//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifndef VGUI_GRID_H
#define VGUI_GRID_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>

namespace vgui

// The grid control simply manages a grid of panels. You can adjust column sizes and spacings and 
// configure and fill the panels however you want.
// To use this control, call SetDimensions, SetSpacing and fill the controls.
class CGrid : public Panel
	virtual				~CGrid();

	bool				SetDimensions(int xCols, int yRows);		// Set how many columns and rows in the grid.
	void				Term();

	Panel*				GetEntry(int x, int y);						// Get the panel associated with a grid entry.
	bool				SetEntry(int x, int y, Panel *pPanel);
	int					GetXSpacing();
	int					GetYSpacing();
	void				SetSpacing(int xSpacing, int ySpacing);		// Set spacing between rows and columns.

	bool				SetColumnWidth(int iColumn, int width);		// Set a column's width.
	bool				SetRowHeight(int iRow, int height);			// Set a row's height.

	int					GetColumnWidth(int iColumn);
	int					GetRowHeight(int iRow);

	int					CalcFitColumnWidth(int iColumn);			// Returns the maximum width of all panels in the column.
	int					CalcFitRowHeight(int iRow);					// Returns the maximum height of all panels in the row.

	int					CalcDrawHeight();							// Returns how many pixels high the grid control should be
																	// for all of its contents to be visible (based on its row heights
																	// and y spacing).

	void				AutoSetRowHeights();						// Just does SetRowHeight(iRow, CalcFitRowHeight(iRow)) for all rows.

	bool				GetEntryBox(								// Returns the bounding box for the specified entry.
		int col, int row, int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h);

	bool				CopyColumnWidths(CGrid *pOther);			// Copy the column widths from the other grid. Fails if the 
																	// column count is different.

	void				RepositionContents();						// Sets the size and position of all the grid entries based
																	// on current spacings and row/column widths.
																	// You usually only want to call this while setting up the control
																	// if you want to get the position or dimensions of the child  
																	// controls. This will set them.

	void				SetRowUnderline(int row, bool enabled, int offset, int r, int g, int b, int a);	// sets underline color for a particular row

	// returns the true if found, false otherwise
	bool					GetCellAtPoint(int worldX, int worldY, int &row, int &col);

// Panel overrides.
	virtual void		Paint();
	virtual void		PaintBackground();


	class CGridEntry
		Panel	*m_pPanel;

		bool	m_bUnderline;
		short	m_UnderlineColor[4];
		int		m_iUnderlineOffset;

	void				Clear();
	CGridEntry*			GridEntry(int x, int y);

	void				CalcColOffsets(int iStart);
	void				CalcRowOffsets(int iStart);


	bool		m_bDirty;	// Set when controls will need to be repositioned.

	int			m_xCols;
	int			m_yRows;
	int			m_xSpacing;
	int			m_ySpacing;

	int			*m_Widths;
	int			*m_Heights;
	int			*m_ColOffsets;
	int			*m_RowOffsets;
	CGridEntry	*m_GridEntries;


#endif // VGUI_GRID_H