//======177== (C) Copyright 1999, 2000 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ======== // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include "quakedef.h" #include "server.h" #include "master.h" #include "proto_oob.h" #include "host.h" extern ConVar sv_lan; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: List of master servers and some state info about them //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct adrlist_s { // Next master in chain struct adrlist_s *next; // Challenge request sent to master qboolean heartbeatwaiting; // Challenge request send time float heartbeatwaitingtime; // Last one is Main master int heartbeatchallenge; // Time we sent last heartbeat double last_heartbeat; // Master server address netadr_t adr; } adrlist_t; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Implements the master server interface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMaster : public IMaster, public IServersInfo { public: CMaster( void ); virtual ~CMaster( void ); // Heartbeat functions. void Init( void ); void Shutdown( void ); // Sets up master address void ShutdownConnection(void); void SendHeartbeat( struct adrlist_s *p ); void AddServer( struct netadr_s *adr ); void UseDefault ( void ); void CheckHeartbeat (void); void RespondToHeartbeatChallenge( netadr_t &from, bf_read &msg ); void ProcessConnectionlessPacket( netpacket_t *packet ); void SetMaster_f( void ); void Heartbeat_f( void ); void RunFrame(); void RequestServersInfo(); // SeversInfo void RequestInternetServerList( const char *gamedir, IServerListResponse *response ); void RequestLANServerList( const char *gamedir, IServerListResponse *response ); void AddServerAddresses( netadr_t **adr, int count ); private: // List of known master servers adrlist_t *m_pMasterAddresses; bool m_bInitialized; // If nomaster is true, the server will not send heartbeats to the master server bool m_bNoMasters; CUtlLinkedList m_serverAddresses; }; static CMaster s_MasterServer; IMaster *master = (IMaster *)&s_MasterServer; IServersInfo *g_pServersInfo = (IServersInfo*)&s_MasterServer; #define HEARTBEAT_SECONDS 140.0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMaster::CMaster( void ) { m_pMasterAddresses = NULL; m_bNoMasters = false; m_bInitialized = false; Init(); } CMaster::~CMaster( void ) { } void CMaster::RunFrame() { CheckHeartbeat(); } void CMaster::ProcessConnectionlessPacket( netpacket_t *packet ) { static ALIGN4 char string[2048] ALIGN4_POST; // Buffer for sending heartbeat uint ip; uint16 port; bf_read msg = packet->message; char c = msg.ReadChar(); if ( c == 0 ) return; switch( c ) { case M2S_CHALLENGE: { RespondToHeartbeatChallenge( packet->from, msg ); break; } case M2C_QUERY: { if( m_serverAddresses.Count() > 0 ) m_serverAddresses.RemoveAll(); ip = msg.ReadLong(); port = msg.ReadShort(); while( ip != 0 && port != 0 ) { netadr_t adr(ip, port); m_serverAddresses.AddToHead(adr); ip = msg.ReadLong(); port = msg.ReadShort(); } RequestServersInfo(); break; } case C2S_INFOREQUEST: { bf_write p(string, sizeof(string)); p.WriteLong(CONNECTIONLESS_HEADER); p.WriteByte(S2C_INFOREPLY); p.WriteString(sv.GetName()); NET_SendPacket(NULL, NS_SERVER, packet->from, p.GetData(), p.GetNumBytesWritten()); break; } case S2C_INFOREPLY: { char hostname[1024]; msg.ReadString(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); break; } } } void CMaster::RequestServersInfo() { static ALIGN4 char string[256] ALIGN4_POST; // Buffer for sending heartbeat bf_write msg( string, sizeof(string) ); FOR_EACH_LL( m_serverAddresses, i ) { const netadr_t adr = m_serverAddresses[i]; msg.WriteLong( CONNECTIONLESS_HEADER ); msg.WriteByte( C2S_INFOREQUEST ); NET_SendPacket( NULL, NS_CLIENT, adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sends a heartbeat to the master server // Input : *p - x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::SendHeartbeat ( adrlist_t *p ) { static ALIGN4 char string[256] ALIGN4_POST; // Buffer for sending heartbeat char szGD[ MAX_OSPATH ]; if ( !p ) return; // Still waiting on challenge response? if ( p->heartbeatwaiting ) return; // Waited too long if ( (realtime - p->heartbeatwaitingtime ) >= HB_TIMEOUT ) return; // Send to master // TODO(nillerusr): send engine version in this packet Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, szGD, sizeof( szGD ) ); bf_write buf( string, sizeof(string) ); buf.WriteByte( S2M_HEARTBEAT ); buf.WriteLong( p->heartbeatchallenge ); buf.WriteShort( PROTOCOL_VERSION ); buf.WriteString( szGD ); NET_SendPacket( NULL, NS_SERVER, p->adr, buf.GetData(), buf.GetNumBytesWritten() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Requests a challenge so we can then send a heartbeat //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::CheckHeartbeat (void) { adrlist_t *p; ALIGN4 char buf[256] ALIGN4_POST; if ( m_bNoMasters || // We are ignoring heartbeats sv_lan.GetInt() || // Lan servers don't heartbeat (sv.GetMaxClients() <= 1) || // not a multiplayer server. !sv.IsActive() ) // only heartbeat if a server is running. return; p = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( p ) { // Time for another try? if ( ( realtime - p->last_heartbeat) < HEARTBEAT_SECONDS) // not time to send yet { p = p->next; continue; } // Should we resend challenge request? if ( p->heartbeatwaiting && ( ( realtime - p->heartbeatwaitingtime ) < HB_TIMEOUT ) ) { p = p->next; continue; } int32 challenge = RandomInt( 0, INT_MAX ); p->heartbeatwaiting = true; p->heartbeatwaitingtime = realtime; p->last_heartbeat = realtime; // Flag at start so we don't just keep trying for hb's when p->heartbeatchallenge = challenge; bf_write msg("Master Join", buf, sizeof(buf)); msg.WriteByte( S2M_GETCHALLENGE ); msg.WriteLong( challenge ); // Send to master asking for a challenge # NET_SendPacket( NULL, NS_SERVER, p->adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Server is shutting down, unload master servers list, tell masters that we are closing the server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::ShutdownConnection( void ) { adrlist_t *p; if ( !host_initialized ) return; if ( m_bNoMasters || // We are ignoring heartbeats sv_lan.GetInt() || // Lan servers don't heartbeat (sv.GetMaxClients() <= 1) ) // not a multiplayer server. return; const char packet = S2M_SHUTDOWN; p = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( p ) { NET_SendPacket( NULL, NS_SERVER, p->adr, (unsigned char*)&packet, 1); p->last_heartbeat = -99999.0; p = p->next; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Add server to the master list // Input : *adr - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::AddServer( netadr_t *adr ) { adrlist_t *n; // See if it's there n = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( n ) { if ( n->adr.CompareAdr( *adr ) ) break; n = n->next; } // Found it in the list. if ( n ) return; n = ( adrlist_t * ) malloc ( sizeof( adrlist_t ) ); if ( !n ) Sys_Error( "Error allocating %i bytes for master address.", sizeof( adrlist_t ) ); memset( n, 0, sizeof( adrlist_t ) ); n->adr = *adr; // Queue up a full heartbeat to all master servers. n->last_heartbeat = -99999.0; // Link it in. n->next = m_pMasterAddresses; m_pMasterAddresses = n; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Add built-in default master if woncomm.lst doesn't parse //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::UseDefault ( void ) { netadr_t adr; // Convert to netadr_t if ( NET_StringToAdr ( DEFAULT_MASTER_ADDRESS, &adr ) ) { // Add to master list AddServer( &adr ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::RespondToHeartbeatChallenge( netadr_t &from, bf_read &msg ) { adrlist_t *p; uint challenge, challenge2; // No masters, just ignore. if ( !m_pMasterAddresses ) return; p = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( p ) { if ( from.CompareAdr( p->adr ) ) break; p = p->next; } // Not a known master server. if ( !p ) return; challenge = msg.ReadLong(); challenge2 = msg.ReadLong(); if( p->heartbeatchallenge != challenge2 ) { Warning("unexpected master server info query packet (wrong challenge!)\n"); return; } // Kill timer p->heartbeatwaiting = false; p->heartbeatchallenge = challenge; // Send the actual heartbeat request to this master server. SendHeartbeat( p ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Add/remove master servers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::SetMaster_f (void) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Send a new heartbeat to the master //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::Heartbeat_f (void) { adrlist_t *p; p = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( p ) { // Queue up a full hearbeat p->last_heartbeat = -9999.0; p->heartbeatwaitingtime = -9999.0; p = p->next; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetMaster_f( void ) { master->SetMaster_f(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Heartbeat1_f( void ) { master->Heartbeat_f(); } static ConCommand setmaster("setmaster", SetMaster_f ); static ConCommand heartbeat("heartbeat", Heartbeat1_f, "Force heartbeat of master servers" ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds master server console commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::Init( void ) { // Already able to initialize at least once? if ( m_bInitialized ) return; // So we don't do this a send time.sv_mas m_bInitialized = true; UseDefault(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaster::Shutdown(void) { adrlist_t *p, *n; // Free the master list now. p = m_pMasterAddresses; while ( p ) { n = p->next; free( p ); p = n; } m_pMasterAddresses = NULL; } // ServersInfo void CMaster::RequestInternetServerList(const char *gamedir, IServerListResponse *response) { if( m_bNoMasters ) return; ALIGN4 char buf[256] ALIGN4_POST; bf_write msg(buf, sizeof(buf)); msg.WriteByte( C2M_CLIENTQUERY ); msg.WriteString(gamedir); // TODO(nillerusr): add switching between masters? NET_SendPacket(NULL, NS_CLIENT, m_pMasterAddresses->adr, msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBytesWritten() ); } void CMaster::RequestLANServerList(const char *gamedir, IServerListResponse *response) { } void CMaster::AddServerAddresses( netadr_t **adr, int count ) { } void Master_Request_f() { g_pServersInfo->RequestInternetServerList("cstrike", NULL); } ConCommand master_request( "master_request", Master_Request_f );