST = 0, PLATFORM_DEFAULT_GAMMMA, GAMMA_1_8, GAMMA_2_2, GAMMA_2_5, GAMMA_COUNT }; }; typedef VideoPlaybackGamma::EVideoPlaybackGamma_t VideoPlaybackGamma_t; // ============================================== // Video Playback related settings namespace VideoPlaybackFlags { enum EVideoPlaybackFlags_t // Options when playing a video file { NO_PLAYBACK_OPTIONS = 0x00000000, // Full Screen Playback Options FILL_WINDOW = 0x00000001, // force video fill entire window LOCK_ASPECT_RATIO = 0x00000002, // preserve aspect ratio when scaling INTEGRAL_SCALE = 0x00000004, // scale video only by integral amounts CENTER_VIDEO_IN_WINDOW = 0x00000008, // center output video in window FORCE_MIN_PLAY_TIME = 0x00000010, // play for a minimum amount of time before allowing skip or abort ABORT_ON_SPACE = 0x00000100, // Keys to abort fullscreen playback on ABORT_ON_ESC = 0x00000200, ABORT_ON_RETURN = 0x00000400, ABORT_ON_ANY_KEY = 0x00000700, PAUSE_ON_SPACE = 0x00001000, // Keys to pause fullscreen playback on PAUSE_ON_ESC = 0x00002000, PAUSE_ON_RETURN = 0x00004000, PAUSE_ON_ANY_KEY = 0x00007000, LOOP_VIDEO = 0x00010000, // Full Screen and Video material NO_AUDIO = 0x00020000, PRELOAD_VIDEO = 0x00040000, DONT_AUTO_START_VIDEO = 0x00100000, // Don't begin playing until told to do so. TEXTURES_ACTUAL_SIZE = 0x00200000, // Try and use textures the same size as the video frame VALID_FULLSCREEN_FLAGS = 0x0007771F, // Playback Flags that are valid for playing videos fullscreen VALID_MATERIAL_FLAGS = 0x00370000, // Playback Flags that are valid for playing videos in a material DEFAULT_MATERIAL_OPTIONS = NO_PLAYBACK_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_FULLSCREEN_OPTIONS = CENTER_VIDEO_IN_WINDOW | LOCK_ASPECT_RATIO | ABORT_ON_ANY_KEY, EVPF_FORCE_UINT32 = UINT32_MAX, }; DEFINE_ENUM_BITWISE_OPERATORS( EVideoPlaybackFlags_t ); } typedef VideoPlaybackFlags::EVideoPlaybackFlags_t VideoPlaybackFlags_t; namespace AudioEncodeSourceFormat { enum EAudioEncodeSourceFormat_t // Audio source format to encode { AUDIO_NONE = 0, AUDIO_16BIT_PCMStereo, AUDIO_FORMAT_COUNT }; }; typedef AudioEncodeSourceFormat::EAudioEncodeSourceFormat_t AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t; namespace AudioEncodeOptions { enum EAudioEncodeOptions_t // Options to control audio encoding { NO_AUDIO_OPTIONS = 0x00000000, USE_AUDIO_ENCODE_GROUP_SIZE = 0x00000001, // When adding to the video media, use fixed size sample groups GROUP_SIZE_IS_VIDEO_FRAME = 0x00000002, // use a group size equal to one video frame in duration LIMIT_AUDIO_TRACK_TO_VIDEO_DURATION = 0x00000004, // Don't let the Audio Track exceed the video track in duration PAD_AUDIO_WITH_SILENCE = 0x00000008, // If Audio track duration is less than video track's, pad with silence AEO_FORCE_UINT32 = UINT32_MAX, }; DEFINE_ENUM_BITWISE_OPERATORS( EAudioEncodeOptions_t ); } typedef AudioEncodeOptions::EAudioEncodeOptions_t AudioEncodeOptions_t; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Frame Rate Class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VideoFrameRate_t { public: inline VideoFrameRate_t() : m_TimeUnitsPerSecond( 0 ), m_TimeUnitsPerFrame( 1000 ) {}; inline VideoFrameRate_t( int FPS, bool NTSC ) { SetFPS( FPS, NTSC); } inline explicit VideoFrameRate_t( float FPS ) { SetFPS( FPS); }; inline VideoFrameRate_t& operator=( const VideoFrameRate_t& rhs ) { m_TimeUnitsPerSecond = rhs.m_TimeUnitsPerSecond; m_TimeUnitsPerFrame = rhs.m_TimeUnitsPerFrame; return *this; } inline VideoFrameRate_t( const VideoFrameRate_t &rhs ) { *this = rhs; }; inline void SetRaw( int timeUnitsPerSecond, int TimeUnitsPerFrame ) { m_TimeUnitsPerSecond = timeUnitsPerSecond; m_TimeUnitsPerFrame = TimeUnitsPerFrame; } inline float GetFPS() const { return (float) m_TimeUnitsPerSecond / (float) m_TimeUnitsPerFrame; } inline int GetIntFPS() const { return (int) ( (float) m_TimeUnitsPerSecond / (float) m_TimeUnitsPerFrame + 0.5f ); } inline bool IsNTSCRate() const { return ( m_TimeUnitsPerFrame == 1001 ); } inline int GetUnitsPerSecond() const { return m_TimeUnitsPerSecond; } inline int GetUnitsPerFrame() const { return m_TimeUnitsPerFrame; } inline void SetFPS( int FPS, bool NTSC ) { m_TimeUnitsPerSecond = FPS * 1000; m_TimeUnitsPerFrame = 1000 + (uint) NTSC; } inline void SetFPS( float FPS ) { m_TimeUnitsPerSecond = (uint) ( FPS * 1000.0f ); m_TimeUnitsPerFrame = 1000; } static inline bool IsNTSC( float FPS ) { float diff = ceil(FPS) - FPS; return ( diff > 0.02f && diff < 0.05f); } inline void Clear() { m_TimeUnitsPerSecond = 0; m_TimeUnitsPerFrame = 1000; } inline bool IsValid() { return ( m_TimeUnitsPerSecond != 0); } private: uint32 m_TimeUnitsPerSecond; uint32 m_TimeUnitsPerFrame; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // specific interfaces returned and managed by video services //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Video Material interface - manages the playing back of a video to a // a material / texture combo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVideoMaterial : public IBaseInterface { public: // Video information functions virtual const char *GetVideoFileName() = 0; // Gets the file name of the video this material is playing virtual VideoResult_t GetLastResult() = 0; // Gets detailed info on the last operation virtual VideoFrameRate_t &GetVideoFrameRate() = 0; // Returns the frame rate of the associated video in FPS // Audio Functions virtual bool HasAudio() = 0; // Query if the video has an audio track virtual bool SetVolume( float fVolume ) = 0; // Adjust the playback volume virtual float GetVolume() = 0; // Query the current volume virtual void SetMuted( bool bMuteState ) = 0; // Mute/UnMutes the audio playback virtual bool IsMuted() = 0; // Query muted status virtual VideoResult_t SoundDeviceCommand( VideoSoundDeviceOperation_t operation, void *pDevice = nullptr, void *pData = nullptr ) = 0; // Assign Sound Device for this Video Material // Video playback state functions virtual bool IsVideoReadyToPlay() = 0; // Queries if the video material was initialized successfully and is ready for playback, but not playing or finished virtual bool IsVideoPlaying() = 0; // Is the video currently playing (and needs update calls, etc), or paused while playing? virtual bool IsNewFrameReady() = 0; // Do we have a new frame to get & display? virtual bool IsFinishedPlaying() = 0; // Have we reached the end of the movie virtual bool StartVideo() = 0; // Starts the video playing virtual bool StopVideo() = 0; // Terminates the video playing virtual void SetLooping( bool bLoopVideo ) = 0; // Sets the video to loop (or not) virtual bool IsLooping() = 0; // Queries if the video is looping virtual void SetPaused( bool bPauseState ) = 0; // Pauses or Unpauses video playback virtual bool IsPaused() = 0; // Queries if the video is paused // Position in playback functions virtual float GetVideoDuration() = 0; // Returns the duration of the associated video in seconds virtual int GetFrameCount() = 0; // Returns the total number of (unique) frames in the video virtual bool SetFrame( int FrameNum ) = 0; // Sets the current frame # in the video to play next virtual int GetCurrentFrame() = 0; // Gets the current frame # for the video playback, 0 based virtual bool SetTime( float flTime ) = 0; // Sets the video playback to specified time (in seconds) virtual float GetCurrentVideoTime() = 0; // Gets the current time in the video playback // Update function virtual bool Update() = 0; // Updates the video frame to reflect the time passed, true = new frame available // Material / Texture Info functions virtual IMaterial *GetMaterial() = 0; // Gets the IMaterial associated with an video material virtual void GetVideoTexCoordRange( float *pMaxU, float *pMaxV ) = 0; // Returns the max texture coordinate of the video portion of the material surface ( 0.0, 0.0 to U, V ) virtual void GetVideoImageSize( int *pWidth, int *pHeight ) = 0; // Returns the frame size of the Video Image Frame in pixels ( the stored in a subrect of the material itself) }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Video Recorder interface - manages the creation of a new video file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVideoRecorder : public IBaseInterface { public: virtual bool EstimateMovieFileSize( size_t *pEstSize, int movieWidth, int movieHeight, VideoFrameRate_t movieFps, float movieDuration, VideoEncodeCodec_t theCodec, int videoQuality, AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t srcAudioFormat = AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_NONE, int audioSampleRate = 0 ) = 0; virtual bool CreateNewMovieFile( const char *pFilename, bool hasAudioTrack = false ) = 0; virtual bool SetMovieVideoParameters( VideoEncodeCodec_t theCodec, int videoQuality, int movieFrameWidth, int movieFrameHeight, VideoFrameRate_t movieFPS, VideoEncodeGamma_t gamma = VideoEncodeGamma::NO_GAMMA_ADJUST ) = 0; virtual bool SetMovieSourceImageParameters( VideoEncodeSourceFormat_t srcImageFormat, int imgWidth, int imgHeight ) = 0; virtual bool SetMovieSourceAudioParameters( AudioEncodeSourceFormat_t srcAudioFormat = AudioEncodeSourceFormat::AUDIO_NONE, int audioSampleRate = 0, AudioEncodeOptions_t audioOptions = AudioEncodeOptions::NO_AUDIO_OPTIONS, int audioSampleGroupSize = 0) = 0; virtual bool IsReadyToRecord() = 0; virtual VideoResult_t GetLastResult() = 0; virtual bool AppendVideoFrame( void *pFrameBuffer, int nStrideAdjustBytes = 0 ) = 0; virtual bool AppendAudioSamples( void *pSampleBuffer, size_t sampleSize ) = 0; virtual int GetFrameCount() = 0; virtual int GetSampleCount() = 0; virtual VideoFrameRate_t GetFPS() = 0; virtual int GetSampleRate() = 0; virtual bool AbortMovie() = 0; virtual bool FinishMovie( bool SaveMovieToDisk = true ) = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_EXTERNAL_ENCODER_LOGGING virtual bool LogMessage( const char *msg ) = 0; #endif }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main VIDEO_SERVICES interface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define VIDEO_SERVICES_INTERFACE_VERSION "IVideoServices002" class IVideoServices : public IAppSystem { public: // Query the available video systems virtual int GetAvailableVideoSystemCount() = 0; virtual VideoSystem_t GetAvailableVideoSystem( int n ) = 0; virtual bool IsVideoSystemAvailable( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual VideoSystemStatus_t GetVideoSystemStatus( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual VideoSystemFeature_t GetVideoSystemFeatures( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual const char *GetVideoSystemName( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual VideoSystem_t FindNextSystemWithFeature( VideoSystemFeature_t features, VideoSystem_t startAfter = VideoSystem::NONE ) = 0; virtual VideoResult_t GetLastResult() = 0; // deal with video file extensions and video system mappings virtual int GetSupportedFileExtensionCount( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual const char *GetSupportedFileExtension( VideoSystem_t videoSystem, int extNum = 0 ) = 0; virtual VideoSystemFeature_t GetSupportedFileExtensionFeatures( VideoSystem_t videoSystem, int extNum = 0 ) = 0; virtual VideoSystem_t LocateVideoSystemForPlayingFile( const char *pFileName, VideoSystemFeature_t playMode = VideoSystemFeature::PLAY_VIDEO_FILE_IN_MATERIAL ) = 0; virtual VideoResult_t LocatePlayableVideoFile( const char *pSearchFileName, const char *pPathID, VideoSystem_t *pPlaybackSystem, char *pPlaybackFileName, int fileNameMaxLen, VideoSystemFeature_t playMode = VideoSystemFeature::FULL_PLAYBACK ) = 0; // Create/destroy a video material virtual IVideoMaterial *CreateVideoMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, const char *pVideoFileName, const char *pPathID = nullptr, VideoPlaybackFlags_t playbackFlags = VideoPlaybackFlags::DEFAULT_MATERIAL_OPTIONS, VideoSystem_t videoSystem = VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, bool PlayAlternateIfNotAvailable = true ) = 0; virtual VideoResult_t DestroyVideoMaterial( IVideoMaterial* pVideoMaterial ) = 0; virtual int GetUniqueMaterialID() = 0; // Create/destroy a video encoder virtual VideoResult_t IsRecordCodecAvailable( VideoSystem_t videoSystem, VideoEncodeCodec_t codec ) = 0; virtual IVideoRecorder *CreateVideoRecorder( VideoSystem_t videoSystem ) = 0; virtual VideoResult_t DestroyVideoRecorder( IVideoRecorder *pVideoRecorder ) = 0; // Plays a given video file until it completes or the user presses ESC, SPACE, or ENTER virtual VideoResult_t PlayVideoFileFullScreen( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, void *mainWindow, int windowWidth, int windowHeight, int desktopWidth, int desktopHeight, bool windowed, float forcedMinTime, VideoPlaybackFlags_t playbackFlags = VideoPlaybackFlags::DEFAULT_FULLSCREEN_OPTIONS, VideoSystem_t videoSystem = VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, bool PlayAlternateIfNotAvailable = true ) = 0; // Sets the sound devices that the video will decode to virtual VideoResult_t SoundDeviceCommand( VideoSoundDeviceOperation_t operation, void *pDevice = nullptr, void *pData = nullptr, VideoSystem_t videoSystem = VideoSystem::ALL_VIDEO_SYSTEMS ) = 0; // Get the (localized) name of a codec as a string virtual const wchar_t *GetCodecName( VideoEncodeCodec_t nCodec ) = 0; }; #endif // IVIDEOSERVICES_H