//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A particle system definition

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattribute.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"
#include "datamodel/dmehandle.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"

// Forward declarations
class CDmeEditorTypeDictionary;
class CDmeParticleSystemDefinition;

// Base class for particle functions inside a particle system definition
class CDmeParticleFunction : public CDmElement
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeParticleFunction, CDmElement );

	virtual const char *GetFunctionType() const { return NULL; }
	virtual void Resolve();
	virtual void OnElementUnserialized();

	// Used for backward compat
	void AddMissingFields( const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *pUnpack );

	// Returns the editor type dictionary
	CDmeEditorTypeDictionary* GetEditorTypeDictionary();

	// Marks a particle system as a new instance
	// This is basically a workaround to prevent newly-copied particle functions
	// from recompiling themselves a zillion times
	void MarkNewInstance();

	void UpdateAttributes( const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *pUnpack );

	// Defines widgets to edit this bad boy
	CDmeHandle< CDmeEditorTypeDictionary > m_hTypeDictionary;
	bool m_bSkipNextResolve;

// Something that updates particles
class CDmeParticleOperator : public CDmeParticleFunction
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeParticleOperator, CDmeParticleFunction );

	// Sets the particle operator
	void SetFunction( IParticleOperatorDefinition *pDefinition );

	// Returns the function type
	virtual const char *GetFunctionType() const;

	CDmaString m_FunctionName;

// A child of a particle system
class CDmeParticleChild : public CDmeParticleFunction
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeParticleChild, CDmeParticleFunction );

	// Sets the particle operator
	void SetChildParticleSystem( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pDef, IParticleOperatorDefinition *pDefinition );

	// Returns the function type
	virtual const char *GetFunctionType() const;

	CDmaElement< CDmeParticleSystemDefinition > m_Child;

// Represents an editable entity; draws its helpers
class CDmeParticleSystemDefinition : public CDmElement
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition, CDmElement );

	virtual void OnElementUnserialized();
	virtual void Resolve();

	// Add, remove
	CDmeParticleFunction* AddOperator( ParticleFunctionType_t type, const char *pFunctionName );
	CDmeParticleFunction* AddChild( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pChild );
	void RemoveFunction( ParticleFunctionType_t type, CDmeParticleFunction *pParticleFunction );
	void RemoveFunction( ParticleFunctionType_t type, int nIndex );

	// Find
	int FindFunction( ParticleFunctionType_t type, CDmeParticleFunction *pParticleFunction );
	int FindFunction( ParticleFunctionType_t type, const char *pFunctionName );

	// Iteration
	int GetParticleFunctionCount( ParticleFunctionType_t type ) const;
	CDmeParticleFunction *GetParticleFunction( ParticleFunctionType_t type, int nIndex );

	// Reordering
	void MoveFunctionUp( ParticleFunctionType_t type, CDmeParticleFunction *pElement );
	void MoveFunctionDown( ParticleFunctionType_t type, CDmeParticleFunction *pElement );

	// Returns the editor type dictionary
	CDmeEditorTypeDictionary* GetEditorTypeDictionary();

	// Recompiles the particle system when a change occurs
	void RecompileParticleSystem();

	// Marks a particle system as a new instance
	// This is basically a workaround to prevent newly-copied particle functions
	// from recompiling themselves a zillion times
	void MarkNewInstance();

	// Should we use name-based lookup?
	bool UseNameBasedLookup() const;

	CDmaElementArray< CDmeParticleFunction > m_ParticleFunction[PARTICLE_FUNCTION_COUNT];
	CDmaVar< bool > m_bPreventNameBasedLookup;

	// Defines widgets to edit this bad boy
	CDmeHandle< CDmeEditorTypeDictionary > m_hTypeDictionary;

// Should we use name-based lookup?
inline bool CDmeParticleSystemDefinition::UseNameBasedLookup() const
	return !m_bPreventNameBasedLookup;

// Human readable string for the particle functions
const char *GetParticleFunctionTypeName( ParticleFunctionType_t type );