//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A simple class for performing safe and in-expression sprintf-style
//			string formatting
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifndef FMTSTR_H
#define FMTSTR_H

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"

#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once


// using macro to be compatable with GCC
#define FmtStrVSNPrintf( szBuf, nBufSize, bQuietTruncation, ppszFormat ) \
	do \
	{ \
		int     result; \
		va_list arg_ptr; \
		bool bTruncated = false; \
		static int scAsserted = 0; \
		va_start(arg_ptr, (*(ppszFormat))); \
		result = V_vsnprintfRet( (szBuf), (nBufSize)-1, (*(ppszFormat)), arg_ptr, &bTruncated ); \
		va_end(arg_ptr); \
		(szBuf)[(nBufSize)-1] = 0; \
		if ( bTruncated && !(bQuietTruncation) && scAsserted < 5 ) \
		{ \
			Assert( !bTruncated ); \
			scAsserted++; \
		} \
	} \
	while (0)

// Purpose: String formatter with specified size

template <int SIZE_BUF>
class CFmtStrN
		m_szBuf[0] = 0; 
		m_nLength = 0;
	// Standard C formatting
	CFmtStrN(const char *pszFormat, ...) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 )
		FmtStrVSNPrintf(m_szBuf, SIZE_BUF, m_bQuietTruncation, &pszFormat);

	// Use this for pass-through formatting
	CFmtStrN(const char ** ppszFormat, ...)
		FmtStrVSNPrintf(m_szBuf, SIZE_BUF, m_bQuietTruncation, ppszFormat);

	// Explicit reformat
	const char *sprintf(const char *pszFormat, ...)	FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 )
		FmtStrVSNPrintf(m_szBuf, SIZE_BUF, m_bQuietTruncation, &pszFormat); 
		return m_szBuf;

	// Use this for pass-through formatting
	void VSprintf(const char **ppszFormat, ...)
		FmtStrVSNPrintf(m_szBuf, SIZE_BUF, m_bQuietTruncation, ppszFormat);

	// Use for access
	operator const char *() const				{ return m_szBuf; }
	char *Access()								{ return m_szBuf; }
	CFmtStrN<SIZE_BUF> & operator=( const char *pchValue ) { sprintf( pchValue ); return *this; }
	CFmtStrN<SIZE_BUF> & operator+=( const char *pchValue ) { Append( pchValue ); return *this; }
	int Length() const { return m_nLength; }

	void Clear()								{ m_szBuf[0] = 0; m_nLength = 0; }

	void AppendFormat( const char *pchFormat, ... ) { char *pchEnd = m_szBuf + m_nLength; FmtStrVSNPrintf( pchEnd, SIZE_BUF - m_nLength, m_bQuietTruncation, &pchFormat ); FixLength(); }
	void AppendFormatV( const char *pchFormat, va_list args );
	void Append( const char *pchValue ) { AppendFormat( pchValue ); }

	void AppendIndent( uint32 unCount, char chIndent = '\t' );
	virtual void InitQuietTruncation()
#ifdef _DEBUG
		m_bQuietTruncation = false; 
		m_bQuietTruncation = true;	// Force quiet for release builds

	bool m_bQuietTruncation;

	void FixLength() { m_nLength = V_strlen(m_szBuf); }
	char m_szBuf[SIZE_BUF];
	int m_nLength;


// Version which will not assert if strings are truncated

template <int SIZE_BUF>
class CFmtStrQuietTruncationN : public CFmtStrN<SIZE_BUF>
	virtual void InitQuietTruncation() { this->m_bQuietTruncation = true; }

template< int SIZE_BUF >
void CFmtStrN<SIZE_BUF>::AppendIndent( uint32 unCount, char chIndent )
	Assert( Length() + unCount < SIZE_BUF );
	if( Length() + unCount >= SIZE_BUF )
		unCount = SIZE_BUF - (1+Length());
	for ( uint32 x = 0; x < unCount; x++ )
		m_szBuf[ m_nLength++ ] = chIndent;
	m_szBuf[ m_nLength ] = '\0';

template< int SIZE_BUF >
void CFmtStrN<SIZE_BUF>::AppendFormatV( const char *pchFormat, va_list args )
	int cubPrinted = V_vsnprintf( m_szBuf+Length(), SIZE_BUF - Length(), pchFormat, args );
	m_nLength += cubPrinted;

// Purpose: Default-sized string formatter

#define FMTSTR_STD_LEN 1024

typedef CFmtStrN<FMTSTR_STD_LEN> CFmtStr;
typedef CFmtStrQuietTruncationN<FMTSTR_STD_LEN> CFmtStrQuietTruncation;
typedef CFmtStrN<1024> CFmtStr1024;
typedef CFmtStrN<8192> CFmtStrMax;


const int k_cchFormattedDate = 64;
const int k_cchFormattedTime = 32;
bool BGetLocalFormattedTime( time_t timeVal, char *pchDate, int cubDate, char *pchTime, int cubTime );

#endif // FMTSTR_H