//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" #include "input.h" #include "hud.h" #include "hudelement.h" #include "hud_macros.h" #include "hud_numericdisplay.h" #include "iclientmode.h" #include "clientmode_shared.h" #include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imesh.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include "con_nprint.h" #include "hud_vote.h" #include "menu.h" #include <vgui/IScheme.h> #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include <vgui/ILocalize.h> #include <KeyValues.h> #include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h> #include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/Label.h> #include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h> #include "vgui_avatarimage.h" #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL #include "ienginevgui.h" #include "tf_gcmessages.h" #include "c_tf_player.h" #include "econ_notifications.h" #include "confirm_dialog.h" #include "gc_clientsystem.h" #include "tf_gamerules.h" #include "c_playerresource.h" #include "c_tf_objective_resource.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" ConVar cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting( "cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting", "0" ); ConVar cl_vote_ui_show_notification( "cl_vote_ui_show_notification", "0" ); #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CTFVoteNotification : public CEconNotification { public: CTFVoteNotification( const char *pPlayerName ) : CEconNotification() { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayerName, m_wszPlayerName, sizeof(m_wszPlayerName) ); SetLifetime( 7 ); SetText( "#GameUI_Vote_Notification_Text" ); AddStringToken( "initiator", m_wszPlayerName ); } virtual EType NotificationType() { return eType_AcceptDecline; } virtual void Trigger() { CTFGenericConfirmDialog *pDialog = ShowConfirmDialog( "#GameUI_Vote_Notification_Title", "#GameUI_Vote_Notification_Text", "#GameUI_Vote_Notification_View", "#cancel", &ConfirmShowVoteSetup ); pDialog->SetContext( this ); pDialog->AddStringToken( "initiator", m_wszPlayerName ); // so we aren't deleted SetIsInUse( true ); } virtual void Accept() { ConfirmShowVoteSetup( true, this ); } virtual void Decline() { ConfirmShowVoteSetup( false, this ); } static void ConfirmShowVoteSetup( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext ) { CTFVoteNotification *pNotification = (CTFVoteNotification*)pContext; if ( bConfirmed ) { // Show vote CHudVote *pHudVote = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudVote ); if ( pHudVote ) { pHudVote->ShowVoteUI( true ); } } pNotification->SetIsInUse( false ); pNotification->MarkForDeletion(); } public: wchar_t m_wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; }; #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VoteBarPanel::VoteBarPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : vgui::Panel( parent, panelName ) { for( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { m_nVoteOptionCount[index] = 0; } m_nPotentialVotes = 0; ListenForGameEvent( "vote_changed" ); } void VoteBarPanel::Paint( void ) { int wide, tall; GetSize( wide, tall ); int x = 0; // driller: this shouldn't ship - temp UI solution for playtesting for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { // Draw an outlined box vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 128, 128, 128, 128 ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, 0, x + m_iBoxSize, m_iBoxSize ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + m_iBoxInset, m_iBoxInset, x + m_iBoxSize - m_iBoxInset, m_iBoxSize - m_iBoxInset ); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) ); x += ( m_iBoxSize + 64 ); } x = 0; int iImageInset = 2 * m_iBoxInset; // Yes image vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nYesTextureId ); vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x + iImageInset, iImageInset, x + m_iBoxSize - iImageInset, m_iBoxSize - iImageInset ); x += ( m_iBoxSize + 64 ); // No image vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nNoTextureId ); vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x + iImageInset, iImageInset, x + m_iBoxSize - iImageInset, m_iBoxSize - iImageInset ); } void VoteBarPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *eventName = event->GetName(); if ( !eventName ) return; if( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_changed" ) ) { for ( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { char szOption[2]; Q_snprintf( szOption, sizeof( szOption ), "%i", index + 1 ); char szVoteOption[13] = "vote_option"; Q_strncat( szVoteOption, szOption, sizeof( szVoteOption ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); m_nVoteOptionCount[index] = event->GetInt( szVoteOption ); } m_nPotentialVotes = event->GetInt( "potentialVotes" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVoteSetupDialog::CVoteSetupDialog( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "VoteSetupDialog" ) { SetMoveable( false ); SetSizeable( false ); m_pVoteSetupList = new SectionedListPanel( this, "VoteSetupList" ); m_pVoteParameterList = new SectionedListPanel( this, "VoteParameterList" ); m_pCallVoteButton = new Button( this, "CallVoteButton", "CallVote", this, "CallVote" ); m_pComboBox = new ComboBox( this, "ComboBox", 5, false ); m_pImageList = NULL; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme"); SetScheme(scheme); #else SetScheme( "ClientScheme" ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVoteSetupDialog::~CVoteSetupDialog() { if ( m_pImageList ) { delete m_pImageList; m_pImageList = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetProportional( true ); LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/VoteHud.res" ); m_pComboBox->GetComboButton()->SetFgColor( Color( 117,107,94,255 ) ); m_pComboBox->GetComboButton()->SetDefaultColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) ); m_pComboBox->GetComboButton()->SetArmedColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) ); m_pComboBox->GetComboButton()->SetDepressedColor( Color( 117,107,94,255), Color( 0,0,0,0) ); if ( m_pImageList ) { delete m_pImageList; } m_pImageList = new ImageList( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Does dialog-specific customization after applying scheme settings. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::PostApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { // resize the images to our resolution for ( int i = 0; i < m_pImageList->GetImageCount(); i++ ) { int wide, tall; m_pImageList->GetImage( i )->GetSize( wide, tall ); m_pImageList->GetImage( i )->SetSize(scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), wide ), scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), tall ) ); } m_pVoteParameterList->SetImageList( m_pImageList, false ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetVisible( true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData ); IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() ); m_hIssueFont = INVALID_FONT; const char *pszFont = inResourceData->GetString( "issue_font", NULL ); if ( pszFont && pszFont[0] ) { m_hIssueFont = pScheme->GetFont( pszFont, true ); } m_hHeaderFont = INVALID_FONT; pszFont = inResourceData->GetString( "header_font", NULL ); if ( pszFont && pszFont[0] ) { m_hHeaderFont = pScheme->GetFont( pszFont, true ); } const char *pszColor = inResourceData->GetString( "issue_fgcolor", "Label.TextColor" ); m_IssueFGColor = pScheme->GetColor( pszColor, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); pszColor = inResourceData->GetString( "issue_fgcolor_disabled", "Label.TextColor" ); m_IssueFGColorDisabled = pScheme->GetColor( pszColor, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); pszColor = inResourceData->GetString( "header_fgcolor", "Label.TextColor" ); m_HeaderFGColor = pScheme->GetColor( pszColor, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::InitializeIssueList( void ) { m_pComboBox->RemoveAll(); m_pComboBox->SetVisible( false ); SetDialogVariable( "combo_label", "" ); for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteIssues.Count(); index++ ) { if ( !m_VoteIssues[index].szName || !m_VoteIssues[index].szName[0] ) continue; bool bActive = m_VoteIssues[index].bIsActive; char szIssueLocalized[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( m_VoteIssues[index].szNameString ), szIssueLocalized, sizeof( szIssueLocalized ) ); if ( !bActive ) { char szDisabled[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_Vote_Disabled" ), szDisabled, sizeof( szDisabled ) ); V_strcat_safe( szIssueLocalized, szDisabled ); } KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Issue" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Issue", szIssueLocalized ); pKeyValues->SetString( "IssueRaw", m_VoteIssues[index].szName ); pKeyValues->SetBool( "Active", m_VoteIssues[index].bIsActive ); int iId = m_pVoteSetupList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); // Setup the list entry style if ( m_hIssueFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteSetupList->SetItemFont( iId, m_hIssueFont ); Color colFG = bActive ? m_IssueFGColor : m_IssueFGColorDisabled; m_pVoteSetupList->SetItemFgColor( iId, colFG ); } } // Select the first item by default if ( m_pVoteSetupList->GetItemCount() > 0 ) { m_pVoteSetupList->SetSelectedItem( 0 ); } else { // No active issues char szIssueLocalized[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_Vote_System_Disabled" ), szIssueLocalized, sizeof( szIssueLocalized ) ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Issue" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Issue", szIssueLocalized ); pKeyValues->SetString( "IssueRaw", "Disabled" ); pKeyValues->SetBool( "Active", false ); int iId = m_pVoteSetupList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); if ( m_hIssueFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteSetupList->SetItemFont( iId, m_hIssueFont ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetItemFgColor( iId, m_IssueFGColor ); } } UpdateCurrentMap(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Keep track of the current map //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::UpdateCurrentMap( void ) { Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), m_szCurrentMap, sizeof(m_szCurrentMap) ); Q_strlower( m_szCurrentMap ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Feeds Issues from the server to this Dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::AddVoteIssues( CUtlVector< VoteIssue_t > &m_VoteSetupIssues ) { m_VoteIssues.RemoveAll(); for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteSetupIssues.Count(); index++ ) { m_VoteIssues.AddToTail( m_VoteSetupIssues[index] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Feeds the server's MapCycle to the parameters dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::AddVoteIssueParams_MapCycle( CUtlStringList &m_VoteSetupMapCycle ) { m_VoteIssuesMapCycle.RemoveAll(); for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteSetupMapCycle.Count(); index++ ) { m_VoteIssuesMapCycle.AddToTail( m_VoteSetupMapCycle[index] ); } } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Feeds the server's PopFiles to the parameters dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::AddVoteIssueParams_PopFiles( CUtlStringList &m_VoteSetupPopFiles ) { m_VoteIssuesPopFiles.RemoveAll(); for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteSetupPopFiles.Count(); index++ ) { m_VoteIssuesPopFiles.AddToTail( m_VoteSetupPopFiles[index] ); } } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::Activate() { InvalidateLayout( true, true ); BaseClass::Activate(); ResetData(); m_pVoteSetupList->SetVerticalScrollbar( true ); m_pVoteSetupList->RemoveAll(); m_pVoteSetupList->RemoveAllSections(); m_pVoteSetupList->AddSection( 0, "Issue" ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetSectionAlwaysVisible( 0, true ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetSectionFgColor( 0, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetBorder( NULL ); m_pVoteSetupList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "Issue", "#TF_Vote_Column_Issue", SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iIssueWidth ); if ( m_hHeaderFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteSetupList->SetFontSection( 0, m_hHeaderFont ); m_pVoteSetupList->SetSectionFgColor( 0, m_HeaderFGColor ); } m_pVoteParameterList->SetVerticalScrollbar( true ); m_pVoteParameterList->RemoveAll(); m_pVoteParameterList->RemoveAllSections(); m_pVoteParameterList->AddSection( 0, "Name" ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetSectionAlwaysVisible( 0, true ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetSectionFgColor( 0, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetBorder( NULL ); m_pVoteParameterList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "Avatar", "", SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_RIGHT, 55 ); m_pVoteParameterList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "", "", 0, 10 ); // Spacer m_pVoteParameterList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "Name", "#TF_Vote_Column_Name", 0, m_iParameterWidth * 0.6 ); m_pVoteParameterList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "Properties", "#TF_Vote_Column_Properties", SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iParameterWidth * 0.3 ); if ( m_hHeaderFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteParameterList->SetFontSection( 0, m_hHeaderFont ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetSectionFgColor( 0, m_HeaderFGColor ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetFontSection( 1, m_hHeaderFont ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetSectionFgColor( 1, m_HeaderFGColor ); } InitializeIssueList(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::OnClose() { ResetData(); BaseClass::OnClose(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { // We should have enough data to issue a CallVote command if ( !V_stricmp( command, "CallVote" ) ) { int iSelectedItem = m_pVoteSetupList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedItem >= 0 ) { char szVoteCommand[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; KeyValues *pIssueKeyValues = m_pVoteSetupList->GetItemData( iSelectedItem ); const char *szIssueRaw = pIssueKeyValues->GetString( "IssueRaw" ); if ( !V_stricmp( "ChangeLevel", szIssueRaw ) || !V_stricmp( "NextLevel", szIssueRaw ) ) { int nSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( nSelectedParam >= 0 ) { // Get selected Map int iSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedParam >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pParameterKeyValues = m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemData( iSelectedParam ); if ( pParameterKeyValues ) { // Which Map? const char *szMapName = pParameterKeyValues->GetString( "Name" ); Q_snprintf( szVoteCommand, sizeof( szVoteCommand ), "callvote %s %s\n;", szIssueRaw, szMapName ); engine->ClientCmd( szVoteCommand ); } } } } else if ( !V_stricmp( "Kick", szIssueRaw ) ) { // Get selected Player int iSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedParam >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemData( iSelectedParam ); if ( pKeyValues ) { // Is Player valid? int playerIndex = pKeyValues->GetInt( "index" ); const char *pReasonString = m_pComboBox->GetActiveItemUserData() ? m_pComboBox->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetName() : "other"; player_info_t playerInfo; if ( engine->GetPlayerInfo( playerIndex, &playerInfo ) ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex ); Q_snprintf( szVoteCommand, sizeof( szVoteCommand ), "callvote %s \"%d %s\"\n;", szIssueRaw, pPlayer->GetUserID(), pReasonString ); engine->ClientCmd( szVoteCommand ); #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL CSteamID steamID; CTFPlayer* pSubject = ToTFPlayer( pPlayer ); if ( pSubject && pSubject->GetSteamID( &steamID ) && steamID.GetAccountID() != 0 ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgTFVoteKickBanPlayer> msg( k_EMsgGCVoteKickBanPlayer ); uint32 reason = GetKickBanPlayerReason( pReasonString ); msg.Body().set_account_id_subject( steamID.GetAccountID() ); msg.Body().set_kick_reason( reason ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); } #endif } } } } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL else if ( !V_stricmp( "ChangeMission", szIssueRaw ) ) { int nSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( nSelectedParam >= 0 ) { // Get selected Challenge int iSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedParam >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pParameterKeyValues = m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemData( iSelectedParam ); if ( pParameterKeyValues ) { // Which Pop File? const char *szPopFile = pParameterKeyValues->GetString( "Name" ); Q_snprintf( szVoteCommand, sizeof( szVoteCommand ), "callvote %s %s\n;", szIssueRaw, szPopFile ); engine->ClientCmd( szVoteCommand ); } } } } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL else { // Non-parameter vote. i.e. callvote scrambleteams Q_snprintf( szVoteCommand, sizeof(szVoteCommand), "callvote %s\n;", szIssueRaw ); engine->ClientCmd( szVoteCommand ); } Close(); } } else { BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::OnItemSelected( vgui::Panel *panel ) { if ( panel == m_pVoteSetupList ) { m_pComboBox->RemoveAll(); m_pComboBox->SetVisible( false ); SetDialogVariable( "combo_label", "" ); // Which Issue did we select? int iSelectedItem = m_pVoteSetupList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedItem >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pIssueKeyValues = m_pVoteSetupList->GetItemData( iSelectedItem ); if ( !pIssueKeyValues ) return; CHudVote *pHudVote = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudVote ); if ( !pHudVote ) return; // We're rebuilding, so clear state m_bVoteButtonEnabled = false; m_pVoteParameterList->ClearSelection(); m_pVoteParameterList->RemoveAll(); const char *pszIssueRaw = pIssueKeyValues->GetString( "IssueRaw" ); bool bActive = pIssueKeyValues->GetBool( "Active" ); if ( !pHudVote->IsVoteSystemActive() || !bActive ) { m_bVoteButtonEnabled = false; } // CHANGELEVEL / NEXTLEVEL else if ( !V_stricmp( "ChangeLevel", pszIssueRaw ) || !V_stricmp( "NextLevel", pszIssueRaw ) ) { // Feed the mapcycle to the parameters list for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteIssuesMapCycle.Count(); index++ ) { // Don't show the current map if ( V_strncmp( m_VoteIssuesMapCycle[index], m_szCurrentMap, ( V_strlen( m_VoteIssuesMapCycle[index] ) - 1 ) ) == 0 ) continue; KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Name" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", m_VoteIssuesMapCycle[index] ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "index", index ); int iId = m_pVoteParameterList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); if ( m_hIssueFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFont( iId, m_hIssueFont ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFgColor( iId, m_IssueFGColor ); } } if ( m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemCount() == 0 ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Name" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", "#TF_vote_no_maps" ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "index", 1 ); m_pVoteParameterList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); } } // KICK else if ( !V_stricmp( "Kick", pszIssueRaw ) ) { // Feed the player list to the parameters list int nMaxClients = engine->GetMaxClients(); for ( int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex <= nMaxClients; playerIndex++ ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) continue; if ( pPlayer == pLocalPlayer ) continue; bool bAllowKickUnassigned = false; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL // Allow kicking team unassigned in MvM if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() && g_PR->IsConnected( playerIndex ) && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { bAllowKickUnassigned = true; } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL // Can't kick people on the other team, so don't list them if ( pPlayer->GetTeam() != pLocalPlayer->GetTeam() && !bAllowKickUnassigned ) continue; char szPlayerIndex[32]; Q_snprintf( szPlayerIndex, sizeof( szPlayerIndex ), "%d", playerIndex ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( szPlayerIndex ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "index", playerIndex ); int iId = m_pVoteParameterList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); if ( m_hIssueFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFont( iId, m_hIssueFont ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFgColor( iId, m_IssueFGColor ); } } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL SetDialogVariable( "combo_label", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_VoteKickReason" ) ); m_pComboBox->AddItem( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_VoteKickReason_Other" ), new KeyValues( "other" ) ); m_pComboBox->AddItem( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_VoteKickReason_Cheating" ), new KeyValues( "cheating" ) ); m_pComboBox->AddItem( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_VoteKickReason_Idle" ), new KeyValues( "idle" ) ); m_pComboBox->AddItem( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_VoteKickReason_Scamming" ), new KeyValues( "scamming" ) ); m_pComboBox->SilentActivateItemByRow( 0 ); m_pComboBox->SetVisible( true ); #endif } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL // CHANGE POP FILE else if ( !V_stricmp( "ChangeMission", pszIssueRaw ) ) { // Feed the popfiles to the parameters list for ( int index = 0; index < m_VoteIssuesPopFiles.Count(); index++ ) { // Don't show the current pop file const char *pszPopFileName = TFObjectiveResource()->GetMvMPopFileName(); if ( !pszPopFileName || !pszPopFileName[0] ) { // Use the map name char szShortMapName[ MAX_MAP_NAME ]; V_strncpy( szShortMapName, engine->GetLevelName(), sizeof( szShortMapName ) ); V_StripExtension( szShortMapName, szShortMapName, sizeof( szShortMapName ) ); if ( V_strncmp( m_VoteIssuesPopFiles[index], V_GetFileName( szShortMapName ), ( V_strlen( m_VoteIssuesPopFiles[index] ) - 1 ) ) == 0 ) continue; } else { // Use the specified pop file if ( V_strncmp( m_VoteIssuesPopFiles[index], TFObjectiveResource()->GetMvMPopFileName(), ( V_strlen( m_VoteIssuesPopFiles[index] ) - 1 ) ) == 0 ) continue; } KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Name" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", m_VoteIssuesPopFiles[index] ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "index", index ); int iId = m_pVoteParameterList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); if ( m_hIssueFont != INVALID_FONT ) { m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFont( iId, m_hIssueFont ); m_pVoteParameterList->SetItemFgColor( iId, m_IssueFGColor ); } } if ( m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemCount() == 0 ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Name" ); pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", "#TF_vote_no_challenges" ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "index", 1 ); m_pVoteParameterList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues ); pKeyValues->deleteThis(); } } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL else { // User selected an issue that doesn't require a parameter - Scrambleteams, Restartgame, etc m_bVoteButtonEnabled = true; } } } else if ( panel == m_pVoteParameterList ) { // If this issue requires a parameter, make sure we have one selected before enabling the CallVote button int iSelectedParam = m_pVoteParameterList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedParam >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pParameterKeyValues = m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemData( iSelectedParam ); if ( pParameterKeyValues ) { const char *szParameterName = pParameterKeyValues->GetString( "Name" ); if ( szParameterName ) { m_bVoteButtonEnabled = true; } } } } m_pCallVoteButton->SetEnabled( m_bVoteButtonEnabled ); RefreshIssueParameters(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates any additional data/info on Vote issue parameters //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::RefreshIssueParameters() { // In the case of the KICK issue, we list players and show additional properties (Bot, Disconnected) int iSelectedItem = m_pVoteSetupList->GetSelectedItem(); if ( iSelectedItem >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pIssueKeyValues = m_pVoteSetupList->GetItemData( iSelectedItem ); const char *pszIssueRaw = pIssueKeyValues->GetString( "IssueRaw" ); if ( !V_stricmp( "Kick", pszIssueRaw ) ) { if ( m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemCount() > 0 ) { for ( int index = 0; index < m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemCount(); index++ ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pVoteParameterList->GetItemData( index ); if ( !pKeyValues ) continue; int playerIndex = pKeyValues->GetInt( "index" ); player_info_t playerInfo; if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( playerIndex, &playerInfo ) ) { pKeyValues->SetString( "Properties", "Offline" ); continue; } pKeyValues->SetString( "Name", playerInfo.name ); if ( playerInfo.fakeplayer ) { pKeyValues->SetString( "Properties", "Bot" ); } else { pKeyValues->SetString( "Properties", "" ); } CSteamID steamID; C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID ) && steamID.GetAccountID() != 0 ) { CAvatarImage *pAvatar = new CAvatarImage(); pAvatar->SetAvatarSteamID( steamID ); pAvatar->SetAvatarSize( 32, 32 ); int iImageIndex = m_pImageList->AddImage( pAvatar ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "Avatar", iImageIndex ); } m_pVoteParameterList->InvalidateItem( index ); } } } m_pVoteParameterList->SetImageList( m_pImageList, false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoteSetupDialog::ResetData() { m_bVoteButtonEnabled = false; m_pVoteSetupList->RemoveAll(); m_pVoteParameterList->RemoveAll(); m_pComboBox->RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CHudVote ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, CallVoteFailed ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteStart ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VotePass ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteFailed ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteSetup ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handles all UI for Voting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHudVote::CHudVote( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass( NULL, "CHudVote" ) { vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport(); SetParent( pParent ); #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme"); SetScheme(scheme); #endif SetHiddenBits( 0 ); for( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { m_nVoteOptionCount[index] = 0; } m_pVoteActive = new EditablePanel( this, "VoteActive" ); m_pVoteActiveIssueLabel = new vgui::Label( m_pVoteActive, "Issue", "" ); m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar = new CAvatarImagePanel( m_pVoteActive, "TargetAvatarImage" ); m_voteBar = new VoteBarPanel( m_pVoteActive, "VoteBar" ); m_pVoteFailed = new EditablePanel( this, "VoteFailed" ); m_pVotePassed = new EditablePanel( this, "VotePassed" ); m_pCallVoteFailed = new EditablePanel( this, "CallVoteFailed" ); m_pVoteSetupDialog = new CVoteSetupDialog( pParent ); RegisterForRenderGroup( "mid" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetProportional( true ); LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/VoteHud.res" ); m_pVoteActiveIssueLabel->GetPos( m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelX, m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelY ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::Init( void ) { ListenForGameEvent( "vote_changed" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vote_options" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vote_cast" ); m_bVotingActive = false; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1; m_flHideTime = -1; m_bIsYesNoVote = true; m_bPlayerVoted = false; m_nVoteChoicesCount = 2; // Yes/No is the default m_bShowVoteActivePanel = false; m_iVoteCallerIdx = -1; m_bVoteSystemActive = false; m_nVoteTeamIndex = 0; HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, CallVoteFailed ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteStart ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VotePass ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteFailed ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudVote, VoteSetup ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::LevelInit( void ) { m_bVotingActive = false; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1; m_flHideTime = -1; m_flPostVotedHideTime = -1; m_bPlayerVoted = false; m_bShowVoteActivePanel = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CHudVote::KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { if ( !IsVisible() ) return 1; if ( !down ) return 1; if ( !m_bVotingActive ) return 1; if ( m_bPlayerVoted ) return 1; if ( !m_bShowVoteActivePanel ) return 1; int nSlot = 999; if ( down && keynum == KEY_F1 ) { nSlot = 1; } else if ( down && keynum == KEY_F2 ) { nSlot = 2; } else if ( down && keynum == KEY_F3 ) { nSlot = 3; } else if ( down && keynum == KEY_F4 ) { nSlot = 4; } else if ( down && keynum == KEY_F5 ) { nSlot = 5; } else { return 1; } // Limit key checking to the number of options if ( nSlot > m_nVoteChoicesCount ) return 1; char szNumber[2]; Q_snprintf( szNumber, sizeof( szNumber ), "%i", nSlot ); char szOptionName[13] = "vote option"; Q_strncat( szOptionName, szNumber, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); engine->ClientCmd( szOptionName ); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sent only to the caller //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::MsgFunc_CallVoteFailed( bf_read &msg ) { if ( IsPlayingDemo() ) return; vote_create_failed_t nReason = (vote_create_failed_t)msg.ReadByte(); int nTime = msg.ReadShort(); // if we're already drawing a vote, do nothing if ( ShouldDraw() ) return; C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; pLocalPlayer->EmitSound("Vote.Failed"); m_pVoteActive->SetVisible( false ); m_pVoteFailed->SetVisible( false ); m_pVotePassed->SetVisible( false ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetVisible( true ); m_pVoteSetupDialog->SetVisible( false ); m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 4.f; char szTime[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; wchar_t wszTime[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; bool bMinutes = ( nTime > 65 ); if ( bMinutes ) { nTime /= 60; } Q_snprintf( szTime, sizeof ( szTime), "%i", nTime ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szTime, wszTime, sizeof( wszTime ) ); wchar_t wszHeaderString[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; switch( nReason ) { case VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED: { const char *pszTimeString = ( bMinutes ) ? ( ( nTime < 2 ) ? "#GameUI_vote_failed_vote_spam_min" : "#GameUI_vote_failed_vote_spam_mins" ) : "#GameUI_vote_failed_vote_spam"; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszHeaderString, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszTimeString ), 1, wszTime ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetDialogVariable( "FailedReason", wszHeaderString ); break; } case VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_VALID: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_map_not_valid" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_ON_COOLDOWN: { const char *pszTimeString = ( bMinutes ) ? ( ( nTime < 2 ) ? "#GameUI_vote_failed_recently_min" : "#GameUI_vote_failed_recently_mins" ) : "#GameUI_vote_failed_recently"; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszHeaderString, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszTimeString ), 1, wszTime ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetDialogVariable( "FailedReason", wszHeaderString ); break; } case VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_spectator" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_FOR_TIME: { const char *pszTimeString = ( bMinutes ) ? ( ( nTime < 2 ) ? "#GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_min" : "#GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_mins" ) : "#GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick"; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszHeaderString, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszTimeString ), 1, wszTime ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetDialogVariable( "FailedReason", wszHeaderString ); break; } case VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_DURING_ROUND: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_round_active" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_MODIFICATION_ALREADY_ACTIVE: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_event_already_active" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_KICK_LIMIT_REACHED: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_kick_limit" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_KICK_DENIED_BY_GC: m_pCallVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_kick_limit_gc" ); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sent to everyone //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::MsgFunc_VoteFailed( bf_read &msg ) { if ( IsPlayingDemo() ) return; m_nVoteTeamIndex = msg.ReadByte(); vote_create_failed_t nReason = (vote_create_failed_t)msg.ReadByte(); // Visibility of this error is handled by OnThink() m_bVotingActive = false; m_bVotePassed = false; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.f; m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5.f; switch ( nReason ) { case VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC: m_pVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO: m_pVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_yesno" ); break; case VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE: m_pVoteFailed->SetControlString( "FailedReason", "#GameUI_vote_failed_quorum" ); break; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "vote_failed" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "team", m_nVoteTeamIndex ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; bool bShowToPlayer = ( !m_nVoteTeamIndex || pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == m_nVoteTeamIndex ); if ( bShowToPlayer ) { pLocalPlayer->EmitSound("Vote.Failed"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::MsgFunc_VoteStart( bf_read &msg ) { if ( IsPlayingDemo() ) return; C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; // Is this a team-only vote? m_nVoteTeamIndex = msg.ReadByte(); if ( m_nVoteTeamIndex >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM && m_nVoteTeamIndex != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) return; // Entity calling the vote bool bShowNotif = cl_vote_ui_show_notification.GetBool(); const char *pszCallerName = "Server"; m_iVoteCallerIdx = msg.ReadByte(); if ( m_iVoteCallerIdx != DEDICATED_SERVER ) { C_BasePlayer *pVoteCaller = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( m_iVoteCallerIdx ); if ( pVoteCaller ) { pszCallerName = pVoteCaller->GetPlayerName(); // Don't show a notification to the caller if ( pVoteCaller == pLocalPlayer ) { bShowNotif = false; } } else { // Caller invalid for some reason pszCallerName = "Player"; } } // DisplayString char szIssue[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; msg.ReadString( szIssue, sizeof(szIssue) ); // DetailString char szParam1[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; msg.ReadString( szParam1, sizeof(szParam1) ); m_bIsYesNoVote = msg.ReadByte(); int iTargetEntIndex = msg.ReadByte(); m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1.f; m_bVotingActive = true; m_pVoteFailed->SetVisible( false ); m_pVotePassed->SetVisible( false ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetVisible( false ); m_pVoteSetupDialog->SetVisible( false ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "HideVoteBackgrounds" ); m_voteBar->SetVisible( m_bIsYesNoVote ); // There will always be at least two choices... m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "LabelOption1", true ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "LabelOption2", true ); // ...sometimes more m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "LabelOption3", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 2 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Option3Background_Selected", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 2 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "LabelOption4", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 3 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Option4Background_Selected", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 3 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "LabelOption5", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 4 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Option5Background_Selected", m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() > 4 ? true : false ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "VoteCountLabel", m_bIsYesNoVote ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Option1CountLabel", m_bIsYesNoVote ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Option2CountLabel", m_bIsYesNoVote ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Divider1", m_bIsYesNoVote ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlVisible( "Divider2", m_bIsYesNoVote ); // Display vote caller's name wchar_t wszCallerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; wchar_t wszHeaderString[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; // Player g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszCallerName, wszCallerName, sizeof( wszCallerName ) ); // String g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszHeaderString, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_vote_header" ), 1, wszCallerName ); // Final m_pVoteActive->SetDialogVariable( "header", wszHeaderString ); // Display the Issue wchar_t *pwcParam; wchar_t wcParam[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; wchar_t *pwcIssue; wchar_t wcIssue[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; if ( Q_strlen( szParam1 ) > 0 ) { if ( szParam1[0] == '#' ) { // localize it pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szParam1 ); } else { // convert to wchar g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szParam1, wcParam, sizeof( wcParam ) ); pwcParam = wcParam; } g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wcIssue, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szIssue ), 1, pwcParam ); pwcIssue = wcIssue; } else { // no param, just localize the issue pwcIssue = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szIssue ); } m_pVoteActive->SetDialogVariable( "voteissue", pwcIssue ); // Figure out which UI if ( m_bIsYesNoVote ) { // YES / NO UI wchar_t wzFinal[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = L""; wchar_t *pszText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ::input->IsSteamControllerActive() ? "#GameUI_vote_yes_sc_instruction" : "#GameUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" ); if ( pszText ) { UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( pszText, 0, wzFinal, sizeof( wzFinal ), GAME_ACTION_SET_FPSCONTROLS ); if ( m_pVoteActive ) m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( "LabelOption1", wzFinal ); } pszText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ::input->IsSteamControllerActive() ? "#GameUI_vote_no_sc_instruction" : "#GameUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" ); if ( pszText ) { UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( pszText, 0, wzFinal, sizeof( wzFinal ), GAME_ACTION_SET_FPSCONTROLS ); if ( m_pVoteActive ) m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( "LabelOption2", wzFinal ); } } else { // GENERAL UI if ( m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() ) { // Clear the labels to prevent previous options from being displayed, // such as when there are fewer options this vote than the previous for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; iIndex++ ) { // Construct Label name char szOptionNum[2]; Q_snprintf( szOptionNum, sizeof( szOptionNum ), "%i", iIndex + 1 ); char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "LabelOption"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionNum, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( szVoteOptionCount, "" ); } // Set us up the vote for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteChoicesCount; iIndex++ ) { // Construct Option name const char *pszChoiceName = m_VoteSetupChoices[iIndex]; char szOptionName[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; Q_snprintf( szOptionName, sizeof( szOptionName ), "F%i. ", iIndex + 1 ); Q_strncat( szOptionName, pszChoiceName, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); // Construct Label name char szOptionNum[2]; Q_snprintf( szOptionNum, sizeof( szOptionNum ), "%i", iIndex + 1 ); char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "LabelOption"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionNum, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); // Set Label string if ( m_pVoteActive ) { m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionName ); } } } } // Is the target a player? int nTargetLabelX = m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelX; C_BasePlayer *pTargetPlayer = NULL; if ( iTargetEntIndex ) { pTargetPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iTargetEntIndex ); if ( pTargetPlayer ) { m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar->SetPlayer( pTargetPlayer ); m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false ); nTargetLabelX += ( m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar->GetWide() + XRES( 3 ) ); } } m_pVoteActiveIssueLabel->SetPos( nTargetLabelX, m_nVoteActiveIssueLabelY ); m_pVoteActiveTargetAvatar->SetVisible( pTargetPlayer ? true : false ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "vote_started" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "issue", szIssue ); event->SetString( "param1", szParam1 ); event->SetInt( "team", m_nVoteTeamIndex ); event->SetInt( "initiator", m_iVoteCallerIdx ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL if ( bShowNotif ) { NotificationQueue_Add( new CTFVoteNotification( pszCallerName ) ); } else { m_bShowVoteActivePanel = true; } #else m_bShowVoteActivePanel = true; #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::MsgFunc_VotePass( bf_read &msg ) { if ( IsPlayingDemo() ) return; m_nVoteTeamIndex = msg.ReadByte(); // Passed string char szResult[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; szResult[0] = 0; msg.ReadString( szResult, sizeof(szResult) ); // Detail string char szParam1[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; szParam1[0] = 0; msg.ReadString( szParam1, sizeof(szParam1) ); // Localize wchar_t *pwcParam; wchar_t wcParam[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; wchar_t *pwcIssue; wchar_t wcIssue[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; if ( Q_strlen( szParam1 ) > 0 ) { if ( szParam1[0] == '#' ) { pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szParam1 ); } else { // Convert to wchar g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szParam1, wcParam, sizeof( wcParam ) ); pwcParam = wcParam; } g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wcIssue, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szResult ), 1, pwcParam ); pwcIssue = wcIssue; } else { // No param, just localize the result pwcIssue = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szResult ); } m_pVotePassed->SetDialogVariable( "passedresult", pwcIssue ); m_bVotingActive = false; m_bVotePassed = true; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.f; m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5.f; // driller: this event has no listeners - will eventually hook into stats IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "vote_passed" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "details", szResult ); event->SetString( "param1", szParam1 ); event->SetInt( "team", m_nVoteTeamIndex ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; pLocalPlayer->EmitSound( "Vote.Passed" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Creates a UI for Vote Issue selection //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::MsgFunc_VoteSetup( bf_read &msg ) { if ( IsPlayingDemo() ) return; m_pVoteActive->SetVisible( false ); m_pVoteFailed->SetVisible( false ); m_pVotePassed->SetVisible( false ); m_pCallVoteFailed->SetVisible( false ); C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; // Load up the list of Vote Issues m_VoteSetupIssues.RemoveAll(); int nIssueCount = msg.ReadByte(); if ( nIssueCount ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nIssueCount; i++ ) { char szIssue[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; char szIssueString[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH]; msg.ReadString( szIssue, sizeof( szIssue ) ); msg.ReadString( szIssueString, sizeof( szIssueString ) ); bool bIsActive = (bool)msg.ReadByte(); m_bVoteSystemActive |= bIsActive; bool bAdd = true; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_VoteSetupIssues, j ) { if ( !V_strcmp( szIssue, m_VoteSetupIssues[j].szName ) ) { bAdd = false; break; } } if ( bAdd ) { // When empty, assume that we just pre-pend #Vote_ to szIssue (reduces msg size) if ( !szIssueString[0] ) { V_sprintf_safe( szIssueString, "#Vote_%s", szIssue ); } VoteIssue_t issue; V_strcpy_safe( issue.szName, szIssue ); V_strcpy_safe( issue.szNameString, szIssueString ); issue.bIsActive = bIsActive; // Send it over to the listpanel m_VoteSetupIssues.AddToTail( issue ); } } } m_pVoteSetupDialog->AddVoteIssues( m_VoteSetupIssues ); // Load up the list of Vote Issue Parameters m_VoteSetupMapCycle.RemoveAll(); // Use the appropriate stringtable for maps based on gamemode bool bMvM = false; INetworkStringTable *pStringTable = g_pStringTableServerMapCycle; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { bMvM = true; pStringTable = g_pStringTableServerMapCycleMvM; } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL if ( pStringTable ) { int index = bMvM ? pStringTable->FindStringIndex( "ServerMapCycleMvM" ) : pStringTable->FindStringIndex( "ServerMapCycle" ); if ( index != ::INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { int nLength = 0; const char *pszMapCycle = (const char *)pStringTable->GetStringUserData( index, &nLength ); if ( pszMapCycle && pszMapCycle[0] ) { if ( pszMapCycle && nLength ) { V_SplitString( pszMapCycle, "\n", m_VoteSetupMapCycle ); } // Alphabetize if ( m_VoteSetupMapCycle.Count() ) { m_VoteSetupMapCycle.Sort( m_VoteSetupMapCycle.SortFunc ); } } } } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL m_VoteSetupPopFiles.RemoveAll(); if ( g_pStringTableServerPopFiles ) { int index = g_pStringTableServerPopFiles->FindStringIndex( "ServerPopFiles" ); if ( index != ::INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { int nLength = 0; const char *pszPopFiles = (const char *)g_pStringTableServerPopFiles->GetStringUserData( index, &nLength ); if ( pszPopFiles && pszPopFiles[0] ) { if ( pszPopFiles && nLength ) { V_SplitString( pszPopFiles, "\n", m_VoteSetupPopFiles ); } // Alphabetize if ( m_VoteSetupPopFiles.Count() ) { m_VoteSetupPopFiles.Sort( m_VoteSetupPopFiles.SortFunc ); } } } } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL // Now send any data we gathered over to the listpanel PropagateOptionParameters(); m_pVoteSetupDialog->Activate(); m_pVoteSetupDialog->SetVisible( true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Propagate vote option parameters to the Issue Parameters list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::PropagateOptionParameters( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; m_pVoteSetupDialog->AddVoteIssueParams_MapCycle( m_VoteSetupMapCycle ); #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL m_pVoteSetupDialog->AddVoteIssueParams_PopFiles( m_VoteSetupPopFiles ); #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL // Insert future issue param data containers here } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *eventName = event->GetName(); if ( !eventName ) return; C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; if( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_changed" ) ) { for ( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { char szOption[2]; Q_snprintf( szOption, sizeof( szOption ), "%i", index + 1 ); char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "vote_option"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOption, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); m_nVoteOptionCount[index] = event->GetInt( szVoteOptionCount ); } m_nPotentialVotes = event->GetInt( "potentialVotes" ); } else if ( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_options" ) ) { m_VoteSetupChoices.RemoveAll(); m_nVoteChoicesCount = event->GetInt( "count" ); for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteChoicesCount; iIndex++ ) { char szNumber[2]; Q_snprintf( szNumber, sizeof( szNumber ), "%i", iIndex + 1 ); char szOptionName[8] = "option"; Q_strncat( szOptionName, szNumber, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); const char *pszOptionName = event->GetString( szOptionName ); m_VoteSetupChoices.CopyAndAddToTail( pszOptionName ); } } else if ( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_cast" ) ) { int iPlayer = event->GetInt( "entityid" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); if ( pPlayer != pLocalPlayer ) return; int vote_option = event->GetInt( "vote_option", TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION1 ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption1" ); } else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION2 ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption2" ); } else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION3 ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption3" ); } else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION4 ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption4" ); } else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION5 ) { g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption5" ); } m_bPlayerVoted = true; bool bForceActive = false; #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { if ( m_iVoteCallerIdx == GetLocalPlayerIndex() ) { bForceActive = true; } } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL if ( !cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting.GetBool() && !bForceActive ) { m_flPostVotedHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.5f; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudVote::OnThink() { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer ) { bool bShowToPlayer = ( !m_nVoteTeamIndex || pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == m_nVoteTeamIndex ); // We delay hiding the menu after we cast a vote if ( m_bPlayerVoted && m_flPostVotedHideTime > 0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flPostVotedHideTime ) { m_pVoteActive->SetVisible( false ); m_bShowVoteActivePanel = false; m_flPostVotedHideTime = -1; } if ( m_flVoteResultCycleTime > 0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flVoteResultCycleTime ) { m_pVoteActive->SetVisible( false ); m_pVoteFailed->SetVisible( !m_bVotePassed && bShowToPlayer ); m_pVotePassed->SetVisible( m_bVotePassed && bShowToPlayer ); g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "HideVoteBackgrounds" ); m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1; m_bPlayerVoted = false; m_bVotingActive = false; m_bShowVoteActivePanel = false; m_iVoteCallerIdx = -1; } if ( m_bVotingActive && m_bShowVoteActivePanel ) { // driller: Need to rewrite this to handle all vote types (Yes/No and General) if ( m_bIsYesNoVote && m_pVoteActive ) { char szYesCount[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; Q_snprintf( szYesCount, sizeof( szYesCount ), "%d", m_nVoteOptionCount[0] ); char szNoCount[k_MAX_VOTE_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; Q_snprintf( szNoCount, sizeof( szNoCount ), "%d", m_nVoteOptionCount[1] ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( "Option1CountLabel", szYesCount ); m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( "Option2CountLabel", szNoCount ); } if ( !m_pVoteActive->IsVisible() && bShowToPlayer ) { m_pVoteActive->SetVisible( true ); pLocalPlayer->EmitSound("Vote.Created"); } } } BaseClass::OnThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CHudVote::ShouldDraw( void ) { return ( m_bVotingActive || gpGlobals->curtime < m_flHideTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CHudVote::IsPlayingDemo() const { return engine->IsPlayingDemo(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CHudVote::IsVoteUIActive( void ) { return m_bShowVoteActivePanel; } bool CHudVote::IsShowingVoteSetupDialog() { return m_pVoteSetupDialog && m_pVoteSetupDialog->IsEnabled() && m_pVoteSetupDialog->IsVisible(); } bool CHudVote::IsShowingVotingUI() { return m_pVoteActive && m_pVoteActive->IsEnabled() && m_pVoteActive->IsVisible(); }