//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // BINDINGS.CPP // // Keyboard Shortcuts //=====================================================================================// #include "vxconsole.h" #define ID_BINDINGS_LISTVIEW 100 // column id #define ID_BIND_KEYCODE 0 #define ID_BIND_MENUNAME 1 #define ID_BIND_COMMAND 2 typedef struct { const CHAR* name; int width; int subItemIndex; } label_t; typedef struct { int keyCode; const char *pKeyString; char *pMenuName; char *pCommandString; } bind_t; // {VK_F1, "F1", "WireFrame", "incrementvar mat_wireframe 0 2 1"}, // {VK_F2, "F2", "FullBright", "incrementvar mat_fullbright 0 2 1"}, // {VK_F3, "F3", "Impulse 101", "impulse 101"}, // {VK_F4, "F4", "Screenshot", "*screenshot"}, bind_t g_bindings[MAX_BINDINGS] = { {VK_F1, "F1", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F2, "F2", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F3, "F3", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F4, "F4", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F5, "F5", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F6, "F6", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F7, "F7", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F8, "F8", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F9, "F9", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F10, "F10", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F11, "F11", NULL, NULL}, {VK_F12, "F12", NULL, NULL}, }; label_t g_bindings_labels[] = { {"Key", 80, ID_BIND_KEYCODE}, {"Menu Name", 150, ID_BIND_MENUNAME}, {"Command", 400, ID_BIND_COMMAND}, }; HWND g_bindings_hWnd; HWND g_bindings_hWndListView; RECT g_bindings_windowRect; char g_bindingsModify_menuName[256]; char g_bindingsModify_command[256]; char g_bindingsModify_keyCode[256]; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_ModifyEntry // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_ModifyEntry( int i, const char *pMenuName, const char *pCommandString ) { if ( g_bindings[i].pMenuName && g_bindings[i].pMenuName[0] ) Sys_Free( g_bindings[i].pMenuName ); g_bindings[i].pMenuName = Sys_CopyString( pMenuName ); if ( g_bindings[i].pCommandString && g_bindings[i].pCommandString[0] ) Sys_Free( g_bindings[i].pCommandString ); g_bindings[i].pCommandString = Sys_CopyString( pCommandString ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_GetSelectedItem // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Bindings_GetSelectedItem() { int i; int selection = -1; int state; for ( i=0; i<MAX_BINDINGS; i++ ) { state = ListView_GetItemState( g_bindings_hWndListView, i, LVIS_SELECTED ); if ( state == LVIS_SELECTED ) { selection = i; break; } } return selection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_TranslateKey // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Bindings_TranslateKey( int vkKeyCode ) { int i; for ( i=0; i<MAX_BINDINGS; i++ ) { if ( !g_bindings[i].pCommandString || !g_bindings[i].pCommandString[0] ) continue; if ( vkKeyCode == g_bindings[i].keyCode ) { ProcessCommand( g_bindings[i].pCommandString ); return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_MenuSelection // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Bindings_MenuSelection( int wID ) { int index; index = wID - IDM_BINDINGS_BIND1; if ( index < 0 || index > MAX_BINDINGS-1 ) return false; // as if the key were pressed... return ( Bindings_TranslateKey( g_bindings[index].keyCode ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_UpdateMenu // // Builds the dynamic menu //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_UpdateMenu() { HMENU hMenu; HMENU hNewMenu; MENUITEMINFO menuItemInfo; int i; int numAdded; char menuBuff[64]; hMenu = GetMenu( g_hDlgMain ); if ( !hMenu ) return; memset( &menuItemInfo, 0, sizeof( menuItemInfo ) ); menuItemInfo.cbSize = sizeof( MENUITEMINFO ); numAdded = 0; hNewMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); menuItemInfo.fMask = MIIM_ID|MIIM_FTYPE|MIIM_STRING; menuItemInfo.fType = MFT_STRING; for ( i=MAX_BINDINGS-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( !g_bindings[i].pCommandString || !g_bindings[i].pCommandString[0] ) continue; menuItemInfo.wID = IDM_BINDINGS_BIND1+i; sprintf( menuBuff, "%s\tF%d", g_bindings[i].pMenuName, g_bindings[i].keyCode-VK_F1+1 ); menuItemInfo.dwTypeData = ( LPSTR )menuBuff; InsertMenuItem( hNewMenu, 0, true, &menuItemInfo ); numAdded++; } if ( numAdded ) { // add seperator menuItemInfo.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE; menuItemInfo.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; InsertMenuItem( hNewMenu, 0, true, &menuItemInfo ); } menuItemInfo.fMask = MIIM_ID|MIIM_FTYPE|MIIM_STRING; menuItemInfo.fType = MFT_STRING; menuItemInfo.wID = IDM_BINDINGS_EDIT; menuItemInfo.dwTypeData = "Edit..."; InsertMenuItem( hNewMenu, 0, true, &menuItemInfo ); // delete the previous menu menuItemInfo.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; GetMenuItemInfo( hMenu, IDM_BINDINGS, false, &menuItemInfo ); if ( menuItemInfo.hSubMenu ) DestroyMenu( menuItemInfo.hSubMenu ); else { // add a new menu at the tail of the app menu AppendMenu( hMenu, MF_STRING, ( UINT_PTR )IDM_BINDINGS, "Bindings" ); } // add the new menu to bar menuItemInfo.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; menuItemInfo.hSubMenu = hNewMenu; SetMenuItemInfo( hMenu, IDM_BINDINGS, false, &menuItemInfo ); DrawMenuBar( g_hDlgMain ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BindingsModifyDlg_Proc // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CALLBACK BindingsModifyDlg_Proc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( message ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_MODIFYBIND_KEYCODE, g_bindingsModify_keyCode ); SetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_MODIFYBIND_MENUNAME, g_bindingsModify_menuName ); SetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_MODIFYBIND_COMMAND, g_bindingsModify_command ); return ( TRUE ); case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDC_OK: GetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_MODIFYBIND_MENUNAME, g_bindingsModify_menuName, sizeof( g_bindingsModify_menuName ) ); GetDlgItemText( hWnd, IDC_MODIFYBIND_COMMAND, g_bindingsModify_command, sizeof( g_bindingsModify_command ) ); case IDCANCEL: case IDC_CANCEL: EndDialog( hWnd, wParam ); return ( TRUE ); } break; } return ( FALSE ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BindingsModifyDlg_Open // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BindingsModifyDlg_Open( int selection ) { int result; sprintf( g_bindingsModify_keyCode, "F%d", selection+1 ); strcpy( g_bindingsModify_menuName, g_bindings[selection].pMenuName ); strcpy( g_bindingsModify_command, g_bindings[selection].pCommandString ); result = DialogBox( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_MODIFYBIND ), g_hDlgMain, ( DLGPROC )BindingsModifyDlg_Proc ); if ( LOWORD( result ) != IDC_OK ) return; // accept changes and update Bindings_ModifyEntry( selection, g_bindingsModify_menuName, g_bindingsModify_command ); ListView_RedrawItems( g_bindings_hWndListView, 0, MAX_BINDINGS-1 ); UpdateWindow( g_bindings_hWndListView ); Bindings_UpdateMenu(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_LoadConfig // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_LoadConfig() { char valueBuff[256]; char keyBuff[32]; char menuName[256]; char commandString[256]; char *ptr; char *token; int keyCode; int i; int numArgs; char buff[256]; for ( i=0; i<MAX_BINDINGS; i++ ) { menuName[0] = '\0'; commandString[0] = '\0'; sprintf( keyBuff, "bind%d", i ); Sys_GetRegistryString( keyBuff, valueBuff, "", sizeof( valueBuff ) ); // parse and populate valid values ptr = valueBuff; token = Sys_GetToken( &ptr, false, NULL ); if ( token[0] ) keyCode = atoi( token ); token = Sys_GetToken( &ptr, false, NULL ); if ( token[0] ) strcpy( menuName, token ); token = Sys_GetToken( &ptr, false, NULL ); if ( token[0] ) strcpy( commandString, token ); Bindings_ModifyEntry( i, menuName, commandString ); } Sys_GetRegistryString( "bindingsWindowRect", buff, "", sizeof( buff ) ); numArgs = sscanf( buff, "%d %d %d %d", &g_bindings_windowRect.left, &g_bindings_windowRect.top, &g_bindings_windowRect.right, &g_bindings_windowRect.bottom ); if ( numArgs != 4 ) memset( &g_bindings_windowRect, 0, sizeof( g_bindings_windowRect ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_SaveConfig // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_SaveConfig() { char valueBuff[256]; char buff[256]; char keyBuff[32]; char *pMenuName; char *pCommandString; int len; int i; WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; if ( g_bindings_hWnd ) { memset( &wp, 0, sizeof( wp ) ); wp.length = sizeof( WINDOWPLACEMENT ); GetWindowPlacement( g_bindings_hWnd, &wp ); g_bindings_windowRect = wp.rcNormalPosition; sprintf( buff, "%d %d %d %d", wp.rcNormalPosition.left, wp.rcNormalPosition.top, wp.rcNormalPosition.right, wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom ); Sys_SetRegistryString( "bindingsWindowRect", buff ); } for ( i=0; i<MAX_BINDINGS; i++ ) { sprintf( keyBuff, "bind%d", i ); pMenuName = g_bindings[i].pMenuName; if ( !pMenuName ) pMenuName = ""; pCommandString = g_bindings[i].pCommandString; if ( !pCommandString ) pCommandString = ""; len = _snprintf( valueBuff, sizeof( valueBuff ), "%d \"%s\" \"%s\"", g_bindings[i].keyCode, pMenuName, pCommandString ); if ( len == -1 ) { // kill it valueBuff[0] = '\0'; } Sys_SetRegistryString( keyBuff, valueBuff ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_SizeWindow // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_SizeWindow( HWND hwnd, int cx, int cy ) { if ( cx==0 || cy==0 ) { RECT rcClient; GetClientRect( hwnd, &rcClient ); cx = rcClient.right; cy = rcClient.bottom; } // position the ListView SetWindowPos( g_bindings_hWndListView, NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_WndProc // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CALLBACK Bindings_WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { WORD wID = LOWORD( wParam ); bind_t* pBind; int selection; switch ( message ) { case WM_CREATE: return 0L; case WM_DESTROY: Bindings_SaveConfig(); Bindings_UpdateMenu(); g_bindings_hWnd = NULL; return 0L; case WM_SIZE: Bindings_SizeWindow( hwnd, LOWORD( lParam ), HIWORD( lParam ) ); return 0L; case WM_NOTIFY: switch ( ( ( LPNMHDR )lParam )->code ) { case LVN_GETDISPINFO: NMLVDISPINFO* plvdi; plvdi = ( NMLVDISPINFO* )lParam; pBind = ( bind_t* )plvdi->item.lParam; switch ( plvdi->item.iSubItem ) { case ID_BIND_KEYCODE: plvdi->item.pszText = ( LPSTR )pBind->pKeyString; return 0L; case ID_BIND_MENUNAME: plvdi->item.pszText = pBind->pMenuName; return 0L; case ID_BIND_COMMAND: plvdi->item.pszText = pBind->pCommandString; return 0L; default: break; } break; case NM_DBLCLK: NMITEMACTIVATE *pnmitem; pnmitem = ( LPNMITEMACTIVATE )lParam; BindingsModifyDlg_Open( pnmitem->iItem ); break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch ( wID ) { case IDM_BINDOPTIONS_MODIFY: selection = Bindings_GetSelectedItem(); if ( selection >= 0 ) BindingsModifyDlg_Open( selection ); return 0L; case IDM_BINDOPTIONS_DELETE: selection = Bindings_GetSelectedItem(); if ( selection >= 0 ) { Bindings_ModifyEntry( selection, "", "" ); ListView_RedrawItems( g_bindings_hWndListView, 0, MAX_BINDINGS-1 ); UpdateWindow( g_bindings_hWndListView ); Bindings_UpdateMenu(); } return 0L; } break; } return ( DefWindowProc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_Open // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bindings_Open() { RECT clientRect; HWND hWnd; int i; LVITEM lvi; if ( g_bindings_hWnd ) { // only one instance if ( IsIconic( g_bindings_hWnd ) ) ShowWindow( g_bindings_hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); SetForegroundWindow( g_bindings_hWnd ); return; } hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "BINDINGSCLASS", "Edit Bindings", WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_SIZEBOX|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, 0, 0, 600, 300, g_hDlgMain, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL ); g_bindings_hWnd = hWnd; GetClientRect( g_bindings_hWnd, &clientRect ); hWnd = CreateWindow( WC_LISTVIEW, "", WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|LVS_REPORT|LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS|LVS_SINGLESEL|LVS_NOSORTHEADER, 0, 0, clientRect.right-clientRect.left, clientRect.bottom-clientRect.top, g_bindings_hWnd, ( HMENU )ID_BINDINGS_LISTVIEW, g_hInstance, NULL ); g_bindings_hWndListView = hWnd; // init list view columns for ( i=0; i<sizeof( g_bindings_labels )/sizeof( g_bindings_labels[0] ); i++ ) { LVCOLUMN lvc; memset( &lvc, 0, sizeof( lvc ) ); lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT|LVCF_WIDTH|LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.iSubItem = 0; lvc.cx = g_bindings_labels[i].width; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvc.pszText = ( LPSTR )g_bindings_labels[i].name; ListView_InsertColumn( g_bindings_hWndListView, i, &lvc ); } ListView_SetBkColor( g_bindings_hWndListView, g_backgroundColor ); ListView_SetTextBkColor( g_bindings_hWndListView, g_backgroundColor ); DWORD style = LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT|LVS_EX_GRIDLINES|LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP; ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx( g_bindings_hWndListView, style, style ); // populate list view for ( i=0; i<MAX_BINDINGS; i++ ) { int itemCount = ListView_GetItemCount( g_bindings_hWndListView ); // setup and insert at end of list memset( &lvi, 0, sizeof( lvi ) ); lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE; lvi.iItem = itemCount; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.state = 0; lvi.stateMask = 0; lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; lvi.lParam = ( LPARAM )&g_bindings[i]; ListView_InsertItem( g_bindings_hWndListView, &lvi ); } // set the first item selected ListView_SetItemState( g_bindings_hWndListView, 0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); SetFocus( g_bindings_hWndListView ); if ( g_bindings_windowRect.right && g_bindings_windowRect.bottom ) MoveWindow( g_bindings_hWnd, g_bindings_windowRect.left, g_bindings_windowRect.top, g_bindings_windowRect.right-g_bindings_windowRect.left, g_bindings_windowRect.bottom-g_bindings_windowRect.top, FALSE ); ShowWindow( g_bindings_hWnd, SHOW_OPENWINDOW ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings_Init // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Bindings_Init() { // set up our window class WNDCLASS wndclass; memset( &wndclass, 0, sizeof( wndclass ) ); wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = Bindings_WndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = g_hInstance; wndclass.hIcon = g_hIcons[ICON_APPLICATION]; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wndclass.hbrBackground = g_hBackgroundBrush; wndclass.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE( MENU_BINDOPTIONS ); wndclass.lpszClassName = "BINDINGSCLASS"; if ( !RegisterClass( &wndclass ) ) return false; Bindings_LoadConfig(); Bindings_UpdateMenu(); return true; }