//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003

#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_bot.h"
#include "cs_shareddefs.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )			// warning 'this' used in base member initializer list - we're using it safely

static void PrefixChanged( IConVar *c, const char *oldPrefix, float flOldValue )
	if ( TheCSBots() && TheCSBots()->IsServerActive() )
		for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i )
			CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );

			if ( !player )

			if ( !player->IsBot() || !IsEntityValid( player ) )

			CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast< CCSBot * >( player );

			if ( !bot )

			// set the bot's name
			char botName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
			UTIL_ConstructBotNetName( botName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH, bot->GetProfile() );

			engine->SetFakeClientConVarValue( bot->edict(), "name", botName );

ConVar cv_bot_traceview( "bot_traceview", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "For internal testing purposes." );
ConVar cv_bot_stop( "bot_stop", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If nonzero, immediately stops all bot processing." );
ConVar cv_bot_show_nav( "bot_show_nav", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "For internal testing purposes." );
ConVar cv_bot_walk( "bot_walk", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots can only walk, not run." );
ConVar cv_bot_difficulty( "bot_difficulty", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Defines the skill of bots joining the game.  Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert." );
ConVar cv_bot_debug( "bot_debug", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "For internal testing purposes." );
ConVar cv_bot_debug_target( "bot_debug_target", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "For internal testing purposes." );
ConVar cv_bot_quota( "bot_quota", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Determines the total number of bots in the game." );
ConVar cv_bot_quota_mode( "bot_quota_mode", "normal", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Determines the type of quota.\nAllowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'.\nIf 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota.\nIf 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota." );
ConVar cv_bot_prefix( "bot_prefix", "", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "This string is prefixed to the name of all bots that join the game.\n<difficulty> will be replaced with the bot's difficulty.\n<weaponclass> will be replaced with the bot's desired weapon class.\n<skill> will be replaced with a 0-100 representation of the bot's skill.", PrefixChanged );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_rogues( "bot_allow_rogues", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may occasionally go 'rogue'. Rogue bots do not obey radio commands, nor pursue scenario goals." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_pistols( "bot_allow_pistols", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use pistols." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_shotguns( "bot_allow_shotguns", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use shotguns." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_sub_machine_guns( "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use sub-machine guns." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_rifles( "bot_allow_rifles", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use rifles." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_machine_guns( "bot_allow_machine_guns", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use the machine gun." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_grenades( "bot_allow_grenades", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use grenades." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_snipers( "bot_allow_snipers", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots may use sniper rifles." );
ConVar cv_bot_allow_shield( "bot_allow_shield", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
ConVar cv_bot_join_team( "bot_join_team", "any", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Determines the team bots will join into. Allowed values: 'any', 'T', or 'CT'." );
ConVar cv_bot_join_after_player( "bot_join_after_player", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots wait until a player joins before entering the game." );
ConVar cv_bot_auto_vacate( "bot_auto_vacate", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots will automatically leave to make room for human players." );
ConVar cv_bot_zombie( "bot_zombie", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If nonzero, bots will stay in idle mode and not attack." );
ConVar cv_bot_defer_to_human( "bot_defer_to_human", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not do the scenario tasks." );
ConVar cv_bot_chatter( "bot_chatter", "normal", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Control how bots talk. Allowed values: 'off', 'radio', 'minimal', or 'normal'." );
ConVar cv_bot_profile_db( "bot_profile_db", "BotProfile.db", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "The filename from which bot profiles will be read." );
ConVar cv_bot_dont_shoot( "bot_dont_shoot", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If nonzero, bots will not fire weapons (for debugging)." );
ConVar cv_bot_eco_limit( "bot_eco_limit", "2000", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots will not buy if their money falls below this amount." );
ConVar cv_bot_auto_follow( "bot_auto_follow", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "If nonzero, bots with high co-op may automatically follow a nearby human player." );
ConVar cv_bot_flipout( "bot_flipout", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If nonzero, bots use no CPU for AI. Instead, they run around randomly." );

extern void FinishClientPutInServer( CCSPlayer *pPlayer );

// Engine callback for custom server commands
void Bot_ServerCommand( void )

 * Constructor
CCSBot::CCSBot( void ) : m_chatter( this ), m_gameState( this )
	m_hasJoined = false;

 * Destructor

 * Prepare bot for action
bool CCSBot::Initialize( const BotProfile *profile, int team )
	// extend
	BaseClass::Initialize( profile, team );

	// CS bot initialization
	m_diedLastRound = false;
	m_morale = POSITIVE;			// starting a new round makes everyone a little happy

	m_combatRange = RandomFloat( 325.0f, 425.0f );

	// set initial safe time guess for this map
	m_safeTime = 15.0f + 5.0f * GetProfile()->GetAggression();

	m_name[0] = '\000';


	m_desiredTeam = team;

	if (GetTeamNumber() == 0)
		HandleCommand_JoinTeam( m_desiredTeam );
		int desiredClass = GetProfile()->GetSkin();
		if ( m_desiredTeam == TEAM_CT && desiredClass )
			desiredClass = FIRST_CT_CLASS + desiredClass - 1;
		else if ( m_desiredTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST && desiredClass )
			desiredClass = FIRST_T_CLASS + desiredClass - 1;
		HandleCommand_JoinClass( desiredClass );

	return true;

 * Reset internal data to initial state
void CCSBot::ResetValues( void )

	m_avoid = NULL;
	m_avoidTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_bendNoisePositionValid = false;

	m_isStuck = false;
	m_stuckTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_pathLength = 0;
	m_pathIndex = 0;
	m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_currentArea = NULL;
	m_lastKnownArea = NULL;
	m_isStopping = false;

	m_isFriendInTheWay = false;
	m_isWaitingBehindFriend = false;


	m_disposition = ENGAGE_AND_INVESTIGATE;

	m_enemy = NULL;

	m_grenadeTossState = NOT_THROWING;
	m_initialEncounterArea = NULL;

	m_wasSafe = true;

	m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0;
	m_enemyPlace = 0;
	m_nearbyFriendCount = 0;
	m_closestVisibleFriend = NULL;
	m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = NULL;

	for( int w=0; w<MAX_PLAYERS; ++w )
		m_watchInfo[w].timestamp = 0.0f;
		m_watchInfo[w].isEnemy = false;

		m_playerTravelDistance[ w ] = -1.0f;

	// randomly offset each bot's timer to spread computation out
	m_updateTravelDistanceTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.0f, 0.9f ) );
	m_travelDistancePhase = 0;

	m_isEnemyVisible = false;
	m_visibleEnemyParts = NONE;
	m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = -999.9f;
	m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_isLastEnemyDead = true;
	m_attacker = NULL;
	m_attackedTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_lastVictimID = 0;
	m_isAimingAtEnemy = false;
	m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_isFollowing = false;
	m_leader = NULL;
	m_followTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0.0f;

	m_enemyQueueIndex = 0;
	m_enemyQueueCount = 0;
	m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0;
	m_bomber = NULL;

	m_isEnemySniperVisible = false;

	m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_lookPitch = 0.0f;
	m_lookPitchVel = 0.0f;
	m_lookYaw = 0.0f;
	m_lookYawVel = 0.0f;

	m_aimOffsetTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_aimSpreadTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_lookAtSpotState = NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT;

	for( int p=0; p<MAX_PLAYERS; ++p )
		m_partInfo[p].m_validFrame = 0;

	m_spotEncounter = NULL;
	m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_peripheralTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_avgVelIndex = 0;
	m_avgVelCount = 0;

	m_lastOrigin = GetCentroid( this );

	m_lastRadioCommand = RADIO_INVALID;
	m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_radioSubject = NULL;
	m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_hostageEscortCount = 0;
	m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_noisePosition = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
	m_noiseTimestamp = 0.0f;

	m_stateTimestamp = 0.0f;
	m_taskEntity = NULL;

	m_approachPointCount = 0;
	m_approachPointViewPosition.x = 99999999999.9f;
	m_approachPointViewPosition.y = 0.0f;
	m_approachPointViewPosition.z = 0.0f;

	m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0;

	m_pathLadder = NULL;


	m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = false;

	// adjust morale - if we died, our morale decreased, 
	// but if we live, no adjustement (round win/loss also adjusts morale)
	if (m_diedLastRound)

	m_diedLastRound = false;

	// IsRogue() randomly changes this
	m_isRogue = false;	


	// even though these are EHANDLEs, they need to be NULL-ed
	m_goalEntity = NULL;
	m_avoid = NULL;
	m_enemy = NULL;

	for ( int i=0; i<MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE; ++i )
		m_enemyQueue[i].player = NULL;
		m_enemyQueue[i].isReloading = false;
		m_enemyQueue[i].isProtectedByShield = false;

	// start in idle state
	m_isOpeningDoor = false;

 * Called when bot is placed in map, and when bots are reset after a round ends.
 * NOTE: For some reason, this can be called twice when a bot is added.
void CCSBot::Spawn( void )
	// do the normal player spawn process


	V_strcpy_safe( m_name, GetPlayerName() );
