//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #include "cl_screenshotmanager.h" #include "convar.h" #include "replaysystem.h" #include "netmessages.h" #include "cl_replaymanager.h" #include "cl_sessionblockdownloader.h" #include "cl_recordingsession.h" #include "cl_renderqueue.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern ConVar replay_postdeathrecordtime; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND( save_replay, "Save a replay of the current life if possible." ) { // Is the user running a listen server? if ( g_pEngineClient->IsListenServer() ) { Replay_HudMsg( "#Replay_NoListenServer", "replay\\record_fail.wav", true ); return; } // Replay enabled on the server? if ( !g_pReplay->IsReplayEnabled() ) { Replay_HudMsg( "#Replay_NotEnabled", "replay\\record_fail.wav", true ); return; } // Are we recording? if ( !g_pReplay->IsRecording() ) { Replay_HudMsg( "#Replay_NotRecording", "replay\\record_fail.wav", true ); return; } // Is replay disabled on the client? if ( g_pClientReplayContextInternal->IsClientSideReplayDisabled() ) { Replay_HudMsg( "#Replay_ClientSideDisabled", NULL, true ); return; } // Get the replay for the current life CReplay *pReplayForCurrentLife = CL_GetReplayManager()->m_pReplayThisLife; // Already saved this replay? if ( !pReplayForCurrentLife || pReplayForCurrentLife->m_bRequestedByUser || pReplayForCurrentLife->m_bSaved ) { Replay_HudMsg( "#Replay_AlreadySaved", "replay\\record_fail.wav" ); return; } // Take a screenshot and write it to disk if one hasn't been taken already if ( !pReplayForCurrentLife->GetScreenshotCount() ) { CaptureScreenshotParams_t params; V_memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) ); params.m_flDelay = 0.0f; params.m_bPrimary = true; CL_GetScreenshotManager()->CaptureScreenshot( params ); } // Send a message to the server, regardless of whether the player is alive or dead, requesting // that a demo be written. Format a file name with the client's steam id and a timestamp // (gpGlobals->tickcount). CLC_SaveReplay msgSaveReplay; g_pEngineClient->GetNetChannel()->SendNetMsg( msgSaveReplay, true ); // Get the session CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->Find( pReplayForCurrentLife->m_hSession ) ); if ( !pSession ) { AssertMsg( 0, "Replay points to a non-existent session - should never happen!" ); CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_ReplayBadSession" ); return; } // Replay for current life is complete (ie, player is dead and replay is ready to be committed) if ( pReplayForCurrentLife->m_bComplete ) { CL_GetReplayManager()->CommitPendingReplayAndBeginDownload(); } else { // Mark the replay as requested by the user, so we can commit automatically as soon as // the replay is complete (ie when the player dies, etc.). pReplayForCurrentLife->m_bRequestedByUser = true; } // Cache replay pointer in owning session pSession->CacheReplay( pReplayForCurrentLife ); // Make sure downloading is enabled pSession->EnsureDownloadingEnabled(); // Add the new entry to the replay browser g_pClient->OnSaveReplay( pReplayForCurrentLife->GetHandle(), true ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND( replay_add_fake_replays, "Adds a set of fake replays" ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { DevMsg( "Use \'replay_add_fake_replays\' <num fake replays to add> <today only>\n" ); return; } // bool bTodayOnly = args.ArgC() >= 3 && args[2][0] == '1'; for ( int i = 0; i < atoi(args[1]); ++i ) { // TODO: } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_confirmquit, "Make sure all replays are rendered before quitting", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { // TODO: Check to see if any replays are downloading - warn user. If user wants to // quit anyway, make sure to set any blocks to not downloaded, save, and delete any // files that were only partially downloaded. // Unrendered replays? Display the quit confirmation dialog with the option to render all and quit if ( CL_GetReplayManager()->GetUnrenderedReplayCount() > 0 && g_pClient->OnConfirmQuit() ) { // Play a sound. g_pClient->PlaySound( "replay\\confirmquit.wav" ); } else { g_pEngine->Cbuf_AddText( "quit" ); g_pEngine->Cbuf_AddText( "\n" ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_deleteclientreplays, "Deletes all replays from client replay history, as well as all files associated with each replay.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { CUtlVector< ReplayHandle_t > vecReplayHandles; FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { vecReplayHandles.AddToTail( GET_REPLAY_AT( i )->GetHandle() ); } FOR_EACH_VEC( vecReplayHandles, i ) { CL_GetReplayManager()->DeleteReplay( vecReplayHandles[ i ], true ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_removeclientreplay, "Remove the replay at the given index.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Msg( "Not enough parameters.\n" ); return; } CL_GetReplayManager()->DeleteReplay( atoi(args[ 1 ]), true ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_printclientreplays, "Prints out all client replay info", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { const CReplay *pReplay = GET_REPLAY_AT( i ); if ( !pReplay ) continue; int nMonth, nDay, nYear; pReplay->m_RecordTime.GetDate( nDay, nMonth, nYear ); int nHour, nMin, nSec; pReplay->m_RecordTime.GetTime( nHour, nMin, nSec ); int nSpawnTick = pReplay->m_nSpawnTick; int nDeathTick = pReplay->m_nDeathTick; // TODO: All of this should go into a virtual function in CReplay, rather than some here and some in DumpGameSpecificData() char szTitle[MAX_REPLAY_TITLE_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pReplay->m_wszTitle, szTitle, sizeof( szTitle ) ); Msg( "replay %i: \"%s\"\n", i, szTitle ); Msg( " handle: %i\n", pReplay->GetHandle() ); Msg( " spawn/death tick: %i / %i\n", nSpawnTick, nDeathTick ); Msg( " date: %i/%i/%i\n", nMonth, nDay, nYear ); Msg( " time: %i:%i:%i\n", nHour, nMin, nSec ); Msg( " map: %s\n", pReplay->m_szMapName ); CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( pReplay->m_hSession ) ); const char *pSessionName = pSession ? pSession->m_strName.Get() : NULL; Msg( " session name: %s\n", pSessionName ? pSessionName : "" ); if ( pSession ) { Msg( " last block downloaded: %i\n", pSession->GetGreatestConsecutiveBlockDownloaded() ); Msg( " last block to download: %i\n", pSession->GetLastBlockToDownload() ); } int nScreenshotCount = pReplay->GetScreenshotCount(); Msg( "\n" ); Msg( " # screenshots: %i\n", nScreenshotCount ); Msg( " session handle: %i\n", (int)pReplay->m_hSession ); for ( int i = 0; i < nScreenshotCount; ++i ) { const CReplayScreenshot *pScreenshot = pReplay->GetScreenshot( i ); Msg( " screenshot %i:\n", i ); Msg( " dimensions: w=%i, h=%i\n", pScreenshot->m_nWidth, pScreenshot->m_nHeight ); Msg( " base filename: %s\n", pScreenshot->m_szBaseFilename ); } int nPerfCount = pReplay->GetPerformanceCount(); Msg( "\n" ); Msg( "# performances: %i\n", nPerfCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < nPerfCount; ++i ) { const CReplayPerformance *pCurPerformance = pReplay->GetPerformance( i ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pCurPerformance->m_wszTitle, szTitle, sizeof( szTitle ) ); Msg( " performance %i:\n", i ); Msg( " title: %s\n", szTitle ); Msg( " ticks: in=%i out=%i\n", pCurPerformance->m_nTickIn, pCurPerformance->m_nTickOut ); Msg( " filename: %s\n", pCurPerformance->m_szBaseFilename ); } Msg( "\n" ); pReplay->DumpGameSpecificData(); // Print replay status const char *pStatus; switch ( pReplay->m_nStatus ) { case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_INVALID: pStatus = "invalid"; break; case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_DOWNLOADPHASE: pStatus = "download phase"; break; case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_READYTOCONVERT: pStatus = "ready to convert"; break; case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_RENDERING: pStatus = "rendering"; break; case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_RENDERED: pStatus = "rendered"; break; case CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_ERROR: pStatus = "error"; break; default: pStatus = ""; } Msg( " status: %s\n\n\n", pStatus ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_renderpause, "Pause Replay rendering.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { if ( !CL_GetMovieManager()->IsRendering() ) return; if ( g_pReplayDemoPlayer->IsReplayPaused() ) { Msg( "Replay rendering already paused.\n" ); return; } // Pause playback g_pReplayDemoPlayer->PauseReplay(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_renderunpause, "Unpause Replay rendering.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { if ( !CL_GetMovieManager()->IsRendering() ) return; if ( !g_pReplayDemoPlayer->IsReplayPaused() ) { Msg( "Replay rendering not paused.\n" ); return; } // Unpause g_pReplayDemoPlayer->ResumeReplay(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_printqueuedtakes, "Print a list of takes queued for rendering.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { const int nCount = CL_GetRenderQueue()->GetCount(); if ( !nCount ) { ConMsg( "No takes queued for render.\n" ); return; } ConMsg( "Takes queued for render:\n" ); ConMsg( " %65s%65s\n", "Replay Name", "Take Name" ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { ReplayHandle_t hReplay; int iPerf; CL_GetRenderQueue()->GetEntryData( i, &hReplay, &iPerf ); const CReplay *pReplay = CL_GetReplayManager()->GetReplay( hReplay ); if ( !pReplay ) continue; char szTakeName[MAX_REPLAY_TITLE_LENGTH]; if ( iPerf == -1 ) { V_strcpy( szTakeName, "original" ); } else { const CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pReplay->GetPerformance( iPerf ); if ( !pPerformance ) continue; V_wcstostr( pPerformance->m_wszTitle, -1, szTakeName, sizeof( szTakeName ) ); } char szReplayTitle[MAX_REPLAY_TITLE_LENGTH]; V_wcstostr( pReplay->m_wszTitle, -1, szReplayTitle, sizeof( szReplayTitle ) ); ConMsg( " %02i:%65s%65s\n", i, szReplayTitle, szTakeName ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND_F( replay_clearqueuedtakes, "Clear takes from render queue.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { CL_GetRenderQueue()->Clear(); ConMsg( "Cleared.\n" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------