sub BackToForwardSlash { my( $path ) = shift; $path =~ s,\\,/,g; return $path; } sub RemoveFileName { my( $in ) = shift; $in = &BackToForwardSlash( $in ); $in =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; return $in; } sub RemovePath { my( $in ) = shift; $in = &BackToForwardSlash( $in ); $in =~ s,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,$2,; return $in; } sub MakeDirHier { my( $in ) = shift; # print "MakeDirHier( $in )\n"; $in = &BackToForwardSlash( $in ); my( @path ); while( $in =~ m,/, ) # while $in still has a slash { my( $end ) = &RemovePath( $in ); push @path, $end; # print $in . "\n"; $in = &RemoveFileName( $in ); } my( $i ); my( $numelems ) = scalar( @path ); my( $curpath ); for( $i = $numelems - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { $curpath .= "/" . $path[$i]; my( $dir ) = $in . $curpath; if( !stat $dir ) { # print "mkdir $dir\n"; mkdir $dir, 0777; } } } sub FileExists { my $filename = shift; my @statresult = stat $filename; my $iswritable = @statresult != 0; return $iswritable; } sub MakeFileWritable { my $filename = shift; if ( &FileExists( $filename ) ) { chmod 0666, $filename || die; } } sub MakeFileReadOnly { my $filename = shift; chmod 0444, $filename || die; } # Run a command and get stdout and stderr to an array sub RunCommand { my $cmd = shift; # print STDERR "command: $cmd\n"; system "$cmd > cmdout.txt 2>&1" || die; local( *FILE ); open FILE, "<cmdout.txt" || die; my @output = <FILE>; # print STDERR "command output: @output\n"; close FILE; unlink "cmdout.txt" || die; return @output; } sub PerforceEditOrAdd { return; my $filename = shift; my $changelistarg = shift; # Is the file on the client? my $cmd = "p4 fstat \"$filename\""; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $p4output = join "", @p4output; if( $p4output =~ m/no such file/ ) { # not on client. . add my $cmd = "p4 add $changelistarg $filename"; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $p4output = join "", @p4output; if( $p4output =~ m/opened for add/ ) { print $p4output; return; } print "ERROR: $p4output"; return; } # The file is known to be on the client at this point. # Is it open for edit? if( $p4output =~ m/action edit/ ) { # Is is open for edit, let's see if it's still different. # check for opened files that are not different from the revision in the depot. my $cmd = "p4 diff -sr \"$filename\""; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $outputstring = join "", @p4output; # check for empty string if( !( $outputstring =~ m/^\s*$/ ) ) { my $cmd = "p4 revert \"$filename\""; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $outputstring = join "", @p4output; print $outputstring; return; } } # check for unopened files that are different from the revision in the depot. my $cmd = "p4 diff -se \"$filename\""; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $outputstring = join "", @p4output; # check for empty string if( $outputstring =~ m/^\s*$/ ) { &MakeFileReadOnly( $filename ); return; } # We need to edit the file since it is known to be different here. my $cmd = "p4 edit $changelistarg \"$filename\""; my @p4output = &RunCommand( $cmd ); my $line; foreach $line ( @p4output ) { if( $line =~ m/not on client/ ) { #print "notonclient..."; print "ERROR: @p4output\n"; return; } if( $line =~ m/currently opened for edit/ ) { return; } if( $line =~ m/opened for edit/ ) { print $line; } } } sub FileIsWritable { local( $filename ) = shift; local( @statresult ) = stat $filename; local( $mode, $iswritable ); $mode = oct( $statresult[2] ); $iswritable = ( $mode & 2 ) != 0; return $iswritable; } sub TouchFile { my $filename = shift; if( !&FileExists( $filename ) ) { if( !open FILE, ">$filename" ) { die; } close FILE; } my $now = time; local( *FILE ); utime $now, $now, $filename; } sub FileExistsInPerforce { my $filename = shift; my @output = &RunCommand( "p4 fstat $filename" ); my $line; foreach $line (@output) { if( $line =~ m/no such file/ ) { return 0; } } return 1; } sub PerforceWriteFile { my $filename = shift; my $filecontents = shift; # my $changelistname = shift; # Get the changelist number for the Shader Auto Checkout changelist. Will create the changelist if it doesn't exist. # my $changelistnumber = `valve_p4_create_changelist.cmd . \"$changelistname\"`; # Get rid of the newline # $changelistnumber =~ s/\n//g; # my $changelistarg = ""; # if( $changelistnumber != 0 ) # { # $changelistarg = "-c $changelistnumber" # } # Make the target vcs writable if it exists MakeFileWritable( $filename ); # Write the file. local( *FP ); open FP, ">$filename"; print FP $filecontents; close FP; # Do whatever needs to happen with perforce for this file. # &PerforceEditOrAdd( $filename, $changelistarg ); } sub WriteFile { my $filename = shift; my $filecontents = shift; # Make the target vcs writable if it exists MakeFileWritable( $filename ); # Write the file. local( *FP ); open FP, ">$filename"; print FP $filecontents; close FP; } sub PrintCleanPerforceOutput { my $line; while( $line = shift ) { if( $line =~ m/currently opened/i ) { next; } if( $line =~ m/already opened for edit/i ) { next; } if( $line =~ m/also opened/i ) { next; } if( $line =~ m/add of existing file/i ) { next; } print $line; } } # HACK!!!! Need to pass something in to do this rather than hard coding. sub NormalizePerforceFilename { my $line = shift; # remove newlines. $line =~ s/\n//; # downcase. $line =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; # backslash to forwardslash $line =~ s,\\,/,g; # for inc files HACK! $line =~ s/^.*(fxctmp9.*)/$1/i; $line =~ s/^.*(vshtmp9.*)/$1/i; # for vcs files. HACK! $line =~ s,^.*game/hl2/shaders/,,i; return $line; } sub MakeSureFileExists { local( $filename ) = shift; local( $testexists ) = shift; local( $testwrite ) = shift; local( @statresult ) = stat $filename; if( !@statresult && $testexists ) { die "$filename doesn't exist!\n"; } local( $mode, $iswritable ); $mode = oct( $statresult[2] ); $iswritable = ( $mode & 2 ) != 0; if( !$iswritable && $testwrite ) { die "$filename isn't writable!\n"; } } sub LoadShaderListFile_GetShaderType { my $shadername = shift; my $shadertype; if( $shadername =~ m/\.vsh/i ) { $shadertype = "vsh"; } elsif( $shadername =~ m/\.psh/i ) { $shadertype = "psh"; } elsif( $shadername =~ m/\.fxc/i ) { $shadertype = "fxc"; } else { die; } return $shadertype; } sub LoadShaderListFile_GetShaderSrc { my $shadername = shift; if ( $shadername =~ m/^(.*)-----/i ) { return $1; } else { return $shadername; } } sub LoadShaderListFile_GetShaderBase { my $shadername = shift; if ( $shadername =~ m/-----(.*)$/i ) { return $1; } else { my $shadertype = &LoadShaderListFile_GetShaderType( $shadername ); $shadername =~ s/\.$shadertype//i; return $shadername; } } sub LoadShaderListFile { my $inputbase = shift; my @srcfiles; &MakeSureFileExists( "$inputbase.txt", 1, 0 ); open SHADERLISTFILE, "<$inputbase.txt" || die; my $line; while( $line = <SHADERLISTFILE> ) { $line =~ s/\/\/.*$//; # remove comments "//..." $line =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading whitespace $line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing whitespace next if( $line =~ m/^\s*$/ ); if( $line =~ m/\.fxc/ || $line =~ m/\.vsh/ || $line =~ m/\.psh/ ) { my $shaderbase = &LoadShaderListFile_GetShaderBase( $line ); if( $ENV{"DIRECTX_FORCE_MODEL"} =~ m/^30$/i ) # forcing all shaders to be ver. 30 { my $targetbase = $shaderbase; $targetbase =~ s/_ps2x/_ps30/i; $targetbase =~ s/_ps20b/_ps30/i; $targetbase =~ s/_ps20/_ps30/i; $targetbase =~ s/_vs20/_vs30/i; $targetbase =~ s/_vsxx/_vs30/i; push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $targetbase ); } else { if( $shaderbase =~ m/_ps2x/i ) { my $targetbase = $shaderbase; $targetbase =~ s/_ps2x/_ps20/i; push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $targetbase ); $targetbase = $shaderbase; $targetbase =~ s/_ps2x/_ps20b/i; push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $targetbase ); } elsif( $shaderbase =~ m/_vsxx/i ) { my $targetbase = $shaderbase; $targetbase =~ s/_vsxx/_vs11/i; push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $targetbase ); $targetbase = $shaderbase; $targetbase =~ s/_vsxx/_vs20/i; push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $targetbase ); } else { push @srcfiles, ( $line . "-----" . $shaderbase ); } } } } close SHADERLISTFILE; return @srcfiles; } sub ReadInputFileWithIncludes { local( $filename ) = shift; # print STDERR "ReadInputFileWithIncludes: $filename\n"; local( *INPUT ); local( $output ); # print STDERR "before open\n"; open INPUT, "<$filename" || die; # print STDERR "after open\n"; local( $line ); while( $line = <INPUT> ) { # print STDERR $line; if( $line =~ m/\#include\s+\"(.*)\"/i ) { $output.= ReadInputFileWithIncludes( $1 ); } else { $output .= $line; } } close INPUT; return $output; } sub GetCRCFromSourceFile { my $filename = shift; my $data = &ReadInputFileWithIncludes( $filename ); # print STDERR $data; $crc = crc32( $data ); # print STDERR "GetCRCFromSourceFile: $crc\n"; return $crc; } sub GetCRCFromVCSFile { my $filename = shift; # print STDERR "GetCRCFromVCSFile $filename\n"; local( *FP ); open FP, "<$filename" || die "GetCRCFromVCSFile: can't open file $filename\n"; binmode( FP ); # unpack arguments my $sInt = "i"; my $uInt = "I"; if( $filename =~ m/\.360\./ ) { # Change arguments to "big endian long" $sInt = "N"; $uInt = "N"; } my $header; read FP, $header, 7 * 4 || die " can't read header for $filename\n"; my $version,$numCombos,$numDynamicCombos,$flags,$centroidMask,$refSize,$crc; ($version,$numCombos,$numDynamicCombos,$flags,$centroidMask,$refSize,$crc) = unpack "$sInt$sInt$sInt$uInt$uInt$uInt$uInt", $header; unless( $version == 4 || $version == 5 || $version == 6 ) { print STDERR "ERROR: GetCRCFromVCSFile: $filename is version $version\n"; return 0; } # print STDERR "version: $version\n"; # print STDERR "numCombos: $numCombos\n"; # print STDERR "numDynamicCombos: $numDynamicCombos\n"; # print STDERR "flags: $flags\n"; # print STDERR "centroidMask: $centroidMask\n"; # print STDERR "refSize: $refSize\n"; # print STDERR "GetCRCFromVCSFile: $crc\n"; close( FP ); return $crc; } sub CheckCRCAgainstTarget { my $srcFileName = shift; my $vcsFileName = shift; my $warn = shift; # Make sure both files exist. # print STDERR "$srcFileName doesn't exist\n" if( !( -e $srcFileName ) ); # print STDERR "$vcsFileName doesn't exist\n" if( !( -e $vcsFileName ) ); if( !( -e $srcFileName ) ) { if( $warn ) { print "$srcFileName missing\n"; } return 0; } if( !( -e $vcsFileName ) ) { if( $warn ) { print "$vcsFileName missing\n"; } return 0; } # print STDERR "CheckCRCAgainstTarget( $srcFileName, $vcsFileName );\n"; # print STDERR "vcsFileName: $vcsFileName\n"; # print STDERR "vcsFileName: $srcFileName\n"; my $vcsCRC = &GetCRCFromVCSFile( $vcsFileName ); my $srcCRC = &GetCRCFromSourceFile( $srcFileName ); if( $warn && ( $vcsCRC != $srcCRC ) ) { print "$vcsFileName checksum ($vcsCRC) != $srcFileName checksum: ($srcCRC)\n"; } # return 0; # use this to skip crc checking. # if( $vcsCRC == $srcCRC ) # { # print STDERR "CRC passed for $srcFileName $vcsFileName $vcsCRC\n"; # } return $vcsCRC == $srcCRC; } 1;