//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:

#include "pch_materialsystem.h"

// NOTE: currently this file is marked as "exclude from build"

#include "vtf/vtf.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
void CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive( const char *pRoot, const char *pDirectory );


// Does a texture have alpha?
static bool DoesTextureUseAlpha( const char *pTextureName, const char *pMaterialName )
	if ( IsX360() )
		// not supporting
		return false;

	// Special textures start with '_'..
	if ( pTextureName[0] == '_' )
		return false;

	// The texture name doubles as the relative file name
	// It's assumed to have already been set by this point	
	// Compute the cache name
	char pCacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "materials/%s.vtf", pTextureName );

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pCacheFileName, "rb" );
		Warning( "Material \"%s\": can't open texture \"%s\"\n", pMaterialName, pCacheFileName );
		return false;

	// Check the .vtf for an alpha channel
	IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();

	int nHeaderSize = VTFFileHeaderSize( VTF_MAJOR_VERSION );
	buf.EnsureCapacity( nHeaderSize );

	// read the header first.. it's faster!!
	g_pFullFileSystem->Read( buf.Base(), nHeaderSize, fileHandle );
	buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nHeaderSize );

	// Unserialize the header
	bool bUsesAlpha = false;

	if (!pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, true ))
		Warning( "Error reading material \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName );
			bUsesAlpha = true;

	DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
	g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
	return bUsesAlpha;

// Does a texture have alpha?
static bool DoesTextureUseNormal( const char *pTextureName, const char *pMaterialName, bool &bUsesAlpha, bool &bIsCompressed, int &nSizeInBytes )
	nSizeInBytes = 0;
	bUsesAlpha = false;

	if ( IsX360() )
		// not supporting
		return false;

	// Special textures start with '_'..
	if ( !pTextureName || ( pTextureName[0] == '_' ) || ( pTextureName[0] == 0 ) )
		return false;

	// The texture name doubles as the relative file name
	// It's assumed to have already been set by this point	
	// Compute the cache name
	char pCacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "materials/%s.vtf", pTextureName );

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pCacheFileName, "rb" );
//		Warning( "Material \"%s\": can't open texture \"%s\"\n", pMaterialName, pCacheFileName );
		return false;

	// Check the .vtf for an alpha channel
	IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();

	int nHeaderSize = VTFFileHeaderSize( VTF_MAJOR_VERSION );
	buf.EnsureCapacity( nHeaderSize );

	// read the header first.. it's faster!!
	g_pFullFileSystem->Read( buf.Base(), nHeaderSize, fileHandle );
	buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nHeaderSize );

	// Unserialize the header
	bool bUsesNormal = false;
	if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, true ) )
		Warning( "Error reading material \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName );
		if ( pVTFTexture->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL )
			bUsesAlpha = false;
			bUsesNormal = true;
			bIsCompressed = ImageLoader::IsCompressed( pVTFTexture->Format() ) || ( pVTFTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_A8 );
			nSizeInBytes = pVTFTexture->ComputeTotalSize();
				bUsesAlpha = true;

	DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
	g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
	return bUsesNormal;

// Is this a real texture
static bool IsTexture( const char *pTextureName )
	// Special textures start with '_'..
	if ( pTextureName[0] == '_' )
		return false;

	// The texture name doubles as the relative file name
	// It's assumed to have already been set by this point	
	// Compute the cache name
	char pCacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "materials/%s.vtf", pTextureName );

	FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pCacheFileName, "rb" );
		return false;

	g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
	return true;

// Scan material + all subsections for key
static float MaterialFloatKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pKeyName, float flDefault )
	float flValue = pKeyValues->GetFloat( pKeyName, flDefault );
	if ( flValue != flDefault )
		return flValue;

	for( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		float flValue = MaterialFloatKeyValue( pSubKey, pKeyName, flDefault );
		if ( flValue != flDefault )
			return flValue;
	return flDefault;

int ParseVectorFromKeyValueString( KeyValues *pKeyValue, const char *pMaterialName, float vecVal[4] );

static bool AsVectorsEqual( int nDim1, float *pVector1, int nDim2, float *pVector2 )
	if ( nDim1 != nDim2 )
		return false;

	for ( int i = 0; i < nDim1; ++i )
		if ( fabs( pVector1[i] - pVector2[i] ) > 1e-3 )
			return false;

	return true;

static bool MaterialVectorKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pKeyName, int nDefaultDim, float *pDefault, int *pDim, float *pVector )
	int nDim;
	float retVal[4];

	KeyValues *pValue = pKeyValues->FindKey( pKeyName );
	if ( pValue )
		switch( pValue->GetDataType() )
		case KeyValues::TYPE_INT:
				int nInt = pValue->GetInt();
				for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
					retVal[i] = nInt;
				if ( !AsVectorsEqual( nDefaultDim, pDefault, nDefaultDim, retVal ) )
					*pDim = nDefaultDim;
					memcpy( pVector, retVal, nDefaultDim * sizeof(float) );
					return true;

		case KeyValues::TYPE_FLOAT:
				float flFloat = pValue->GetFloat();
				for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
					retVal[i] = flFloat;
				if ( !AsVectorsEqual( nDefaultDim, pDefault, nDefaultDim, retVal ) )
					*pDim = nDefaultDim;
					memcpy( pVector, retVal, nDefaultDim * sizeof(float) );
					return true;

		case KeyValues::TYPE_STRING:
				nDim = ParseVectorFromKeyValueString( pValue, "", retVal );
				if ( !AsVectorsEqual( nDefaultDim, pDefault, nDim, retVal ) )
					*pDim = nDim;
					memcpy( pVector, retVal, nDim * sizeof(float) );
					return true;

	for( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		if ( MaterialVectorKeyValue( pSubKey, pKeyName, nDefaultDim, pDefault, &nDim, retVal ) )
			*pDim = nDim;
			memcpy( pVector, retVal, nDim * sizeof(float) );
			return true;
	*pDim = nDefaultDim;
	memcpy( pVector, pDefault, nDefaultDim * sizeof(float) );
	return false;

// Scan material + all subsections for key
static bool DoesMaterialHaveKey( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pKeyName )
	if ( pKeyValues->GetString( pKeyName, NULL ) != NULL )
		return true;

	for( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		if ( DoesMaterialHaveKey( pSubKey, pKeyName ) )
			return true;
	return false;

// Scan all materials for errors
static int s_nNormalBytes;
static int s_nNormalCompressedBytes;
static int s_nNormalPalettizedBytes;
static int s_nNormalWithAlphaBytes;
static int s_nNormalWithAlphaCompressedBytes;

struct VTFInfo_t
	CUtlString m_VTFName;
	bool m_bFoundInVMT;

void CheckKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues, CUtlVector<VTFInfo_t> &vtf )
	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstValue(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextValue() )
		if ( pSubKey->GetDataType() != KeyValues::TYPE_STRING )
		if ( IsTexture( pSubKey->GetString() ) )
			int nLen = Q_strlen( pSubKey->GetString() ) + 1;
			char *pTemp = (char*)_alloca( nLen );
			memcpy( pTemp, pSubKey->GetString(), nLen ); 
			Q_FixSlashes( pTemp );

			int nCount = vtf.Count();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
				if ( Q_stricmp( vtf[i].m_VTFName, pTemp ) )
				vtf[i].m_bFoundInVMT = true;

	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		CheckKeyValues( pSubKey, vtf );

void CheckMaterial( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pRoot, const char *pFileName, CUtlVector<VTFInfo_t> &vtf )
	const char *pShaderName = pKeyValues->GetName();
	if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Water" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Eyeball" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Shadow" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Refract" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Predator" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ParticleSphere" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DebugLuxels" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "GooInGlass" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Modulate" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "UnlitTwoTexture" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Cloud" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "WorldVertexTransition" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DecalModulate" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DecalBaseTimesLightmapAlphaBlendSelfIllum" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Sprite" ) )

	// Check for alpha channels
	const char *pBaseTextureName = pKeyValues->GetString( "$basetexture", NULL );
	if ( pBaseTextureName != NULL )
		if ( DoesTextureUseAlpha( pBaseTextureName, pFileName ) )
			float flAlpha = MaterialFloatKeyValue( pKeyValues, "$alpha", 1.0f );
			bool bHasVertexAlpha = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$vertexalpha" );	// Modulation always happens here whether we want it to or not
			bool bHasAlphaTest = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$alphatest" );
			bool bHasTranslucent = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$translucent" );
			bool bHasSelfIllum = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$selfillum" );
			bool bHasBaseAlphaEnvMapMask = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$basealphaenvmapmask" );
			if ( (flAlpha == 1.0f) && !bHasVertexAlpha && !bHasAlphaTest && !bHasTranslucent && !bHasSelfIllum && !bHasBaseAlphaEnvMapMask )
				Warning("Material \"%s\": BASETEXTURE \"%s\"\n", pFileName, pBaseTextureName ); 

// Check for bump, spec, and no normalmapalphaenvmapmask
	const char *pBumpmapName = pKeyValues->GetString( "$bumpmap", NULL );
	if ( pBumpmapName != NULL )
		if ( DoesTextureUseAlpha( pBumpmapName, pFileName ) )
			bool bHasEnvmap = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" );
			bool bHasNormalMapAlphaEnvMapMask = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" );
			if ( !bHasEnvmap || !bHasNormalMapAlphaEnvMapMask )
				Warning("Material \"%s\": BUMPMAP \"%s\"\n", pFileName, pBumpmapName ); 

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "LightmappedGeneric" ) &&
		!Q_stristr( pShaderName, "VertexLitGeneric" ) )

	if ( DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) && DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) )
		int nDim;
		float retVal[4];
		float defaultVal[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		if ( MaterialVectorKeyValue( pKeyValues, "$envmaptint", 3, defaultVal, &nDim, retVal ) )
			Warning("ENVMAP + ENVMAPTINT : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
//		else
//		{
//			Warning("ENVMAP only: Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
//		}

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Refract" ) )

	if ( !DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) )
		bool bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, bIsPalettized;
		int nSizeInBytes;
		if ( DoesTextureUseNormal( pKeyValues->GetString( "$normalmap" ), 
			pFileName, bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, bIsPalettized, nSizeInBytes ) )
			if ( bIsCompressed )
				Warning("Bad : Material compressed \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
				Warning("Bad : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "WorldTwoTextureBlend" ) )

	if ( DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) || 
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$parallaxmap" ) ||
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) ||
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$vertexcolor" ) || 
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$basetexture2" )
		Warning("Bad : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstValue(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextValue() )
//		Msg( " Checking %s\n", pSubKey->GetString() );
		if ( pSubKey->GetDataType() != KeyValues::TYPE_STRING )
		bool bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed;
		int nSizeInBytes;
		if ( DoesTextureUseNormal( pSubKey->GetString(), pFileName, bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, nSizeInBytes ) )
			if ( bUsesAlpha )
				if ( bIsCompressed )
					s_nNormalWithAlphaCompressedBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					s_nNormalWithAlphaBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					Msg( "Normal texture w alpha uncompressed %s\n", pSubKey->GetString() );
				if ( bIsCompressed )
					s_nNormalCompressedBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					s_nNormalBytes += nSizeInBytes;

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "VertexLitGeneric" ) )

	if ( !DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) && DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) )
		Warning("BUMPMAP + no ENVMAP : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

//	CheckKeyValues( pKeyValues, vtf );

// Build list of all VTFs
void CheckVTFInDirectoryRecursive( const char *pRoot, const char *pDirectory, CUtlVector< VTFInfo_t > &vtf )
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
	char buf[BUF_SIZE];
	HANDLE findHandle;
	sprintf( buf, "%s/%s/*.vtf", pRoot, pDirectory );

	findHandle = FindFirstFile( buf, &wfd );
	if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
			int i = vtf.AddToTail( );

			char buf[MAX_PATH];
			char buf2[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", pDirectory, wfd.cFileName );
			Q_FixSlashes( buf );

			Q_StripExtension( buf, buf2, sizeof(buf2) );
			Assert( !Q_strnicmp( buf2, "materials\\", 10 ) );

			vtf[i].m_VTFName = &buf2[10];
			vtf[i].m_bFoundInVMT = false;

		} while ( FindNextFile ( findHandle, &wfd ) ); 
		FindClose ( findHandle ); 

	// do subdirectories
	sprintf( buf, "%s/%s/*.*", pRoot, pDirectory );
	findHandle = FindFirstFile( buf, &wfd );
	if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
			if( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
				if( ( strcmp( wfd.cFileName, ".." ) == 0 ) || 
					( strcmp( wfd.cFileName, "." ) == 0 ) )

				char buf[MAX_PATH];
				Q_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", pDirectory, wfd.cFileName );
				CheckVTFInDirectoryRecursive( pRoot, buf, vtf );
		} while ( FindNextFile ( findHandle, &wfd ) ); 
		FindClose ( findHandle ); 

#undef BUF_SIZE

// Scan all materials for errors
void _CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive( const char *pRoot, const char *pDirectory, CUtlVector< VTFInfo_t > &vtf )
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
	char buf[BUF_SIZE];
	HANDLE findHandle;
	sprintf( buf, "%s/%s/*.vmt", pRoot, pDirectory );
	findHandle = FindFirstFile( buf, &wfd );
	if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
			KeyValues * vmtKeyValues = new KeyValues("vmt");

			char pFileName[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( pFileName, sizeof( pFileName ), "%s/%s", pDirectory, wfd.cFileName );
			if ( !vmtKeyValues->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFileName, "GAME" ) )
				Warning( "CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive: can't open \"%s\"\n", pFileName );

			CheckMaterial( vmtKeyValues, pRoot, pFileName, vtf );


		} while ( FindNextFile ( findHandle, &wfd ) ); 
		FindClose ( findHandle ); 

	// do subdirectories
	sprintf( buf, "%s/%s/*.*", pRoot, pDirectory );
	findHandle = FindFirstFile( buf, &wfd );
	if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
			if( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
				if( ( strcmp( wfd.cFileName, ".." ) == 0 ) || 
					( strcmp( wfd.cFileName, "." ) == 0 ) )

				char buf[MAX_PATH];
				Q_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", pDirectory, wfd.cFileName );
				_CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive( pRoot, buf, vtf );
		} while ( FindNextFile ( findHandle, &wfd ) ); 
		FindClose ( findHandle ); 

//	Msg( "Normal only %d/%d/%d Normal w alpha %d/%d\n", s_nNormalBytes, s_nNormalPalettizedBytes, s_nNormalCompressedBytes, s_nNormalWithAlphaBytes, s_nNormalWithAlphaCompressedBytes );
#undef BUF_SIZE

void CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive( const char *pRoot, const char *pDirectory )
	CUtlVector< VTFInfo_t > vtfNames;
//	CheckVTFInDirectoryRecursive( pRoot, pDirectory, vtfNames );
	_CheckMateralsInDirectoryRecursive( pRoot, pDirectory, vtfNames );

	int nCount = vtfNames.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		if ( !vtfNames[i].m_bFoundInVMT )
			Msg( "Unused VTF %s\n", vtfNames[i].m_VTFName );