//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "sdk_fx_shared.h" #include "weapon_sdkbase.h" #ifndef CLIENT_DLL #include "ilagcompensationmanager.h" #endif #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "fx_impact.h" #include "c_sdk_player.h" // this is a cheap ripoff from CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponSound(): void FX_WeaponSound( int iPlayerIndex, WeaponSound_t sound_type, const Vector &vOrigin, CSDKWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo ) { // If we have some sounds from the weapon classname.txt file, play a random one of them const char *shootsound = pWeaponInfo->aShootSounds[ sound_type ]; if ( !shootsound || !shootsound[0] ) return; CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; // this is client side only if ( !te->CanPredict() ) return; CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, iPlayerIndex, shootsound, &vOrigin ); } class CGroupedSound { public: string_t m_SoundName; Vector m_vPos; }; CUtlVector<CGroupedSound> g_GroupedSounds; // Called by the ImpactSound function. void ShotgunImpactSoundGroup( const char *pSoundName, const Vector &vEndPos ) { // Don't play the sound if it's too close to another impact sound. for ( int i=0; i < g_GroupedSounds.Count(); i++ ) { CGroupedSound *pSound = &g_GroupedSounds[i]; if ( vEndPos.DistToSqr( pSound->m_vPos ) < 300*300 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pSound->m_SoundName, pSoundName ) == 0 ) return; } } // Ok, play the sound and add it to the list. CLocalPlayerFilter filter; C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, NULL, pSoundName, &vEndPos ); int j = g_GroupedSounds.AddToTail(); g_GroupedSounds[j].m_SoundName = pSoundName; g_GroupedSounds[j].m_vPos = vEndPos; } void StartGroupingSounds() { Assert( g_GroupedSounds.Count() == 0 ); SetImpactSoundRoute( ShotgunImpactSoundGroup ); } void EndGroupingSounds() { g_GroupedSounds.Purge(); SetImpactSoundRoute( NULL ); } #else #include "sdk_player.h" #include "te_firebullets.h" // Server doesn't play sounds anyway. void StartGroupingSounds() {} void EndGroupingSounds() {} void FX_WeaponSound ( int iPlayerIndex, WeaponSound_t sound_type, const Vector &vOrigin, CSDKWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo ) {}; #endif // This runs on both the client and the server. // On the server, it only does the damage calculations. // On the client, it does all the effects. void FX_FireBullets( int iPlayerIndex, const Vector &vOrigin, const QAngle &vAngles, int iWeaponID, int iMode, int iSeed, float flSpread ) { bool bDoEffects = true; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL C_SDKPlayer *pPlayer = ToSDKPlayer( ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( iPlayerIndex ) ); #else CSDKPlayer *pPlayer = ToSDKPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex) ); #endif const char * weaponAlias = WeaponIDToAlias( iWeaponID ); if ( !weaponAlias ) { DevMsg("FX_FireBullets: weapon alias for ID %i not found\n", iWeaponID ); return; } char wpnName[128]; Q_snprintf( wpnName, sizeof( wpnName ), "weapon_%s", weaponAlias ); WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE hWpnInfo = LookupWeaponInfoSlot( wpnName ); if ( hWpnInfo == GetInvalidWeaponInfoHandle() ) { DevMsg("FX_FireBullets: LookupWeaponInfoSlot failed for weapon %s\n", wpnName ); return; } CSDKWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = static_cast< CSDKWeaponInfo* >( GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle( hWpnInfo ) ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // Do the firing animation event. if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsDormant() ) { if ( iMode == Primary_Mode ) pPlayer->m_PlayerAnimState->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY ); else pPlayer->m_PlayerAnimState->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY ); } #else // if this is server code, send the effect over to client as temp entity // Dispatch one message for all the bullet impacts and sounds. TE_FireBullets( iPlayerIndex, vOrigin, vAngles, iWeaponID, iMode, iSeed, flSpread ); bDoEffects = false; // no effects on server #endif iSeed++; int iDamage = pWeaponInfo->m_iDamage; int iAmmoType = pWeaponInfo->iAmmoType; WeaponSound_t sound_type = SINGLE; if ( bDoEffects) { FX_WeaponSound( iPlayerIndex, sound_type, vOrigin, pWeaponInfo ); } // Fire bullets, calculate impacts & effects if ( !pPlayer ) return; StartGroupingSounds(); for ( int iBullet=0; iBullet < pWeaponInfo->m_iBullets; iBullet++ ) { RandomSeed( iSeed ); // init random system with this seed // Get circular gaussian spread. float x, y; x = RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ) + RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ); y = RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ) + RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ); iSeed++; // use new seed for next bullet pPlayer->FireBullet( vOrigin, vAngles, flSpread, iDamage, iAmmoType, pPlayer, bDoEffects, x,y ); } EndGroupingSounds(); }