//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapDecal.h"
#include "MapSolid.h"
#include "MapView3D.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "ToolDecal.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>

// Purpose: Handles key down events in the 2D view.
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnKeyDown. 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CToolDecal::OnKeyDown2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
	switch (nChar)
		case VK_ESCAPE:
			return true;
	return false;

// Purpose: Handles mouse move events in the 2D view.
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnMouseMove.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolDecal::OnMouseMove2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) 
	return true;

// Purpose: Handles key down events in the 3D view.
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnKeyDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolDecal::OnKeyDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) 
	switch (nChar)
		case VK_ESCAPE:

	return false;

// Purpose: Handles left button down events in the 3D view. 
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnLButtonDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolDecal::OnLMouseDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) 
	// See if they clicked on a brush face. If so, apply a decal where they clicked.
	CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetMapDoc();

	ULONG ulFace;
	CMapClass *pObject;

	if ((pObject = pView->NearestObjectAt( vPoint, ulFace)) != NULL)
		CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast <CMapSolid *> (pObject);
		if (pSolid == NULL)
			return true;

		// Build a ray to trace against the face that they clicked on to
		// find the point of intersection.
		Vector Start,End;
		pView->GetCamera()->BuildRay( vPoint, Start, End);

		Vector HitPos, HitNormal;
		CMapFace *pFace = pSolid->GetFace(ulFace);
		if (pFace->TraceLine(HitPos, HitNormal, Start, End))
			GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(NULL, "Create decal");

			CMapEntity *pEntity = new CMapEntity;
			pEntity->SetKeyValue("texture", GetDefaultTextureName());

			CMapWorld *pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld();

			CMapDecal *pDecal = pEntity->GetChildOfType((CMapDecal *)NULL);
			if (pDecal != NULL)




	return true;

// Purpose: Handles mouse move events in the 3D view.
// Input  : Per CWnd::OnMouseMove.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool CToolDecal::OnMouseMove3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint)
	return true;

// Purpose: Sets the cursor to the decal application cursor.
void CToolDecal::SetDecalCursor(void)
	static HCURSOR hcurDecal;
	if (!hcurDecal)
		hcurDecal = LoadCursor(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_DECAL));