//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imorph.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemstub.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "bitmap/imageformat.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
// GR
#include "imaterialinternal.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#include "mat_stub.h"

CDummyTexture g_DummyTexture;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// IMaterialSystem and IMesh stub classes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
alignas(16) static unsigned short g_DummyIndices[6];

class CDummyMesh : public IMesh
	// Locks/ unlocks the mesh, providing space for nVertexCount and nIndexCount.
	// nIndexCount of -1 means don't lock the index buffer...
	virtual void LockMesh( int nVertexCount, int nIndexCount, MeshDesc_t& desc )
		Lock( nVertexCount, false, *static_cast< VertexDesc_t* >( &desc ) );
		Lock( nIndexCount, false, *static_cast< IndexDesc_t* >( &desc ) );

	virtual void UnlockMesh( int nVertexCount, int nIndexCount, MeshDesc_t& desc )

	virtual void ModifyBeginEx( bool bReadOnly, int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount, MeshDesc_t& desc )
		ModifyBegin( bReadOnly, nFirstIndex, nIndexCount, *static_cast< IndexDesc_t* >( &desc ) );

	virtual void ModifyBegin( int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount, MeshDesc_t& desc )
		ModifyBegin( false, nFirstIndex, nIndexCount, *static_cast< IndexDesc_t* >( &desc ) );

	virtual void ModifyEnd( MeshDesc_t &desc )

	// FIXME: Make this work! Unsupported methods of IIndexBuffer
	virtual bool Lock( int nMaxIndexCount, bool bAppend, IndexDesc_t& desc ) 
		desc.m_pIndices = g_DummyIndices;
		desc.m_nIndexSize = 0;
		desc.m_nFirstIndex = 0;
		desc.m_nOffset = 0;
		return true;

	virtual void Unlock( int nWrittenIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc ) {}

	virtual void ModifyBegin( bool bReadOnly, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc ) 
		desc.m_pIndices = g_DummyIndices;
		desc.m_nIndexSize = 0;
		desc.m_nFirstIndex = 0;
		desc.m_nOffset = 0;

	virtual void ModifyEnd( IndexDesc_t &desc ) {}
	virtual void Spew( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t & desc ) {} 
	virtual void ValidateData( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t &desc ) {}
	virtual bool IsDynamic() const 
		return false;

	virtual void BeginCastBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t format ) {}
	virtual void BeginCastBuffer( VertexFormat_t format ) {}
	virtual void EndCastBuffer( ) {}

	// Returns the number of vertices that can still be written into the buffer
	virtual int GetRoomRemaining() const { return 0; }

	virtual int IndexCount() const
		return 0;

	// returns the # of vertices (static meshes only)
	virtual int VertexCount() const
		return 0;

	// returns the vertex format
	virtual bool Lock( int nVertexCount, bool bAppend, VertexDesc_t &desc )
		static float dummyFloat[32];
		static unsigned char dummyChar[32];

		memset( &desc, 0, sizeof( desc ) );

		// Pointers to our current vertex data
		desc.m_pPosition = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pBoneWeight = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pBoneMatrixIndex = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pBoneMatrixIndex = dummyChar;

		desc.m_pNormal = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pColor = dummyChar;
		desc.m_pSpecular = dummyChar;
		for( int i = 0; i < VERTEX_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDINATES; i++ )
			desc.m_pTexCoord[i] = dummyFloat;

		desc.m_pTangentS = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pTangentT = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_pWrinkle = dummyFloat;

		// user data
		desc.m_pUserData = dummyFloat;
		desc.m_nFirstVertex = 0;
		desc.m_nOffset = 0;
		return true;

	virtual void Unlock( int nVertexCount, VertexDesc_t &desc ) {}
	virtual void Spew( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t &desc ) {}
	virtual void ValidateData( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t & desc ) {}

	// Sets/gets the primitive type
	virtual void SetPrimitiveType( MaterialPrimitiveType_t type )
	// Draws the mesh
	virtual void Draw( int nFirstIndex = -1, int nIndexCount = 0 )
	virtual void SetColorMesh( IMesh *pColorMesh, int nVertexOffset )

	virtual void SetFlexMesh( IMesh *pMesh, int nVertexOffset )

	virtual void DisableFlexMesh( )

	// Draw a list of (lists of) primitives. Batching your lists together that use
	// the same lightmap, material, vertex and index buffers with multipass shaders
	// can drastically reduce state-switching overhead.
	// NOTE: this only works with STATIC meshes.
	virtual void Draw( CPrimList *pLists, int nLists )

	// Copy verts and/or indices to a mesh builder. This only works for temp meshes!
	virtual void CopyToMeshBuilder( 
		int iStartVert,		// Which vertices to copy.
		int nVerts, 
		int iStartIndex,	// Which indices to copy.
		int nIndices, 
		int indexOffset,	// This is added to each index.
		CMeshBuilder &builder )

	// Spews the mesh data
	virtual void Spew( int nVertexCount, int nIndexCount, const MeshDesc_t& desc )

	// Call this in debug mode to make sure our data is good.
	virtual void ValidateData( int nVertexCount, int nIndexCount, const MeshDesc_t& desc )

	virtual void MarkAsDrawn() {}

	virtual unsigned ComputeMemoryUsed() { return 0; }

	virtual VertexFormat_t GetVertexFormat() const	
	virtual MaterialIndexFormat_t IndexFormat() const	
	virtual IMesh *GetMesh()
		return this;

// We allocate this dynamically because it uses a bunch of memory and we don't want to
// waste the memory unless we need to.
CDummyMesh *g_pDummyMesh = NULL;
CDummyMesh* GetDummyMesh()
	if ( !g_pDummyMesh )
		g_pDummyMesh = new CDummyMesh;

	return g_pDummyMesh;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Dummy implementation of IMaterialVar.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static VMatrix g_DummyMatrix( 1,0,0,0,   0,1,0,0,   0,0,1,0,   0,0,0,1 );

class CDummyMaterialVar : public IMaterialVar
	virtual char const *	GetName( void ) const { return "DummyMaterialVar"; }
	virtual MaterialVarSym_t	GetNameAsSymbol() const { return 0; }

	virtual void			SetFloatValue( float val ) {}
	virtual float			GetFloatValueInternal( void ) const { return 1; }
	virtual void			SetIntValue( int val ) {}
	virtual int				GetIntValueInternal( void ) const { return 1; }
	virtual void			SetStringValue( char const *val ) {}
	virtual char const *	GetStringValue( void ) const { return ""; }

	// Use FourCC values to pass app-defined data structures between
	// the proxy and the shader. The shader should ignore the data if
	// its FourCC type not correct.	
	virtual void			SetFourCCValue( FourCC type, void *pData ) {}
	virtual void			GetFourCCValue( FourCC *type, void **ppData ) {}

	// Vec (dim 2-4)
	virtual void			SetVecValue( float const* val, int numcomps ) {}
	virtual void			SetVecValue( float x, float y ) {}
	virtual void			SetVecValue( float x, float y, float z ) {}
	virtual void			SetVecValue( float x, float y, float z, float w ) {}
	virtual void			SetVecComponentValue( float fVal, int nComponent ) {}
	virtual void			GetVecValueInternal( float *val, int numcomps ) const
		for ( int i=0; i < numcomps; i++ )
			val[i] = 1;
	virtual void			GetLinearVecValue( float *val, int numcomps ) const
		for ( int i=0; i < numcomps; i++ )
			val[i] = 1;

	virtual float const*	GetVecValueInternal( ) const
		static float val[4] = {1,1,1,1};
		return val;

	virtual int				VectorSizeInternal() const
		return 3;

	// revisit: is this a good interface for textures?
	virtual ITexture *		GetTextureValue( void )
		return &g_DummyTexture;

	virtual void			SetTextureValue( ITexture * ) {}
	virtual					operator ITexture*()
		return GetTextureValue();

	virtual IMaterial *		GetMaterialValue( void )
		extern IMaterial *g_pDummyMaterial;
		return g_pDummyMaterial;

	virtual void			SetMaterialValue( IMaterial * ) {}

	virtual MaterialVarType_t	GetType() const { return MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_INT; }
	virtual bool			IsDefined() const { return true; }
	virtual void			SetUndefined() {}

	// Matrix
	virtual void			SetMatrixValue( VMatrix const& matrix ) {}
	virtual const VMatrix  &GetMatrixValue( )
		return g_DummyMatrix;
	virtual bool			MatrixIsIdentity() const
		return false;

	// Copy....
	virtual void			CopyFrom( IMaterialVar *pMaterialVar ) {}

	virtual void			SetValueAutodetectType( char const *val ) {}

	virtual IMaterial *		GetOwningMaterial()
		extern IMaterial *g_pDummyMaterial;
		return g_pDummyMaterial;
CDummyMaterialVar g_DummyMaterialVar;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Dummy implementation of IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class CDummyHardwareConfig : public IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig
	virtual bool HasDestAlphaBuffer() const			{ return false; }
	virtual bool HasStencilBuffer() const			{ return false; }
	virtual int  StencilBufferBits() const			{ return 0;		}
	virtual int	 GetFrameBufferColorDepth() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int  GetSamplerCount() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual bool HasSetDeviceGammaRamp() const		{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsCompressedTextures() const	{ return false; }
	virtual VertexCompressionType_t SupportsCompressedVertices() const { return VERTEX_COMPRESSION_NONE; }
	virtual bool SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_1_4() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_0() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool ActuallySupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsStaticControlFlow() const { return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsShaderModel_3_0() const	{ return false; }
	virtual int  MaximumAnisotropicLevel() const	{ return 1; }
	virtual int  MaxTextureWidth() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual int  MaxTextureHeight() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual int  MaxTextureDepth() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 TextureMemorySize() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual bool SupportsOverbright() const			{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsCubeMaps() const			{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsMipmappedCubemaps() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsNonPow2Textures() const	{ return false; }

	// The number of texture stages represents the number of computations
	// we can do in the pixel pipeline, it is *not* related to the
	// simultaneous number of textures we can use
	virtual int  GetTextureStageCount() const		{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 NumVertexShaderConstants() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 NumBooleanVertexShaderConstants() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 NumIntegerVertexShaderConstants() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 NumPixelShaderConstants() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 MaxNumLights() const				{ return 0; }
	virtual bool SupportsHardwareLighting() const	{ return false; }
	virtual int	 MaxBlendMatrices() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 MaxBlendMatrixIndices() const		{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 MaxTextureAspectRatio() const		{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 MaxVertexShaderBlendMatrices() const	{ return 0; }
	virtual int	 MaxUserClipPlanes() const			{ return 0; }
	virtual bool UseFastClipping() const			{ return false; }
	virtual bool UseFastZReject() const				{ return false; }
	virtual bool PreferReducedFillrate() const		{ return false; }

	// This here should be the major item looked at when checking for compat
	// from anywhere other than the material system	shaders
	virtual int	 GetDXSupportLevel() const			{ return 90; }
	virtual const char *GetShaderDLLName() const	{ return NULL; }

	virtual bool ReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer() const	{ return false; }

	// Are dx dynamic textures preferred?
	virtual bool PreferDynamicTextures() const		{ return false; }

	virtual bool SupportsHDR() const				{ return false; }
	virtual HDRType_t GetHDRType() const			{ return HDR_TYPE_NONE; }
	virtual HDRType_t GetHardwareHDRType() const	{ return HDR_TYPE_NONE; }

	virtual bool HasProjectedBumpEnv() const		{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsSpheremapping() const		{ return false; }
	virtual bool NeedsAAClamp() const				{ return false; }
	virtual bool HasFastZReject() const				{ return false; }
	virtual bool NeedsATICentroidHack() const		{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsColorOnSecondStream() const{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsStaticPlusDynamicLighting() const{ return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsStreamOffset() const		{ return false; }
	virtual int	 GetMaxDXSupportLevel() const		{ return 90; }
	virtual bool SpecifiesFogColorInLinearSpace() const { return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsSRGB() const				{ return false; }
	virtual bool FakeSRGBWrite() const				{ return false; }
	virtual bool CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs() const		{ return true; }
	virtual bool SupportsGLMixedSizeTargets() const	{ return false; }
	virtual bool IsAAEnabled() const				{ return false; }
	virtual int GetVertexTextureCount() const		{ return 0; }
	virtual int GetMaxVertexTextureDimension() const { return 0; }
	virtual int MaxViewports() const { return 1; }
	virtual void OverrideStreamOffsetSupport( bool bOverrideEnabled, bool bEnableSupport ) {}
	virtual int GetShadowFilterMode() const { return 0; }
	virtual int NeedsShaderSRGBConversion() const { return 0; }
	bool UsesSRGBCorrectBlending() const { return false; }
	virtual bool HasFastVertexTextures() const { return false; }
	virtual int MaxHWMorphBatchCount() const { return 0; }
	virtual bool SupportsHDRMode( HDRType_t nMode ) const { return 0; }
	virtual bool IsDX10Card() const { return 0; }
	virtual bool GetHDREnabled( void ) const { return true; }
	virtual void SetHDREnabled( bool bEnable ) {}
	virtual bool SupportsBorderColor( void ) const { return true; }
	virtual bool SupportsFetch4( void ) const { return false; }
	virtual bool CanStretchRectFromTextures() const { return false; }
CDummyHardwareConfig g_DummyHardwareConfig;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CDummyMaterial.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class CDummyMaterial : public IMaterial
	virtual const char *	GetName() const { return "dummy material"; }
	virtual const char *	GetTextureGroupName() const { return "dummy group"; }

	virtual PreviewImageRetVal_t GetPreviewImageProperties( int *width, int *height, 
				 			ImageFormat *imageFormat, bool* isTranslucent ) const
		if ( width )
			*width = 4;

		if ( height )
			*height = 4;

		if ( imageFormat )
			*imageFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;

		if ( isTranslucent )
			*isTranslucent = false;

	virtual PreviewImageRetVal_t GetPreviewImage( unsigned char *data, 
												 int width, int height,
												 ImageFormat imageFormat ) const
	virtual int				GetMappingWidth( )
		return 512;

	virtual int				GetMappingHeight( )
		return 512;

	virtual int				GetNumAnimationFrames( )
		return 0;

	virtual bool			InMaterialPage( void ) 
		return false;

	virtual void			GetMaterialOffset( float *pOffset  )
		pOffset[0] = 0.0f;
		pOffset[1] = 0.0f;

	virtual void			GetMaterialScale( float *pScale )
		pScale[0] = 1.0f;
		pScale[1] = 1.0f;

	virtual IMaterial			*GetMaterialPage( void )
		return NULL;

	virtual IMaterialVar *	FindVar( const char *varName, bool *found, bool complain = true )
		if ( found )
			*found = true;

		return &g_DummyMaterialVar;
	virtual IMaterialVar *	FindVarFast( const char *varName, unsigned int *pToken )
		return NULL;

	virtual void			IncrementReferenceCount( void )

	virtual void			DecrementReferenceCount( void )

	virtual int 			GetEnumerationID( void ) const
		return 0;

	virtual void			GetLowResColorSample( float s, float t, float *color ) const

	virtual void			RecomputeStateSnapshots()

	// Are we translucent?
	virtual bool			IsTranslucent()
		return false;

	// Are we alphatested?
	virtual bool			IsAlphaTested()
		return false;

	// Are we vertex lit?
	virtual bool			IsVertexLit()
		return false;

	// Gets the vertex format
	virtual VertexFormat_t	GetVertexFormat() const
		return 0;

	// returns true if this material uses a material proxy
	virtual bool			HasProxy( void ) const
		return false;
	virtual void			CallBindProxy( void* ) {}

	virtual IMaterial		*CheckProxyReplacement( void *proxyData ) 
		return this; 

	virtual bool			UsesEnvCubemap( void )
		return false;

	virtual bool			NeedsTangentSpace( void )
		return false;

	virtual bool			NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( bool bCheckSpecificToThisFrame )
		return false;

	virtual bool			NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture( bool bCheckSpecificToThisFrame )
		return false;

	virtual bool			NeedsSoftwareSkinning( void )
		return false;

	// Apply constant color or alpha modulation
	virtual void			AlphaModulate( float alpha )

	virtual void			ColorModulate( float r, float g, float b )

	float					GetAlphaModulation( )
		return 1;

	void					GetColorModulation( float *r, float *g, float *b )
		*r = *g = *b = 1;

	// Material Var flags...
	virtual void			SetMaterialVarFlag( MaterialVarFlags_t flag, bool on )

	virtual bool			GetMaterialVarFlag( MaterialVarFlags_t flag ) const
		return true;

	// Gets material reflectivity
	virtual void			GetReflectivity( Vector& reflect )

	// Gets material property flags
	virtual bool			GetPropertyFlag( MaterialPropertyTypes_t type )
		return true;

	// Is the material visible from both sides?
	virtual bool			IsTwoSided()
		return false;

	// Sets the shader associated with the material
	virtual void			SetShader( const char *pShaderName )

	// Can't be const because the material might have to precache itself.
	virtual int				GetNumPasses( void )
		return 1;

	// Can't be const because the material might have to precache itself.
	virtual int				GetTextureMemoryBytes( void )
		return 64;

	// Meant to be used with materials created using CreateMaterial
	// It updates the materials to reflect the current values stored in the material vars
	virtual void			Refresh()

	// GR - returns true is material uses lightmap alpha for blending
	virtual bool			NeedsLightmapBlendAlpha( void )
		return false;

	// returns true if the shader doesn't do lighting itself and requires
	// the data that is sent to it to be prelighted
	virtual bool			NeedsSoftwareLighting( void )
		return false;

	// Gets at the shader parameters
	virtual int				ShaderParamCount() const
		return 0;

	virtual IMaterialVar	**GetShaderParams( void )
		return 0;

	virtual bool IsErrorMaterial() const
		return false;
	virtual void SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting( bool bEnable ) 
	virtual MorphFormat_t GetMorphFormat() const
		return 0;
	virtual void SetShaderAndParams( KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	virtual const char *GetShaderName() const { return "Wireframe"; }
	virtual void		DeleteIfUnreferenced() {}
	virtual bool IsSpriteCard() { return false; }

	virtual void			RefreshPreservingMaterialVars() {};

	virtual bool			WasReloadedFromWhitelist() {return false;}

	virtual bool			IsPrecached() const {return true;}

CDummyMaterial g_DummyMaterial;
IMaterial *g_pDummyMaterial = &g_DummyMaterial;

void* DummyMaterialSystemFactory( const char *pName, int *pReturnCode )
		return &g_DummyHardwareConfig;

		return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Dummy morph
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CDummyMorph : public IMorph
	virtual void Lock( float flFloatToFixedScale ) {}
	virtual void AddMorph( const MorphVertexInfo_t &info ) {}
	virtual void Unlock(  ) {}
	virtual void AccumulateMorph( int nWeightCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights ) {}

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CDummyMaterialSystem.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CDummyMaterialSystem : public IMaterialSystemStub, public CRefCounted1<IMatRenderContext, CRefCountServiceNull>
	IMaterialSystem *m_pRealMaterialSystem;
		m_pRealMaterialSystem = 0;

	virtual void	SetRealMaterialSystem( IMaterialSystem *pSys )
		m_pRealMaterialSystem = pSys;

	// Call this to initialize the material system
	// returns a method to create interfaces in the shader dll
	virtual CreateInterfaceFn	Init( char const* pShaderDLL, 
									  IMaterialProxyFactory *pMaterialProxyFactory,
									  CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory,
									  CreateInterfaceFn cvarFactory )
		return DummyMaterialSystemFactory;

	virtual void				Shutdown( )

	virtual IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig *GetHardwareConfig( const char *pVersion, int *returnCode )
		if ( returnCode )
			*returnCode = 1;

		return &g_DummyHardwareConfig;

	// Gets the number of adapters...
	virtual int					GetDisplayAdapterCount() const
		return 0;

	// Returns info about each adapter
	virtual void				GetDisplayAdapterInfo( int adapter, MaterialAdapterInfo_t& info ) const

	// Returns the number of modes
	virtual int					GetModeCount( int adapter ) const
		return 0;

	// Returns mode information..
	virtual void				GetModeInfo( int adapter, int mode, MaterialVideoMode_t& info ) const

	// Returns the mode info for the current display device
	virtual void				GetDisplayMode( MaterialVideoMode_t& mode ) const
	// Sets the mode...
	virtual bool				SetMode( void* hwnd, const MaterialSystem_Config_t &config )
		return true;

	// Creates/ destroys a child window
	virtual bool				AddView( void* hwnd )
		return false;
	virtual void				RemoveView( void* hwnd )

	// Sets the view
	virtual void				SetView( void* hwnd )

	// return true if lightmaps need to be redownloaded
	// Call this before rendering each frame with the current config
	// for the material system.
	// Will do whatever is necessary to get the material system into the correct state
	// upon configuration change. .doesn't much else otherwise.
	virtual bool				UpdateConfig( bool forceUpdate )
		return false;
	virtual bool				OverrideConfig( const MaterialSystem_Config_t &config, bool bForceUpdate )
		return false;

	// This is the interface for knowing what materials are available
	// is to use the following functions to get a list of materials.  The
	// material names will have the full path to the material, and that is the 
	// only way that the directory structure of the materials will be seen through this
	// interface.
	// NOTE:  This is mostly for worldcraft to get a list of materials to put
	// in the "texture" browser.in Worldcraft
	virtual MaterialHandle_t	FirstMaterial() const
		return 0;

	// returns InvalidMaterial if there isn't another material.
	// WARNING: you must call GetNextMaterial until it returns NULL, 
	// otherwise there will be a memory leak.
	virtual MaterialHandle_t	NextMaterial( MaterialHandle_t h ) const
		return 0;

	// This is the invalid material
	virtual MaterialHandle_t	InvalidMaterial() const
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->InvalidMaterial();
			return 0;

	// Returns a particular material
	virtual IMaterial*			GetMaterial( MaterialHandle_t h ) const
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->GetMaterial( h );
			return &g_DummyMaterial;

	// Find a material by name.
	// The name of a material is a full path to 
	// the vmt file starting from "hl2/materials" (or equivalent) without
	// a file extension.
	// eg. "dev/dev_bumptest" refers to somethign similar to:
	// "d:/hl2/hl2/materials/dev/dev_bumptest.vmt"
	virtual IMaterial *FindMaterial( char const* pMaterialName, const char *pTextureGroupName, bool complain = true, const char *pComplainPrefix = NULL )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->FindMaterial( pMaterialName, pTextureGroupName, complain, pComplainPrefix );
		return &g_DummyMaterial;

	virtual bool IsMaterialLoaded( char const* pMaterialName )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->IsMaterialLoaded( pMaterialName );
		return true;

	virtual IMaterial *FindMaterialEx( char const* pMaterialName, const char *pTextureGroupName, int nContext, bool complain = true, const char *pComplainPrefix = NULL )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->FindMaterialEx( pMaterialName, pTextureGroupName, nContext, complain, pComplainPrefix );
		return &g_DummyMaterial;

	virtual IMaterial *FindProceduralMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, const char *pTextureGroupName, KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->FindProceduralMaterial( pMaterialName, pTextureGroupName, pVMTKeyValues );
		return &g_DummyMaterial;

	virtual ITexture *FindTexture( char const* pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, bool complain = true, int nAdditionalCreationFlags = 0)
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			return m_pRealMaterialSystem->FindTexture( pTextureName, pTextureGroupName, complain, nAdditionalCreationFlags );
		return &g_DummyTexture;

	virtual void SetAsyncTextureLoadCache( FileCacheHandle_t hFileCache )

	virtual void BindLocalCubemap( ITexture *pTexture )
	virtual ITexture *GetLocalCubemap( )
		return &g_DummyTexture;
	// pass in an ITexture (that is build with "rendertarget" "1") or
	// pass in NULL for the regular backbuffer.
	virtual void				SetRenderTarget( ITexture *pTexture )
	virtual ITexture *			GetRenderTarget( void )
		return &g_DummyTexture;
	virtual void				SetRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pTexture )
	virtual ITexture *			GetRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID )
		return &g_DummyTexture;
	virtual void				GetRenderTargetDimensions( int &width, int &height) const
		width = 256;
		height = 256;
	// Get the total number of materials in the system.  These aren't just the used
	// materials, but the complete collection.
	virtual int					GetNumMaterials( ) const
		return m_pRealMaterialSystem->GetNumMaterials();

	// Remove any materials from memory that aren't in use as determined
	// by the IMaterial's reference count.
	virtual void				UncacheUnusedMaterials( bool bRecomputeStateSnapshots )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			m_pRealMaterialSystem->UncacheUnusedMaterials( bRecomputeStateSnapshots );

	virtual void				SuspendTextureStreaming( )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )

	virtual void				ResumeTextureStreaming( )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )

	// uncache all materials. .  good for forcing reload of materials.
	virtual void				UncacheAllMaterials( )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )

	// Load any materials into memory that are to be used as determined
	// by the IMaterial's reference count.
	virtual void				CacheUsedMaterials( )
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			m_pRealMaterialSystem->CacheUsedMaterials( );
	// Force all textures to be reloaded from disk.
	virtual void				ReloadTextures( )
	// Allows us to override the depth buffer setting of a material
	virtual void	OverrideDepthEnable( bool bEnable, bool bEnableValue )

	virtual void	OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bAlphaWriteEnable )

	virtual void	OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bColorWriteEnable )

	// lightmap allocation stuff

	// To allocate lightmaps, sort the whole world by material twice.
	// The first time through, call AllocateLightmap for every surface.
	// that has a lightmap.
	// The second time through, call AllocateWhiteLightmap for every 
	// surface that expects to use shaders that expect lightmaps.
	virtual void				BeginLightmapAllocation( )
	// returns the sorting id for this surface
	virtual int 				AllocateLightmap( int width, int height, 
		                                          int offsetIntoLightmapPage[2],
												  IMaterial *pMaterial )
		return 0;
	// returns a lightmap page ID for this allocation, -1 if none available
	virtual int	AllocateDynamicLightmap( int lightmapSize[2], int *pOutOffsetIntoPage, int frameID )
		return -1;

	// returns the sorting id for this surface
	virtual int					AllocateWhiteLightmap( IMaterial *pMaterial )
		return 0;
	virtual void				EndLightmapAllocation( )

	// lightmaps are in linear color space
	// lightmapPageID is returned by GetLightmapPageIDForSortID
	// lightmapSize and offsetIntoLightmapPage are returned by AllocateLightmap.
	// You should never call UpdateLightmap for a lightmap allocated through
	// AllocateWhiteLightmap.
	virtual void				UpdateLightmap( int lightmapPageID, int lightmapSize[2],
												int offsetIntoLightmapPage[2], 
												float *pFloatImage, float *pFloatImageBump1,
												float *pFloatImageBump2, float *pFloatImageBump3 )
	// Force the lightmaps updated with UpdateLightmap to be sent to the hardware.
	virtual void				FlushLightmaps( )

	// fixme: could just be an array of ints for lightmapPageIDs since the material
	// for a surface is already known.
	virtual int					GetNumSortIDs( )
		return 10;
//	virtual int					GetLightmapPageIDForSortID( int sortID ) = 0;
	virtual void				GetSortInfo( MaterialSystem_SortInfo_t *pSortInfoArray )

	virtual void				BeginFrame( float )
	virtual void				EndFrame( )
	virtual bool				IsInFrame() const { return false; }

	// Bind a material is current for rendering.
	virtual void				Bind( IMaterial *material, void *proxyData = 0 )
	// Bind a lightmap page current for rendering.  You only have to 
	// do this for materials that require lightmaps.
	virtual void				BindLightmapPage( int lightmapPageID )

	// inputs are between 0 and 1
	virtual void				DepthRange( float zNear, float zFar )

	virtual void				ClearBuffers( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth, bool bClearStencil )

	virtual void				ClearBuffersObeyStencil( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth )

	virtual void				ClearBuffersObeyStencilEx( bool bClearColor, bool bClearAlpha, bool bClearDepth )

	virtual void				PerformFullScreenStencilOperation( void )

	// read to a unsigned char rgb image.
	virtual void				ReadPixels( int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat )

	// Read w/ stretch to a host-memory buffer
	virtual void				ReadPixelsAndStretch( Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect, unsigned char *pBuffer, ImageFormat dstFormat, int nDstStride )

	// Sets lighting
	virtual void				SetAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b )
	virtual void				SetLight( int lightNum, const LightDesc_t& desc )
	virtual void				SetLightingOrigin( Vector vLightingOrigin )

	// The faces of the cube are specified in the same order as cubemap textures
	virtual void				SetAmbientLightCube( Vector4D cube[6] )
	// Blit the backbuffer to the framebuffer texture
	virtual void				CopyRenderTargetToTexture( ITexture * )
	virtual void				SetFrameBufferCopyTexture( ITexture *pTexture, int textureIndex )

	virtual	ITexture *          GetFrameBufferCopyTexture( int textureIndex )
		return &g_DummyTexture;

	// do we need this?
	virtual void				Flush( bool flushHardware = false )

	// end vertex array api

	// Debugging tools
	virtual void				DebugPrintUsedMaterials( const char *pSearchSubString, bool bVerbose )
	virtual void				DebugPrintUsedTextures( void )
	virtual void				ToggleSuppressMaterial( char const* pMaterialName )
	virtual void				ToggleDebugMaterial( char const* pMaterialName )

	// matrix api
	virtual void				MatrixMode( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode )
	virtual void				PushMatrix( void )
	virtual void				PopMatrix( void )
	virtual void				LoadMatrix( float * )
	// Methods that use VMatrix
	virtual void		LoadMatrix( const VMatrix& matrix )

	virtual void		LoadMatrix( const matrix3x4_t& matrix )

	virtual void		LoadBoneMatrix( int boneIndex, const matrix3x4_t& matrix )

	virtual void		MultMatrix( const VMatrix& matrix )

	virtual void		MultMatrix( const matrix3x4_t& matrix )
	virtual void		MultMatrixLocal( const VMatrix& matrix )

	virtual void		MultMatrixLocal( const matrix3x4_t& matrix )
	virtual void				GetMatrix( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode, VMatrix *pMatrix )
	virtual void				GetMatrix( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode, matrix3x4_t *pMatrix )
		SetIdentityMatrix( *pMatrix );
	virtual void				LoadIdentity( void )
	virtual void				Ortho( double left, double top, double right, double bottom, double zNear, double zFar )
	virtual void				PerspectiveX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar )
	virtual void				PickMatrix( int x, int y, int width, int height )
	virtual void				Rotate( float angle, float x, float y, float z )
	virtual void				Translate( float x, float y, float z )
	virtual void				Scale( float x, float y, float z )
	// end matrix api

	// Sets/gets the viewport
	virtual void				Viewport( int x, int y, int width, int height )
	virtual void				GetViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height ) const
		x = y = 0;
		width = height = 640;

	// The cull mode
	virtual void				CullMode( MaterialCullMode_t cullMode )

	// end matrix api

	// Force writes only when z matches. . . useful for stenciling things out
	// by rendering the desired Z values ahead of time.
//	virtual void				ForceDepthFuncEquals( bool bEnable ) = 0;
//	virtual void				RenderZOnlyWithHeightClip( bool bEnable ) = 0;
	// This could easily be extended to a general user clip plane
	virtual void				SetHeightClipMode( MaterialHeightClipMode_t nClipMode )
	virtual MaterialHeightClipMode_t GetHeightClipMode( )
	// garymcthack : fog z is always used for heightclipz for now.
	virtual void				SetHeightClipZ( float z )
	// Fog methods...
	virtual void				FogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode )
	MaterialFogMode_t			GetFogMode( void )
	virtual void				FogStart( float fStart )
	virtual void				FogEnd( float fEnd )
	virtual void				FogMaxDensity( float flMaxDensity )

	virtual void				SetFogZ( float fogZ )
	virtual void				GetFogDistances( float *fStart, float *fEnd, float *fFogZ )

	virtual void				FogColor3f( float r, float g, float b )
	virtual void				FogColor3fv( float const* rgb )
	virtual void				FogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
	virtual void				FogColor3ubv( unsigned char const* rgb )

	virtual void				GetFogColor( unsigned char *rgb )

	// Sets the number of bones for skinning
	virtual void				SetNumBoneWeights( int numBones ) 
	virtual IMaterialProxyFactory *GetMaterialProxyFactory()
		return NULL;
	virtual void	SetMaterialProxyFactory( IMaterialProxyFactory* pFactory )

	// Read the page size of an existing lightmap by sort id (returned from AllocateLightmap())
	virtual void				GetLightmapPageSize( int lightmap, int *width, int *height ) const
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			m_pRealMaterialSystem->GetLightmapPageSize( lightmap, width, height );
			*width = *height = 32;
	/// FIXME: This stuff needs to be cleaned up and abstracted.
	// Stuff that gets exported to the launcher through the engine
	virtual void				SwapBuffers( )

	// Use this to spew information about the 3D layer 
	virtual void				SpewDriverInfo() const

	// Creates/destroys Mesh
	virtual IMesh* CreateStaticMesh( VertexFormat_t fmt, const char *pTextureBudgetGroup, IMaterial * pMaterial )
		return GetDummyMesh();
	virtual void DestroyStaticMesh( IMesh* mesh )

	// Gets the dynamic mesh associated with the currently bound material
	// note that you've got to render the mesh before calling this function 
	// a second time. Clients should *not* call DestroyStaticMesh on the mesh 
	// returned by this call.
	// Use buffered = false if you want to not have the mesh be buffered,
	// but use it instead in the following pattern:
	//		meshBuilder.Begin
	//		meshBuilder.End
	//		Draw partial
	//		Draw partial
	//		Draw partial
	//		meshBuilder.Begin
	//		meshBuilder.End
	//		etc
	// Use Vertex or Index Override to supply a static vertex or index buffer
	// to use in place of the dynamic buffers.
	// If you pass in a material in pAutoBind, it will automatically bind the
	// material. This can be helpful since you must bind the material you're
	// going to use BEFORE calling GetDynamicMesh.
	virtual IMesh* GetDynamicMesh( bool bBuffered = true, IMesh* pVertexOverride = 0,	
		IMesh* pIndexOverride = 0, IMaterial *pAutoBind = 0 )
		return GetDummyMesh();

	virtual IMesh* GetDynamicMeshEx( VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, bool bBuffered = true, 
		IMesh* pVertexOverride = 0,	IMesh* pIndexOverride = 0, IMaterial *pAutoBind = 0 )
		return GetDummyMesh();

	virtual IMesh *GetFlexMesh()
		return GetDummyMesh();
	// Selection mode methods
	virtual int  SelectionMode( bool selectionMode )
		return 0;
	virtual void SelectionBuffer( unsigned int* pBuffer, int size )
	virtual void ClearSelectionNames( )
	virtual void LoadSelectionName( int name )
	virtual void PushSelectionName( int name )
	virtual void PopSelectionName()
	// Installs a function to be called when we need to release vertex buffers + textures
	virtual void AddReleaseFunc( MaterialBufferReleaseFunc_t func )
	virtual void RemoveReleaseFunc( MaterialBufferReleaseFunc_t func )

	// Installs a function to be called when we need to restore vertex buffers
	virtual void AddRestoreFunc( MaterialBufferRestoreFunc_t func )
	virtual void RemoveRestoreFunc( MaterialBufferRestoreFunc_t func )

	// Stuff for probing properties of shaders.
	virtual int					GetNumShaders( void ) const 
		return 0;
	virtual const char *		GetShaderName( int shaderID ) const
		return NULL;
	virtual int					GetNumShaderParams( int shaderID ) const
		return 0;
	virtual const char *		GetShaderParamName( int shaderID, int paramID ) const
		return NULL;
	virtual const char *		GetShaderParamHelp( int shaderID, int paramID ) const
		return NULL;
	virtual ShaderParamType_t	GetShaderParamType( int shaderID, int paramID ) const
		return ( enum ShaderParamType_t )0;
	virtual const char *		GetShaderParamDefault( int shaderID, int paramID ) const
		return NULL;

	// Reloads materials
	virtual void	ReloadMaterials( const char *pSubString = NULL )

	virtual void	ResetMaterialLightmapPageInfo()

	virtual ITexture* CreateRenderTargetTexture( 
		int w, 
		int h, 
		RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode,	// Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
		ImageFormat format, 
		MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth )
		return &g_DummyTexture;

	virtual ITexture *CreateProceduralTexture( 
		const char			*pTextureName, 
		const char			*pTextureGroupName, 
		int					w, 
		int					h, 
		ImageFormat			fmt, 
		int					nFlags )
		return &g_DummyTexture;

	// Sets the Clear Color for ClearBuffer....
	virtual void ClearColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
	virtual void ClearColor4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a )
	virtual void SetInStubMode( bool b )

	// Create new materials
	virtual IMaterial	*CreateMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues )
		return &g_DummyMaterial;

	void GetBackBufferDimensions( int &w, int &h ) const
		w = 1024;
		h = 768;
	ImageFormat GetBackBufferFormat( void ) const
		return IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
	// FIXME: This is a hack required for NVidia/XBox, can they fix in drivers?
	virtual void	DrawScreenSpaceQuad( IMaterial* pMaterial ) {}

	// FIXME: Test interface
	virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { return true; }
	virtual void Disconnect() {}
	virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { return NULL; }
	virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() { return INIT_OK; }
	virtual void SetShaderAPI( const char *pShaderAPIDLL ) {}
	virtual void SetAdapter( int nAdapter, int nFlags ) {}

	// Release temporary HW memory...
	virtual void ResetTempHWMemory( bool bExitingLevel ) {}
	virtual ITexture*	CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx( 
		const char *pRTName,				// Pass in NULL here for an unnamed render target.
		int w, 
		int h, 
		RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode,	// Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
		ImageFormat format, 
		MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED, 
		unsigned int renderTargetFlags = 0
		return &g_DummyTexture;
	virtual ITexture* CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture( 
		const char *pRTName, 
		int w, 
		int h, 
		RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode,	// Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
		ImageFormat format, 
		MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth,
		bool bClampTexCoords, 
		bool bAutoMipMap
		return &g_DummyTexture;
	virtual void SyncToken( const char *pToken ) {}
	virtual float	ComputePixelWidthOfSphere( const Vector& origin, float flRadius )
		return 1.0f;
	virtual float	ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere( const Vector& origin, float flRadius )
		return 1.0f;

	OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t CreateOcclusionQueryObject( void )

	void DestroyOcclusionQueryObject( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t handle )

	void ResetOcclusionQueryObject( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t hOcclusionQuery ) {}

	void BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t handle )

	void EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t handle )

	int OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t handle )
		return 0;
	virtual void SetFlashlightMode( bool )
	virtual bool GetFlashlightMode( void ) const
		return false;
	virtual bool InFlashlightMode( void ) const
		return false;
	virtual void SetFlashlightState( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture )
	virtual void SetFlashlightStateEx( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture, ITexture *pFlashlightDepthTexture )

	virtual void SetScissorRect( const int nLeft, const int nTop, const int nRight, const int nBottom, const bool bEnableScissor )

	virtual void PushDeformation( DeformationBase_t const *Deformation )

	virtual void PopDeformation( )

	virtual int GetNumActiveDeformations() const
		return 0;

	// Get the current config for this video card (as last set by control panel or the default if not)
	virtual const MaterialSystem_Config_t &GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard() const
		static MaterialSystem_Config_t dummy;
		return dummy;

	// Get video card identitier
	virtual const MaterialSystemHardwareIdentifier_t &GetVideoCardIdentifier( void ) const
		static MaterialSystemHardwareIdentifier_t dummy;
		return dummy;
	virtual void AddModeChangeCallBack( ModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func )
	virtual void RemoveModeChangeCallBack( ModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func )
	virtual bool GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo( int nDxLevel, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
		return false;

	virtual void EnableUserClipTransformOverride( bool bEnable )

	virtual void UserClipTransform( const VMatrix &worldToProjection )

	// Used to iterate over all shaders for editing purposes
	virtual int	 ShaderCount() const
		return 0;

	virtual int  GetShaders( int nFirstShader, int nCount, IShader **ppShaderList ) const
		return 0;

	// Used to enable editor materials. Must be called before Init.
	virtual void	EnableEditorMaterials()

	// Used to enable editor materials. Must be called before Init.
	virtual int		GetCurrentAdapter()	const
		return 0;

	virtual char *GetDisplayDeviceName() const OVERRIDE
		return "";

	// Creates/destroys morph data associated w/ a particular material
	IMorph *CreateMorph( MorphFormat_t, const char *pDebugName )
		static CDummyMorph s_DummyMorph;
		return &s_DummyMorph;

	void DestroyMorph( IMorph *pMorph )

	void BindMorph( IMorph *pMorph )

	// Sets morph target factors
	virtual void SetMorphTargetFactors( int nTargetId, float *pValue, int nCount )

	virtual void SetToneMappingScaleLinear( const Vector &scale )

	virtual void EvictManagedResources()

	// Gets the window size
	virtual void	GetWindowSize( int &width, int &height ) const
		width = height = 0;
		if ( m_pRealMaterialSystem )
			CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( m_pRealMaterialSystem );
			pRenderContext->GetWindowSize(width, height);

	// For dealing with device lost in cases where SwapBuffers isn't called all the time (Hammer)
	virtual void HandleDeviceLost()

	virtual void AppUsesRenderTargets()

	virtual void DrawScreenSpaceRectangle( 
		IMaterial *pMaterial,
		int destx, int desty,
		int width, int height,
		float src_texture_x0, float src_texture_y0,
		float src_texture_x1, float src_texture_y1,	
		int src_texture_width, int src_texture_height,
		void *pClientRenderable = NULL,
		int nXDice = 1,
		int nYDice = 1 )

	virtual void BeginRenderTargetAllocation()

	// Simulate an Alt-Tab in here, which causes a release/restore of all resources
	virtual void EndRenderTargetAllocation()

	ITexture *CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( 
		const char *pRTName,				// Pass in NULL here for an unnamed render target.
		int w, 
		int h, 
		RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode,	// Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
		ImageFormat format, 
		MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED, 
		unsigned int renderTargetFlags = 0
		return NULL;

	void PushRenderTargetAndViewport( )

	void PushRenderTargetAndViewport( ITexture *pTexture )

	void PushRenderTargetAndViewport( ITexture *pTexture, int nViewX, int nViewY, int nViewW, int nViewH )

	void PushRenderTargetAndViewport( ITexture *pTexture, ITexture *pDepthTexture, int nViewX, int nViewY, int nViewW, int nViewH )

	void PopRenderTargetAndViewport( void )

	virtual int ShaderFlagCount() const
		return 0;

	virtual const char *ShaderFlagName( int nIndex ) const
		return "";

	virtual void BindLightmapTexture( ITexture *pLightmapTexture )

	// Returns the currently active shader fallback for a particular shader
	virtual void GetShaderFallback( const char *pShaderName, char *pFallbackShader, int nFallbackLength )
		pFallbackShader[0] = 0;

	virtual void DoStartupShaderPreloading( void )

	// Blit a subrect of the current render target to another texture
	virtual void CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( ITexture *pTexture, int nRenderTargetID, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL )

	virtual void CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pTexture, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL )

	bool IsTextureLoaded( char const* pTextureName ) const
		return false;

	void PerspectiveOffCenterX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, double bottom, double top, double left, double right )

	void SetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number, float value)

	void SetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number, int value)
	void SetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number, Vector const &value)

	float GetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
		return 0;

	int GetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
		return 0;

	Vector GetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
		return Vector(0,0,0);
	void ReleaseResources(void)

	void ReacquireResources(void)

	Vector GetToneMappingScaleLinear( void )
		return Vector(1,1,1);

	virtual void GetMaxToRender( IMesh *pMesh, bool bMaxUntilFlush, int *pMaxVerts, int *pMaxIndices )
		*pMaxVerts = 32768;
		*pMaxIndices = 32768;

	// Returns the max possible vertices + indices to render in a single draw call
	virtual int GetMaxVerticesToRender( IMaterial *pMaterial )
		return 32768;

	virtual int GetMaxIndicesToRender( )
		return 32768;

	// stencil buffer operations.
	virtual void SetStencilEnable(bool onoff)

	virtual void SetStencilFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op)

	virtual void SetStencilZFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op)

	virtual void SetStencilPassOperation(StencilOperation_t op)

	virtual void SetStencilCompareFunction(StencilComparisonFunction_t cmpfn)

	virtual void SetStencilReferenceValue(int ref)

	virtual void SetStencilTestMask(uint32 msk)

	virtual void SetStencilWriteMask(uint32 msk) 

	virtual void ClearStencilBufferRectangle(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax, int value)

	virtual void ModInit()

	virtual void ModShutdown()

	virtual void EnableColorCorrection( bool bEnable ) {}
	virtual ColorCorrectionHandle_t AddLookup( const char *pName ) { return 0; }
	virtual bool RemoveLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) { return true; }
	virtual void LockLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) {}
	virtual void LoadLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, const char *pLookupName ) {}
	virtual void UnlockLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) {}
	virtual void SetLookupWeight( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, float flWeight ) {}
	virtual void ResetLookupWeights( ) {}
	virtual void SetResetable( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, bool bResetable ) {}

	virtual void PushCustomClipPlane( const float *pPlane )

	virtual void PopCustomClipPlane( void )

	virtual bool EnableClipping( bool bEnable )
		return true;

	virtual void PushHeightClipPlane( void )
	void ResetToneMappingScale( float sc)
	void TurnOnToneMapping()

	virtual void GetDXLevelDefaults(uint &max_dxlevel,uint &recommended_dxlevel)

	virtual bool UsingFastClipping( void )
		return true; //true for "crappier" hardware, so true is safer than false

	virtual int StencilBufferBits( void )
		return 0;

	virtual void DisableAllLocalLights() {}
	virtual int CompareMaterialCombos( IMaterial *pMaterial1, IMaterial *pMaterial2, int lightmapID1, int lightmapID2 ) { return 0; }

	virtual bool SupportsMSAAMode( int nMSAAMode ) { return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsCSAAMode( int nNumSamples, int nQualityLevel ) { return false; }
	virtual bool SupportsHDRMode( HDRType_t nHDRModede ) { return false; }
	virtual bool IsDX10Card() { return false; }

	// Hooks for firing PIX events from outside the Material System...
	virtual void BeginPIXEvent( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) {};
	virtual void EndPIXEvent() {};
	virtual void SetPIXMarker( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) {};

	virtual IMatRenderContext *GetRenderContext() { return this; }

	void BeginRender() {}
	void BeginRender( float ) {}
	void EndRender() {}

	virtual void							SetThreadMode( MaterialThreadMode_t, int ) {}
	virtual MaterialThreadMode_t			GetThreadMode( ) { return MATERIAL_SINGLE_THREADED; }
	virtual bool							IsRenderThreadSafe( ) { return true; }
	virtual bool							AllowThreading( bool bAllow, int nServiceThread ) { return false; }
	virtual void							ExecuteQueued() {}

	virtual void BeginBatch( IMesh* pIndices ) {}
	virtual void BindBatch( IMesh* pVertices, IMaterial *pAutoBind = NULL ) {}
	virtual void DrawBatch(int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount )  {}
	virtual void EndBatch()  {}

	virtual void SetGoalToneMappingScale(float) {}

	virtual bool SupportsShadowDepthTextures( void ) { return false; }

	virtual bool SupportsFetch4( void ) { return false; }

	virtual void SetShadowDepthBiasFactors( float fShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias, float fShadowDepthBias ) {}

	virtual ICallQueue *GetCallQueue() { return NULL; }
	virtual void GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( Vector *pCameraPos )
	virtual void GetWorldSpaceCameraVectors( Vector *pVecForward, Vector *pVecRight, Vector *pVecUp )
		if ( pVecForward )
			pVecForward->Init( 1, 0, 0 );
		if ( pVecRight )
			pVecRight->Init( 0, -1, 0 );
		if ( pVecUp )
			pVecUp->Init( 0, 0, 1 );

	virtual void BeginUpdateLightmaps() {}
	virtual void EndUpdateLightmaps() {}

	virtual MaterialLock_t		Lock() { return NULL; }
	virtual void				Unlock( MaterialLock_t ) {}

	virtual ImageFormat GetShadowDepthTextureFormat() { return IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; }

	virtual IMatRenderContext *CreateRenderContext( MaterialContextType_t type )
		return RetAddRef( (IMatRenderContext *)this );

	virtual IMatRenderContext *SetRenderContext( IMatRenderContext *pContext )
		SafeRelease( pContext );
		return RetAddRef( this );
	virtual IVertexBuffer *		GetDynamicVertexBuffer( /*VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, */bool buffered = true )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
//		return GetDummyMesh();
	virtual IIndexBuffer *		GetDynamicIndexBuffer( /*MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, */bool buffered = true )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
//		return GetDummyMesh();

// ------------ New Vertex/Index Buffer interface ----------------------------
	virtual IVertexBuffer *CreateStaticVertexBuffer( VertexFormat_t fmt, int nVertexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
	virtual IIndexBuffer *CreateStaticIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, int nIndexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
	virtual void DestroyVertexBuffer( IVertexBuffer * )
	virtual void DestroyIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer * )
	// Do we need to specify the stream here in the case of locking multiple dynamic VBs on different streams?
	virtual IVertexBuffer *GetDynamicVertexBuffer( int streamID, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, bool bBuffered = true )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
	virtual IIndexBuffer *GetDynamicIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, bool bBuffered = true )
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;
	virtual void BindVertexBuffer( int streamID, IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes, int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nRepetitions = 1 )
	virtual void BindIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes )
	virtual void Draw( MaterialPrimitiveType_t primitiveType, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount )
	virtual void BeginMorphAccumulation()
	virtual void EndMorphAccumulation()
	virtual void AccumulateMorph( IMorph* pMorph, int nMorphCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights )
	virtual bool GetMorphAccumulatorTexCoord( Vector2D *pTexCoord, IMorph *pMorph, int nVertex )
		return false;
// ------------ End ----------------------------

	virtual ImageFormat GetNullTextureFormat() { return IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; }

	virtual void AddTextureAlias( const char *pAlias, const char *pRealName ) {}
	virtual void RemoveTextureAlias( const char *pAlias ) {}

	virtual void SetExcludedTextures( const char *pScriptName ) {}
	virtual void UpdateExcludedTextures( void ) {}

	virtual void SetFlexWeights( int nFirstWeight, int nCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights ) {}

	virtual bool SupportsBorderColor() { return false; }

	virtual IMaterial *GetCurrentMaterial() { return NULL; }
	virtual int  GetCurrentNumBones() const { return 0; }
	virtual void *GetCurrentProxy() { return NULL; }

	virtual void SetFullScreenDepthTextureValidityFlag( bool bIsValid ) {}

	// A special path used to tick the front buffer while loading on the 360
	virtual void SetNonInteractivePacifierTexture( ITexture *pTexture, float flNormalizedX, float flNormalizedY, float flNormalizedSize ) {}
	virtual void SetNonInteractiveTempFullscreenBuffer( ITexture *pTexture, MaterialNonInteractiveMode_t mode ) {}
	virtual void EnableNonInteractiveMode( MaterialNonInteractiveMode_t mode ) {}
	virtual void RefreshFrontBufferNonInteractive() {}

	virtual void *			LockRenderData( int nSizeInBytes ) { return NULL; }
	virtual void			UnlockRenderData( void *pData ) {}
	virtual bool			IsRenderData( const void *pData ) const { return false; }
	virtual void			AddRefRenderData() {}
	virtual void			ReleaseRenderData() {}
#if defined( _X360 )
	virtual void				ListUsedMaterials( void ) {}
	virtual HXUIFONT			OpenTrueTypeFont( const char *pFontname, int tall, int style )
		return (HXUIFONT)0;
	virtual void				CloseTrueTypeFont( HXUIFONT hFont ) {}
	virtual bool				GetTrueTypeFontMetrics( HXUIFONT hFont, XUIFontMetrics *pFontMetrics, XUICharMetrics charMetrics[256] ) 
		pFontMetrics->fLineHeight = 0.0f;
		pFontMetrics->fMaxAscent = 0.0f;
		pFontMetrics->fMaxDescent = 0.0f;
		pFontMetrics->fMaxWidth = 0.0f;
		pFontMetrics->fMaxHeight = 0.0f;
		pFontMetrics->fMaxAdvance = 0.0f;
		return true;

	virtual bool				GetTrueTypeGlyphs( HXUIFONT hFont, int numChars, wchar_t *pWch, int *pOffsetX, int *pOffsetY, int *pWidth, int *pHeight, unsigned char *pRGBA, int *pRGBAOffset )
		return false;

	virtual void				PersistDisplay() {}
	virtual void				*GetD3DDevice() { return NULL; }

	virtual void				PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( int iVertexShaderCount = 64 ) { };
	virtual void				PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation( void ) { };

	virtual bool				OwnGPUResources( bool bEnable ) { return false; }

	virtual void				CompactMemory() {}

	// For sv_pure mode. The filesystem figures out which files the client needs to reload to be "pure" ala the server's preferences.
	virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload )

	virtual void				PrintfVA( char *fmt, va_list vargs ) {}
	virtual void				Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {}
	virtual float				Knob( char *knobname, float *setvalue=NULL ) { return 0.0f; }

	virtual void				SetRenderTargetFrameBufferSizeOverrides( int nWidth, int nHeight ) OVERRIDE
		// Nope.
	virtual void				GetRenderTargetFrameBufferDimensions( int & nWidth, int & nHeight ) OVERRIDE
		GetBackBufferDimensions( nWidth, nHeight );

	virtual ITexture*			CreateTextureFromBits(int w, int h, int mips, ImageFormat fmt, int srcBufferSize, byte* srcBits)
		return NULL;	

	virtual void OverrideRenderTargetAllocation( bool )
		// anda

	virtual ITextureCompositor*	NewTextureCompositor( int w, int h, const char* pCompositeName, int nTeamNum, uint64 randomSeed, KeyValues* stageDesc, uint texCompositeCreateFlags ) OVERRIDE
		return NULL;	

	virtual void AsyncFindTexture( const char* pFilename, const char *pTextureGroupName, IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver* pRecipient, void* pExtraArgs, bool bComplain = true, int nAdditionalCreationFlags = 0 )


	virtual void AsyncCreateTextureFromRenderTarget( ITexture* pSrcRt, const char* pDstName, ImageFormat dstFmt, bool bGenMips, int nAdditionalCreationFlags, IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver* pRecipient, void* pExtraArgs )

	virtual ITexture*			CreateNamedTextureFromBitsEx( const char* pName, const char *pTextureGroupName, int w, int h, int mips, ImageFormat fmt, int srcBufferSize, byte* srcBits, int nFlags )
		return NULL;

	virtual bool				AddTextureCompositorTemplate( const char* pName, KeyValues* pTmplDesc, int nTexCompositeTemplateFlags ) OVERRIDE
		return false;

	virtual bool VerifyTextureCompositorTemplates() OVERRIDE
		return false;	


static CDummyMaterialSystem g_DummyMaterialSystem;

EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CDummyMaterialSystem, IMaterialSystemStub,