//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //===========================================================================// #include "vpklib/packedstore.h" #include "packedstore_internal.h" #include "tier1/utlintrusivelist.h" #include "tier1/generichash.h" #include "tier1/checksum_crc.h" #include "tier1/checksum_md5.h" #include "tier1/utldict.h" #include "tier2/fileutils.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #ifdef VPK_ENABLE_SIGNING #include "crypto.h" #endif #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC #include <windows.h> #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" typedef uint16 PackFileIndex_t; #define PACKFILEINDEX_END 0xffff const uint16 packedfileindex_end = 0xffff; #pragma pack(1) struct CFilePartDescr { PackFileIndex_t m_nFileNumber; uint32 m_nFileDataOffset; uint32 m_nFileDataSize; }; struct CFileHeaderFixedData { uint32 m_nFileCRC; uint16 m_nMetaDataSize; CFilePartDescr m_PartDescriptors[1]; // variable length FORCEINLINE const void *MetaData( void ) const; FORCEINLINE const CFilePartDescr *FileData( int nPart = 0 ) const; uint32 TotalDataSize( void ) const { return m_nMetaDataSize + m_PartDescriptors[0].m_nFileDataSize; } size_t HeaderSizeIncludingMetaData( void ) const { size_t nRet = sizeof( *this ) - sizeof( m_PartDescriptors ) + m_nMetaDataSize; // see how many parts we have and count the size of their descriptors CFilePartDescr const *pPart = m_PartDescriptors; while( pPart->m_nFileNumber != PACKFILEINDEX_END ) { nRet += sizeof( CFilePartDescr ); pPart++; } nRet += sizeof( PackFileIndex_t ); // count terminator return nRet; } }; #pragma pack() #define PACKEDFILE_DIR_HASH_SIZE 43 static int s_FileHeaderSize( char const *pName, int nNumDataParts, int nNumMetaDataBytes ) { return 1 + strlen( pName ) + // name plus nul sizeof( uint32 ) + // file crc sizeof( uint16 ) + // meta data size nNumMetaDataBytes + // metadata nNumDataParts * sizeof( CFilePartDescr ) + // part data sizeof( PackFileIndex_t ); // part data 0xff end marker } class CFileDirectoryData { public: CFileDirectoryData *m_pNext; char const *m_Name; }; // hash chain for accelerating file lookups. We can find an extension by hash, and find the // directories containing files with this extension by another hash class CFileExtensionData { public: CFileExtensionData *m_pNext; // next one that has the same hash char const *m_Name; // points at extension string within the directory data // nodes for each directory containing a file of this type CUtlIntrusiveList<CFileDirectoryData> m_pDirectoryHashTable[PACKEDFILE_DIR_HASH_SIZE]; ~CFileExtensionData( void ) { for( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pDirectoryHashTable ); i++ ) { m_pDirectoryHashTable[i].Purge(); } } }; static int SkipFile( char const * &pData ) // returns highest file index { int nHighestChunkIndex = -1; pData += 1 + V_strlen( pData ); pData += sizeof( uint32 ); uint16 nMetaDataSize; Q_memcpy( &nMetaDataSize, pData, sizeof( uint16 ) ); pData += sizeof( uint16 ); while ( Q_memcmp( pData, &packedfileindex_end, sizeof( packedfileindex_end ) ) != 0 ) { int nIdx = reinterpret_cast<CFilePartDescr const *>(pData)->m_nFileNumber; if ( nIdx != VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ) nHighestChunkIndex = MAX( nHighestChunkIndex, nIdx ); pData += sizeof( CFilePartDescr ); } pData += sizeof( PackFileIndex_t ); pData += nMetaDataSize; return nHighestChunkIndex; } static inline int SkipAllFilesInDir( char const * & pData ) { int nHighestChunkIndex = -1; pData += 1 + strlen( pData ); // skip dir name // now, march through all the files while( *pData ) // until we're out of files to look at { int nSkipIndex = SkipFile( pData ); nHighestChunkIndex = MAX( nHighestChunkIndex, nSkipIndex ); } pData++; // skip end marker return nHighestChunkIndex; } CFileHeaderFixedData *CPackedStore::FindFileEntry( char const *pDirname, char const *pBaseName, char const *pExtension, uint8 **pExtBaseOut , uint8 **pNameBaseOut ) { if ( pExtBaseOut ) *pExtBaseOut = NULL; if ( pNameBaseOut ) *pNameBaseOut = NULL; int nExtensionHash = HashString( pExtension ) % PACKEDFILE_EXT_HASH_SIZE; CFileExtensionData const *pExt = m_pExtensionData[nExtensionHash].FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( pExtension ); if ( pExt ) { int nDirHash = HashString( pDirname ) % PACKEDFILE_DIR_HASH_SIZE; CFileDirectoryData const *pDir = pExt->m_pDirectoryHashTable[nDirHash].FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( pDirname ); if ( pDir ) { if ( pExtBaseOut ) *pExtBaseOut = (uint8 *) pDir; // we found the right directory. now, sequential search. data is heavily packed, so // this is a little awkward. See fileformat.txt char const *pData = pDir->m_Name; pData += 1 + strlen( pData ); // skip dir name // now, march through all the files while( *pData ) // until we're out of files to look at { if ( !V_strcmp( pData, pBaseName ) ) // found it? { if ( pNameBaseOut ) *pNameBaseOut = (uint8 *) pData; return ( CFileHeaderFixedData * )( pData + 1 + V_strlen( pData ) ); // return header } // this isn't it - skip over it SkipFile( pData ); } } } return NULL; } const void *CFileHeaderFixedData::MetaData( void ) const { if ( ! m_nMetaDataSize ) return NULL; const CFilePartDescr *ret = &( m_PartDescriptors[0] ); while( ret->m_nFileNumber != PACKFILEINDEX_END ) ret++; return reinterpret_cast<uint8 const *>( ret ) + sizeof( PackFileIndex_t ); } CFilePartDescr const *CFileHeaderFixedData::FileData( int nPart ) const { return m_PartDescriptors + nPart; } void CPackedStore::Init( void ) { m_nHighestChunkFileIndex = -1; m_bUseDirFile = false; m_pszFileBaseName[0] = 0; m_pszFullPathName[0] = 0; memset( m_pExtensionData, 0, sizeof( m_pExtensionData ) ); m_nDirectoryDataSize = 0; m_nWriteChunkSize = k_nVPKDefaultChunkSize; m_nSizeOfSignedData = 0; m_Signature.Purge(); m_SignaturePrivateKey.Purge(); m_SignaturePublicKey.Purge(); } void CPackedStore::BuildHashTables( void ) { m_nHighestChunkFileIndex = -1; for( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pExtensionData ) ; i++ ) { m_pExtensionData[i].Purge(); } char const *pData = reinterpret_cast< char const *>( DirectoryData() ); while( *pData ) { // for each extension int nExtensionHash = HashString( pData ) % PACKEDFILE_EXT_HASH_SIZE; CFileExtensionData *pNewExt = new CFileExtensionData; pNewExt->m_Name = pData; m_pExtensionData[nExtensionHash].AddToHead( pNewExt ); // now, iterate over all directories associated with this extension pData += 1 + strlen( pData ); while( *pData ) { int nDirHash = HashString( pData ) % PACKEDFILE_DIR_HASH_SIZE; CFileDirectoryData *pNewDir = new CFileDirectoryData; pNewDir->m_Name = pData; pNewExt->m_pDirectoryHashTable[nDirHash].AddToHead( pNewDir ); int nDirChunk = SkipAllFilesInDir( pData ); m_nHighestChunkFileIndex = MAX( m_nHighestChunkFileIndex, nDirChunk ); } // step past \0 pData++; } } bool CPackedStore::IsEmpty( void ) const { return ( m_DirectoryData.Count() <= 1 ); } static void StripTrailingString( char *pszBuf, const char *pszStrip ) { int lBuf = V_strlen( pszBuf ); int lStrip = V_strlen( pszStrip ); if ( lBuf < lStrip ) return; char *pExpectedPos = pszBuf + lBuf - lStrip; if ( V_stricmp( pExpectedPos, pszStrip ) == 0 ) *pExpectedPos = '\0'; } CPackedStore::CPackedStore( char const *pFileBasename, char *pszFName, IBaseFileSystem *pFS, bool bOpenForWrite ):m_PackedStoreReadCache( pFS ) { Init(); m_pFileSystem = pFS; m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_pPackedStore = this; m_DirectoryData.AddToTail( 0 ); if ( pFileBasename ) { V_strcpy( m_pszFileBaseName, pFileBasename ); StripTrailingString( m_pszFileBaseName, ".vpk" ); StripTrailingString( m_pszFileBaseName, "_dir" ); sprintf( pszFName, "%s_dir.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); #ifdef _WIN32 Q_strlower( pszFName ); #endif CInputFile dirFile( pszFName ); // Try to load the VPK as a standalone (probably an addon) even if the standard _dir name is not present if ( dirFile.IsOk() ) { m_bUseDirFile = true; } else { m_bUseDirFile = false; sprintf( pszFName, "%s.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); dirFile.Open( pszFName ); } bool bNewFileFormat = false; if ( dirFile.IsOk() ) { // first, check if it is the new versioned variant VPKDirHeader_t dirHeader; // try to read the header. if ( ( dirFile.Read( &dirHeader, sizeof( dirHeader ) ) == sizeof( dirHeader ) ) && ( dirHeader.m_nHeaderMarker == VPK_HEADER_MARKER ) ) { if ( dirHeader.m_nVersion == VPK_PREVIOUS_VERSION ) { // fill in the fields of the new header. dirHeader.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize = dirFile.Size() - dirHeader.m_nDirectorySize - sizeof( VPKDirHeaderOld_t ); dirHeader.m_nChunkHashesSize = 0; dirHeader.m_nSelfHashesSize = 0; dirHeader.m_nSignatureSize = 0; // pretend we didnt read the extra header dirFile.Seek( sizeof( VPKDirHeaderOld_t ) ); } else if ( dirHeader.m_nVersion != VPK_CURRENT_VERSION ) { Error( "Unknown version %d for vpk %s", dirHeader.m_nVersion, pFileBasename ); } bNewFileFormat = true; } else // its an old file { dirFile.Seek( 0 ); // fill in a fake header, zero out garbage we read dirHeader.m_nDirectorySize = dirFile.Size(); dirHeader.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize = 0; dirHeader.m_nChunkHashesSize = 0; dirHeader.m_nSelfHashesSize = 0; dirHeader.m_nSignatureSize = 0; } uint32 nSizeOfHeader = dirFile.Tell(); int nSize = dirHeader.m_nDirectorySize; m_nDirectoryDataSize = dirHeader.m_nDirectorySize; m_DirectoryData.SetCount( nSize ); dirFile.MustRead( DirectoryData(), nSize ); // now, if we are opening for write, read the entire contents of the embedded data chunk in the dir into ram if ( bOpenForWrite && bNewFileFormat ) { if ( dirHeader.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize ) { CUtlVector<uint8> readBuffer; int nRemainingSize = dirHeader.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize; m_EmbeddedChunkData.EnsureCapacity( dirHeader.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize ); // We'll allocate around half a meg of contiguous memory for the read. Any more and the SDK's VPK // utility has a higher chance of choking on low-end machines. readBuffer.SetCount( 524288 ); while ( nRemainingSize > 0 ) { int nReadSize = MIN( nRemainingSize , 524288 ); dirFile.MustRead( readBuffer.Base(), nReadSize ); for ( int i = 0; i < nReadSize; i++ ) { m_EmbeddedChunkData.AddToTail( readBuffer[i] ); } nRemainingSize -= nReadSize; } } } int cbVecHashes = dirHeader.m_nChunkHashesSize; int ctHashes = cbVecHashes/sizeof(m_vecChunkHashFraction[0]); m_vecChunkHashFraction.EnsureCount( ctHashes ); dirFile.MustRead( m_vecChunkHashFraction.Base(), cbVecHashes ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecChunkHashFraction, i ) { int idxFound = m_vecChunkHashFraction.Find( m_vecChunkHashFraction[i] ); Assert ( idxFound == i ); idxFound; } // now read the self hashes V_memset( m_DirectoryMD5.bits, 0, sizeof(m_DirectoryMD5.bits) ); V_memset( m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits, 0, sizeof(m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits) ); V_memset( m_TotalFileMD5.bits, 0, sizeof(m_TotalFileMD5.bits) ); if ( dirHeader.m_nSelfHashesSize == 3*sizeof(m_DirectoryMD5.bits) ) { // first is an MD5 of directory data dirFile.MustRead( m_DirectoryMD5.bits, sizeof(m_DirectoryMD5.bits) ); // next is an MD5 of dirFile.MustRead( m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits, sizeof(m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits) ); // at this point the filesystem has calculated an MD5 of everything in the file up to this point. // we could ask it for a snapshot of that MD5 value and then be able to compare it to m_TotalFileMD5 // but we would have to do it *before* we read it dirFile.MustRead( m_TotalFileMD5.bits, sizeof(m_TotalFileMD5.bits) ); } // Is there a signature? m_nSizeOfSignedData = 0; if ( dirHeader.m_nSignatureSize != 0 ) { // Everything immediately proceeding it should have been signed. m_nSizeOfSignedData = dirFile.Tell(); uint32 nExpectedSignedSize = nSizeOfHeader + dirHeader.ComputeSizeofSignedDataAfterHeader(); if ( m_nSizeOfSignedData != nExpectedSignedSize ) { Error( "Size mismatch determining size of signed data block (%d vs %d)", m_nSizeOfSignedData, nExpectedSignedSize ); } // Read the public key uint32 cubPublicKey = 0; dirFile.MustRead( &cubPublicKey, sizeof(cubPublicKey) ); m_SignaturePublicKey.SetCount( cubPublicKey ); dirFile.MustRead( m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), cubPublicKey ); // Read the private key uint32 cubSignature = 0; dirFile.MustRead( &cubSignature, sizeof(cubSignature) ); m_Signature.SetCount( cubSignature ); dirFile.MustRead( m_Signature.Base(), cubSignature ); } } Q_MakeAbsolutePath( m_pszFullPathName, sizeof( m_pszFullPathName ), m_pszFileBaseName ); V_strcat_safe( m_pszFullPathName, ".vpk" ); //Q_strlower( m_pszFullPathName ); // NO! this screws up linux. Q_FixSlashes( m_pszFullPathName ); } BuildHashTables(); } void CPackedStore::GetDataFileName( char *pchFileNameOut, int cchFileNameOut, int nFileNumber ) const { if ( nFileNumber == VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ) { if ( m_bUseDirFile ) { V_snprintf( pchFileNameOut, cchFileNameOut, "%s_dir.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); } else { V_snprintf( pchFileNameOut, cchFileNameOut, "%s.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); } } else { V_snprintf( pchFileNameOut, cchFileNameOut, "%s_%03d.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName, nFileNumber ); } } CPackedStore::~CPackedStore( void ) { for( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pExtensionData ) ; i++ ) { m_pExtensionData[i].Purge(); } for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_FileHandles ); i++ ) { if ( m_FileHandles[i].m_nFileNumber != -1 ) { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC CloseHandle( m_FileHandles[i].m_hFileHandle ); #else m_pFileSystem->Close( m_FileHandles[i].m_hFileHandle ); #endif } } // Free the FindFirst cache data m_directoryList.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); FOR_EACH_MAP( m_dirContents, i ) { m_dirContents[i]->PurgeAndDeleteElements(); delete m_dirContents[i]; } } void SplitFileComponents( char const *pFileName, char *pDirOut, char *pBaseOut, char *pExtOut ) { char pTmpDirOut[MAX_PATH]; V_ExtractFilePath( pFileName, pTmpDirOut, MAX_PATH ); // now, pTmpDirOut to pDirOut, except when we find more then one '\' in a row, only output one char *pOutDirPtr = pDirOut; for( char *pDirInPtr = pTmpDirOut; *pDirInPtr; pDirInPtr++ ) { char c = *( pDirInPtr ); *( pOutDirPtr++ ) = c; // if we copied a \, skip all subsequent slashes while( ( c == '\\' ) && ( pDirInPtr[1] == c ) ) { pDirInPtr++; } } *( pOutDirPtr ) = 0; // null terminate if ( !pDirOut[0] ) strcpy( pDirOut, " " ); // blank dir name V_strcpy( pBaseOut, V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ) ); char *pDot = strrchr( pBaseOut, '.' ); if ( pDot ) { *pDot = 0; V_strncpy( pExtOut, pDot+1, MAX_PATH ); } else { pExtOut[0]=' '; pExtOut[1]=0; } V_FixSlashes( pDirOut, '/' ); V_strlower( pDirOut ); // the game sometimes asks for paths like dir1/../dir2/ we will replace this with dir2/. This // one line of perl code sucks in c++. for(;;) { char *pDotDot = V_strstr( pDirOut + 1, "/../" ); // start at second char. we don't want a beginning / if (! pDotDot ) { break; } // search backwards from the /.. for the previous directory part char *pPrevSlash = pDotDot - 1; while( ( pPrevSlash > pDirOut ) && ( pPrevSlash[0] != '/' ) ) { pPrevSlash--; } // if our path was dir0/dir1/../dir2, we are now pointing at "/dir1". // is strmove in all compilers? that would be better than this loop char *pStrIn = pDotDot + 3; for(;;) { *pPrevSlash = *pStrIn; if ( pStrIn[0] ) { ++pPrevSlash; ++pStrIn; } else { break; } } } char *pLastDirChar = pDirOut + strlen( pDirOut ) - 1; if ( ( pLastDirChar[0] == '/' ) || ( pLastDirChar[0] == '\\' ) ) *pLastDirChar = 0; // kill trailing slash V_strlower( pBaseOut ); V_strlower( pExtOut ); } CPackedStoreFileHandle CPackedStore::OpenFile( char const *pFileName ) { char dirName[MAX_PATH]; char baseName[MAX_PATH]; char extName[MAX_PATH]; // Fix up the filename first char tempFileName[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( tempFileName, pFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ) ); V_FixSlashes( tempFileName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); // V_RemoveDotSlashes( tempFileName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, true ); V_FixDoubleSlashes( tempFileName ); if ( !V_IsAbsolutePath( tempFileName ) ) { V_strlower( tempFileName ); } SplitFileComponents( tempFileName, dirName, baseName, extName ); CPackedStoreFileHandle ret; CFileHeaderFixedData *pHeader = FindFileEntry( dirName, baseName, extName, NULL, &( ret.m_pDirFileNamePtr ) ); if ( pHeader ) { ret.m_nFileNumber = pHeader->m_PartDescriptors[0].m_nFileNumber; ret.m_nFileOffset = pHeader->m_PartDescriptors[0].m_nFileDataOffset; ret.m_nFileSize = pHeader->m_PartDescriptors[0].m_nFileDataSize + pHeader->m_nMetaDataSize; ret.m_nCurrentFileOffset = 0; ret.m_pMetaData = pHeader->MetaData(); ret.m_nMetaDataSize = pHeader->m_nMetaDataSize; ret.m_pHeaderData = pHeader; ret.m_pOwner = this; } else { ret.m_nFileNumber = -1; ret.m_pOwner = NULL; } return ret; } CPackedStoreFileHandle CPackedStore::GetHandleForHashingFiles() { CPackedStoreFileHandle ret; ret.m_nFileNumber = 0; ret.m_nFileOffset = 0; ret.m_nFileSize = 0; ret.m_nMetaDataSize = 0; ret.m_nCurrentFileOffset = 0; ret.m_pDirFileNamePtr = NULL; ret.m_pHeaderData = NULL; ret.m_pMetaData = NULL; ret.m_pOwner = this; return ret; } void CPackedStore::Write( void ) { // !KLUDGE! // Write the whole header into a buffer in memory. // We do this so we can easily sign it. CUtlBuffer bufDirFile; VPKDirHeader_t headerOut; headerOut.m_nDirectorySize = m_DirectoryData.Count(); headerOut.m_nEmbeddedChunkSize = m_EmbeddedChunkData.Count(); headerOut.m_nChunkHashesSize = m_vecChunkHashFraction.Count()*sizeof(m_vecChunkHashFraction[0]); headerOut.m_nSelfHashesSize = 3*sizeof(m_DirectoryMD5.bits); headerOut.m_nSignatureSize = 0; // Do we plan on signing this thing and writing a signature? m_Signature.Purge(); if ( m_SignaturePrivateKey.Count() > 0 && m_SignaturePublicKey.Count() > 0 ) { #ifdef VPK_ENABLE_SIGNING uint32 nExpectedSignatureSize = k_cubRSASignature; headerOut.m_nSignatureSize = sizeof(uint32) + m_SignaturePublicKey.Count() + sizeof(uint32) + nExpectedSignatureSize; #else Error( "VPK signing not implemented" ); #endif } bufDirFile.Put( &headerOut, sizeof( headerOut ) ); bufDirFile.Put( DirectoryData(), m_DirectoryData.Count() ); if ( m_EmbeddedChunkData.Count() ) { int nRemainingSize = m_EmbeddedChunkData.Count(); CUtlVector<uint8> writeBuffer; writeBuffer.SetCount( 524288 ); int nChunkOffset = 0; while ( nRemainingSize > 0 ) { // We'll write around half a meg of contiguous memory at once. Any more and the SDK's VPK // utility has a higher chance of choking on low-end machines. int nWriteSize = MIN( nRemainingSize, 524288 ); for ( int i = 0; i < nWriteSize; i++ ) { writeBuffer[i] = m_EmbeddedChunkData[nChunkOffset++]; } bufDirFile.Put( writeBuffer.Base(), nWriteSize ); nRemainingSize -= nWriteSize; } } // write the chunk hashes out bufDirFile.Put( m_vecChunkHashFraction.Base(), m_vecChunkHashFraction.Count()*sizeof(m_vecChunkHashFraction[0]) ); // write out the MD5s of the 2 main pieces of data bufDirFile.Put( m_DirectoryMD5.bits, sizeof( m_DirectoryMD5.bits ) ); bufDirFile.Put( m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits, sizeof( m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits ) ); // compute the final MD5 ( of everything in the file up to this point ) MD5_ProcessSingleBuffer( bufDirFile.Base(), bufDirFile.TellPut(), m_TotalFileMD5 ); bufDirFile.Put( m_TotalFileMD5.bits, sizeof( m_TotalFileMD5.bits ) ); // Should we sign all this stuff? m_nSizeOfSignedData = 0; #ifdef VPK_ENABLE_SIGNING if ( headerOut.m_nSignatureSize > 0 ) { m_nSizeOfSignedData = bufDirFile.TellPut(); uint32 nExpectedSignedSize = sizeof(headerOut) + headerOut.ComputeSizeofSignedDataAfterHeader(); if ( m_nSizeOfSignedData != nExpectedSignedSize ) { Error( "Size mismatch determining size of signed data block (%d vs %d)", m_nSizeOfSignedData, nExpectedSignedSize ); } // Allocate more than enough space to hold the signature m_Signature.SetCount( nExpectedSignatureSize + 1024 ); // Calcuate the signature uint32 cubSignature = m_Signature.Count(); if ( !CCrypto::RSASignSHA256( (const uint8 *)bufDirFile.Base(), bufDirFile.TellPut(), (uint8 *)m_Signature.Base(), &cubSignature, (const uint8 *)m_SignaturePrivateKey.Base(), m_SignaturePrivateKey.Count() ) ) { Error( "VPK signing failed. Private key may be corrupt or invalid" ); } // Confirm that the size was what we expected if ( cubSignature != nExpectedSignatureSize ) { Error( "VPK signing produced %d byte signature. Expected size was %d bytes", cubSignature, nExpectedSignatureSize ); } // Shrink signature to fit m_Signature.SetCountNonDestructively( cubSignature ); // Now re-check the signature, using the public key that we are about // to burn into the file, to make sure there's no mismatch. if ( !CCrypto::RSAVerifySignatureSHA256( (const uint8 *)bufDirFile.Base(), bufDirFile.TellPut(), (const uint8 *)m_Signature.Base(), cubSignature, (const uint8 *)m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), m_SignaturePublicKey.Count() ) ) { Error( "VPK signature verification failed immediately after signing. The public key might be invalid, or might not match the private key used to generate the signature." ); } // Write public key which should be used uint32 cubPublicKey = m_SignaturePublicKey.Count(); bufDirFile.Put( &cubPublicKey, sizeof(cubPublicKey) ); bufDirFile.Put( m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), cubPublicKey ); // Write signature bufDirFile.Put( &cubSignature, sizeof(cubSignature) ); bufDirFile.Put( m_Signature.Base(), cubSignature ); } #endif char szOutFileName[MAX_PATH]; // Delete any existing header file, either the standalone kind, // or the _dir kind. V_sprintf_safe( szOutFileName, "%s.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szOutFileName ) ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szOutFileName ); V_sprintf_safe( szOutFileName, "%s_dir.vpk", m_pszFileBaseName ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szOutFileName ) ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szOutFileName ); // Force on multi-chunk mode if we have any files in a chunk if ( m_nHighestChunkFileIndex >= 0 ) m_bUseDirFile = true; // Fetch actual name to write GetDataFileName( szOutFileName, sizeof(szOutFileName), VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ); // Now actually write the data to disk COutputFile dirFile( szOutFileName ); dirFile.Write( bufDirFile.Base(), bufDirFile.TellPut() ); dirFile.Close(); } #ifdef VPK_ENABLE_SIGNING void CPackedStore::SetKeysForSigning( int nPrivateKeySize, const void *pPrivateKeyData, int nPublicKeySize, const void *pPublicKeyData ) { m_SignaturePrivateKey.SetSize( nPrivateKeySize ); V_memcpy( m_SignaturePrivateKey.Base(), pPrivateKeyData, nPrivateKeySize ); m_SignaturePublicKey.SetSize( nPublicKeySize ); V_memcpy( m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), pPublicKeyData, nPublicKeySize ); // Discard any existing signature m_Signature.Purge(); } CPackedStore::ESignatureCheckResult CPackedStore::CheckSignature( int nSignatureSize, const void *pSignature ) const { if ( m_Signature.Count() == 0 ) return eSignatureCheckResult_NotSigned; Assert( m_nSizeOfSignedData > 0 ); // Confirm correct public key, if they specified one. if ( nSignatureSize > 0 && pSignature != NULL ) { if ( m_SignaturePublicKey.Count() != nSignatureSize || V_memcmp( pSignature, m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), nSignatureSize ) != 0 ) { return eSignatureCheckResult_WrongKey; } } char szFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; GetDataFileName( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ); // Read the data CUtlBuffer bufSignedData; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szFilename, NULL, bufSignedData, m_nSizeOfSignedData ) ) return eSignatureCheckResult_Failed; if ( bufSignedData.TellPut() < (int)m_nSizeOfSignedData ) { Assert( false ); // ? return eSignatureCheckResult_Failed; } // Check the signature if ( !CCrypto::RSAVerifySignatureSHA256( (const uint8 *)bufSignedData.Base(), m_nSizeOfSignedData, (const uint8 *)m_Signature.Base(), m_Signature.Count(), (const uint8 *)m_SignaturePublicKey.Base(), m_SignaturePublicKey.Count() ) ) { return eSignatureCheckResult_InvalidSignature; } return eSignatureCheckResult_ValidSignature; } #endif CPackedStoreReadCache::CPackedStoreReadCache( IBaseFileSystem *pFS ):m_treeCachedVPKRead( CachedVPKRead_t::Less ) { m_pPackedStore = NULL; m_cItemsInCache = 0; m_pFileSystem = pFS; m_cubReadFromCache = 0; m_cReadFromCache = 0; m_cDiscardsFromCache = 0; m_cAddedToCache = 0; m_cCacheMiss = 0; m_cubCacheMiss = 0; m_cFileErrors = 0; m_cFileErrorsCorrected = 0; m_cFileResultsDifferent = 0; m_pFileTracker = NULL; } // check if the read request can be satisfied from the read cache we have in 1MB chunks bool CPackedStoreReadCache::BCanSatisfyFromReadCache( uint8 *pOutData, CPackedStoreFileHandle &handle, FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle, int nDesiredPos, int nNumBytes, int &nRead ) { nRead = 0; int nFileFraction = nDesiredPos & k_nCacheBufferMask; int nOffset = nDesiredPos - nFileFraction; int cubReadChunk = nOffset + nNumBytes; if ( cubReadChunk > k_cubCacheBufferSize ) cubReadChunk = ( k_nCacheBufferMask - nOffset ) & (k_cubCacheBufferSize-1); else cubReadChunk = nNumBytes; // the request might straddle multiple chunks - we make sure we have all of the data, if we are missing any, we fail while ( nNumBytes ) { int nReadChunk = 0; if ( !BCanSatisfyFromReadCacheInternal( pOutData, handle, fHandle, nDesiredPos, cubReadChunk, nReadChunk ) ) { return false; } nNumBytes -= cubReadChunk; pOutData += cubReadChunk; nDesiredPos += cubReadChunk; nRead += nReadChunk; nFileFraction += k_cubCacheBufferSize; cubReadChunk = nNumBytes; if ( cubReadChunk > k_cubCacheBufferSize ) cubReadChunk = k_cubCacheBufferSize; } return true; } // read a single line into the cache bool CPackedStoreReadCache::ReadCacheLine( FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle, CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead ) { cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer = 0; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC if ( cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction != fHandle.m_nCurOfs ) SetFilePointer ( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer, k_cubCacheBufferSize, (LPDWORD) &cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer, NULL ); SetFilePointer ( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, fHandle.m_nCurOfs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); #else m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer = m_pFileSystem->Read( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer, k_cubCacheBufferSize, fHandle.m_hFileHandle ); m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, fHandle.m_nCurOfs, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); #endif Assert( cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle == 0 ); if ( m_pFileTracker ) // file tracker doesn't exist in the VPK command line tool { cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle = m_pFileTracker->SubmitThreadedMD5Request( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer, cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer, m_pPackedStore->m_PackFileID, cachedVPKRead.m_nPackFileNumber, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction ); } return cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer > 0; } // check if the MD5 matches bool CPackedStoreReadCache::CheckMd5Result( CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead ) { ChunkHashFraction_t chunkHashFraction; if ( !m_pPackedStore->FindFileHashFraction( cachedVPKRead.m_nPackFileNumber, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction, chunkHashFraction ) ) return true; if ( Q_memcmp( &cachedVPKRead.m_md5Value, &chunkHashFraction.m_md5contents, sizeof( MD5Value_t ) ) != 0 ) { char szFilename[ 512 ]; m_pPackedStore->GetDataFileName( szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), cachedVPKRead.m_nPackFileNumber ); char szCalculated[ MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2 + 4 ]; char szExpected[ MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2 + 4 ]; V_binarytohex( cachedVPKRead.m_md5Value.bits, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, szCalculated, sizeof(szCalculated) ); V_binarytohex( chunkHashFraction.m_md5contents.bits, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, szExpected, sizeof(szExpected) ); Warning( "Corruption detected in %s\n" "\n" "Try verifying the integrity of your game cache.\n" "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335" "\n" "Offset %d, expected %s, got %s\n", szFilename, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction, szExpected, szCalculated ); // we got an error reading this chunk, record the error m_cFileErrors++; cachedVPKRead.m_cFailedHashes++; // give a copy to the fail whale //m_queueCachedVPKReadsRetry.PushItem( cachedVPKRead ); return false; } if ( cachedVPKRead.m_cFailedHashes > 0 ) { m_cFileErrorsCorrected++; } return true; } int CPackedStoreReadCache::FindBufferToUse() { int idxLRU = 0; int idxToRemove = m_treeCachedVPKRead.InvalidIndex(); uint32 uTimeLowest = (uint32)~0; // MAXINT // find the oldest item, reuse its buffer for ( int i = 0; i < m_cItemsInCache; i++ ) { if ( m_rgLastUsedTime[i] < uTimeLowest ) { uTimeLowest = m_rgLastUsedTime[i]; idxToRemove = m_rgCurrentCacheIndex[i]; idxLRU = i; } int idxCurrent = m_rgCurrentCacheIndex[i]; // while we are here check if the MD5 is done if ( m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxCurrent].m_hMD5RequestHandle ) { CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead = m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxCurrent]; if ( m_pFileTracker->IsMD5RequestComplete( cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle, &cachedVPKRead.m_md5Value ) ) { // if it is done, check the results cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle = 0; // if we got bad data - stop looking, just use this one if ( !CheckMd5Result( cachedVPKRead ) ) return i; } } } // if we submitted its MD5 for processing, then wait until that is done if ( m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_hMD5RequestHandle ) { CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead = m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove]; m_pFileTracker->BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete( cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle, &cachedVPKRead.m_md5Value ); m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_hMD5RequestHandle = 0; // make sure it matches what it is supposed to match CheckMd5Result( cachedVPKRead ); } return idxLRU; } // manage the cache bool CPackedStoreReadCache::BCanSatisfyFromReadCacheInternal( uint8 *pOutData, CPackedStoreFileHandle &handle, FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle, int nDesiredPos, int nNumBytes, int &nRead ) { m_rwlock.LockForRead(); bool bLockedForWrite = false; CachedVPKRead_t key; key.m_nPackFileNumber = handle.m_nFileNumber; key.m_nFileFraction = nDesiredPos & k_nCacheBufferMask; int idxTrackedVPKFile = m_treeCachedVPKRead.Find( key ); if ( idxTrackedVPKFile == m_treeCachedVPKRead.InvalidIndex() || m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxTrackedVPKFile].m_pubBuffer == NULL ) { m_rwlock.UnlockRead(); m_rwlock.LockForWrite(); bLockedForWrite = true; // if we didnt find it, we had to grab the write lock, it may have been added while we waited idxTrackedVPKFile = m_treeCachedVPKRead.Find( key ); } if ( idxTrackedVPKFile == m_treeCachedVPKRead.InvalidIndex() ) { idxTrackedVPKFile = m_treeCachedVPKRead.Insert( key ); } CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead = m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxTrackedVPKFile]; // Cache hit? if ( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer == NULL ) { // We need to have it locked for write, because we're about to muck with these structures. if ( !bLockedForWrite ) { Assert( bLockedForWrite ); return false; } Assert( cachedVPKRead.m_idxLRU < 0 ); // Can we add another line to the cache, or should we reuse an existing one? int idxLRU = -1; if ( m_cItemsInCache >= k_nCacheBuffersToKeep ) { // Need to kick out the LRU. idxLRU = FindBufferToUse(); int idxToRemove = m_rgCurrentCacheIndex[idxLRU]; Assert( m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_idxLRU == idxLRU ); Assert( m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_pubBuffer != NULL ); // Transfer ownership of the buffer cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer = m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_pubBuffer; m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_pubBuffer = NULL; m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_cubBuffer = 0; m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxToRemove].m_idxLRU = -1; m_cDiscardsFromCache++; } else { // We can add a new one idxLRU = m_cItemsInCache; m_cItemsInCache++; Assert( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer == NULL ); } m_rgCurrentCacheIndex[idxLRU] = idxTrackedVPKFile; cachedVPKRead.m_idxLRU = idxLRU; if ( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer == NULL ) { cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer = (uint8 *)malloc( k_cubCacheBufferSize ); if ( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer == NULL ) Error( "Out of memory" ); } ReadCacheLine( fHandle, cachedVPKRead ); m_cAddedToCache++; } else { Assert( cachedVPKRead.m_idxLRU >= 0 ); Assert( m_rgCurrentCacheIndex[cachedVPKRead.m_idxLRU] == idxTrackedVPKFile ); } // Assume no bytes will be satisfied from cache bool bSuccess = false; nRead = 0; // Can we read at least one byte? Assert( cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction <= nDesiredPos ); int nBufferEnd = cachedVPKRead.m_cubBuffer + cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction; if ( cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer != NULL && nBufferEnd > nDesiredPos ) { nRead = Min( nBufferEnd - nDesiredPos, nNumBytes ); int nOffset = nDesiredPos - cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction; Assert( nOffset >= 0 ); memcpy( pOutData, (uint8 *)&cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer[nOffset], nRead ); m_cubReadFromCache += nRead; m_cReadFromCache ++; bSuccess = true; m_rgLastUsedTime[m_treeCachedVPKRead[idxTrackedVPKFile].m_idxLRU] = Plat_MSTime(); } if ( bLockedForWrite ) m_rwlock.UnlockWrite(); else m_rwlock.UnlockRead(); return bSuccess; } void CPackedStoreReadCache::RetryBadCacheLine( CachedVPKRead_t &cachedVPKRead ) { ChunkHashFraction_t chunkHashFraction; m_pPackedStore->FindFileHashFraction( cachedVPKRead.m_nPackFileNumber, cachedVPKRead.m_nFileFraction, chunkHashFraction ); cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer = (uint8 *)malloc( k_cubCacheBufferSize ); FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle = m_pPackedStore->GetFileHandle( cachedVPKRead.m_nPackFileNumber ); fHandle.m_Mutex.Lock(); ReadCacheLine( fHandle, cachedVPKRead ); fHandle.m_Mutex.Unlock(); m_pFileTracker->BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete( cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle, &cachedVPKRead.m_md5Value ); cachedVPKRead.m_hMD5RequestHandle = 0; CheckMd5Result( cachedVPKRead ); cachedVPKRead.m_pubBuffer = NULL; } // try reloading anything that failed its md5 check // this is currently only for gathering information, doesnt do anything to repair the cache void CPackedStoreReadCache::RetryAllBadCacheLines() { // while( m_queueCachedVPKReadsRetry.Count() ) // { // CachedVPKRead_t cachedVPKRead; // m_rwlock.LockForWrite(); // if ( m_queueCachedVPKReadsRetry.PopItem( &cachedVPKRead ) ) // { // // retry anything that didnt match one time // RetryBadCacheLine( cachedVPKRead ); // m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed.AddToTail( cachedVPKRead ); // // m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed contains all the data about failed reads - for error or OGS reporting // } // m_rwlock.UnlockWrite(); // } } void CPackedStore::GetPackFileLoadErrorSummary( CUtlString &sErrors ) { FOR_EACH_LL( m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed, i ) { char szDataFileName[MAX_PATH]; CPackedStoreFileHandle fhandle = GetHandleForHashingFiles(); fhandle.m_nFileNumber = m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_nPackFileNumber; fhandle.GetPackFileName( szDataFileName, sizeof(szDataFileName) ); const char *pszFileName = V_GetFileName( szDataFileName ); CUtlString sTemp; sTemp.Format( "Pack File %s at offset %x length %x errorcount = %d \n", pszFileName, m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_nFileFraction, m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_cubBuffer, m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_cFailedHashes ); sErrors += sTemp ; char hex[sizeof(MD5Value_t)*2 + 1 ]; Q_binarytohex( m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_md5Value.bits, sizeof(MD5Value_t), hex, sizeof( hex ) ); ChunkHashFraction_t chunkHashFraction; FindFileHashFraction( m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_nPackFileNumber, m_PackedStoreReadCache.m_listCachedVPKReadsFailed[i].m_nFileFraction, chunkHashFraction ); char hex2[sizeof(MD5Value_t)*2 + 1 ]; Q_binarytohex( chunkHashFraction.m_md5contents.bits, sizeof(MD5Value_t), hex2, sizeof( hex2 ) ); sTemp.Format( "Last Md5 Value %s Should be %s \n", hex, hex2 ); sErrors += sTemp ; } } int CPackedStore::ReadData( CPackedStoreFileHandle &handle, void *pOutData, int nNumBytes ) { int nRet = 0; // clamp read size to file size nNumBytes = MIN( nNumBytes, handle.m_nFileSize - handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset ); if ( nNumBytes > 0 ) { // first satisfy from the metadata, if we can int nNumMetaDataBytes = MIN( nNumBytes, handle.m_nMetaDataSize - handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset ); if ( nNumMetaDataBytes > 0 ) { memcpy( pOutData, reinterpret_cast<uint8 const *>( handle.m_pMetaData ) + handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset, nNumMetaDataBytes ); nRet += nNumMetaDataBytes; pOutData = reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pOutData ) + nNumMetaDataBytes; handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset += nNumMetaDataBytes; nNumBytes -= nNumMetaDataBytes; } // satisfy remaining bytes from file if ( nNumBytes > 0 ) { FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle = GetFileHandle( handle.m_nFileNumber ); int nDesiredPos = handle.m_nFileOffset + handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset - handle.m_nMetaDataSize; int nRead; fHandle.m_Mutex.Lock(); if ( handle.m_nFileNumber == VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ) { // for file data in the directory header, all offsets are relative to the size of the dir header. nDesiredPos += m_nDirectoryDataSize + sizeof( VPKDirHeader_t ); } if ( m_PackedStoreReadCache.BCanSatisfyFromReadCache( (uint8 *)pOutData, handle, fHandle, nDesiredPos, nNumBytes, nRead ) ) { handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset += nRead; } else { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC if ( nDesiredPos != fHandle.m_nCurOfs ) SetFilePointer ( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, nDesiredPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, pOutData, nNumBytes, (LPDWORD) &nRead, NULL ); #else m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, nDesiredPos, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); nRead = m_pFileSystem->Read( pOutData, nNumBytes, fHandle.m_hFileHandle ); #endif handle.m_nCurrentFileOffset += nRead; fHandle.m_nCurOfs = nRead + nDesiredPos; } Assert( nRead == nNumBytes ); nRet += nRead; fHandle.m_Mutex.Unlock(); } } m_PackedStoreReadCache.RetryAllBadCacheLines(); return nRet; } bool CPackedStore::HashEntirePackFile( CPackedStoreFileHandle &handle, int64 &nFileSize, int nFileFraction, int nFractionSize, FileHash_t &fileHash ) { #define CRC_CHUNK_SIZE (32*1024) unsigned char tempBuf[CRC_CHUNK_SIZE]; #ifdef COMPUTE_HASH_TIMES CFastTimer timer; timer.Start(); #endif FileHandleTracker_t &fHandle = GetFileHandle( handle.m_nFileNumber ); fHandle.m_Mutex.Lock(); #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC unsigned int fileSizeHigh; unsigned int fileLength = GetFileSize( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, (LPDWORD) &fileSizeHigh ); #else unsigned int fileLength = m_pFileSystem->Size( fHandle.m_hFileHandle ); #endif nFileSize = fileLength; MD5Context_t ctx; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(MD5Context_t)); MD5Init(&ctx); int nDesiredPos = nFileFraction; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC if ( nDesiredPos != fHandle.m_nCurOfs ) SetFilePointer ( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, nDesiredPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); #else m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, nDesiredPos, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); #endif int nFractionLength = ( fileLength - nFileFraction ); if ( nFractionLength > nFractionSize ) nFractionLength = nFractionSize; int nChunks = nFractionLength / CRC_CHUNK_SIZE + 1; unsigned int curStartByte = 0; for ( int iChunk=0; iChunk < nChunks; iChunk++ ) { int curEndByte = MIN( curStartByte + CRC_CHUNK_SIZE, (uint)nFractionLength ); int chunkLen = curEndByte - curStartByte; if ( chunkLen == 0 ) break; int nRead; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC ReadFile( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, tempBuf, chunkLen, (LPDWORD) &nRead, NULL ); #else nRead = m_pFileSystem->Read( tempBuf, chunkLen, fHandle.m_hFileHandle ); #endif MD5Update(&ctx, tempBuf, nRead); curStartByte += CRC_CHUNK_SIZE; } MD5Final( fileHash.m_md5contents.bits, &ctx); fileHash.m_crcIOSequence = nFractionLength; fileHash.m_cbFileLen = nFractionLength; fileHash.m_eFileHashType = FileHash_t::k_EFileHashTypeEntireFile; fileHash.m_nPackFileNumber = handle.m_nFileNumber; fileHash.m_PackFileID = handle.m_pOwner->m_PackFileID; // seek back to where it was #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC SetFilePointer ( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, fHandle.m_nCurOfs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); #else m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle.m_hFileHandle, fHandle.m_nCurOfs, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); #endif fHandle.m_Mutex.Unlock(); #ifdef COMPUTE_HASH_TIMES timer.End(); int nMicroSec = timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds(); char rgch[256]; Q_snprintf( rgch, 256, "MD5 Pack File %d %d \n", handle.m_nFileNumber, nMicroSec ); Plat_DebugString( rgch ); #endif return true; } void CPackedStore::DiscardChunkHashes( int iChunkFileIndex ) { // Wow, this could be a LOT faster because the list is // sorted. Probably not worth optimizing FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecChunkHashFraction, i ) { if ( m_vecChunkHashFraction[i].m_nPackFileNumber == iChunkFileIndex ) m_vecChunkHashFraction.Remove( i ); } } void CPackedStore::HashChunkFile( int iChunkFileIndex ) { AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex ); static const int k_nFileFractionSize = 0x00100000; // 1 MB // Purge any hashes we already have for this chunk. DiscardChunkHashes( iChunkFileIndex ); CPackedStoreFileHandle VPKHandle = GetHandleForHashingFiles(); VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber = iChunkFileIndex; int nFileFraction = 0; while ( 1 ) { FileHash_t filehash; // VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber; // nFileFraction; int64 fileSize = 0; // if we have never hashed this before - do it now HashEntirePackFile( VPKHandle, fileSize, nFileFraction, k_nFileFractionSize, filehash ); ChunkHashFraction_t fileHashFraction; fileHashFraction.m_cbChunkLen = filehash.m_cbFileLen; fileHashFraction.m_nPackFileNumber = VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber; fileHashFraction.m_nFileFraction = nFileFraction; Q_memcpy( fileHashFraction.m_md5contents.bits, filehash.m_md5contents.bits, sizeof(fileHashFraction.m_md5contents) ); m_vecChunkHashFraction.Insert( fileHashFraction ); // move to next section nFileFraction += k_nFileFractionSize; // if we are at EOF we are done if ( nFileFraction > fileSize ) break; } } void CPackedStore::HashAllChunkFiles() { // Rebuild the directory hash tables. The main reason to do this is // so that the highest chunk number is correct, in case chunks have // been removed. BuildHashTables(); // make brand new hashes m_vecChunkHashFraction.Purge(); for ( int iChunkFileIndex = 0 ; iChunkFileIndex <= GetHighestChunkFileIndex() ; ++iChunkFileIndex ) HashChunkFile( iChunkFileIndex ); } void CPackedStore::ComputeDirectoryHash( MD5Value_t &md5Directory ) { MD5Context_t ctx; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(MD5Context_t)); MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, m_DirectoryData.Base(), m_DirectoryData.Count() ); MD5Final( md5Directory.bits, &ctx); } void CPackedStore::ComputeChunkHash( MD5Value_t &md5ChunkHashes ) { MD5Context_t ctx; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(MD5Context_t)); MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, (uint8 *)m_vecChunkHashFraction.Base(), m_vecChunkHashFraction.Count()*sizeof(m_vecChunkHashFraction[0]) ); MD5Final( md5ChunkHashes.bits, &ctx); } bool CPackedStore::BTestDirectoryHash() { if ( !BFileContainedHashes() ) return true; MD5Value_t md5Directory; ComputeDirectoryHash( md5Directory ); return Q_memcmp( m_DirectoryMD5.bits, md5Directory.bits, sizeof( md5Directory.bits ) ) == 0; } bool CPackedStore::BTestMasterChunkHash() { if ( !BFileContainedHashes() ) return true; MD5Value_t md5ChunkHashes; ComputeChunkHash( md5ChunkHashes ); return Q_memcmp( m_ChunkHashesMD5.bits, md5ChunkHashes.bits, sizeof( md5ChunkHashes.bits ) ) == 0; } void CPackedStore::HashEverything() { HashAllChunkFiles(); HashMetadata(); } void CPackedStore::HashMetadata() { ComputeDirectoryHash( m_DirectoryMD5 ); ComputeChunkHash( m_ChunkHashesMD5 ); } bool CPackedStore::FindFileHashFraction( int nPackFileNumber, int nFileFraction, ChunkHashFraction_t &fileHashFraction ) { ChunkHashFraction_t fileHashFractionFind; fileHashFractionFind.m_nFileFraction = nFileFraction; fileHashFractionFind.m_nPackFileNumber = nPackFileNumber; int idx = m_vecChunkHashFraction.Find( fileHashFractionFind ); if ( idx == m_vecChunkHashFraction.InvalidIndex() ) { Assert( false ); return false; } fileHashFraction = m_vecChunkHashFraction[idx]; return true; } void CPackedStore::GetPackFileName( CPackedStoreFileHandle &handle, char *pchFileNameOut, int cchFileNameOut ) const { GetDataFileName( pchFileNameOut, cchFileNameOut, handle.m_nFileNumber ); } FileHandleTracker_t & CPackedStore::GetFileHandle( int nFileNumber ) { AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex ); int nFileHandleIdx = nFileNumber % ARRAYSIZE( m_FileHandles ); if ( m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_nFileNumber == nFileNumber ) { return m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx]; } else if ( m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_nFileNumber == -1 ) { // no luck finding the handle - need a new one char pszDataFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetDataFileName( pszDataFileName, sizeof(pszDataFileName), nFileNumber ); m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_nCurOfs = 0; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_hFileHandle = CreateFile( pszDataFileName, // file to open GENERIC_READ, // open for reading FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading NULL, // default security OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // normal file NULL); // no attr. template if ( m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_hFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_nFileNumber = nFileNumber; } #else m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_hFileHandle = m_pFileSystem->Open( pszDataFileName, "rb" ); if ( m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_hFileHandle != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx].m_nFileNumber = nFileNumber; } #endif return m_FileHandles[nFileHandleIdx]; } Error( "Exceeded limit of number of vpk files supported (%d)!\n", MAX_ARCHIVE_FILES_TO_KEEP_OPEN_AT_ONCE ); static FileHandleTracker_t invalid; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC invalid.m_hFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else invalid.m_hFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; #endif return invalid; } bool CPackedStore::RemoveFileFromDirectory( const char *pszName ) { // Remove it without building hash tables if ( !InternalRemoveFileFromDirectory( pszName ) ) return false; // We removed it, we need to rebuild hash tables BuildHashTables(); return true; } bool CPackedStore::InternalRemoveFileFromDirectory( const char *pszName ) { CPackedStoreFileHandle pData = OpenFile( pszName ); if ( !pData ) return false; CFileHeaderFixedData *pHeader = pData.m_pHeaderData; // delete the old header so we can insert a new one with updated contents int nBytesToRemove = ( int )( V_strlen( ( char * ) pData.m_pDirFileNamePtr ) + 1 + pHeader->HeaderSizeIncludingMetaData() ); m_DirectoryData.RemoveMultiple( pData.m_pDirFileNamePtr - m_DirectoryData.Base(), nBytesToRemove ); return true; } void CPackedStore::AddFileToDirectory( const VPKContentFileInfo_t &info ) { // this method is fairly complicated because it has to do inserts into the packed directory // data Our strategy is to build out the whole ext _ dir _ file record. if none of this is // already present, we will just insert it in the head of the file. If the extension is // present, we'll insert the dir+file part. If the extension + dir is present, we just insert // the file part at the right place. If everything is present, we just need to return the // current record // First, remove it if it's already there, // without rebuilding the hash tables InternalRemoveFileFromDirectory( info.m_sName ); // let's build out a header char pszExt[MAX_PATH]; char pszBase[MAX_PATH]; char pszDir[MAX_PATH]; SplitFileComponents( info.m_sName, pszDir, pszBase, pszExt ); int nNumDataParts = 1; int nFileDataSize = s_FileHeaderSize( pszBase, nNumDataParts, info.m_iPreloadSize ); int nTotalHeaderSize = ( int )( nFileDataSize + ( 2 + strlen( pszExt ) ) + ( 2 + strlen( pszDir ) ) ); char *pBuf = ( char * ) stackalloc( nTotalHeaderSize ); char *pOut = pBuf; strcpy( pOut, pszExt ); pOut += strlen( pszExt ); *( pOut++ ) = 0; // null on ext name strcpy( pOut, pszDir ); pOut += strlen( pszDir ); *( pOut++ ) = 0; // null at end of dir name strcpy( pOut, pszBase ); pOut += strlen( pszBase ); *( pOut++ ) = 0; uint32 nCRC = info.m_crc; memcpy( pOut, &nCRC, sizeof( nCRC ) ); pOut += sizeof( int ); if ( info.m_iPreloadSize > 0xffff ) Error( "Preload size for '%s' is too big", info.m_sName.String() ); uint16 nMetaDataSize = (uint16)info.m_iPreloadSize; memcpy( pOut, &nMetaDataSize, sizeof( uint16 ) ); pOut += sizeof( uint16 ); // now, build file parts. CFilePartDescr newPart; newPart.m_nFileDataSize = info.GetSizeInChunkFile(); newPart.m_nFileNumber = ( info.m_idxChunk < 0 ) ? VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE : info.m_idxChunk; newPart.m_nFileDataOffset = info.m_iOffsetInChunk; memcpy( pOut, &newPart, sizeof( newPart ) ); pOut += sizeof( newPart ); PackFileIndex_t endOfPartMarker = PACKFILEINDEX_END; memcpy( pOut, &endOfPartMarker, sizeof( endOfPartMarker ) ); pOut += sizeof( PackFileIndex_t ); if ( nMetaDataSize ) { Assert( info.m_pPreloadData ); memcpy( pOut, info.m_pPreloadData, nMetaDataSize ); pOut += nMetaDataSize; } *( pOut++ ) = 0; // mark no more files in dir *( pOut++ ) = 0; // mark no more dirs in extension Assert( pOut - pBuf == nTotalHeaderSize ); // now, we need to insert our header, figuring out how many of the fields are already there int nExtensionHash = HashString( pszExt ) % PACKEDFILE_EXT_HASH_SIZE; int nInsertOffset = 0; CFileExtensionData const *pExt = m_pExtensionData[nExtensionHash].FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( pszExt ); char *pHeaderInsertPtr = pBuf; if ( pExt ) { // this is not a new extension. we should not insert the extension record nTotalHeaderSize -= 2 + strlen( pszExt ); // null + end of dir list marker pHeaderInsertPtr += 1 + strlen( pszExt ); // don't insert the name + null // now, look for the directory int nDirHash = HashString( pszDir ) % PACKEDFILE_DIR_HASH_SIZE; CFileDirectoryData const *pDir = pExt->m_pDirectoryHashTable[nDirHash].FindNamedNodeCaseSensitive( pszDir ); if ( pDir ) { // dir and extension found. all we need to do is insert the file data itself nTotalHeaderSize -= 2 + strlen( pszDir ); // null + end of file list marker pHeaderInsertPtr += 1 + strlen( pszDir ); char const *pStartOfDirFileData = pDir->m_Name + 1 + strlen( pDir->m_Name ); nInsertOffset = pStartOfDirFileData - ( char const * ) ( m_DirectoryData.Base() ); } else { char const *pStartOfExtFileData = pExt->m_Name + 1 + strlen( pExt->m_Name ); nInsertOffset = pStartOfExtFileData - ( char const * ) ( m_DirectoryData.Base() ); } } m_DirectoryData.InsertMultipleBefore( nInsertOffset, nTotalHeaderSize ); memcpy( &m_DirectoryData[nInsertOffset], pHeaderInsertPtr, nTotalHeaderSize ); BuildHashTables(); } ePackedStoreAddResultCode CPackedStore::AddFile( char const *pFile, uint16 nMetaDataSize, const void *pFileData, uint32 nFileTotalSize, bool bMultiChunk, uint32 const *pCrcValue ) { // Calculate CRC if they didn't provide one uint32 nCRC; if ( pCrcValue ) { nCRC = *pCrcValue; } else { nCRC = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pFileData, nFileTotalSize ); } // Check if it is already here with the same contents CPackedStoreFileHandle pData = OpenFile( pFile ); ePackedStoreAddResultCode nRslt = EPADD_NEWFILE; if ( pData ) // already in pack { CFileHeaderFixedData *pHeader = pData.m_pHeaderData; if ( ( nFileTotalSize == pHeader->TotalDataSize() ) && ( pHeader->m_nFileCRC == nCRC ) && ( nMetaDataSize == pHeader->m_nMetaDataSize ) ) // file unchanged? { return EPADD_ADDSAMEFILE; } nRslt = EPADD_UPDATEFILE; } // Build up the directory info into an interface structure VPKContentFileInfo_t dirEntry; dirEntry.m_sName = pFile; dirEntry.m_iTotalSize = nFileTotalSize; dirEntry.m_iPreloadSize = Min( (uint32)nMetaDataSize, (uint32)nFileTotalSize ) ; dirEntry.m_pPreloadData = ( dirEntry.m_iPreloadSize > 0 ) ? pFileData : NULL; dirEntry.m_crc = nCRC; uint32 nBytesInChunk = dirEntry.GetSizeInChunkFile(); const unsigned char *pDataStart = (const unsigned char *)pFileData + dirEntry.m_iPreloadSize; if ( bMultiChunk && nBytesInChunk > 0 ) { // Check if we need to start a new chunk char szDataFileName[MAX_PATH]; if ( m_nHighestChunkFileIndex < 0 ) { dirEntry.m_idxChunk = 0; dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk = 0; } else { dirEntry.m_idxChunk = m_nHighestChunkFileIndex; // Append to most recent chunk GetDataFileName( szDataFileName, sizeof(szDataFileName), m_nHighestChunkFileIndex ); dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( szDataFileName ); if ( (int)dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk <= 0 ) // technical wrong, but we shouldn't have 2GB chunks. (Sort of defeats the whole purpose.) { // Note, there is one possible failure case. if we have a file whose data // is actually all in the preload section, but it is marked as being // in a chunk, then we might have a zero byte "chunk." We really should // not be assigning any files to "chunks" if they are entirely in the preload // area. Error( "Error querying %s for file size\n", szDataFileName ); } // Check if we need to start a new chunk if ( (int)dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk >= m_nWriteChunkSize ) { ++dirEntry.m_idxChunk; dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk = 0; } } m_nHighestChunkFileIndex = MAX( m_nHighestChunkFileIndex, dirEntry.m_idxChunk ); // write the actual data GetDataFileName( szDataFileName, sizeof(szDataFileName), dirEntry.m_idxChunk ); FileHandle_t fHandle = m_pFileSystem->Open( szDataFileName, "rb+" ); if ( !fHandle && dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk == 0 ) fHandle = m_pFileSystem->Open( szDataFileName, "wb" ); if ( !fHandle ) Error( "Cannot open %s for writing", szDataFileName ); m_pFileSystem->Seek( fHandle, dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); m_pFileSystem->Write( pDataStart, nBytesInChunk, fHandle ); m_pFileSystem->Close( fHandle ); // Force on the use of the "dir" file m_bUseDirFile = true; } else { // append to the dir data. dirEntry.m_idxChunk = VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE; dirEntry.m_iOffsetInChunk = m_EmbeddedChunkData.Count(); m_EmbeddedChunkData.AddMultipleToTail( nBytesInChunk, pDataStart ); } // Update the directory AddFileToDirectory( dirEntry ); return nRslt; } int CPackedStore::GetFileList( CUtlStringList &outFilenames, bool bFormattedOutput, bool bSortedOutput ) { return GetFileList( NULL, outFilenames, bFormattedOutput, bSortedOutput ); } int CPackedStore::GetFileList( const char *pWildCard, CUtlStringList &outFilenames, bool bFormattedOutput, bool bSortedOutput ) { // Separate the wildcard base from the extension char szWildCardPath[MAX_PATH]; char szWildCardBase[64]; char szWildCardExt[20]; bool bNoBaseWildcard = false; bool bNoExtWildcard = false; szWildCardPath[0] = szWildCardExt[0] = szWildCardBase[0] = NULL; // Parse the wildcard string into a base and extension used for string comparisons if ( pWildCard ) { V_ExtractFilePath( pWildCard, szWildCardPath, sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ); V_FixSlashes( szWildCardPath, '/' ); V_FileBase( pWildCard, szWildCardBase, sizeof( szWildCardBase ) ); V_ExtractFileExtension( pWildCard, szWildCardExt, sizeof( szWildCardExt ) ); // Remove '*' from the base and extension strings so that the string comparison calls will match char *pcStar = strchr( szWildCardBase, '*' ); pcStar ? *pcStar = NULL : bNoBaseWildcard = true; pcStar = strchr( szWildCardExt, '*' ); pcStar ? *pcStar = NULL : bNoExtWildcard = true; } char const *pData = reinterpret_cast< char const *>( DirectoryData() ); while( *pData ) { // for each extension char pszCurExtension[MAX_PATH]; if ( pData[0] != ' ' ) sprintf( pszCurExtension, ".%s", pData ); else pszCurExtension[0] = 0; // now, iterate over all directories associated with this extension pData += 1 + strlen( pData ); while( *pData ) { char pszCurDir[MAX_PATH]; if ( pData[0] != ' ' ) sprintf( pszCurDir, "%s/", pData ); else pszCurDir[0] = 0; pData += 1 + strlen( pData ); // skip dir name // now, march through all the files while( *pData ) // until we're out of files to look at { char pszFNameOut[MAX_PATH*2]; if ( bFormattedOutput ) { CFileHeaderFixedData const *pHeader = reinterpret_cast< CFileHeaderFixedData const *>( pData + 1 + strlen( pData ) ); sprintf( pszFNameOut, "%s%s%s crc=0x%x metadatasz=%d", pszCurDir, pData, pszCurExtension, pHeader->m_nFileCRC, pHeader->m_nMetaDataSize ); CFilePartDescr const *pPart = &( pHeader->m_PartDescriptors[0] ); while( pPart->m_nFileNumber != PACKFILEINDEX_END ) { sprintf( pszFNameOut + strlen( pszFNameOut )," fnumber=%d ofs=0x%x sz=%d", pPart->m_nFileNumber, pPart->m_nFileDataOffset, pPart->m_nFileDataSize ); pPart++; } } else { V_strncpy( pszFNameOut, pszCurDir, sizeof( pszFNameOut ) ); V_strncat( pszFNameOut, pData, sizeof( pszFNameOut ) ); V_strncat( pszFNameOut, pszCurExtension, sizeof( pszFNameOut ) ); } SkipFile( pData ); bool matches = true; if ( pWildCard ) { // See if the filename matches the wildcards char szFNameOutPath[MAX_PATH]; char szFNameOutBase[64]; char szFNameOutExt[20]; V_ExtractFilePath( pszFNameOut, szFNameOutPath, sizeof( szFNameOutPath ) ); V_FileBase( pszFNameOut, szFNameOutBase, sizeof( szFNameOutBase ) ); V_ExtractFileExtension( pszFNameOut, szFNameOutExt, sizeof( szFNameOutExt ) ); matches = !V_strnicmp( szFNameOutPath, szWildCardPath, sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ); matches = matches && ( !V_strlen( szWildCardExt ) || bNoExtWildcard ? 0 == V_strnicmp( szFNameOutExt, szWildCardExt, strlen( szWildCardExt ) ) : 0 != V_stristr(szFNameOutExt, szWildCardExt ) ); matches = matches && ( !V_strlen( szWildCardBase ) || bNoBaseWildcard ? 0 == V_strnicmp( szFNameOutBase, szWildCardBase, strlen( szWildCardBase ) ) : 0 != V_stristr(szFNameOutBase, szWildCardBase ) ); } // Add the file to the output list if ( matches ) { char *pFName = new char[1 + strlen( pszFNameOut ) ]; strcpy( pFName, pszFNameOut ); outFilenames.AddToTail( pFName ); } } pData++; // skip end marker } pData++; // skip end marker } if ( bSortedOutput ) { outFilenames.Sort( &CUtlStringList::SortFunc ); } return outFilenames.Count(); } void CPackedStore::GetFileList( const char *pWildcard, CUtlVector<VPKContentFileInfo_t> &outVecResults ) { // !KLUDGE! Get the filenames first, and then "find" them again. CUtlStringList vecFilenames; GetFileList( vecFilenames, false, false ); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecFilenames, i ) { // Locate where it is in the existing file CPackedStoreFileHandle h = OpenFile( vecFilenames[i] ); if ( !h ) Error( "File '%s' was returned by GetFileList, but OpenFile() fails?!", vecFilenames[i] ); // Convert to output structure VPKContentFileInfo_t &f = outVecResults[ outVecResults.AddToTail() ]; f.m_sName = vecFilenames[i]; f.m_idxChunk = ( h.m_nFileNumber == VPKFILENUMBER_EMBEDDED_IN_DIR_FILE ) ? -1 : h.m_nFileNumber; f.m_iTotalSize = h.m_nFileSize; f.m_iOffsetInChunk = h.m_nFileOffset; f.m_iPreloadSize = h.m_nMetaDataSize; f.m_crc = h.m_pHeaderData->m_nFileCRC; f.m_pPreloadData = h.m_pHeaderData->MetaData(); } } int CPackedStore::GetFileAndDirLists( CUtlStringList &outDirnames, CUtlStringList &outFilenames, bool bSortedOutput ) { return GetFileAndDirLists( NULL, outDirnames, outFilenames, bSortedOutput ); } void CPackedStore::BuildFindFirstCache() { CUtlStringList allVPKFiles; char szLastDirFound[MAX_PATH]; // Init V_strncpy( szLastDirFound, "$$$$$$$HighlyUnlikelyPathForInitializationPurposes#######", sizeof( szLastDirFound ) ); m_dirContents.SetLessFunc( DefLessFunc( int ) ); // Get all files in the VPK GetFileList( allVPKFiles, false, true ); // Add directories to directory list and files into map FOR_EACH_VEC( allVPKFiles, i ) { char szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; V_ExtractFilePath( allVPKFiles[i], szFilePath, sizeof( szFilePath ) ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( szFilePath ); // New directory if ( V_strnicmp( szFilePath, szLastDirFound, sizeof( szLastDirFound ) ) ) { // Mark the new one as the last one encountered V_strncpy( szLastDirFound, szFilePath, sizeof( szFilePath ) ); // Add it m_directoryList.CopyAndAddToTail( szFilePath ); m_dirContents.Insert( m_directoryList.Count(), new CUtlStringList() ); // Freed in destructor } unsigned short nIndex = m_dirContents.Find( m_directoryList.Count() ); CUtlStringList *pList = m_dirContents.Element( nIndex ); pList->CopyAndAddToTail( V_UnqualifiedFileName( allVPKFiles[i] ) ); } } int CPackedStore::GetFileAndDirLists( const char *pWildCard, CUtlStringList &outDirnames, CUtlStringList &outFilenames, bool bSortedOutput ) { // If this is the first time we've called FindFirst on this CPackedStore then let's build the caches if ( !m_directoryList.Count() ) { BuildFindFirstCache(); #ifdef NEVER printf("CPackedStore::GetFileAndDirLists - list of directories in VPK files\n"); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_directoryList, i ) { printf("\t%d : %s\n", i, m_directoryList[i] ); } #endif // NEVER } // printf("CPackedStore::GetFileAndDirLists - Searching for %s\n", pWildCard? pWildCard: "NULL"); if ( pWildCard ) { CUtlDict<int,int> AddedDirectories; // Used to remove duplicate paths char szWildCardPath[MAX_PATH]; char szWildCardBase[64]; char szWildCardExt[20]; int nLenWildcardPath = 0; int nLenWildcardBase = 0; int nLenWildcardExt = 0; bool bBaseWildcard = true; bool bExtWildcard = true; szWildCardPath[0] = szWildCardExt[0] = szWildCardBase[0] = '\0'; // // Parse the wildcard string into a base and extension used for string comparisons // V_ExtractFilePath( pWildCard, szWildCardPath, sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ); V_FixSlashes( szWildCardPath, '/' ); V_FileBase( pWildCard, szWildCardBase, sizeof( szWildCardBase ) ); V_ExtractFileExtension( pWildCard, szWildCardExt, sizeof( szWildCardExt ) ); // From the pattern, we now have the directory path up to the file pattern, the filename base, and the filename // extension. // Remove '*' from the base and extension strings so that the string comparison calls will match char *pcStar = strchr( szWildCardBase, '*' ); pcStar ? *pcStar = NULL : bBaseWildcard = false; pcStar = strchr( szWildCardExt, '*' ); pcStar ? *pcStar = NULL : bExtWildcard = false; nLenWildcardPath = V_strlen( szWildCardPath ); nLenWildcardBase = V_strlen( szWildCardBase ); nLenWildcardExt = V_strlen( szWildCardExt ); // Generate the list of directories and files that match the wildcard // // // Directories first // FOR_EACH_VEC( m_directoryList, i ) { // Does this file's path match the wildcard path? if ( ( nLenWildcardPath && ( 0 == V_strnicmp( m_directoryList[i], szWildCardPath, nLenWildcardPath ) ) ) || ( !nLenWildcardPath && ( 0 == V_strlen( m_directoryList[i] ) ) ) ) { // Extract the sub-directory name if there is one char szSubDir[64]; char *szSubDirExtension = NULL; // this is anything after a '.' in szSubDir bool bBaseMatch = false; bool bExtMatch = false; // Copy everything to the right of the root directory V_strncpy( szSubDir, &m_directoryList[i][nLenWildcardPath], sizeof( szSubDir ) ); // Set the next / to NULL and we have our subdirectory char *pSlash = strchr( szSubDir, '/' ); pSlash ? *pSlash = NULL : NULL; szSubDirExtension = strchr( szSubDir, '.' ); if ( szSubDirExtension ) { // Null out the . and move the szSubDirExtension to point to the extension *szSubDirExtension = '\0'; szSubDirExtension++; } // If we have a base dir name, and we have a szWildCardBase to match against if ( bBaseWildcard ) bBaseMatch = true; // The base is the wildCard ("*"), so whatever we have as the base matches else bBaseMatch = ( 0 == V_strnicmp( szSubDir, szWildCardBase, nLenWildcardBase ) ); // If we have an extension and we have a szWildCardExtension to mach against if ( bExtWildcard ) bExtMatch = true; // The extension is the wildcard ("*"), so whatever we have as the extension matches else bExtMatch = ( NULL == szSubDirExtension && '\0' == *szWildCardExt ) || (( NULL != szSubDirExtension ) && ( 0 == V_strnicmp( szSubDirExtension, szWildCardExt, nLenWildcardExt ) )); // If both parts match, then add it to the list of directories that match if ( bBaseMatch && bExtMatch ) { char szFullPathToDir[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strncpy( szFullPathToDir, szWildCardPath, nLenWildcardPath ); V_strcat_safe( szFullPathToDir, "/" ); V_strcat_safe( szFullPathToDir, szSubDir ); // Add the subdirectory to the list if it isn't already there if ( -1 == AddedDirectories.Find( szFullPathToDir ) ) { char *pDName = new char[1 + strlen( szFullPathToDir )]; V_strncpy( pDName, szFullPathToDir, 1 + strlen( szFullPathToDir ) ); outDirnames.AddToTail( pDName ); AddedDirectories.Insert( pDName, 0 ); } } } } // // Files // FOR_EACH_VEC( m_directoryList, i ) { // We no longer want the trailing slash Q_StripTrailingSlash( szWildCardPath ); // Find the directory that matches the wildcard path if ( !V_strnicmp( szWildCardPath, m_directoryList[i], sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ) ) { CUtlStringList &filesInDirectory = *(m_dirContents.Element( i )); // Use the cached list of files in this directory FOR_EACH_VEC( filesInDirectory, iFile ) { bool matches = true; // See if the filename matches the wildcards char szFNameOutBase[64]; char szFNameOutExt[20]; V_FileBase( filesInDirectory[iFile], szFNameOutBase, sizeof( szFNameOutBase ) ); V_ExtractFileExtension( filesInDirectory[iFile], szFNameOutExt, sizeof( szFNameOutExt ) ); // Since we have a sorted list we can optimize using the return code of the compare int c = V_strnicmp( szWildCardBase, szFNameOutBase, nLenWildcardBase ); if ( c < 0 ) break; if ( c > 0 ) continue; matches = ( (nLenWildcardExt <= 0) || bBaseWildcard ? 0 == V_strnicmp( szFNameOutExt, szWildCardExt, nLenWildcardExt ) : V_stristr( szFNameOutExt, szWildCardExt ) != NULL ); // Add the file to the output list if ( matches ) { bool bFound = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( outFilenames, j ) { if ( !V_strncmp( outFilenames[j], filesInDirectory[iFile], V_strlen( filesInDirectory[iFile] ) ) ) { bFound = true; break; } } if ( !bFound ) { outFilenames.CopyAndAddToTail( filesInDirectory[iFile] ); } } } } } } else // Otherwise, simply return the base data { // Add all the files as well FOR_EACH_VEC( m_directoryList, i ) { // Add all directories outDirnames.CopyAndAddToTail( m_directoryList[i] ); // Now add all files CUtlStringList &filesInDirectory = *(m_dirContents.Element( i )); FOR_EACH_VEC( filesInDirectory, j ) { outFilenames.CopyAndAddToTail( filesInDirectory[j] ); } } } // Sort the output if requested if ( bSortedOutput ) { outDirnames.Sort( &CUtlStringList::SortFunc ); outFilenames.Sort( &CUtlStringList::SortFunc ); } return outDirnames.Count(); }