//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
//	LZSS Codec. Designed for fast cheap gametime encoding/decoding. Compression results
//	are	not aggresive as other alogrithms, but gets 2:1 on most arbitrary uncompressed data.

#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
#include "tier1/lzss.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"


// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Returns true if buffer is compressed.
bool CLZSS::IsCompressed( const unsigned char *pInput )
	lzss_header_t *pHeader = (lzss_header_t *)pInput;
	if ( pHeader && pHeader->id == LZSS_ID )
		return true;

	// unrecognized
	return false;

// Returns uncompressed size of compressed input buffer. Used for allocating output
// buffer for decompression. Returns 0 if input buffer is not compressed.
unsigned int CLZSS::GetActualSize( const unsigned char *pInput )
	lzss_header_t *pHeader = (lzss_header_t *)pInput;
	if ( pHeader && pHeader->id == LZSS_ID )
		return LittleLong( pHeader->actualSize );

	// unrecognized
	return 0;

void CLZSS::BuildHash( const unsigned char *pData )
	lzss_list_t *pList;
	lzss_node_t *pTarget;

	int targetindex = (unsigned int)pData & ( m_nWindowSize - 1 );
	pTarget = &m_pHashTarget[targetindex];
	if ( pTarget->pData )
		pList = &m_pHashTable[*pTarget->pData];
		if ( pTarget->pPrev )
			pList->pEnd = pTarget->pPrev;
			pTarget->pPrev->pNext = 0;
			pList->pEnd = 0;
			pList->pStart = 0;

	pList = &m_pHashTable[*pData];
	pTarget->pData = pData;
	pTarget->pPrev = 0;
	pTarget->pNext = pList->pStart;
	if ( pList->pStart )
		pList->pStart->pPrev = pTarget;
		pList->pEnd = pTarget;
	pList->pStart = pTarget;

unsigned char *CLZSS::CompressNoAlloc( const unsigned char *pInput, int inputLength, unsigned char *pOutputBuf, unsigned int *pOutputSize )
	if ( inputLength <= sizeof( lzss_header_t ) + 8 )
		return NULL;
	VPROF( "CLZSS::CompressNoAlloc" );
	ETWMark1I("CompressNoAlloc", inputLength );

	// create the compression work buffers, small enough (~64K) for stack
	m_pHashTable = (lzss_list_t *)stackalloc( 256 * sizeof( lzss_list_t ) );
	memset( m_pHashTable, 0, 256 * sizeof( lzss_list_t ) );
	m_pHashTarget = (lzss_node_t *)stackalloc( m_nWindowSize * sizeof( lzss_node_t ) );
	memset( m_pHashTarget, 0, m_nWindowSize * sizeof( lzss_node_t ) );

	// allocate the output buffer, compressed buffer is expected to be less, caller will free
	unsigned char *pStart = pOutputBuf;
	// prevent compression failure (inflation), leave enough to allow dribble eof bytes
	unsigned char *pEnd = pStart + inputLength - sizeof ( lzss_header_t ) - 8;

	// set the header
	lzss_header_t *pHeader = (lzss_header_t *)pStart;
	pHeader->id = LZSS_ID;
	pHeader->actualSize = LittleLong( inputLength );

	unsigned char *pOutput = pStart + sizeof (lzss_header_t);
	const unsigned char *pLookAhead = pInput; 
	const unsigned char *pWindow = pInput;
	const unsigned char *pEncodedPosition = NULL;
	unsigned char *pCmdByte = NULL;
	int putCmdByte = 0;

	while ( inputLength > 0 )
		pWindow = pLookAhead - m_nWindowSize;
		if ( pWindow < pInput )
			pWindow = pInput;

		if ( !putCmdByte )
			pCmdByte = pOutput++;
			*pCmdByte = 0;
		putCmdByte = ( putCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07;

		int encodedLength = 0;
		int lookAheadLength = inputLength < LZSS_LOOKAHEAD ? inputLength : LZSS_LOOKAHEAD;

		lzss_node_t *pHash = m_pHashTable[pLookAhead[0]].pStart;
		while ( pHash )
			int matchLength = 0;
			int length = lookAheadLength;
			while ( length-- && pHash->pData[matchLength] == pLookAhead[matchLength] )
			if ( matchLength > encodedLength )
				encodedLength = matchLength;
				pEncodedPosition = pHash->pData;
			if ( matchLength == lookAheadLength )
			pHash = pHash->pNext;

		if ( encodedLength >= 3 )
			*pCmdByte = ( *pCmdByte >> 1 ) | 0x80;
			*pOutput++ = ( ( pLookAhead-pEncodedPosition-1 ) >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT );
			*pOutput++ = ( ( pLookAhead-pEncodedPosition-1 ) << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT ) | ( encodedLength-1 );
			encodedLength = 1;
			*pCmdByte = ( *pCmdByte >> 1 );
			*pOutput++ = *pLookAhead;

		for ( int i=0; i<encodedLength; i++ )
			BuildHash( pLookAhead++ );

		inputLength -= encodedLength;

		if ( pOutput >= pEnd )
			// compression is worse, abandon
			return NULL;

	if ( inputLength != 0 )
		// unexpected failure
		Assert( 0 );
		return NULL;

	if ( !putCmdByte )
		pCmdByte = pOutput++;
		*pCmdByte = 0x01;
		*pCmdByte = ( ( *pCmdByte >> 1 ) | 0x80 ) >> ( 7 - putCmdByte );

	*pOutput++ = 0;
	*pOutput++ = 0;

	if ( pOutputSize )
		*pOutputSize = pOutput - pStart;

	return pStart;

// Compress an input buffer. Caller must free output compressed buffer.
// Returns NULL if compression failed (i.e. compression yielded worse results)
unsigned char* CLZSS::Compress( const unsigned char *pInput, int inputLength, unsigned int *pOutputSize )
	unsigned char *pStart = (unsigned char *)malloc( inputLength );
	unsigned char *pFinal = CompressNoAlloc( pInput, inputLength, pStart, pOutputSize );
	if ( !pFinal )
		free( pStart );
		return NULL;

	return pStart;

// BUG BUG:  This code is flaky, don't use until it's debugged!!!
unsigned int CLZSS::Uncompress( unsigned char *pInput, CUtlBuffer &buf )
	int cmdByte = 0;
	int getCmdByte = 0;

	unsigned int actualSize = GetActualSize( pInput );
	if ( !actualSize )
		// unrecognized
		return 0;

	unsigned char *pBase = ( unsigned char * )buf.Base();

	pInput += sizeof( lzss_header_t );

	while ( !buf.IsValid() )
		if ( !getCmdByte ) 
			cmdByte = *pInput++;
		getCmdByte = ( getCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07;

		if ( cmdByte & 0x01 )
			int position = *pInput++ << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT;
			position |= ( *pInput >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT );
			int count = ( *pInput++ & 0x0F ) + 1;
			if ( count == 1 ) 
			unsigned int pos = buf.TellPut();
			unsigned char *pSource = ( pBase + pos ) - position - 1;

			// BUGBUG:
			// This is failing!!!
			// buf.WriteBytes( pSource, count );
			// So have to iterate them manually
			for ( int i =0; i < count; ++i )
				buf.PutUnsignedChar( *pSource++ );
			buf.PutUnsignedChar( *pInput++ );
		cmdByte = cmdByte >> 1;

	if ( buf.TellPut() != (int)actualSize )
		// unexpected failure
		Assert( 0 );
		return 0;

	return buf.TellPut();

unsigned int CLZSS::SafeUncompress( const unsigned char *pInput, unsigned char *pOutput, unsigned int unBufSize )
	unsigned int totalBytes = 0;
	int cmdByte = 0;
	int getCmdByte = 0;

	unsigned int actualSize = GetActualSize( pInput );
	if ( !actualSize )
		// unrecognized
		return 0;

	if ( actualSize > unBufSize )
		return 0;

	pInput += sizeof( lzss_header_t );

	for ( ;; )
		if ( !getCmdByte ) 
			cmdByte = *pInput++;
		getCmdByte = ( getCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07;

		if ( cmdByte & 0x01 )
			int position = *pInput++ << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT;
			position |= ( *pInput >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT );
			int count = ( *pInput++ & 0x0F ) + 1;
			if ( count == 1 ) 
			unsigned char *pSource = pOutput - position - 1;

			if ( totalBytes + count > unBufSize )
				return 0;

			for ( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
				*pOutput++ = *pSource++;
			totalBytes += count;
			if ( totalBytes + 1 > unBufSize )
				return 0;

			*pOutput++ = *pInput++;
		cmdByte = cmdByte >> 1;

	if ( totalBytes != actualSize )
		// unexpected failure
		Assert( 0 );
		return 0;

	return totalBytes;

// Uncompress a buffer, Returns the uncompressed size. Caller must provide an
// adequate sized output buffer or memory corruption will occur.
unsigned int CLZSS::Uncompress( const unsigned char *pInput, unsigned char *pOutput )
	unsigned int totalBytes = 0;
	int cmdByte = 0;
	int getCmdByte = 0;

	unsigned int actualSize = GetActualSize( pInput );
	if ( !actualSize )
		// unrecognized
		return 0;

	pInput += sizeof( lzss_header_t );

	for ( ;; )
		if ( !getCmdByte ) 
			cmdByte = *pInput++;
		getCmdByte = ( getCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07;

		if ( cmdByte & 0x01 )
			int position = *pInput++ << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT;
			position |= ( *pInput >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT );
			int count = ( *pInput++ & 0x0F ) + 1;
			if ( count == 1 ) 
			unsigned char *pSource = pOutput - position - 1;
			for ( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
				*pOutput++ = *pSource++;
			totalBytes += count;
			*pOutput++ = *pInput++;
		cmdByte = cmdByte >> 1;

	if ( totalBytes != actualSize )
		// unexpected failure
		Assert( 0 );
		return 0;

	return totalBytes;