//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_gamerules.h" #include "cs_blackmarket.h" #include "weapon_csbase.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include "cs_gamestats.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" extern int g_iRoundCount; #ifndef CLIENT_DLL inline void CBlackMarketElement::NetworkStateChanged() { } inline void CBlackMarketElement::NetworkStateChanged( void *pVar ) { } blackmarket_items_t blackmarket_items[] = { { "kevlar", KEVLAR_PRICE }, { "assaultsuit", ASSAULTSUIT_PRICE }, { "nightvision", NVG_PRICE }, }; CUtlVector<CBlackMarketElement> g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought; void TrackAutoBuyPurchases( const char *pWeaponName, CCSPlayer *pBuyer ) { if ( pBuyer->IsInAutoBuy() == false ) return; if ( pBuyer->IsInAutoBuy() == true ) { if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "m4a1" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyM4A1Purchases++; } else if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "ak47" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyAK47Purchases++; } else if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "famas" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyFamasPurchases++; } else if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "galil" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyGalilPurchases++; } else if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "assault" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyVestHelmPurchases++; } else if ( Q_stristr( pWeaponName, "kevlar" ) ) { g_iAutoBuyVestPurchases++; } } } void BlackMarketAddWeapon( const char *pWeaponName, CCSPlayer *pBuyer ) { //Ignore bot purchases. if ( pBuyer && pBuyer->IsBot() ) return; CSWeaponID iWeaponID = AliasToWeaponID( pWeaponName ); TrackAutoBuyPurchases( pWeaponName, pBuyer ); if ( g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought.Count() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought.Count(); i++ ) { if ( g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought[i].m_iWeaponID == iWeaponID ) { g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought[i].m_iTimesBought++; g_iWeaponPurchases[g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought[i].m_iWeaponID]++; return; } } } CBlackMarketElement newweapon; newweapon.m_iWeaponID = iWeaponID; newweapon.m_iTimesBought = 1; newweapon.m_iPrice = 0; g_iWeaponPurchases[newweapon.m_iWeaponID] = 1; g_BlackMarket_WeaponsBought.AddToTail( newweapon ); } int GetPistolCount( void ) { int iNumPistol = 0; for ( int j = 1; j < WEAPON_MAX; j++ ) { CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = GetWeaponInfo( (CSWeaponID)j ); if ( pWeaponInfo ) { if ( pWeaponInfo->m_WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL ) { iNumPistol++; } } } return iNumPistol; } int GetRifleCount( void ) { int iNumRifle = 0; for ( int j = 1; j < WEAPON_MAX; j++ ) { CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = GetWeaponInfo( (CSWeaponID)j ); if ( pWeaponInfo ) { if ( pWeaponInfo->m_WeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL ) { iNumRifle++; } } } return iNumRifle + ARRAYSIZE( blackmarket_items ); } #endif