//	Controls selection (and compilation) of various video subsystems 
//  Defines to add or remove to the preprocessor definitions:
//  AVI_VIDEO        - controls availability of IAvi interface, playing of AVI Video files in Engine
//  BINK_VIDEO	     - controls availability of IBik interface
//  QUICKTIME_VIDEO  - controls availability of IQuickTime interface
//  WMV_VIDEO        - controls availability of playing WMV MPEG video files in Engine
//  FORCE_QUICKTIME  - causes engine to force change ".bik" ".wmv" ".avi" extensions to ".mov" and 
//                     look for Quicktime playback *IF* the same file exists in .mov form

// We use Quicktime exclusively (and only quicktime) on the Mac
// We have two configurations for Win32. 
// 1) Comment out the following $macro line out to enable BINK (and AVI and WMV) playback of videos
// 2) Uncomment the following $macro line out to enable Quicktime (and AVI and WMV) playback of videos and
//     - the Quicktime file override ( the Quicktime .mov is played if present even if a .bnk, .avi or .wmv file was specified )

// $macro QUICKTIME_WIN32 1

$Conditional GL "1" [!$DEDICATED && !$WIN32 && !$WIN64]
// If we're using OpenGL, we're implicitly using SDL.
$Macro SDL "1" [$GL && !$DEDICATED]

		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;QUICKTIME_VIDEO;FORCE_QUICKTIME"		[$OSXALL]				

		// Windows PC, without Quicktime, and with Quicktime

		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;BINK_VIDEO;AVI_VIDEO;WMV_VIDEO"							[$WIN32&&!$QUICKTIME_WIN32]
		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;BINK_VIDEO"							[$X360]
		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;BINK_VIDEO"							[$LINUXALL]
		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION"			[$GL]
		$PreprocessorDefinitions		"$BASE;USE_SDL"										[$SDL]
                $AdditionalIncludeDirectories		"$BASE;$SRCDIR\thirdparty\SDL2"					[$SDL || $DEDICATED]