//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef HUD_VOTE_H #define HUD_VOTE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "hudelement.h" #include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/SectionedListPanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/Frame.h> #include <vgui_controls/Button.h> #include <networkstringtabledefs.h> #include "vgui_avatarimage.h" extern INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableServerMapCycle; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL extern INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableServerPopFiles; extern INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableServerMapCycleMvM; #endif static const int k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH = 256; namespace vgui { class SectionedListPanel; class ComboBox; class ImageList; }; struct VoteIssue_t { char szName[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; char szNameString[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; bool bIsActive; }; class VoteBarPanel : public vgui::Panel, public CGameEventListener { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( VoteBarPanel, vgui::Panel ); VoteBarPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName ); virtual void Paint( void ); virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); private: int m_nVoteOptionCount[MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS]; // Vote options counter int m_nPotentialVotes; // If set, draw a line at this point to show the required bar length CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iBoxSize, "box_size", "16", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iSpacer, "spacer", "4", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iBoxInset, "box_inset", "1", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nYesTextureId, "yes_texture", "vgui/hud/vote_yes", "textureid" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nNoTextureId, "no_texture", "vgui/hud/vote_no", "textureid" ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A selection UI for votes that require additional parameters - such as players, maps //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CVoteSetupDialog : public vgui::Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CVoteSetupDialog, vgui::Frame ); public: CVoteSetupDialog( vgui::Panel *parent ); ~CVoteSetupDialog(); virtual void Activate(); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void PostApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData); void InitializeIssueList( void ); void UpdateCurrentMap( void ); void AddVoteIssues( CUtlVector< VoteIssue_t > &m_VoteSetupIssues ); void AddVoteIssueParams_MapCycle( CUtlStringList &m_VoteSetupMapCycle ); #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL void AddVoteIssueParams_PopFiles( CUtlStringList &m_VoteSetupPopFiles ); #endif private: //MESSAGE_FUNC( OnItemSelected, "ItemSelected" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnItemSelected, "ItemSelected", panel ); virtual void OnCommand( const char *command ); virtual void OnClose( void ); void RefreshIssueParameters( void ); void ResetData( void ); vgui::ComboBox *m_pComboBox; vgui::SectionedListPanel *m_pVoteSetupList; vgui::SectionedListPanel *m_pVoteParameterList; vgui::Button *m_pCallVoteButton; vgui::ImageList *m_pImageList; CUtlVector< VoteIssue_t > m_VoteIssues; CUtlVector<const char*> m_VoteIssuesMapCycle; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL CUtlVector<const char*> m_VoteIssuesPopFiles; #endif CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iIssueWidth, "issue_width", "100", "proportional_int" ); CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_iParameterWidth, "parameter_width", "150", "proportional_int" ); bool m_bVoteButtonEnabled; char m_szCurrentMap[MAX_MAP_NAME]; vgui::HFont m_hHeaderFont; Color m_HeaderFGColor; vgui::HFont m_hIssueFont; Color m_IssueFGColor; Color m_IssueFGColorDisabled; }; class CHudVote : public vgui::EditablePanel, public CHudElement { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudVote, vgui::EditablePanel ); CHudVote( const char *pElementName ); virtual void LevelInit( void ); virtual void Init( void ); virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); virtual void OnThink(); virtual int KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ); // NOTE: Any MsgFunc_*() methods added here need to check IsPlayingDemo(). void MsgFunc_CallVoteFailed( bf_read &msg ); void MsgFunc_VoteStart( bf_read &msg ); void MsgFunc_VotePass( bf_read &msg ); void MsgFunc_VoteFailed( bf_read &msg ); void MsgFunc_VoteSetup( bf_read &msg ); void PropagateOptionParameters( void ); void ShowVoteUI( bool bShow ) { m_bShowVoteActivePanel = bShow; } bool IsVoteUIActive( void ); bool IsVoteSystemActive( void ) { return m_bVoteSystemActive; } bool IsShowingVoteSetupDialog(); bool IsShowingVotingUI(); virtual GameActionSet_t GetPreferredActionSet() { return IsShowingVoteSetupDialog() ? GAME_ACTION_SET_MENUCONTROLS : CHudElement::GetPreferredActionSet(); } private: bool IsPlayingDemo() const; EditablePanel *m_pVoteActive; vgui::Label *m_pVoteActiveIssueLabel; CAvatarImagePanel *m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar; VoteBarPanel *m_voteBar; EditablePanel *m_pVoteFailed; EditablePanel *m_pVotePassed; EditablePanel *m_pCallVoteFailed; CVoteSetupDialog *m_pVoteSetupDialog; CUtlVector< VoteIssue_t > m_VoteSetupIssues; CUtlStringList m_VoteSetupMapCycle; int m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelX; int m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelY; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL CUtlStringList m_VoteSetupPopFiles; #endif CUtlStringList m_VoteSetupChoices; bool m_bVotingActive; bool m_bVoteSystemActive; float m_flVoteResultCycleTime; // what time will we cycle to the result float m_flHideTime; // what time will we hide bool m_bVotePassed; // what mode are we going to cycle to int m_nVoteOptionCount[MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS]; // Vote options counter int m_nPotentialVotes; // If set, draw a line at this point to show the required bar length bool m_bIsYesNoVote; int m_nVoteChoicesCount; bool m_bPlayerVoted; float m_flPostVotedHideTime; bool m_bShowVoteActivePanel; int m_iVoteCallerIdx; int m_nVoteTeamIndex; // If defined, only players on this team will see/vote on the issue }; #endif // HUD_VOTE_H