//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "pch_tier0.h" #include <time.h> #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360) #include <errno.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include "tier0/platform.h" #include "tier0/minidump.h" #ifdef _X360 #include "xbox/xbox_console.h" #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #else #include "tier0/vcrmode.h" #endif #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) #include "tier0/memalloc.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #endif //our global error callback function. Note that this is not initialized, but static space guarantees this is NULL at app start. //If you initialize, it will set to zero again when the CPP runs its static initializers, which could stomp the value if another //CPP sets this value while initializing its static space static ExitProcessWithErrorCBFn g_pfnExitProcessWithErrorCB; //= NULL #ifndef _X360 extern VCRMode_t g_VCRMode; #endif static LARGE_INTEGER g_PerformanceFrequency; static double g_PerformanceCounterToS; static double g_PerformanceCounterToMS; static double g_PerformanceCounterToUS; static LARGE_INTEGER g_ClockStart; static bool s_bTimeInitted; // Benchmark mode uses this heavy-handed method static bool g_bBenchmarkMode = false; static double g_FakeBenchmarkTime = 0; static double g_FakeBenchmarkTimeInc = 1.0 / 66.0; static void InitTime() { if( !s_bTimeInitted ) { s_bTimeInitted = true; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&g_PerformanceFrequency); g_PerformanceCounterToS = 1.0 / g_PerformanceFrequency.QuadPart; g_PerformanceCounterToMS = 1e3 / g_PerformanceFrequency.QuadPart; g_PerformanceCounterToUS = 1e6 / g_PerformanceFrequency.QuadPart; QueryPerformanceCounter(&g_ClockStart); } } bool Plat_IsInBenchmarkMode() { return g_bBenchmarkMode; } void Plat_SetBenchmarkMode( bool bBenchmark ) { g_bBenchmarkMode = bBenchmark; } double Plat_FloatTime() { if (! s_bTimeInitted ) InitTime(); if ( g_bBenchmarkMode ) { g_FakeBenchmarkTime += g_FakeBenchmarkTimeInc; return g_FakeBenchmarkTime; } LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; QueryPerformanceCounter( &CurrentTime ); double fRawSeconds = (double)( CurrentTime.QuadPart - g_ClockStart.QuadPart ) * g_PerformanceCounterToS; return fRawSeconds; } uint32 Plat_MSTime() { if (! s_bTimeInitted ) InitTime(); if ( g_bBenchmarkMode ) { g_FakeBenchmarkTime += g_FakeBenchmarkTimeInc; return (uint32)(g_FakeBenchmarkTime * 1000.0); } LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; QueryPerformanceCounter( &CurrentTime ); return (uint32) ( ( CurrentTime.QuadPart - g_ClockStart.QuadPart ) * g_PerformanceCounterToMS ); } uint64 Plat_USTime() { if (! s_bTimeInitted ) InitTime(); if ( g_bBenchmarkMode ) { g_FakeBenchmarkTime += g_FakeBenchmarkTimeInc; return (uint64)(g_FakeBenchmarkTime * 1e6); } LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; QueryPerformanceCounter( &CurrentTime ); return (uint64) ( ( CurrentTime.QuadPart - g_ClockStart.QuadPart ) * g_PerformanceCounterToUS ); } void GetCurrentDate( int *pDay, int *pMonth, int *pYear ) { struct tm *pNewTime; time_t long_time; time( &long_time ); /* Get time as long integer. */ pNewTime = localtime( &long_time ); /* Convert to local time. */ *pDay = pNewTime->tm_mday; *pMonth = pNewTime->tm_mon + 1; *pYear = pNewTime->tm_year + 1900; } // Wraps the thread-safe versions of ctime. buf must be at least 26 bytes char *Plat_ctime( const time_t *timep, char *buf, size_t bufsize ) { if ( EINVAL == ctime_s( buf, bufsize, timep ) ) return NULL; else return buf; } void Plat_GetModuleFilename( char *pOut, int nMaxBytes ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); // clear the error code GetModuleFileName( NULL, pOut, nMaxBytes ); if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ) Error( "Plat_GetModuleFilename: The buffer given is too small (%d bytes).", nMaxBytes ); #elif PLATFORM_X360 pOut[0] = 0x00; // return null string on Xbox 360 #else // We shouldn't need this on POSIX. Assert( false ); pOut[0] = 0x00; // Null the returned string in release builds #endif } void Plat_ExitProcess( int nCode ) { #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) // We don't want global destructors in our process OR in any DLL to get executed. // _exit() avoids calling global destructors in our module, but not in other DLLs. const char *pchCmdLineA = Plat_GetCommandLineA(); if ( nCode || ( strstr( pchCmdLineA, "gc.exe" ) && strstr( pchCmdLineA, "gc.dll" ) && strstr( pchCmdLineA, "-gc" ) ) ) { int *x = NULL; *x = 1; // cause a hard crash, GC is not allowed to exit voluntarily from gc.dll } TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), nCode ); #elif defined(_PS3) // We do not use this path to exit on PS3 (naturally), rather we want a clear crash: int *x = NULL; *x = 1; #else _exit( nCode ); #endif } void Plat_ExitProcessWithError( int nCode, bool bGenerateMinidump ) { //try to delegate out if they have registered a callback if( g_pfnExitProcessWithErrorCB ) { if( g_pfnExitProcessWithErrorCB( nCode ) ) return; } //handle default behavior if( bGenerateMinidump ) { //don't generate mini dumps in the debugger if( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { WriteMiniDump(); } } //and exit our process Plat_ExitProcess( nCode ); } void Plat_SetExitProcessWithErrorCB( ExitProcessWithErrorCBFn pfnCB ) { g_pfnExitProcessWithErrorCB = pfnCB; } // Wraps the thread-safe versions of gmtime struct tm *Plat_gmtime( const time_t *timep, struct tm *result ) { if ( EINVAL == gmtime_s( result, timep ) ) return NULL; else return result; } time_t Plat_timegm( struct tm *timeptr ) { return _mkgmtime( timeptr ); } // Wraps the thread-safe versions of localtime struct tm *Plat_localtime( const time_t *timep, struct tm *result ) { if ( EINVAL == localtime_s( result, timep ) ) return NULL; else return result; } bool vtune( bool resume ) { #ifndef _X360 static bool bInitialized = false; static void (__cdecl *VTResume)(void) = NULL; static void (__cdecl *VTPause) (void) = NULL; // Grab the Pause and Resume function pointers from the VTune DLL the first time through: if( !bInitialized ) { bInitialized = true; HINSTANCE pVTuneDLL = LoadLibrary( "vtuneapi.dll" ); if( pVTuneDLL ) { VTResume = (void(__cdecl *)())GetProcAddress( pVTuneDLL, "VTResume" ); VTPause = (void(__cdecl *)())GetProcAddress( pVTuneDLL, "VTPause" ); } } // Call the appropriate function, as indicated by the argument: if( resume && VTResume ) { VTResume(); return true; } else if( !resume && VTPause ) { VTPause(); return true; } #endif return false; } bool Plat_IsInDebugSession() { #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) return (IsDebuggerPresent() != 0); #elif defined( _WIN32 ) && defined( _X360 ) return (XBX_IsDebuggerPresent() != 0); #elif defined( LINUX ) #error This code is implemented in platform_posix.cpp #else return false; #endif } void Plat_DebugString( const char * psz ) { #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) ::OutputDebugStringA( psz ); #elif defined( _WIN32 ) && defined( _X360 ) XBX_OutputDebugString( psz ); #endif } const tchar *Plat_GetCommandLine() { #ifdef TCHAR_IS_WCHAR return GetCommandLineW(); #else return GetCommandLine(); #endif } bool GetMemoryInformation( MemoryInformation *pOutMemoryInfo ) { if ( !pOutMemoryInfo ) return false; MEMORYSTATUSEX memStat; ZeroMemory( &memStat, sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX ) ); memStat.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX ); if ( !GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &memStat ) ) return false; const uint cOneMb = 1024 * 1024; switch ( pOutMemoryInfo->m_nStructVersion ) { case 0: ( *pOutMemoryInfo ).m_nPhysicalRamMbTotal = memStat.ullTotalPhys / cOneMb; ( *pOutMemoryInfo ).m_nPhysicalRamMbAvailable = memStat.ullAvailPhys / cOneMb; ( *pOutMemoryInfo ).m_nVirtualRamMbTotal = memStat.ullTotalVirtual / cOneMb; ( *pOutMemoryInfo ).m_nVirtualRamMbAvailable = memStat.ullAvailVirtual / cOneMb; break; default: return false; }; return true; } const char *Plat_GetCommandLineA() { return GetCommandLineA(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Watchdog timer //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Plat_BeginWatchdogTimer( int nSecs ) { } void Plat_EndWatchdogTimer( void ) { } int Plat_GetWatchdogTime( void ) { return 0; } void Plat_SetWatchdogHandlerFunction( Plat_WatchDogHandlerFunction_t function ) { } bool Is64BitOS() { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS) (HANDLE, PBOOL); static LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS pfnIsWow64Process = (LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "IsWow64Process" ); static BOOL bIs64bit = FALSE; static bool bInitialized = false; if ( bInitialized ) return bIs64bit == (BOOL)TRUE; else { bInitialized = true; return pfnIsWow64Process && pfnIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIs64bit) && bIs64bit; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Memory stuff. // // DEPRECATED. Still here to support binary back compatability of tier0.dll // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #ifndef _X360 #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) typedef void (*Plat_AllocErrorFn)( unsigned long size ); void Plat_DefaultAllocErrorFn( unsigned long size ) { } Plat_AllocErrorFn g_AllocError = Plat_DefaultAllocErrorFn; #endif #ifndef _X360 CRITICAL_SECTION g_AllocCS; class CAllocCSInit { public: CAllocCSInit() { InitializeCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); } } g_AllocCSInit; #endif #ifndef _X360 PLATFORM_INTERFACE void* Plat_Alloc( unsigned long size ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) void *pRet = g_pMemAlloc->Alloc( size ); #else void *pRet = malloc( size ); #endif LeaveCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); if ( pRet ) { return pRet; } else { #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) g_AllocError( size ); #endif return 0; } } #endif #ifndef _X360 PLATFORM_INTERFACE void* Plat_Realloc( void *ptr, unsigned long size ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) void *pRet = g_pMemAlloc->Realloc( ptr, size ); #else void *pRet = realloc( ptr, size ); #endif LeaveCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); if ( pRet ) { return pRet; } else { #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) g_AllocError( size ); #endif return 0; } } #endif #ifndef _X360 PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Plat_Free( void *ptr ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) g_pMemAlloc->Free( ptr ); #else free( ptr ); #endif LeaveCriticalSection( &g_AllocCS ); } #endif #ifndef _X360 #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Plat_SetAllocErrorFn( Plat_AllocErrorFn fn ) { g_AllocError = fn; } #endif #endif #endif