//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "server.h"
#include "dt_stack.h"
#include "dt_localtransfer.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "edict.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "utldict.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"


static ConVar dt_UsePartialChangeEnts( 
	"(SP only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization."

static ConVar dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts( 
	"(SP only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE)." 

// Negative numbers represent entities that were fully copied.
static CUtlVector<int> g_PartialChangeEnts;
static int g_nTotalPropChanges = 0;
static int g_nTotalEntChanges = 0;

template<class T>
inline void LocalTransfer_FastType(
	T *pBlah,
	CServerDatatableStack &serverStack,
	CClientDatatableStack &clientStack,
	CFastLocalTransferPropInfo *pPropList,
	int nProps )
	CFastLocalTransferPropInfo *pCur = pPropList;
	for ( int i=0; i < nProps; i++, pCur++ )
		serverStack.SeekToProp( pCur->m_iProp );

		unsigned char *pServerBase = serverStack.GetCurStructBase();
		if ( pServerBase )
			clientStack.SeekToProp( pCur->m_iProp );
			unsigned char *pClientBase = clientStack.GetCurStructBase();
			Assert( pClientBase );

			const T *pSource = (const T*)( pServerBase + pCur->m_iSendOffset );
			T *pDest = (T*)( pClientBase + pCur->m_iRecvOffset );
			*pDest = *pSource;

void AddPropOffsetToMap( CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc, int iInProp, int iInOffset )
	Assert( iInProp < 0xFFFF && iInOffset < 0xFFFF );	
	unsigned short iProp = (unsigned short)iInProp;
	unsigned short iOffset = (unsigned short)iInOffset;
	unsigned short iOldIndex = pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.Find( iOffset );

	if ( iOldIndex != pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.InvalidIndex() )
	pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.Insert( iOffset, iProp );

// This helps us figure out which properties can use the super-optimized mode
// where they are tracked in a list when they change. If their m_pProxies pointers
// are set to 1, then it means that this property is gotten to by means of SendProxy_DataTableToDataTable.
// If it's set to 0, then we can't directly take the property's offset.
class CPropMapStack : public CDatatableStack
						CPropMapStack( CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc, const CStandardSendProxies *pSendProxies ) :
							CDatatableStack( pPrecalc, (unsigned char*)1, -1 )
							m_pPropMapStackPrecalc = pPrecalc;
							m_pSendProxies = pSendProxies;

	bool IsNonPointerModifyingProxy( SendTableProxyFn fn, const CStandardSendProxies *pSendProxies )
		if ( fn == m_pSendProxies->m_DataTableToDataTable ||
			 fn == m_pSendProxies->m_SendLocalDataTable )
			return true;
		if( pSendProxies->m_ppNonModifiedPointerProxies )
			CNonModifiedPointerProxy *pCur = *pSendProxies->m_ppNonModifiedPointerProxies;
			while ( pCur )
				if ( pCur->m_Fn == fn )
					return true;
				pCur = pCur->m_pNext;

		return false;

	inline unsigned char*	CallPropProxy( CSendNode *pNode, int iProp, unsigned char *pStructBase )
		if ( !pStructBase )
			return 0;
		const SendProp *pProp = m_pPropMapStackPrecalc->GetDatatableProp( iProp );
		if ( IsNonPointerModifyingProxy( pProp->GetDataTableProxyFn(), m_pSendProxies ) )
			// Note: these are offset by 1 (see the constructor), otherwise it won't recurse
			// during the Init call because pCurStructBase is 0.
			return pStructBase + pProp->GetOffset();
			return 0;

	virtual void RecurseAndCallProxies( CSendNode *pNode, unsigned char *pStructBase )
		// Remember where the game code pointed us for this datatable's data so 
		m_pProxies[ pNode->GetRecursiveProxyIndex() ] = pStructBase;

		for ( int iChild=0; iChild < pNode->GetNumChildren(); iChild++ )
			CSendNode *pCurChild = pNode->GetChild( iChild );
			unsigned char *pNewStructBase = NULL;
			if ( pStructBase )
				pNewStructBase = CallPropProxy( pCurChild, pCurChild->m_iDatatableProp, pStructBase );

			RecurseAndCallProxies( pCurChild, pNewStructBase );

	CSendTablePrecalc *m_pPropMapStackPrecalc;
	const CStandardSendProxies *m_pSendProxies;

void BuildPropOffsetToIndexMap( CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc, const CStandardSendProxies *pSendProxies )
	CPropMapStack pmStack( pPrecalc, pSendProxies );
	for ( int i=0; i < pPrecalc->m_Props.Count(); i++ )
		pmStack.SeekToProp( i );
		if ( pmStack.GetCurStructBase() != 0 )
			const SendProp *pProp = pPrecalc->m_Props[i];
			intp offset = pProp->GetOffset() + (intp)pmStack.GetCurStructBase() - 1;
			int elementCount = 1;
			int elementStride = 0;
			if ( pProp->GetType() == DPT_Array )
				offset = pProp->GetArrayProp()->GetOffset() + (intp)pmStack.GetCurStructBase() - 1;
				elementCount = pProp->m_nElements;
				elementStride = pProp->m_ElementStride;
			if ( offset != 0 )
				for ( int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++ )
					if ( pProp->GetFlags() & SPROP_IS_A_VECTOR_ELEM )
						AddPropOffsetToMap( pPrecalc, i | PROP_INDEX_VECTOR_ELEM_MARKER, offset );
						AddPropOffsetToMap( pPrecalc, i, offset );

					offset += elementStride;

void LocalTransfer_InitFastCopy( 
	const SendTable *pSendTable, 
	const CStandardSendProxies *pSendProxies,
	RecvTable *pRecvTable,
	const CStandardRecvProxies *pRecvProxies,
	int &nSlowCopyProps,		// These are incremented to tell you how many fast copy props it found.
	int &nFastCopyProps
	CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc;

	// Setup the offset-to-index map.
	BuildPropOffsetToIndexMap( pPrecalc, pSendProxies );

	// Clear the old lists.
	CRecvDecoder *pDecoder = pRecvTable->m_pDecoder;
	int iNumProp = pPrecalc->GetNumProps();
	for ( int iProp=0; iProp < iNumProp; iProp++ )
		const SendProp *pSendProp = pPrecalc->GetProp( iProp );
		const RecvProp *pRecvProp = pDecoder->GetProp( iProp );

		if ( pRecvProp )
			Assert( stricmp( pSendProp->GetName(), pRecvProp->GetName() ) == 0 );

			CUtlVector<CFastLocalTransferPropInfo> *pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_OtherProps;

			if ( pSendProp->GetType() == DPT_Int &&
				(pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_Int32ToInt32 || pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_UInt32ToInt32) &&
				pRecvProp->GetProxyFn() == pRecvProxies->m_Int32ToInt32 )
				pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt32;
			else if( pSendProp->GetType() == DPT_Int && 
				(pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_Int16ToInt32 || pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_UInt16ToInt32) &&
				pRecvProp->GetProxyFn() == pRecvProxies->m_Int32ToInt16 )
				pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt16;
			else if( pSendProp->GetType() == DPT_Int && 
				(pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_Int8ToInt32 || pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_UInt8ToInt32) &&
				pRecvProp->GetProxyFn() == pRecvProxies->m_Int32ToInt8 )
				pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt8;
			else if( pSendProp->GetType() == DPT_Float && 
				pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_FloatToFloat &&
				pRecvProp->GetProxyFn() == pRecvProxies->m_FloatToFloat )
				Assert( sizeof( int ) == sizeof( float ) );
				pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt32;
			else if ( pSendProp->GetType() == DPT_Vector && 
				pSendProp->GetProxyFn() == pSendProxies->m_VectorToVector &&
				pRecvProp->GetProxyFn() == pRecvProxies->m_VectorToVector )
				pList = &pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastVector;

			CFastLocalTransferPropInfo toAdd;
			toAdd.m_iProp = iProp;
			toAdd.m_iRecvOffset = pRecvProp->GetOffset();
			toAdd.m_iSendOffset = pSendProp->GetOffset();
			pList->AddToTail( toAdd );

inline int MapPropOffsetsToIndices( 
	const CBaseEdict *pEdict,
	CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc, 
	const unsigned short *pOffsets,
	unsigned short nOffsets,
	unsigned short *pOut )
	int iOut = 0;
	for ( unsigned short i=0; i < nOffsets; i++ )
		unsigned short index = pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.Find( pOffsets[i] );
		if ( index == pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.InvalidIndex() )
			// Note: this SHOULD be fine. In all known cases, when NetworkStateChanged is called with
			// an offset, there should be a corresponding SendProp in order for that NetworkStateChanged
			// call to mean anything. 
			// It means that if we can't find an offset here, then there isn't a SendProp 
			// associated with the CNetworkVar that triggered the change. Therefore,
			// the change doesn't matter and we can skip past it. 
			// If we wanted to be anal, we could force them to use DISABLE_NETWORK_VAR_FOR_DERIVED
			// appropriately in all these cases, but then we'd need a ton of them for certain classes
			// (like CBaseViewModel, which has a slew of CNetworkVars in its base classes that
			// it doesn't want to transmit).

			if ( dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts.GetInt() )
				static CUtlDict<int,int> testDict;
				char str[512];
				Q_snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "LocalTransfer offset miss - class: %s, DT: %s, offset: %d", pEdict->GetClassName(), pPrecalc->m_pSendTable->m_pNetTableName, pOffsets[i] );
				if ( testDict.Find( str ) == testDict.InvalidIndex() )
					testDict.Insert( str );
					Warning( "%s\n", str );
			unsigned short propIndex = pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap[index];
				// Look for all 3 vector elems here.
				unsigned short curOffset = pOffsets[i];
				for ( int iVectorElem=0; iVectorElem < 3; iVectorElem++ )
					index = pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap.Find( curOffset );
					if ( index == 0xFFFF )
						propIndex = pPrecalc->m_PropOffsetToIndexMap[index];
						if ( propIndex & PROP_INDEX_VECTOR_ELEM_MARKER )
							pOut[iOut++] = (propIndex & ~PROP_INDEX_VECTOR_ELEM_MARKER);
					curOffset += sizeof( float );
				pOut[iOut++] = propIndex;
	return iOut;

inline void FastSortList( unsigned short *pList, unsigned short nEntries )
	if ( nEntries == 1 )
	unsigned short i = 0;
	while ( 1 )
		if ( pList[i+1] < pList[i] )
			unsigned short tmp = pList[i+1];
			pList[i+1] = pList[i];
			pList[i] = tmp;

			if ( i > 0 )
			if ( i >= (nEntries-1) )

inline void AddToPartialChangeEntsList( int iEnt, bool bPartial )
	if ( !dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts.GetInt() )

#if !defined( _XBOX )
	if ( !bPartial )
		iEnt = -iEnt;
	if ( g_PartialChangeEnts.Find( iEnt ) == -1 )
		g_PartialChangeEnts.AddToTail( iEnt );

void PrintPartialChangeEntsList()
	if ( !dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts.GetInt() )

#if !defined( _XBOX )
	int iCurRow = 15;
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "----- dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts -----" );
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "" );
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "Ent changes: %3d, prop changes: %3d", 
		g_nTotalEntChanges, g_nTotalPropChanges );
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "" );
	char str[512];
	bool bFirst = true;
	// Write the partial ents.
	str[0] = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i < g_PartialChangeEnts.Count(); i++ )
		if ( g_PartialChangeEnts[i] >= 0 )
			if ( !bFirst )
				Q_strncat( str, ", ", sizeof( str ) );
			char tempStr[512];
			Q_snprintf( tempStr, sizeof( tempStr ), "%d", g_PartialChangeEnts[i] );
			Q_strncat( str, tempStr, sizeof( str ) );
			bFirst = false;
	Q_strncat( str, " - PARTIAL", sizeof( str ) );
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "%s", str );

	// Write the full ents.
	bFirst = true;
	str[0] = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i < g_PartialChangeEnts.Count(); i++ )
		if ( g_PartialChangeEnts[i] < 0 )
			if ( !bFirst )
				Q_strncat( str, ", ", sizeof( str ) );
			char tempStr[512];
			Q_snprintf( tempStr, sizeof( tempStr ), "%d", -g_PartialChangeEnts[i] );
			Q_strncat( str, tempStr, sizeof( str ) );
			bFirst = false;
	Q_strncat( str, " -    FULL", sizeof( str ) );
	Con_NPrintf( iCurRow++, "%s", str );
	g_nTotalPropChanges = g_nTotalEntChanges = 0;

void LocalTransfer_TransferEntity( 
	const CBaseEdict *pEdict,
	const SendTable *pSendTable, 
	const void *pSrcEnt, 
	RecvTable *pRecvTable, 
	void *pDestEnt,
	bool bNewlyCreated,
	bool bJustEnteredPVS,
	int objectID )
	CEdictChangeInfo *pCI = &g_pSharedChangeInfo->m_ChangeInfos[pEdict->GetChangeInfo()];

	unsigned short propIndices[MAX_CHANGE_OFFSETS*3];
	// This code tries to only copy fields expressly marked as "changed" (by having the field offsets added to the changeoffsets vectors)
	if ( pEdict->GetChangeInfoSerialNumber() == g_pSharedChangeInfo->m_iSerialNumber &&
		 !bNewlyCreated &&
		 !bJustEnteredPVS &&
		CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc;

		int nChangeOffsets = MapPropOffsetsToIndices( pEdict, pPrecalc, pCI->m_ChangeOffsets, pCI->m_nChangeOffsets, propIndices );
		if ( nChangeOffsets == 0 )
		AddToPartialChangeEntsList( (edict_t*)pEdict - sv.edicts, true );
		FastSortList( propIndices, nChangeOffsets );

		// Setup the structure to traverse the source tree.
		ErrorIfNot( pPrecalc, ("SendTable_Encode: Missing m_pPrecalc for SendTable %s.", pSendTable->m_pNetTableName) );
		CServerDatatableStack serverStack( pPrecalc, (unsigned char*)pSrcEnt, objectID );
		serverStack.Init( true );

		// Setup the structure to traverse the dest tree.
		CRecvDecoder *pDecoder = pRecvTable->m_pDecoder;
		ErrorIfNot( pDecoder, ("RecvTable_Decode: table '%s' missing a decoder.", pRecvTable->GetName()) );
		CClientDatatableStack clientStack( pDecoder, (unsigned char*)pDestEnt, objectID );
		clientStack.Init( true );

		// Cool. We can get away with just transferring a few.
		for ( int iChanged=0; iChanged < nChangeOffsets; iChanged++ )
			int iProp = propIndices[iChanged];

			serverStack.SeekToProp( iProp );
			const SendProp *pSendProp = serverStack.GetCurProp();
			unsigned char *pSendBase = serverStack.UpdateRoutesExplicit();
			if ( pSendBase )
				const RecvProp *pRecvProp = pDecoder->GetProp( iProp );
				Assert( pRecvProp );

				clientStack.SeekToProp( iProp );
				unsigned char *pRecvBase = clientStack.UpdateRoutesExplicit();
				Assert( pRecvBase );
				g_PropTypeFns[pRecvProp->GetType()].FastCopy( pSendProp, pRecvProp, pSendBase, pRecvBase, objectID );
	// Whereas the below code copies _all_ fields, regardless of whether they were changed or not.  We run this only newly created entities, or entities
	//  which were previously dormant/outside the pvs but are now back in the PVS since we could have missed field updates since the changeoffsets get cleared every
	//  frame.
		// Setup the structure to traverse the source tree.
		CSendTablePrecalc *pPrecalc = pSendTable->m_pPrecalc;
		ErrorIfNot( pPrecalc, ("SendTable_Encode: Missing m_pPrecalc for SendTable %s.", pSendTable->m_pNetTableName) );
		CServerDatatableStack serverStack( pPrecalc, (unsigned char*)pSrcEnt, objectID );

		// Setup the structure to traverse the dest tree.
		CRecvDecoder *pDecoder = pRecvTable->m_pDecoder;
		ErrorIfNot( pDecoder, ("RecvTable_Decode: table '%s' missing a decoder.", pRecvTable->GetName()) );
		CClientDatatableStack clientStack( pDecoder, (unsigned char*)pDestEnt, objectID );

		AddToPartialChangeEntsList( (edict_t*)pEdict - sv.edicts, false );

		// Copy the properties that require proxies.
		CFastLocalTransferPropInfo *pPropList = pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_OtherProps.Base();
		int nProps = pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_OtherProps.Count();
		for ( int i=0; i < nProps; i++ )
			int iProp = pPropList[i].m_iProp;

			serverStack.SeekToProp( iProp );
			const SendProp *pSendProp = serverStack.GetCurProp();
			unsigned char *pSendBase = serverStack.GetCurStructBase();

			if ( pSendBase )
				const RecvProp *pRecvProp = pDecoder->GetProp( iProp );
				Assert( pRecvProp );

				clientStack.SeekToProp( iProp );
				unsigned char *pRecvBase = clientStack.GetCurStructBase();
				Assert( pRecvBase );
				g_PropTypeFns[pRecvProp->GetType()].FastCopy( pSendProp, pRecvProp, pSendBase, pRecvBase, objectID );

 		// Transfer over the fast properties.
		LocalTransfer_FastType( (int*)0, serverStack, clientStack, pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt32.Base(), pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt32.Count() );
		LocalTransfer_FastType( (short*)0, serverStack, clientStack, pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt16.Base(), pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt16.Count() );
		LocalTransfer_FastType( (char*)0, serverStack, clientStack, pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt8.Base(), pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastInt8.Count() );
		LocalTransfer_FastType( (Vector*)0, serverStack, clientStack, pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastVector.Base(), pPrecalc->m_FastLocalTransfer.m_FastVector.Count() );

	// The old, slow method to copy all props using their proxies.		
	int iEndProp = pPrecalc->m_Root.GetLastPropIndex();
	for ( int iProp=0; iProp <= iEndProp; iProp++ )
		serverStack.SeekToProp( iProp );
		clientStack.SeekToProp( iProp );

		const SendProp *pSendProp = serverStack.GetCurProp();
		const RecvProp *pRecvProp = pDecoder->GetProp( iProp );
		if ( pRecvProp )
			unsigned char *pSendBase = serverStack.GetCurStructBase();
			unsigned char *pRecvBase = clientStack.GetCurStructBase();
			if ( pSendBase && pRecvBase )
				Assert( stricmp( pSendProp->GetName(), pRecvProp->GetName() ) == 0 );

				g_PropTypeFns[pRecvProp->GetType()].FastCopy( pSendProp, pRecvProp, pSendBase, pRecvBase, objectID );