//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "beamdraw.h" #include "enginesprite.h" #include "iviewrender_beams.h" #include "view.h" #include "iviewrender.h" #include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h" #include "fx_line.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" extern ConVar r_drawsprites; extern ConVar r_DrawBeams; static IMaterial *g_pBeamWireframeMaterial; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Retrieve sprite object and set it up for rendering // Input : *pSpriteModel - // frame - // rendermode - // Output : CEngineSprite //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEngineSprite *Draw_SetSpriteTexture( const model_t *pSpriteModel, int frame, int rendermode ) { CEngineSprite *psprite; IMaterial *material; psprite = ( CEngineSprite * )modelinfo->GetModelExtraData( pSpriteModel ); Assert( psprite ); material = psprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode, frame ); if( !material ) return NULL; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); if ( ShouldDrawInWireFrameMode() || r_DrawBeams.GetInt() == 2 ) { if ( !g_pBeamWireframeMaterial ) g_pBeamWireframeMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "shadertest/wireframevertexcolor", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); pRenderContext->Bind( g_pBeamWireframeMaterial, NULL ); return psprite; } pRenderContext->Bind( material ); return psprite; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pMaterial - // source - // color - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawHalo(IMaterial* pMaterial, const Vector& source, float scale, float const* color, float flHDRColorScale ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; Vector point, screen; if( pMaterial ) { IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 ); // Transform source into screen space ScreenTransform( source, screen ); meshBuilder.Color3fv (color); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 1); VectorMA (source, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point); VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv (color); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 0); VectorMA (source, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point); VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv (color); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 0); VectorMA (source, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point); VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv (color); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 1); VectorMA (source, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point); VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Assumes the material has already been bound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawSprite( const Vector &vecOrigin, float flWidth, float flHeight, color32 color ) { unsigned char pColor[4] = { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a }; // Generate half-widths flWidth *= 0.5f; flHeight *= 0.5f; // Compute direction vectors for the sprite Vector fwd, right( 1, 0, 0 ), up( 0, 1, 0 ); VectorSubtract( CurrentViewOrigin(), vecOrigin, fwd ); float flDist = VectorNormalize( fwd ); if (flDist >= 1e-3) { CrossProduct( CurrentViewUp(), fwd, right ); flDist = VectorNormalize( right ); if (flDist >= 1e-3) { CrossProduct( fwd, right, up ); } else { // In this case, fwd == g_vecVUp, it's right above or // below us in screen space CrossProduct( fwd, CurrentViewRight(), up ); VectorNormalize( up ); CrossProduct( up, fwd, right ); } } CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; Vector point; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 1); VectorMA (vecOrigin, -flHeight, up, point); VectorMA (point, -flWidth, right, point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 0); VectorMA (vecOrigin, flHeight, up, point); VectorMA (point, -flWidth, right, point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 0); VectorMA (vecOrigin, flHeight, up, point); VectorMA (point, flWidth, right, point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 1); VectorMA (vecOrigin, -flHeight, up, point); VectorMA (point, flWidth, right, point); meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base()); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute vectors perpendicular to the beam //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ComputeBeamPerpendicular( const Vector &vecBeamDelta, Vector *pPerp ) { // Direction in worldspace of the center of the beam Vector vecBeamCenter = vecBeamDelta; VectorNormalize( vecBeamCenter ); CrossProduct( CurrentViewForward(), vecBeamCenter, *pPerp ); VectorNormalize( *pPerp ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // *spritemodel - // frame - // rendermode - // source - // delta - // flags - // *color - // fadescale - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawSegs( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, float startWidth, float endWidth, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, int flags, float* color, float fadeLength, float flHDRColorScale ) { int i, noiseIndex, noiseStep; float div, length, fraction, factor, vLast, vStep, brightness; Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f ); CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; if ( segments < 2 ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } length = VectorLength( delta ); float flMaxWidth = MAX(startWidth, endWidth) * 0.5f; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); if ( length*div < flMaxWidth * 1.414 ) { // Here, we have too many segments; we could get overlap... so lets have less segments segments = (int)(length / (flMaxWidth * 1.414)) + 1; if ( segments < 2 ) { segments = 2; } } if ( segments > noise_divisions ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? { segments = noise_divisions; } div = 1.0 / (segments-1); length *= 0.01; // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" if ( flags & FBEAM_NOTILE ) { // Don't tile vStep = div; } else { // Texture length texels per space pixel vStep = length*div; } // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { if ( segments < 16 ) { segments = 16; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); } scale *= 100; length = segments * (1.0/10); } else { scale *= length; } // Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2) noiseStep = (int)((float)(noise_divisions-1) * div * 65536.0f); noiseIndex = 0; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { noiseIndex = 0; } brightness = 1.0; if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) { brightness = 0; } // What fraction of beam should be faded Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f ); float fadeFraction = fadeLength/ delta.Length(); // BUGBUG: This code generates NANs when fadeFraction is zero! REVIST! fadeFraction = clamp(fadeFraction,1.e-6f,1.f); // Choose two vectors that are perpendicular to the beam Vector perp1; ComputeBeamPerpendicular( delta, &perp1 ); // Specify all the segments. CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); CBeamSegDraw segDraw; segDraw.Start( pRenderContext, segments, NULL ); for ( i = 0; i < segments; i++ ) { Assert( noiseIndex < (noise_divisions<<16) ); BeamSeg_t curSeg; curSeg.m_flAlpha = 1; fraction = i * div; // Fade in our out beam to fadeLength if ( (flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN) && (flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT) ) { if (fraction < 0.5) { brightness = 2*(fraction/fadeFraction); } else { brightness = 2*(1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction)); } } else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) { brightness = fraction/fadeFraction; } else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT ) { brightness = 1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction); } // clamps if (brightness < 0 ) { brightness = 0; } else if (brightness > 1) { brightness = 1; } VectorScale( *((Vector*)color), brightness, curSeg.m_vColor ); // UNDONE: Make this a spline instead of just a line? VectorMA( source, fraction, delta, curSeg.m_vPos ); // Distort using noise if ( scale != 0 ) { factor = prgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { float s, c; SinCos( fraction*M_PI*length + freq, &s, &c ); VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor * s, CurrentViewUp(), curSeg.m_vPos ); // Rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor * c, CurrentViewRight(), curSeg.m_vPos ); } else { VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor, perp1, curSeg.m_vPos ); } } // Specify the next segment. if( endWidth == startWidth ) { curSeg.m_flWidth = startWidth * 2; } else { curSeg.m_flWidth = ((fraction*(endWidth-startWidth))+startWidth) * 2; } curSeg.m_flTexCoord = vLast; segDraw.NextSeg( &curSeg ); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) noiseIndex += noiseStep; } segDraw.End(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CalcSegOrigin( Vector *vecOut, int iPoint, int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const Vector &source, const Vector& delta, const Vector &perp, int segments, float freq, float scale, float fraction, int flags ) { Assert( segments > 1 ); float factor; float length = VectorLength( delta ) * 0.01; float div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2) int noiseStep = (int)((float)(noise_divisions-1) * div * 65536.0f); int noiseIndex = (iPoint) * noiseStep; // Sine noise beams have different length calculations if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { length = segments * (1.0/10); noiseIndex = 0; } // UNDONE: Make this a spline instead of just a line? VectorMA( source, fraction, delta, *vecOut ); // Distort using noise if ( scale != 0 ) { factor = prgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { float s, c; SinCos( fraction*M_PI*length + freq, &s, &c ); VectorMA( *vecOut, factor * s, MainViewUp(), *vecOut ); // Rotate the noise along the perpendicular axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal VectorMA( *vecOut, factor * c, MainViewRight(), *vecOut ); } else { VectorMA( *vecOut, factor, perp, *vecOut ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // *spritemodel - // frame - // rendermode - // source - // delta - // flags - // *color - // fadescale - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawTeslaSegs( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, float startWidth, float endWidth, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, int flags, float* color, float fadeLength, float flHDRColorScale ) { int i; float div, length, fraction, vLast, vStep, brightness; Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f ); CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; if ( segments < 2 ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } if ( segments > noise_divisions ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? segments = noise_divisions; length = VectorLength( delta ) * 0.01; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" vStep = length*div; // Texture length texels per space pixel // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) brightness = 1.0; if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) brightness = 0; // What fraction of beam should be faded Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f ); float fadeFraction = fadeLength/ delta.Length(); // BUGBUG: This code generates NANs when fadeFraction is zero! REVIST! fadeFraction = clamp(fadeFraction,1.e-6f,1.f); Vector perp; ComputeBeamPerpendicular( delta, &perp ); // Specify all the segments. CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); CBeamSegDraw segDraw; segDraw.Start( pRenderContext, segments, NULL ); // Keep track of how many times we've branched int iBranches = 0; Vector vecStart, vecEnd; float flWidth = 0; float flEndWidth = 0; for ( i = 0; i < segments; i++ ) { BeamSeg_t curSeg; curSeg.m_flAlpha = 1; fraction = i * div; // Fade in our out beam to fadeLength if ( (flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN) && (flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT) ) { if (fraction < 0.5) { brightness = 2*(fraction/fadeFraction); } else { brightness = 2*(1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction)); } } else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) { brightness = fraction/fadeFraction; } else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT ) { brightness = 1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction); } // clamps if (brightness < 0 ) { brightness = 0; } else if (brightness > 1) { brightness = 1; } VectorScale( *((Vector*)color), brightness, curSeg.m_vColor ); CalcSegOrigin( &curSeg.m_vPos, i, noise_divisions, prgNoise, source, delta, perp, segments, freq, scale, fraction, flags ); // Specify the next segment. if( endWidth == startWidth ) curSeg.m_flWidth = startWidth * 2; else curSeg.m_flWidth = ((fraction*(endWidth-startWidth))+startWidth) * 2; // Reduce the width by the current number of branches we've had for ( int j = 0; j < iBranches; j++ ) { curSeg.m_flWidth *= 0.5; } curSeg.m_flTexCoord = vLast; segDraw.NextSeg( &curSeg ); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) // Now see if we'd like to branch here // For now, always branch at the midpoint. // We could branch randomly, and multiple times per beam if ( i == (segments * 0.5) ) { // Figure out what the new width would be // Halve the width because the beam is breaking in two, and halve it again because width is doubled above flWidth = curSeg.m_flWidth * 0.25; if ( flWidth > 1 ) { iBranches++; // Get an endpoint for the new branch vecStart = curSeg.m_vPos; vecEnd = source + delta + (MainViewUp() * 32) + (MainViewRight() * 32); vecEnd -= vecStart; // Reduce the end width by the current number of branches we've had flEndWidth = endWidth; for ( int j = 0; j < iBranches; j++ ) { flEndWidth *= 0.5; } } } } segDraw.End(); // If we branched, draw the new beam too if ( iBranches ) { DrawTeslaSegs( noise_divisions, prgNoise, spritemodel, frame, rendermode, vecStart, vecEnd, flWidth, flEndWidth, scale, freq, speed, segments, flags, color, fadeLength, flHDRColorScale ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // *beammodel - // *halomodel - // flHaloScale - // startWidth - // endWidth - // scale - // freq - // speed - // segments - // * - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawSplineSegs( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* beammodel, const model_t* halomodel, float flHaloScale, float frame, int rendermode, int numAttachments, Vector* attachment, float startWidth, float endWidth, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, int flags, float* color, float fadeLength, float flHDRColorScale ) { int noiseIndex, noiseStep; float div, length, fraction, factor, vLast, vStep, brightness; float scaledColor[3]; model_t *beamsprite = ( model_t *)beammodel; model_t *halosprite = ( model_t *)halomodel; CEngineSprite *pBeamSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( beamsprite, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pBeamSprite ) return; // Figure out the number of segments. if ( segments < 2 ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pBeamSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } if ( segments > noise_divisions ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? segments = noise_divisions; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { if ( segments < 16 ) segments = 16; } IMaterial *pBeamMaterial = pBeamSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); CBeamSegDraw segDraw; segDraw.Start( pRenderContext, (segments-1)*(numAttachments-1), pBeamMaterial ); CEngineSprite *pHaloSprite = (CEngineSprite *)modelinfo->GetModelExtraData( halosprite ); IMaterial *pHaloMaterial = NULL; if ( pHaloSprite ) { pHaloMaterial = pHaloSprite->GetMaterial( kRenderGlow ); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate widthStep if start and end width are different //----------------------------------------------------------- float widthStep; if (startWidth != endWidth) { widthStep = (endWidth - startWidth)/numAttachments; } else { widthStep = 0; } // Calculate total length of beam float flBeamLength = (attachment[0]-attachment[numAttachments-1]).Length(); // What fraction of beam should be faded float fadeFraction = fadeLength/flBeamLength; if (fadeFraction > 1) { fadeFraction = 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Go through each attachment drawing spline beams between them //--------------------------------------------------------------- Vector vLastPoint(0,0,0); Vector pPre; // attachment point before the current beam Vector pStart; // start of current beam Vector pEnd; // end of current beam Vector pNext; // attachment point after the current beam for (int j=0;j<numAttachments-1;j++) { if (j==0) { VectorCopy(attachment[0],pPre); VectorCopy(pPre,vLastPoint); } else { VectorCopy(attachment[j-1],pPre); } VectorCopy(attachment[j], pStart); VectorCopy(attachment[j+1], pEnd); if (j+2 >= numAttachments-1) { VectorCopy(attachment[j+1],pNext); } else { VectorCopy(attachment[j+2],pNext); } Vector vDelta; VectorSubtract(pEnd,pStart,vDelta); length = VectorLength( vDelta ) * 0.01; if ( length < 0.5 ) // Don't lose all of the noise/texture on short beams length = 0.5; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" vStep = length*div; // Texture length texels per space pixel // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { scale = scale * 100; length = segments * (1.0/10); } else scale = scale * length; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- noiseStep = (int)((float)(noise_divisions-1) * div * 65536.0f); noiseIndex = noiseStep; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) noiseIndex = 0; brightness = 1.0; if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) brightness = 0; BeamSeg_t seg; seg.m_flAlpha = 1; VectorScale( color, brightness, scaledColor ); seg.m_vColor.Init( scaledColor[0], scaledColor[1], scaledColor[2] ); // ------------------------------------------------- // Calc start and end widths for this segment // ------------------------------------------------- float startSegWidth = startWidth + (widthStep*j); float endSegWidth = startWidth + (widthStep*(j+1)); // ------------------------------------------------- // Now draw each segment // ------------------------------------------------- float fBestFraction = -1; float bestDot = 0; for (int i = 1; i < segments; i++ ) { fraction = i * div; // Fade in our out beam to fadeLength // BUG BUG: should be based on total lengh of beam not this particular fraction if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN ) { brightness = fraction/fadeFraction; if (brightness > 1) { brightness = 1; } } else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT ) { float fadeFractionOut = fadeLength/length; brightness = 1.0 - (fraction/ fadeFractionOut); if (brightness < 0) { brightness = 0; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate spline position // ----------------------------------------------------------- Vector vTarget(0,0,0); Catmull_Rom_Spline(pPre, pStart, pEnd, pNext, fraction, vTarget ); seg.m_vPos[0] = vTarget.x; seg.m_vPos[1] = vTarget.y; seg.m_vPos[2] = vTarget.z; // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Keep track of segment most facing the player for halo effect // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (pHaloMaterial) { Vector vBeamDir1; VectorSubtract(seg.m_vPos,vLastPoint,vBeamDir1); VectorNormalize(vBeamDir1); Vector vLookDir; VectorSubtract(CurrentViewOrigin(),seg.m_vPos,vLookDir); VectorNormalize(vLookDir); float dotpr = fabs(DotProduct(vBeamDir1,vLookDir)); static float thresh = 0.85; if (dotpr > thresh && dotpr > bestDot) { bestDot = dotpr; fBestFraction = fraction; } VectorCopy(seg.m_vPos,vLastPoint); } // ---------------------- // Distort using noise // ---------------------- if ( scale != 0 ) { factor = prgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale; if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE ) { float s, c; SinCos( fraction*M_PI*length + freq, &s, &c ); VectorMA( seg.m_vPos, factor * s, CurrentViewUp(), seg.m_vPos ); // Rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal VectorMA( seg.m_vPos, factor * c, CurrentViewRight(), seg.m_vPos ); } else { VectorMA( seg.m_vPos, factor, CurrentViewUp(), seg.m_vPos ); // Rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal factor = prgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale * cos(fraction*M_PI*3+freq); VectorMA( seg.m_vPos, factor, CurrentViewRight(), seg.m_vPos ); } } // Scale width if non-zero spread if (startWidth != endWidth) seg.m_flWidth = ((fraction*(endSegWidth-startSegWidth))+startSegWidth)*2; else seg.m_flWidth = startWidth*2; seg.m_flTexCoord = vLast; segDraw.NextSeg( &seg ); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) noiseIndex += noiseStep; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw halo on segment most facing the player // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (false&&pHaloMaterial) { Vector vHaloPos(0,0,0); if (bestDot != 0) { Catmull_Rom_Spline(pPre, pStart, pEnd, pNext, fBestFraction, vHaloPos); } else { Vector vBeamDir1; VectorSubtract(pStart,pEnd,vBeamDir1); VectorNormalize(vBeamDir1); Vector vLookDir; VectorSubtract(CurrentViewOrigin(),pStart,vLookDir); VectorNormalize(vLookDir); bestDot = fabs(DotProduct(vBeamDir1,vLookDir)); static float thresh = 0.85; if (bestDot > thresh) { fBestFraction = 0.5; VectorAdd(pStart,pEnd,vHaloPos); VectorScale(vHaloPos,0.5,vHaloPos); } } if (fBestFraction > 0) { float fade = pow(bestDot,60); if (fade > 1.0) fade = 1.0; float haloColor[3]; VectorScale( color, fade, haloColor ); pRenderContext->Bind(pHaloMaterial); float curWidth = (fBestFraction*(endSegWidth-startSegWidth))+startSegWidth; DrawHalo(pHaloMaterial,vHaloPos,flHaloScale*curWidth/endWidth,haloColor, flHDRColorScale); } } } segDraw.End(); // ------------------------ // Draw halo at end of beam // ------------------------ if (pHaloMaterial) { pRenderContext->Bind(pHaloMaterial); DrawHalo(pHaloMaterial,pEnd,flHaloScale,scaledColor, flHDRColorScale); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *spritemodel - // frame - // rendermode - // source - // scale - // *color - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BeamDrawHalo( const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, float scale, float* color, float flHDRColorScale ) { CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; DrawHalo( pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ), source, scale, color, flHDRColorScale ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // *spritemodel - // frame - // rendermode - // source - // delta - // width - // scale - // freq - // speed - // segments - // *color - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawDisk( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, float width, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, float* color, float flHDRColorScale ) { int i; float div, length, fraction, vLast, vStep; Vector point; float w; static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; if ( segments < 2 ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } if ( segments > noise_divisions ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? segments = noise_divisions; length = VectorLength( delta ) * 0.01; if ( length < 0.5 ) // Don't lose all of the noise/texture on short beams length = 0.5; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" vStep = length*div; // Texture length texels per space pixel // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) scale = scale * length; w = freq * delta[2]; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (segments - 1) * 2 ); // NOTE: We must force the degenerate triangles to be on the edge for ( i = 0; i < segments; i++ ) { float s, c; fraction = i * div; point[0] = source[0]; point[1] = source[1]; point[2] = source[2]; meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( point.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); SinCos( fraction * 2 * M_PI, &s, &c ); point[0] = s * w + source[0]; point[1] = c * w + source[1]; point[2] = source[2]; meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( point.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) } meshBuilder.End( ); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // *spritemodel - // frame - // rendermode - // source - // delta - // width - // scale - // freq - // speed - // segments - // *color - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawCylinder( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, float width, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, float* color, float flHDRColorScale ) { int i; float div, length, fraction, vLast, vStep; Vector point; CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; if ( segments < 2 ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } if ( segments > noise_divisions ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? segments = noise_divisions; length = VectorLength( delta ) * 0.01; if ( length < 0.5 ) // Don't lose all of the noise/texture on short beams length = 0.5; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" vStep = length*div; // Texture length texels per space pixel // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) scale = scale * length; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (segments - 1) * 2 ); float radius = delta[2]; for ( i = 0; i < segments; i++ ) { float s, c; fraction = i * div; SinCos( fraction * 2 * M_PI, &s, &c ); point[0] = s * freq * radius + source[0]; point[1] = c * freq * radius + source[1]; point[2] = source[2] + width; meshBuilder.Color3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( point.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); point[0] = s * freq * (radius + width) + source[0]; point[1] = c * freq * (radius + width) + source[1]; point[2] = source[2] - width; meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( point.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : noise_divisions - // *prgNoise - // (*pfnNoise - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawRing( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, void (*pfnNoise)( float *noise, int divs, float scale ), const model_t* spritemodel, float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, float width, float amplitude, float freq, float speed, int segments, float *color, float flHDRColorScale ) { int i, j, noiseIndex, noiseStep; float div, length, fraction, factor, vLast, vStep; Vector last1, last2, point, screen, screenLast(0,0,0), tmp, normal; Vector center, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis; float radius, x, y, scale; Vector d; CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } VectorCopy( delta, d ); if ( segments < 2 ) return; segments = segments * M_PI; if ( segments > noise_divisions * 8 ) // UNDONE: Allow more segments? segments = noise_divisions * 8; length = VectorLength( d ) * 0.01 * M_PI; if ( length < 0.5 ) // Don't lose all of the noise/texture on short beams length = 0.5; div = 1.0 / (segments-1); // UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness" vStep = length*div/8.0; // Texture length texels per space pixel // UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)? Texture scroll rate along beam vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1); // Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture) scale = amplitude * length / 8.0; // Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2) noiseStep = (int)((noise_divisions-1) * div * 65536.0) * 8; noiseIndex = 0; VectorScale( d, 0.5, d ); VectorAdd( source, d, center ); zaxis[0] = 0; zaxis[1] = 0; zaxis[2] = 1; VectorCopy( d, xaxis ); radius = VectorLength( xaxis ); // cull beamring // -------------------------------- // Compute box center +/- radius last1[0] = radius; last1[1] = radius; last1[2] = scale; VectorAdd( center, last1, tmp ); // maxs VectorSubtract( center, last1, screen ); // mins // Is that box in PVS && frustum? if ( !engine->IsBoxVisible( screen, tmp ) || engine->CullBox( screen, tmp ) ) { return; } yaxis[0] = xaxis[1]; yaxis[1] = -xaxis[0]; yaxis[2] = 0; VectorNormalize( yaxis ); VectorScale( yaxis, radius, yaxis ); j = segments / 8; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (segments) * 2 ); for ( i = 0; i < segments + 1; i++ ) { fraction = i * div; SinCos( fraction * 2 * M_PI, &x, &y ); point[0] = xaxis[0] * x + yaxis[0] * y + center[0]; point[1] = xaxis[1] * x + yaxis[1] * y + center[1]; point[2] = xaxis[2] * x + yaxis[2] * y + center[2]; // Distort using noise if ( scale != 0.0f ) { factor = prgNoise[(noiseIndex>>16) & 0x7F] * scale; VectorMA( point, factor, CurrentViewUp(), point ); // Rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal factor = prgNoise[(noiseIndex>>16) & 0x7F] * scale * cos(fraction*M_PI*3*8+freq); VectorMA( point, factor, CurrentViewRight(), point ); } // Transform point into screen space ScreenTransform( point, screen ); if (i != 0) { // Build world-space normal to screen-space direction vector VectorSubtract( screen, screenLast, tmp ); // We don't need Z, we're in screen space tmp[2] = 0; VectorNormalize( tmp ); VectorScale( CurrentViewUp(), tmp[0], normal ); // Build point along noraml line (normal is -y, x) VectorMA( normal, -tmp[1], CurrentViewRight(), normal ); // Make a wide line VectorMA( point, width, normal, last1 ); VectorMA( point, -width, normal, last2 ); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( last2.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Color3fv( color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, vLast ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( last1.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } VectorCopy( screen, screenLast ); noiseIndex += noiseStep; j--; if (j == 0 && amplitude != 0 ) { j = segments / 8; (*pfnNoise)( prgNoise, noise_divisions, 1.0f ); } } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : spritemodel - // *pHead - // delta - // *screen - // *screenLast - // die - // source - // flags - // width - // amplitude - // freq - // *color - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawBeamFollow( const model_t* spritemodel, BeamTrail_t* pHead, int frame, int rendermode, Vector& delta, Vector& screen, Vector& screenLast, float die, const Vector& source, int flags, float width, float amplitude, float freq, float* color, float flHDRColorScale ) { float fraction; float div; float vLast = 0.0; float vStep = 1.0; Vector last1, last2, tmp, normal; float scaledColor[3]; CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode ); if ( !pSprite ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode ); if( pMaterial ) { static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache ); if( pHDRColorScaleVar ) { pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale ); } } // UNDONE: This won't work, screen and screenLast must be extrapolated here to fix the // first beam segment for this trail // Build world-space normal to screen-space direction vector VectorSubtract( screen, screenLast, tmp ); // We don't need Z, we're in screen space tmp[2] = 0; VectorNormalize( tmp ); VectorScale( CurrentViewUp(), tmp[0], normal ); // Build point along noraml line (normal is -y, x) VectorMA( normal, -tmp[1], CurrentViewRight(), normal ); // Make a wide line VectorMA( delta, width, normal, last1 ); VectorMA( delta, -width, normal, last2 ); div = 1.0 / amplitude; fraction = ( die - gpGlobals->curtime ) * div; unsigned char nColor[3]; VectorScale( color, fraction, scaledColor ); nColor[0] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[0] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); nColor[1] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[1] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); nColor[2] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[2] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); // need to count the segments int count = 0; BeamTrail_t* pTraverse = pHead; while ( pTraverse ) { ++count; pTraverse = pTraverse->next; } CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, count ); while (pHead) { // Msg("%.2f ", fraction ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( last1.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color3ubv( nColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( last2.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color3ubv( nColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); // Transform point into screen space ScreenTransform( pHead->org, screen ); // Build world-space normal to screen-space direction vector VectorSubtract( screen, screenLast, tmp ); // We don't need Z, we're in screen space tmp[2] = 0; VectorNormalize( tmp ); VectorScale( CurrentViewUp(), tmp[0], normal ); // Build point along noraml line (normal is -y, x) VectorMA( normal, -tmp[1], CurrentViewRight(), normal ); // Make a wide line VectorMA( pHead->org, width, normal, last1 ); VectorMA( pHead->org, -width, normal, last2 ); vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only) if (pHead->next != NULL) { fraction = (pHead->die - gpGlobals->curtime) * div; VectorScale( color, fraction, scaledColor ); nColor[0] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[0] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); nColor[1] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[1] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); nColor[2] = (unsigned char)clamp( (int)(scaledColor[2] * 255.0f), 0, 255 ); } else { fraction = 0.0; nColor[0] = nColor[1] = nColor[2] = 0; } meshBuilder.Position3fv( last2.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color3ubv( nColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 1.0f, 1.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.Position3fv( last1.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color3ubv( nColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 1.0f ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); VectorCopy( screen, screenLast ); pHead = pHead->next; } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } /* P0 = start P1 = control P2 = end P(t) = (1-t)^2 * P0 + 2t(1-t)*P1 + t^2 * P2 */ void DrawBeamQuadratic( const Vector &start, const Vector &control, const Vector &end, float width, const Vector &color, float scrollOffset, float flHDRColorScale ) { int subdivisions = 16; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); CBeamSegDraw beamDraw; beamDraw.Start( pRenderContext, subdivisions+1, NULL ); BeamSeg_t seg; seg.m_flAlpha = 1.0; seg.m_flWidth = width; float t = 0; float u = fmod( scrollOffset, 1 ); float dt = 1.0 / (float)subdivisions; for( int i = 0; i <= subdivisions; i++, t += dt ) { float omt = (1-t); float p0 = omt*omt; float p1 = 2*t*omt; float p2 = t*t; seg.m_vPos = p0 * start + p1 * control + p2 * end; seg.m_flTexCoord = u - t; if ( i == 0 || i == subdivisions ) { // HACK: fade out the ends a bit seg.m_vColor = vec3_origin; } else { seg.m_vColor = color; } beamDraw.NextSeg( &seg ); } beamDraw.End(); }