//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // // Half-Life Model Viewer (c) 1999 by Mete Ciragan // // file: FileAssociation.cpp // last modified: May 04 1999, Mete Ciragan // copyright: The programs and associated files contained in this // distribution were developed by Mete Ciragan. The programs // are not in the public domain, but they are freely // distributable without licensing fees. These programs are // provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or // implied. // // version: 1.2 // // email: mete@swissquake.ch // web: http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ // #include "FileAssociation.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <mxtk/mx.h> FileAssociation *g_FileAssociation = 0; FileAssociation::FileAssociation () : mxWindow (0, 100, 100, 400, 210, "File Associations", mxWindow::Dialog) { cExtension = new mxChoice (this, 5, 5, 220, 22, IDC_EXTENSION); //new mxButton (this, 230, 5, 75, 22, "Add", IDC_ADD); //new mxButton (this, 310, 5, 75, 22, "Remove", IDC_REMOVE); new mxGroupBox (this, 5, 30, 380, 115, "Assocations"); rbAction[0] = new mxRadioButton (this, 10, 50, 120, 22, "program", IDC_ACTION1, true); rbAction[1] = new mxRadioButton (this, 10, 72, 120, 22, "associated program", IDC_ACTION2); rbAction[2] = new mxRadioButton (this, 10, 94, 120, 22, "HLMV default", IDC_ACTION3); rbAction[3] = new mxRadioButton (this, 10, 116, 120, 22, "none", IDC_ACTION4); leProgram = new mxLineEdit (this, 130, 50, 220, 22, "", IDC_PROGRAM); leProgram->setEnabled (false); bChooseProgram = new mxButton (this, 352, 50, 22, 22, ">>", IDC_CHOOSEPROGRAM); bChooseProgram->setEnabled (false); rbAction[0]->setChecked (false); rbAction[1]->setChecked (true); new mxButton (this, 110, 155, 75, 22, "Ok", IDC_OK); new mxButton (this, 215, 155, 75, 22, "Cancel", IDC_CANCEL); initAssociations (); } FileAssociation::~FileAssociation () { } int FileAssociation::handleEvent (mxEvent *event) { if (event->event != mxEvent::Action) return 0; switch (event->action) { case IDC_EXTENSION: { int index = cExtension->getSelectedIndex (); if (index >= 0) setAssociation (index); } break; case IDC_ACTION1: case IDC_ACTION2: case IDC_ACTION3: case IDC_ACTION4: { leProgram->setEnabled (rbAction[0]->isChecked ()); bChooseProgram->setEnabled (rbAction[0]->isChecked ()); int index = cExtension->getSelectedIndex (); if (index >= 0) d_associations[index].association = event->action - IDC_ACTION1; } break; case IDC_PROGRAM: { int index = cExtension->getSelectedIndex (); if (index >= 0) strcpy (d_associations[index].program, leProgram->getLabel ()); } break; case IDC_CHOOSEPROGRAM: { const char *ptr = mxGetOpenFileName (this, 0, "*.exe"); if (ptr) { leProgram->setLabel (ptr); int index = cExtension->getSelectedIndex (); if (index >= 0) strcpy (d_associations[index].program, leProgram->getLabel ()); } } break; case IDC_OK: saveAssociations (); case IDC_CANCEL: setVisible (false); break; } return 1; } void FileAssociation::initAssociations () { int i; cExtension->removeAll (); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) d_associations[i].association = -1; char path[256]; strcpy (path, mx::getApplicationPath ()); strcat (path, "/hlmv.fa"); FILE *file = fopen (path, "rt"); if (!file) return; i = 0; char line[256]; while (i < 16 && fgets (line, 256, file)) { int j = 0; while (line[++j] != '\"'); line[j] = '\0'; strcpy (d_associations[i].extension, &line[1]); while (line[++j] != '\"'); int k = j + 1; while (line[++j] != '\"'); line[j] = '\0'; strcpy (d_associations[i].program, &line[k]); d_associations[i].association = atoi (&line[++j]); cExtension->add (d_associations[i].extension); ++i; } fclose (file); setAssociation (0); } void FileAssociation::setAssociation (int index) { cExtension->select (index); leProgram->setLabel (d_associations[index].program); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) rbAction[i]->setChecked (i == d_associations[index].association); leProgram->setEnabled (d_associations[index].association == 0); bChooseProgram->setEnabled (d_associations[index].association == 0); // TODO: check for valid associtaion #ifdef WIN32__ char path[256]; strcpy (path, mx_gettemppath ()); strcat (path, "/hlmvtemp."); strcat (path, d_associations[index].extension); FILE *file = fopen (path, "wb"); if (file) fclose (file); int val = (int) ShellExecute ((HWND) getHandle (), "open", path, 0, 0, SW_HIDE); char str[32]; sprintf (str, "%d", val); setLabel (str); rbAction[1]->setEnabled (val != 31); /* WORD dw = 0; HICON hIcon = ExtractAssociatedIcon ((HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong ((HWND) getHandle (), GWL_HINSTANCE), path, &dw); SendMessage ((HWND) getHandle (), WM_SETICON, (WPARAM) ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM) hIcon); char str[32]; sprintf (str, "%d", (int) hIcon); setLabel (str); */ DeleteFile (path); //DestroyIcon (hIcon); #endif rbAction[2]->setEnabled ( !mx_strcasecmp (d_associations[index].extension, "mdl") || !mx_strcasecmp (d_associations[index].extension, "tga") || !mx_strcasecmp (d_associations[index].extension, "wav") ); } void FileAssociation::saveAssociations () { char path[256]; strcpy (path, mx::getApplicationPath ()); strcat (path, "/hlmv.fa"); FILE *file = fopen (path, "wt"); if (!file) return; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (d_associations[i].association == -1) break; fprintf (file, "\"%s\" \"%s\" %d\n", d_associations[i].extension, d_associations[i].program, d_associations[i].association); } fclose (file); } int FileAssociation::getMode (char *extension) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //if (!strcmp (d_associations[i].extension, mx_strlower (extension))) if (!strcmp (d_associations[i].extension, extension)) return d_associations[i].association; } return -1; } char * FileAssociation::getProgram (char *extension) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //if (!strcmp (d_associations[i].extension, mx_strlower (extension))) if (!strcmp (d_associations[i].extension, extension)) return d_associations[i].program; } return 0; }