//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implementation of CLogEventArgument
// $Workfile:     $
// $Date:         $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "argument.h"
#include "memdbg.h"
using namespace std;

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::CLogEventArgument
// Purpose:	Constructor that builds the object out of the passed in string of text
// Input:	text - text representing the argument
CLogEventArgument::CLogEventArgument(const char* text)


// Function:	CLogEventArgument::CLogEventArgument
// Purpose:	 Default constructor

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::init
// Purpose:	initializes the argument
// Input:	text - the text representing the argument
void CLogEventArgument::init(const char* text) 

	int len=strlen(text);
	m_ArgText=new TRACKED char[len+1];

char* findStartOfSvrID(char* cs)
	char* read=&cs[strlen(cs)-1];
	while (read != cs)
		if (*read=='<' && *(read+1) != 'W') // if we've found a svrID
	return read;

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetID
// Purpose:	treats the argument as a player name, and returns the player ID.
// Note: PlayerName args have this form: "name<pid><WON:wonid>"
// Output:	the ID of the player represented by this argument
int CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetSvrPID() const
	char* read=findStartOfSvrID(m_ArgText);
	if (read==m_ArgText)
		return -1;

	int retval=-1;
	return retval;

PID CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetPID() const
	char* openPID=NULL;
	if (openPID=strchr(m_ArgText,'<'))
	unsigned long wonID;
	if (openPID=strstr(m_ArgText,"<WON:"))

	return PID(svrPID,wonID);
// Function:	CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetName
// Purpose:	treats the argument as a player name, and copies/returns the player name.
// Note: PlayerName args have this form: "name<pid><WONID:wonid>"
// Input:	copybuf - the buffer to copy the name into
// Output:	char* the pointer to the buffer that the name was copied into

char* CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetName(char* copybuf) const
	char* eon=findStartOfSvrID(m_ArgText);
	bool noPID=(eon==m_ArgText);
	char old=*eon;
	if (!noPID)

	if (!noPID)
	return copybuf;

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetName
// Purpose:	an alternate form of the above function that returns the playername 
// as a C++ string, rather than buffercopying it around
// Output:	string: the player's name
string CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetName() const
	char* eon=findStartOfSvrID(m_ArgText);
	bool noPID=(eon==m_ArgText);
	char old=*eon;
	if (!noPID)

	string s(m_ArgText);
	if (!noPID)
	return s;

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetWONID
// Purpose:	treats the argument as a player name, and returns the player's wonid
// Note: PlayerName args have this form: "name<pid><WON:wonid>"
// Output:	int: the WONID of the player

unsigned long CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetWONID() const
	char* openPID=NULL;
	unsigned long retval=INVALID_WONID;
	if (openPID=strstr(m_ArgText,"<WON:"))
		openPID+=5; //move past the <WON: string

	return retval;

unsigned long CLogEventArgument::asPlayerGetPID() const
	int svrPID=asPlayerGetSvrPID();
	if (pidMap[svrPID]==0 || pidMap[svrPID]==-1)
	return pidMap[svrPID];

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::getFloatValue
// Purpose:	 treats the argument as a floating point value, and returns it
// Output:	double
double CLogEventArgument::getFloatValue() const
	return atof(m_ArgText);

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::getStringValue
// Purpose:	 treats the argument as a string and returns a pointer to the argument
// text itself.  note the pointer is const, so the argument can't be modified by 
// the caller (unless they perform some nefarious casting on the returned pointer)
// Output:	const char*
const char* CLogEventArgument::getStringValue() const
	return m_ArgText;

// Function:	CLogEventArgument::getStringValue
// Purpose:	 an alternate form of the above that copies the string into a caller
// supplied buffer then returns a pointer to that buffer
// Input:	copybuf - the buffer into which the string is to be copied
// Output:	char* the pointer to the buffer that the caller passed in
char* CLogEventArgument::getStringValue(char* copybuf) const
	return copybuf;