//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // TIMESTAMP_LOG.CPP // // TimeStamp Log Display. //=====================================================================================// #include "vxconsole.h" #define ID_TIMESTAMPLOG_LISTVIEW 100 // column id #define ID_TSL_TIME 0 #define ID_TSL_DELTATIME 1 #define ID_TSL_MEMORY 2 #define ID_TSL_DELTAMEMORY 3 #define ID_TSL_MESSAGE 4 typedef struct { const CHAR* name; int width; int subItemIndex; CHAR nameBuff[32]; } label_t; struct timeStampLogNode_t { int index; float time; float deltaTime; int memory; int deltaMemory; char timeBuff[32]; char deltaTimeBuff[32]; char memoryBuff[32]; char deltaMemoryBuff[32]; char *pMessage; timeStampLogNode_t *pNext; }; HWND g_timeStampLog_hWnd; HWND g_timeStampLog_hWndListView; RECT g_timeStampLog_windowRect; timeStampLogNode_t *g_timeStampLog_pNodes; int g_timeStampLog_sortColumn; int g_timeStampLog_sortDescending; label_t g_timeStampLog_Labels[] = { {"Time", 100, ID_TSL_TIME}, {"Delta Time", 100, ID_TSL_DELTATIME}, {"Memory", 100, ID_TSL_MEMORY}, {"Delta Memory", 100, ID_TSL_DELTAMEMORY}, {"Message", 400, ID_TSL_MESSAGE}, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_CompareFunc // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CALLBACK TimeStampLog_CompareFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort ) { timeStampLogNode_t* pNodeA = ( timeStampLogNode_t* )lParam1; timeStampLogNode_t* pNodeB = ( timeStampLogNode_t* )lParam2; int sort = 0; switch ( g_timeStampLog_sortColumn ) { case ID_TSL_TIME: sort = ( int )( 1000.0f*pNodeA->time - 1000.0f*pNodeB->time ); break; case ID_TSL_DELTATIME: sort = ( int )( 1000.0f*pNodeA->deltaTime - 1000.0f*pNodeB->deltaTime ); break; case ID_TSL_MEMORY: sort = pNodeA->memory - pNodeB->memory; break; case ID_TSL_DELTAMEMORY: sort = pNodeA->deltaMemory - pNodeB->deltaMemory; break; case ID_TSL_MESSAGE: sort = stricmp( pNodeA->pMessage, pNodeB->pMessage ); break; } // flip the sort order if ( g_timeStampLog_sortDescending ) sort *= -1; return ( sort ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_SortItems // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_SortItems() { LVITEM lvitem; timeStampLogNode_t *pNode; int i; if ( !g_timeStampLog_hWnd ) { // only sort if window is visible return; } ListView_SortItems( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, TimeStampLog_CompareFunc, 0 ); memset( &lvitem, 0, sizeof( lvitem ) ); lvitem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; // get each item and reset its list index int itemCount = ListView_GetItemCount( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView ); for ( i=0; i<itemCount; i++ ) { lvitem.iItem = i; ListView_GetItem( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, &lvitem ); pNode = ( timeStampLogNode_t* )lvitem.lParam; pNode->index = i; } // update list view columns with sort key for ( i=0; i<sizeof( g_timeStampLog_Labels )/sizeof( g_timeStampLog_Labels[0] ); i++ ) { char symbol; LVCOLUMN lvc; if ( i == g_timeStampLog_sortColumn ) symbol = g_timeStampLog_sortDescending ? '<' : '>'; else symbol = ' '; sprintf( g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].nameBuff, "%s %c", g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].name, symbol ); memset( &lvc, 0, sizeof( lvc ) ); lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvc.pszText = ( LPSTR )g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].nameBuff; ListView_SetColumn( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, i, &lvc ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_AddViewItem // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_AddViewItem( timeStampLogNode_t* pNode ) { LVITEM lvi; if ( !g_timeStampLog_hWnd ) { // only valid if log window is visible return; } // update the text callback buffers sprintf( pNode->timeBuff, "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d:%3.3d", ( int )pNode->time/3600, ( ( int )pNode->time/60 )%60, ( int )pNode->time%60, ( int )( 1000*( pNode->time-( int )pNode->time ) )%1000 ); sprintf( pNode->deltaTimeBuff, "%.3f", pNode->deltaTime ); sprintf( pNode->memoryBuff, "%.2f MB", pNode->memory/( 1024.0f*1024.0f ) ); sprintf( pNode->deltaMemoryBuff, "%d", pNode->deltaMemory ); int itemCount = ListView_GetItemCount( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView ); // setup and insert at end of list memset( &lvi, 0, sizeof( lvi ) ); lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE; lvi.iItem = itemCount; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.state = 0; lvi.stateMask = 0; lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; lvi.lParam = ( LPARAM )pNode; // insert pNode->index = ListView_InsertItem( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, &lvi ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_AddItem // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_AddItem( float time, float deltaTime, int memory, int deltaMemory, const char* pMessage ) { timeStampLogNode_t* pNode; // create and init pNode = new timeStampLogNode_t; memset( pNode, 0, sizeof( timeStampLogNode_t ) ); pNode->time = time; pNode->deltaTime = deltaTime; pNode->memory = memory; pNode->deltaMemory = deltaMemory; pNode->pMessage = Sys_CopyString( pMessage ? pMessage : "" ); // link in pNode->pNext = g_timeStampLog_pNodes; g_timeStampLog_pNodes = pNode; TimeStampLog_AddViewItem( pNode ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_Clear // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_Clear() { timeStampLogNode_t* pNode; timeStampLogNode_t* pNextNode; // delete all the list view entries if ( g_timeStampLog_hWnd ) ListView_DeleteAllItems( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView ); // delete nodes in chain pNode = g_timeStampLog_pNodes; while ( pNode ) { pNextNode = pNode->pNext; Sys_Free( pNode->pMessage ); delete pNode; pNode = pNextNode; } g_timeStampLog_pNodes = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_SaveConfig // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_SaveConfig() { char buff[256]; Sys_SetRegistryInteger( "timeStampLogSortColumn", g_timeStampLog_sortColumn ); Sys_SetRegistryInteger( "timeStampLogSortDescending", g_timeStampLog_sortDescending ); WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; memset( &wp, 0, sizeof( wp ) ); wp.length = sizeof( WINDOWPLACEMENT ); GetWindowPlacement( g_timeStampLog_hWnd, &wp ); g_timeStampLog_windowRect = wp.rcNormalPosition; sprintf( buff, "%d %d %d %d", g_timeStampLog_windowRect.left, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.top, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.right, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.bottom ); Sys_SetRegistryString( "timeStampLogWindowRect", buff ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_LoadConfig // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_LoadConfig() { int numArgs; char buff[256]; Sys_GetRegistryInteger( "timeStampLogSortColumn", ID_TSL_TIME, g_timeStampLog_sortColumn ); Sys_GetRegistryInteger( "timeStampLogSortDescending", false, g_timeStampLog_sortDescending ); Sys_GetRegistryString( "timeStampLogWindowRect", buff, "", sizeof( buff ) ); numArgs = sscanf( buff, "%d %d %d %d", &g_timeStampLog_windowRect.left, &g_timeStampLog_windowRect.top, &g_timeStampLog_windowRect.right, &g_timeStampLog_windowRect.bottom ); if ( numArgs != 4 || g_timeStampLog_windowRect.left < 0 || g_timeStampLog_windowRect.top < 0 || g_timeStampLog_windowRect.right < 0 || g_timeStampLog_windowRect.bottom < 0 ) memset( &g_timeStampLog_windowRect, 0, sizeof( g_timeStampLog_windowRect ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_SizeWindow // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_SizeWindow( HWND hwnd, int width, int height ) { if ( width==0 || height==0 ) { RECT rcClient; GetClientRect( hwnd, &rcClient ); width = rcClient.right; height = rcClient.bottom; } // position the ListView SetWindowPos( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, NULL, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_Export // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_Export() { OPENFILENAME ofn; char logFilename[MAX_PATH]; int retval; FILE* fp; int i; int count; memset( &ofn, 0, sizeof( ofn ) ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = g_timeStampLog_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = logFilename; ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof( logFilename ); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Excel CSV\0*.CSV\0All Files\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = "c:\\"; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; // display the open dialog box retval = GetOpenFileName( &ofn ); if ( !retval ) return; Sys_AddExtension( ".csv", logFilename, sizeof( logFilename ) ); fp = fopen( logFilename, "wt+" ); if ( !fp ) return; // labels count = ARRAYSIZE( g_timeStampLog_Labels ); for ( i=0; i<count; i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "\"%s\"", g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].name ); if ( i != count-1 ) fprintf( fp, "," ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // build a list for easy reverse traversal CUtlVector< timeStampLogNode_t* > nodeList; timeStampLogNode_t *pNode; pNode = g_timeStampLog_pNodes; while ( pNode ) { nodeList.AddToTail( pNode ); pNode = pNode->pNext; } // dump to the log for ( int i=nodeList.Count()-1; i>=0; i-- ) { pNode = nodeList[i]; fprintf( fp, "\"%s\"", pNode->timeBuff ); fprintf( fp, ",\"%s\"", pNode->deltaTimeBuff ); fprintf( fp, ",\"%s\"", pNode->memoryBuff ); fprintf( fp, ",\"%s\"", pNode->deltaMemoryBuff ); fprintf( fp, ",\"%s\"", pNode->pMessage ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } fclose( fp ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_WndProc // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CALLBACK TimeStampLog_WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { WORD wID = LOWORD( wParam ); timeStampLogNode_t *pNode; switch ( message ) { case WM_CREATE: return 0L; case WM_DESTROY: TimeStampLog_SaveConfig(); g_timeStampLog_hWnd = NULL; return 0L; case WM_SIZE: TimeStampLog_SizeWindow( hwnd, LOWORD( lParam ), HIWORD( lParam ) ); return 0L; case WM_NOTIFY: switch ( ( ( LPNMHDR )lParam )->code ) { case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: NMLISTVIEW* pnmlv; pnmlv = ( NMLISTVIEW* )lParam; if ( g_timeStampLog_sortColumn == pnmlv->iSubItem ) { // user has clicked on same column - flip the sort g_timeStampLog_sortDescending ^= 1; } else { // sort by new column g_timeStampLog_sortColumn = pnmlv->iSubItem; } TimeStampLog_SortItems(); return 0L; case LVN_GETDISPINFO: NMLVDISPINFO* plvdi; plvdi = ( NMLVDISPINFO* )lParam; pNode = ( timeStampLogNode_t * )plvdi->item.lParam; switch ( plvdi->item.iSubItem ) { case ID_TSL_TIME: plvdi->item.pszText = pNode->timeBuff; return 0L; case ID_TSL_DELTATIME: plvdi->item.pszText = pNode->deltaTimeBuff; return 0L; case ID_TSL_MEMORY: plvdi->item.pszText = pNode->memoryBuff; return 0L; case ID_TSL_DELTAMEMORY: plvdi->item.pszText = pNode->deltaMemoryBuff; return 0L; case ID_TSL_MESSAGE: plvdi->item.pszText = pNode->pMessage; return 0L; default: break; } break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch ( wID ) { case IDM_OPTIONS_CLEAR: TimeStampLog_Clear(); return 0L; case IDM_OPTIONS_EXPORT: TimeStampLog_Export(); return 0L; } break; } return ( DefWindowProc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_Init // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TimeStampLog_Init() { // set up our window class WNDCLASS wndclass; memset( &wndclass, 0, sizeof( wndclass ) ); wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = TimeStampLog_WndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = g_hInstance; wndclass.hIcon = g_hIcons[ICON_APPLICATION]; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wndclass.hbrBackground = g_hBackgroundBrush; wndclass.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE( MENU_TIMESTAMPLOG ); wndclass.lpszClassName = "TIMESTAMPLOGCLASS"; if ( !RegisterClass( &wndclass ) ) return false; TimeStampLog_LoadConfig(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimeStampLog_Open // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TimeStampLog_Open() { RECT clientRect; HWND hWnd; int i; timeStampLogNode_t *pNode; if ( g_timeStampLog_hWnd ) { // only one file log instance if ( IsIconic( g_timeStampLog_hWnd ) ) ShowWindow( g_timeStampLog_hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); SetForegroundWindow( g_timeStampLog_hWnd ); return; } hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "TIMESTAMPLOGCLASS", "TimeStamp Log", WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_SIZEBOX|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, 0, 0, 600, 300, g_hDlgMain, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL ); g_timeStampLog_hWnd = hWnd; GetClientRect( g_timeStampLog_hWnd, &clientRect ); hWnd = CreateWindow( WC_LISTVIEW, "", WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|LVS_REPORT, 0, 0, clientRect.right-clientRect.left, clientRect.bottom-clientRect.top, g_timeStampLog_hWnd, ( HMENU )ID_TIMESTAMPLOG_LISTVIEW, g_hInstance, NULL ); g_timeStampLog_hWndListView = hWnd; // init list view columns for ( i=0; i<sizeof( g_timeStampLog_Labels )/sizeof( g_timeStampLog_Labels[0] ); i++ ) { LVCOLUMN lvc; memset( &lvc, 0, sizeof( lvc ) ); lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT|LVCF_WIDTH|LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.iSubItem = 0; lvc.cx = g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].width; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvc.pszText = ( LPSTR )g_timeStampLog_Labels[i].name; ListView_InsertColumn( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, i, &lvc ); } ListView_SetBkColor( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, g_backgroundColor ); ListView_SetTextBkColor( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, g_backgroundColor ); DWORD style = LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT|LVS_EX_GRIDLINES|LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP; ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx( g_timeStampLog_hWndListView, style, style ); // populate list view pNode = g_timeStampLog_pNodes; while ( pNode ) { TimeStampLog_AddViewItem( pNode ); pNode = pNode->pNext; } TimeStampLog_SortItems(); if ( g_timeStampLog_windowRect.right && g_timeStampLog_windowRect.bottom ) MoveWindow( g_timeStampLog_hWnd, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.left, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.top, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.right-g_timeStampLog_windowRect.left, g_timeStampLog_windowRect.bottom-g_timeStampLog_windowRect.top, FALSE ); ShowWindow( g_timeStampLog_hWnd, SHOW_OPENWINDOW ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rc_TimeStampLog // // Sent from application with time stamp log //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int rc_TimeStampLog( char* commandPtr ) { char *cmdToken; int timeStampAddr; int retAddr; int retVal; int errCode = -1; xrTimeStamp_t timeStamp; // get data cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( !cmdToken[0] ) goto cleanUp; sscanf( cmdToken, "%x", &timeStampAddr ); // get retAddr cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( !cmdToken[0] ) goto cleanUp; sscanf( cmdToken, "%x", &retAddr ); // get the caller's data DmGetMemory( ( void* )timeStampAddr, sizeof( xrTimeStamp_t ), &timeStamp, NULL ); // swap the structure BigFloat( &timeStamp.time, &timeStamp.time ); BigFloat( &timeStamp.deltaTime, &timeStamp.deltaTime ); timeStamp.memory = BigDWord( timeStamp.memory ); timeStamp.deltaMemory = BigDWord( timeStamp.deltaMemory ); // add to log TimeStampLog_AddItem( timeStamp.time, timeStamp.deltaTime, timeStamp.memory, timeStamp.deltaMemory, timeStamp.messageString ); TimeStampLog_SortItems(); // return the result retVal = 0; int xboxRetVal = BigDWord( retVal ); DmSetMemory( ( void* )retAddr, sizeof( int ), &xboxRetVal, NULL ); DebugCommand( "0x%8.8x = TimeStampLog( 0x%8.8x )\n", retVal, timeStampAddr ); // success errCode = 0; cleanUp: return ( errCode ); }