//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "datamodel/idatamodel.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattribute.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"

// Internal interface for IDmElementFactory
class IDmElementFactoryInternal : public IDmElementFactory
	virtual void SetElementTypeSymbol( CUtlSymbol sym ) = 0;
	virtual bool IsAbstract() const = 0;

// Class used to register factories into a global list
class CDmElementFactoryHelper
	// Static list of helpers
	static CDmElementFactoryHelper *s_pHelpers[2];

	// Create all the hud elements
	static void InstallFactories( );

	// Construction
	CDmElementFactoryHelper( const char *pClassName, IDmElementFactoryInternal *pFactory, bool bIsStandardFactory );

	// Accessors
	CDmElementFactoryHelper *GetNext( void );

	const char *GetClassname();
	IDmElementFactoryInternal *GetFactory();

	// Next factory in list
	CDmElementFactoryHelper	*m_pNext;
	// Creation function to use for this technology
	IDmElementFactoryInternal *m_pFactory;
	const char				*m_pszClassname;

// Inline methods 
inline const char *CDmElementFactoryHelper::GetClassname() 
	return m_pszClassname; 

inline IDmElementFactoryInternal *CDmElementFactoryHelper::GetFactory() 
	return m_pFactory; 

// Helper Template factory for simple creation of factories
template <class T >
class CDmElementFactory : public IDmElementFactoryInternal
	CDmElementFactory( const char *pLookupName ) : m_pLookupName( pLookupName ) {}

	// Creation, destruction
	virtual CDmElement* Create( DmElementHandle_t handle, const char *pElementType, const char *pElementName, DmFileId_t fileid, const DmObjectId_t &id )
		return new T( handle, m_pLookupName, id, pElementName, fileid );

	virtual void Destroy( DmElementHandle_t hElement )
		CDmElement *pElement = g_pDataModel->GetElement( hElement );
		if ( pElement )
			T *pActualElement = static_cast< T* >( pElement );
			delete pActualElement;

	// Sets the type symbol, used for "isa" implementation
	virtual void SetElementTypeSymbol( CUtlSymbol sym )
		T::SetTypeSymbol( sym );

	virtual bool IsAbstract() const { return false; }

	const char *m_pLookupName;

template < class T >
class CDmAbstractElementFactory : public IDmElementFactoryInternal
	CDmAbstractElementFactory() {}

	// Creation, destruction
	virtual CDmElement* Create( DmElementHandle_t handle, const char *pElementType, const char *pElementName, DmFileId_t fileid, const DmObjectId_t &id )
		return NULL;

	virtual void Destroy( DmElementHandle_t hElement )

	// Sets the type symbol, used for "isa" implementation
	virtual void SetElementTypeSymbol( CUtlSymbol sym )
		T::SetTypeSymbol( sym );

	virtual bool IsAbstract() const { return true; }


// Helper macro to create the class factory 
#if defined( MOVIEOBJECTS_LIB ) || defined ( DATAMODEL_LIB ) || defined ( DMECONTROLS_LIB )

#define IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( lookupName, className )	\
	IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT( className )							\
	CDmElementFactory< className > g_##className##_Factory( #lookupName );							\
	CDmElementFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #lookupName, &g_##className##_Factory, true );	\
	className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;

#define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_ELEMENT( lookupName, className )	\
	IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT( className )							\
	CDmAbstractElementFactory< className > g_##className##_Factory;									\
	CDmElementFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #lookupName, &g_##className##_Factory, true );	\
	className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;


#define IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( lookupName, className )	\
	IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT( className )							\
	CDmElementFactory< className > g_##className##_Factory( #lookupName );						\
	CDmElementFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #lookupName, &g_##className##_Factory, false );	\
	className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;

#define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_ELEMENT( lookupName, className )	\
	IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT( className )							\
	CDmAbstractElementFactory< className > g_##className##_Factory;									\
	CDmElementFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #lookupName, &g_##className##_Factory, false );	\
	className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;


// Used by classes defined in movieobjects or scenedatabase that must be explicitly installed
	IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT( className )							\
	CDmElementFactory< className > g_##className##_Factory( #lookupName );						\
	CDmElementFactoryHelper g_##className##_Helper( #lookupName, &g_##className##_Factory, false );	\
	className *g_##className##LinkerHack = NULL;

// Installs dm element factories
void InstallDmElementFactories( );